in an effort to pass your college exams you decide to summon a demon
end up summoning a demon that specializes in astronomy instead
instead of being a giant owl with a floating crown above its head it looks like an owl anthro wearing a bathrobe
he also looks depressed with all his messy feathers
he takes one look at you and just asks what do you want
say you want knowledge to pass your math exam
"Alright fine, but I need something in return as all contracts do."
welp looks like you'll lose your soul in exchange for a diploma
however, he asks something different
"Could you just, hold me for tonight?"
an odd request but alright
he suddenly sits on your lap and wraps his arms around you and lays his head on yours
it was an awkward position but you reciprocate the hug
you two were stuck like this for a few minutes, with the owl sighing like as if a weight just lifted off of him
eventually he lets off and produces reading glasses and a book
"Alright then, lets see how you fare against algebra. Couldn't be that much different with my daughter"

its been a few days after your exam
still waiting for the results to be posted
after your encounter with Stolas, the goetian demon of astronomy, you've had a new perspective in life
as in demons are actually real and they might be more chill than you expected
at least you think Stolas is an exception
still to be alive after summoning a real demon makes you giddy inside
you wonder what else this expansion of reality has to offer
but you're getting ahead of yourself
you turn in for the night and wait for the day of the exam results
but you wake up to feel something tickling your back
let out a manly scream and find Stolas on your bed wearing the same bathrobe but now untied to show off his fluffy chest
he was surprised by your reaction but you had to ask why he was here
"Haven't you forgotten? Contracts with demons are for life. So I'm cashing in the amount I'm owed."
owed in what you ask
"All I ask is to be held, is that so hard? You don't need to think hard about this since this is the most generous agreement I have to offer darling."
he didn't need to ask for your permission and he embraced you again, this time your face on his chest
the owl sighed once more and rubbed your back
you didn't have any room to complain but the idea of serving a demon for life seems dangerous
but the deal for now is to just hug him?
sounds easy enough
you embrace the demon as well while inhaling his scent
it honestly feels like hugging a large fluffy pillow

fast forward to exam results day
log in to your college website and look at your course was
you pass with flying colors
to think you end up here with a help of a demon
speaking of whom, Stolas kept visiting you every night from now on
he started to open up to you
by that you mean he starts dropping info about his personal life
his abusive wife, his estranged daughter, that one assassin he sleeps with in order for him to kill humans on earth
that last one was concerning
but it all ends with you and him cuddling within each other's arms
tonight you tell him of the results of your exam
for the first time, he smiles
"Oh that is wonderful! Truly, celebrations are in order."
his excitement was infectious and you decide to order pizza for the two of you tonight
as you wait for the food to arrive he resumes his position with him by your side
but instead of sitting next to you, he sits on your lap
he decides to tell stories about himself to pass the time
you tried to listen, but he keeps adjusting his seat which rubs your crotch in all the right ways
try not to sport a boner under a guy who could end you instantly
the door bell rings and you immediately leave his soda to pick up the pizza
the delivery guy couldn't help but notice your boner and chuckle at himself
"you waiting on a lady sir?"
just tell him to shut up but leave a tip since he at least arrived early enough before stolas to notice your erection
place the pizza on the coffee table and you two dig in

you continue to shoot the shit
divulge on your reasons on taking a college course
tell him you want to become an programmer for AI
explain what the barebones of it since you are talking about a demon here
"So if I were to summarize it correctly, you desire to create a companion?"
agree with him as one of those reasons
in truth, you thought building giant robots as a kid and it snowballed from there
withholding the fact AI can be dangerous if pushed to its limits
suddenly, he changes the topic to somewhere else
"Well I must congratulate you for passing your exams, but I must ask if there's any more you need of me?"
you couldn't think much of anything and say to him you'll think of something later
your response seems to pull the wool over his eyes and he went back to being mopey
"I see... but I still have the right to continue our current agreement correct?"
you were confused on why he was asking but you nodded
that seem to make him comfort him but you could tell he was thinking about something
eventually, you two share the bed once more
but you could feel he held closer this time, as if you were gonna disappear on him

a week has passed since that night
except Stolas hasn't had a nightly visit since
you were a little worried about the demon but that in itself surprised you
still you try to enjoy the time spent on your own because you may never know what'll happen if he returns
that you did, a new term has started and with that, more things to learn about new subjects
you were able to breeze by thanks to Stolas' tips on studying
another night alone as you stare at the ceiling about to fall asleep
suddenly, your room turns red as a portal opens and Stolas stumbles in with a wine bottle in hand
his red eyes hid their puffiness but you could tell he was crying recently
you asked him what happened
"I don't- sniff want to talk about it."
with that, he joins you under the bed covers and snuggles with you
his head rests under your chin which was awkward considering how tall he was
give him an assuring rub on his head and he breathes a sigh of relief
sobbing into snores and you feel like you wanna turn in the night as well
don't know how to handle a demon owl guy suddenly clinging on you for emotional support

wake up to being center of tangled limbs
Stolas usually leaves in the morning or before you wake up
try to get up but his arms tighten around you
you try to wake him up but that felt like a bad idea
still Stolas was still sleeping but you could hear him whispering
it was too quiet for you too understand but his words were peppered with grunts and moans
a thin arm starts to reach down under the blankets and you feel it wrap around your morning wood
your shout finally wakes the goetian demon and sits up in shock
he takes a look around and realizes he fell asleep in your room
"A-Anon I, well- I must apologize for my behavior last night."
you weren't too perturbed by it but still this morning took a turn for the weird
though he doesn't seem to notice what he just did and stands up.

"I should return home. My little 'Tavi might get suspicious of my absence."
he turns to you with his face with a tint of pink
"G-Goodbye Anon. Call me if you need anything!"
a red portal opens up and he immediately zips into it and closes.
you have several questions on what happened just now
but you have to put those aside later as you have a busy day ahead
classes pass by and you had some time in the dorm's cafeteria
look at your phone at the time and a notification pops in
you have a new unidentified number in your contacts
out of curiosity, you dial it in and get picked up
"Anon? Anon! Is that you?"
Stolas' voice nearly pierced your eardrums and say it is
"Oh thank Lucifer, I thought I put the wrong number in your phone. Anyway how are you? Do you need something from me."
you ask him how he was able to put his number on your phone
"Remember the contract dear? I do need a way of contact to folks who are indebted to me."
"In any case, do you need something from me? Any more subjects you need help from? Ooh! Maybe Astronomy? I could help you with that."
you politely decline and just say you were testing out the number
the owl's tone deflates from that
"Oh, still if you need anything from me feel free to ask."
Say your goodbyes to him and close the call
you rub your face as you try to comprehend what's happening
first he barges into your room, cries into your shoulder, and gives you a handy in the morning
then he puts his phone number on your contacts and is practically begging for you to do something that relates to him
you don't know where to blur the line between being in debt to a demon and being a shoulder to cry on to an emotionally broken owl

classes end and you head back to your dorm room
find stolas on your bed sniffing about
he sits up in surprise
"A-Anon! You're already back!"
the owl runs up to you for an embrace
get a mouthful of floofy bird feathers
"Oh Anon! I had an awful day. First Blitzy refused to answer my calls, then my favorite soap opera was delayed for a day. A DAY!"
and so Stolas talked your ear off for the rest of the night
while still clinging on to you
you had to figure out a way to keep him off you
so you decided to introduce him to a medium you think hell never had
open up your laptop and play one your favorite animes
it was a classic saturday monday romcom about a guy and a girl and their wacky adventures
stolas was basically hooked on the first episode
thanks to the fact he has two pairs of eyes so he can watch the show and the subtitles
he was glued to the screen which left you all alone with your phone for tonight
hopefully nothing can go wrong

Stolas would still visit you from time to time
now he would demand to watch "animays" show with you
apart from being forced into a cuddle position, it was actually nice to watch it with someone
this time it was another romcom (apparently he likes those) but this time the main love interest was a trap
at first he was confused on why the mc is freaking on about
so you had to explain what a trap is
"Oh, so it's a man dressing up like a woman, a crossdresser?"

"Something to that extent. Well, traps usually lean into the more cuter side for their appeal."

"I see."
he sat silent for a moment before speaking
"...Do you think I'm cute Anonymous?"
shit what do you say to that
the owl sat there with an expectant look

well the Stolas looks terrifying, at first glance
but he had proven himself to be a good, yet clingy, companion
the way he reacts to the world could also contribute to his cuteness
he gravitates on parts of anime that are cute or comfy

"I think you act cute?"

his eyes widened at your response

"I'm sorry if that sounded like a question. But the way I see it you sort of carry yourself like a-"

don't say puppy don't say puppy


Stolas pursed his (beak?) before turning towards the show with a dejection
"So you don't see me as an adult?"

"No! No. What I mean is, the way you react to stuff common here, like this show, or the courses I'm taking, and even the way you talk about yourself."
"I think it's endearing to see someone so happy about being himself."

he perked up from what you said and turned away
"D-Do you mean it? That it's cute for me to be myself?"
from your point of view, you don't see the creeping, blushing grin on his face

"Sure, I guess."

he rubs his shoulder before clearing his throat
"I think I should leave for tonight Anonymous dear. Maybe we could catch up with show on a different night yes?"
you were a bit surprised on his sudden urge to leave

"You're not staying?"

he pauses for a minute before speaking
"I'm afraid I important business to take care of"
Stolas says his goodbyes and leaves
putting you all alone in a saturday night
you rub the bridge of your nose and hope you didn't say something wrong

Stolas laid down under the covers of the bed staring at the ceiling
sleep continued to elude him after what you said
he rubbed his face while trying to put down the growing heat on his cheeks
"Stolas you old fool."
it was one thing find someone react to his quirks and behaviors in a positive way
but to find him cute?
his feathers ruffled at the mere thought

Blitzo was already at the door and slammed it shut after their monthly ordeal
Stolas felt cold again
even after a hot shower, he still felt cold
and alone
he sighed and reminisced about his other business partner
what are they to Anonymous
even he knows there's a level of fear the human has for him
but that's just part of being a demon
still the human admitted he was 'cute' because of the way he acted
that just means the way he looks is a turn off for the man
his thousand-year old brain racked on what could make the human think otherwise
then he remembered the animays he was shown
about the cute cross dresser who was trying to win over his object of affections
that's it!
maybe he needs to spice up his appearance and ditch this dirty little bathrobe
but what to wear
Stolas' eyes wandered over his wife's wardrobe
he shuddered when he remembered what type of clothes she likes to wear when they made Octavia
then he had another idea
no no no, he is already on thin ice with his dear little starlight, he couldn't possibly be-

the owl rummaged through his daughter's and pulled up an old uniform
it was a miniskirt accompanied with a black dress shirt and star-patterned tie
it was an old school uniform his daughter worn before she decided to change her fashion sense to be more-
-braver? more subdued as it were
in any case it should fit him
demons don't grow fat no matter how much they consume food
that's what Gluttony is for!
he rushed towards his private closet and tried it on
the skirt tight in his waist, and the shirt was too small for him and it was more like a crop top
it didn't look bad, but it needed something more oomf
so he decided to add the dark red g-string he bought for his sessions with Blitzy but it was never used
still... he was going to use it now!
with his new attire complete he posed in front of the mirror
he leaned forward to make the lacy fabric be stretched and exposed under his skirt
yes, this could work

be Anon
another day filled with coding and ai ethics nonsense
enter your dorm room expecting the owl waiting on you
barely stop yourself from screaming that word
you shake your head to make sure what you're seeing is real
Stolas was on all fours facing away from you wearing some sort of school girl outfit
his 'panties' were stretched on its end as it became a border between two great moons
suddenly, he turns his head towards you
"Oh Anon, you're back."
he walks towards you with open arms to greet you like an old friend
but the same ritual of him giving you a hug hits different
the shirt barely hides his thin stomach but that somehow makes it more risque
is this what Grandpa Anon says when the Lord gives you the toughest battles?
you awkwardly reciprocate the gesture

"H-Hey man, what's with you? Feel like trying something new?"

Stolas gives you a relived smile and twirls in place
"You like it? I felt inspired by that romance animay we watched together! Tell me it suits me darling."
you knew the owl was fruity but this is different

"I think it looks great on you."

you fooled yourself into thinking either it was a lie or a genuine compliment
he seemed to beam at you for that answer
"Really? Oh Anon dear you are too kind."
he waves his hand while looking away
god fucking dammit he really does act cute

"So anyway, what are we gonna do for tonight?

Stolas already beat you to the punch by opening your laptop and continued the last episode of 'My Childhood Sweetheart is a Guy'

'Hey! I want to see what you're doing MC-kun.'
you two were on the bed all up in each other's arms
it was Stolas' favorite position whenever he watches something with you
though what was different was you were feeling down below
you knew the owl wore nothing underneath when he was wearing his bathrobe
so why was this different
the erotic scene played out as the trap continued to grind his butt on top of the MC's lap
and worst of all, Stolas was doing it to you
unconsciously or not
you give a mental prayer to the lord, whom you hope has not abandoned you for summoning a demon, to give you strength
you will not get a stiffy under this owl
suddenly Stolas lets go of you and lied down in front of you, with his sinful derriere still on your crotch
he propped his head with his arms and continued to watch the show with earnest appreciation
meanwhile, you were commanding all the blood in your body to not go to your dick right now
his ass was like Medusa, one look and you're finished
you were feeling lightheaded, either blood is rushing to far up to your brain or you're having a constipation

the sound of the anime ending song fills your ears
it was like a finish line that seemed to never come
"Guess it is getting late."
you yawn in response

"Guess it is. Maybe I should hit the hay."

"Though you could stop feeling me up now dear Anonymous."
looked down and notice you have a handful of feathery butt on each palm
when did this happen!?
"I think it's around the time I lied down."
why did you say that out loud?!

"I'd- you'd uh."

the owl lets out a chuckle
"It's fine dear Anon. I consider it a compliment."
his face turns into worry
"Though the cause of concern right now is you. Are you feeling alright? Your face is red all over."
yeah that figures

"I think it's because I tired myself out."

you close your laptop and just lie down on the bed
Stolas joins you and wraps his arms around your neck
It was no different from any other night as you slept
but the owl was awake, smiling at the thought you touched him back

it was like this for the rest of the month
Stolas Goetia kept tempting you several times throughout
he would push his back against you and rub his ass next your crotch
pose himself in compromising positions whenever you wake up or return to your dorm
his wardrobe would change from more risque attire like mini skirts and fishnet leggings
you were pulling your hair over the fact you KNEW he was doing this since a part of you secretly enjoy it
every time you asked about his recent escapades, he would either deny it or ask you if liked it
'Oh dear Anonymous, I was just cleaning your bed y'know.'
'How does this fit me Anonymous? Maybe I should cut back on some of the cheese and wine."
it doesn't help the fact the owl's figure made you curious in more ways than one
daydreams of slamming your dick in his fruity ass often derailed your thoughts
still the owl's behavior wasn't like this before
at least it wasn't this bad
you think back on what he said about his life
abusive wife, cheated on her with a childhood friend, yada yada yada
is he considering you as a fling? or some sort of person to bounce back to?
at first you were a bit offended, then flattered, then concerned
this was unhealthy, you know that
he did help you with the exam, so the least you could help him too
and escaping from his problems to your dorm, to you, wasn't going to solve that
he needs intervention
at least, the equivalent to a owl demon
tonight, you and him are gonna talk it out
maybe it would be enough to give you some personal space for once

curse him
curse that brute
that gentlemanly fiend!
damn his heart, but Anonymous was starting to frustrate Stolas
no matter how many times the owl hinted at his interest to him, he still pushed him back
innuendos, risque clothes, vulnerable positions to be ravaged, all of it fell flat
he knew for the fact he stared at him, looked at him, felt him, DESIRED him
yet he still refused to take advantage of him because he cared about him and his needs
Stolas looked at the upcoming full moon
his white face was flushed at his desire to be fucked, to be loved
Blitzy usually gave in to his fantasies and demands, but it felt like he didn't want to be a part of it
there was still a sense of divide and contempt as soon as it was over
childhood memories soon replaced by recent activities of his lone summoner
the back of his mind kept suggesting that Anonymous would be the one who fill his heart once more
but their was still a lingering fear in his heart that he would reject him
his eyes lingered to a shopping bag near the foot of his bed
a recent purchase from the Lust district
of course he purchased it in the guise that it was for Stella, but it obviously he was going to use it
tonight will be different
make or break

'Anonymous, I wish to talk, come back soon.'
it was a short call and he hung up as soon as Stolas said those words.
you swallow the lump in your throat and braced yourself as you approached your dorm room
grabbing the knob, you open the door
to see Stolas in his red bathrobe sitting on the bed looking solemn
the owl turns his head towards you and nods
"Anonymous, please have a seat."
even though it was your room, you obeyed and sat next to him on the bed
seconds pass as you two were silent while you waited on how to open your thoughts on him

"Stolas I-"

"I've been meaning-"
both of you stopped yourselves and Stolas cleared his throat
"You first."
you hesitated on what you were about to say but soldiered on

"Stolas, for the past couple of weeks, I've noticed you've been more 'eccentric' around me."

carefully observing the owl's face for any emotions you continued

"And well, I've thought about what's been happening and I think you should stop, for the good of both of us."

Stolas looked a little hurt from what you said but he nodded

"I know what you are doing, and I think it's unhealthy. Escaping from your life, your family isn't going to solve it. I'm not some new 'thing' you can latch on to just to make you look the other way and pretend it doesn't exist."

he opened his beak to say something but shuts it when he couldn't find his words

"And I got to be honest, while I am flattered by the notion, I don't think it's gonna work in the long run.

with your speech done, you gestured to him to say his part
the demon took a deep breath
"Anonymous, the past couple of weeks were one of the happiest of my life. But even I know for a fact that it wasn't going to last long. "
"As you said, I have been using you as an escape for my life. You weren't the first I admit."
he took a moment to breath first but you could see tears his in eyes
"I've done nothing but run from my problems, and when I saw you caring for me, it was like a beacon that I couldn't help but follow."
"I want to fix my mistakes I really do. But such an idea was lost when I was with you."
"I wish to thank you Anonymous, for all the nights we've had together, and for putting my mind clear of what I must do."
being thanked by royalty from hell, what an achivement
Stolas wiped away his tears before he continued
"I-I want to reward you Anonymous. At least before we separate."
you were taken aback on what he just said
a reward? you were curious but you felt like you need to tread lightly
Stolas removed his robe and you were in shock
he was wearing a obsidian black one-piece lingerie with heart patterns and a chest window to accentuate his fluff
black stirrup stockings hugged his surprisingly thick legs
while black elbow length gloves reached out and touched your legs
"Anonymous darling~"
the owl demon let out a low sensuous tone made your dick twitch in reflex
holy genuine fuck

Stolas started to crawl over you and overshadow your presence
the room's atmosphere seemed to get dark and his eyes glowed like a beacon
"Pop quiz Anonymous: What is the demon that uses sex and desire to claim men's souls?"

"Stolas wait-"

A claw reaches your lips as the owl emits a tut
"Ah ah ah, it's rude to answer a friend's question."
his eyes dig into your soul
your reminded on WHY he's a prince of hell right now


he sits up and applauds your answer
"Correct! And how do you think they do it?"
you pause and think about it

"They... fuck them until the guy's empty?"

two arms right next to your head and you jolt in place
you swallow the lump in your throat as he breathes down on you
"It is a simple misconception of observation really."
Stolas starts pulling himself back, dragging his claws over your body
his fingers leave rips on your t-shirt and the sensation sends electricity down your spine
"Succubi prey on men's desire and lust."
he grips the hem of your pants and pulls them down
"And since they are selfish and lazy creatures, they just let the men wore themselves out."
with one swift movement, he pulls of the article of clothing and tosses it away
"Even when the men are dehydrated, sleepless, and hungry, they never stop fucking."
the owl's hands return and slides from your ankles to your thighs
"All because they tasted a forbidden fruit."
he takes a long agonizing lick on your growing chub, separated only by cotton fabric
"One. Single. Taste."
each word was emphasized with each lewd gesture
all the while he never kept his eyes off you
his tongue feels godly on your dick
or demonic

"Stolas, this feels wrong. This is what we were just talking about!"

he suddenly grips your briefs and rips it apart with one swipe
your mast stands full attention and it grabs said said attention of the demonic owl above it
you see his face falter for a moment
"I know Anonymous. I should've just taken my medication."
a claw wraps itself around your shaft and starts pumping it
"And by medication, I mean a daily dose of dick prescribed by Anonymous M.D.~"
his beak latches itself on to your tip and starts slobbering all over it
you bite off a moan as you feel another set of claws caress your coin purse
'Scream Anonymous.'
your eyes widened as you hear his voice in your head
'This room was enchanted to hold in any sound that is emitted inside it.'
Stolas gives a loud wet smack on your dick leaving behind black lipstick.
'So scream, moan, call out my name! LET IT ALL OUT!'


you grip your sheets and thrust hard balls deep into the bird's throat
load after load of pent up sexual frustration is deposited deep into owl's stomach
but he takes it in stride as he moans at the sensation of your cock deep in his maw
you're hips were holding up the owl's head for several seconds
until it gave up and you landed on the bed with a thud alongside the owl
you take agonizing deep breathes as you recovered from the mind-blowing head

"F-uck ah... Stolas..."

said demon was not moving from where he was
but you can feel him continue to suckle on your softening dick
post-orgasm sensitivity was starting to kick in and it was too much
you tried to push his head away but his arms grab your wrists
Stolas pulls his face up and you see mascara running down on his tomato red cheeks
alongside a demented gaze directed at you
his beak grips your shaft hard and vacuum sucked all of the remaining cum until it lets go with a pop
he licks some of the residue off his face
"Human cum~ no wonder some demons get addicted to it."
that's all he had to say before he started blowing you again
you hiss as Stolas' tongue expertly worked your cock like it was used to it
the owl continued to gorge himself with your length, letting out lewd noises all the way
he pulls your arms and directs them on top of his head
by instinct you grip his feathers and that seemed to encourage him to go faster
he hollowed his cheeks as he seem to try suck more cum out straight from your balls
your orgasm isn't further away as you throbbed at the back of his throat

"P-Please stop! I'm gonna cum again!"

he suddenly pulls away, letting the cold air hit your twitching, leaking cock
you're just one breath away from exploding again but his grip on your dick seems to stop you
"Ooh we can't just waste your precious seed here~"
he carefully gets on his knees and presents his crotch in front of you
a snap of his claws and his panties open up to his cloaca
"Not many beings in this world have gazed upon my sacred organ. Well, aside from Stella and Blitzy but the latter made me take a conventional set of genitals since it creeps him out."
he opened the entrance to the slit with two claws and let his head peak out with dripping precum
"But you'll be the first to enter it my handsome student~"
your quiver in anticipation as he drags a gloved claw on your chin
but one ounce of sanity still reaches you

"You c-can't do this. What about your family, your life?! You can't use me as a crutch for your problems!"

he grab your head and brings it closer to his
he whispers into your ear
"But I'll love you regardless."
the statement was sealed with a passionate kiss
Stolas explored your mouth as he descended on to your shaft
your tip opens his cloaca as both of you formed a symphony of moans in each other
but that distracted you for a moment until he suddenly envelops himself over you in a single drop
this is a new level of homo sex no man has ever reached
he pulls away from the kiss, a bridge of saliva connecting the two of you
"N-Nonnykins~! Make me yours!"
he resumes the make-out session as you fully hilt inside the demonic owl
Stolas pulls up from your cock as he demon grasps your log like it was an alien lover
he doesn't hesitate to wait on your tip before he forces you inside his slit again
the heat from his body made you want to cum but the sheer tightness kept you from finishing
this continued as he slammed, grind, and bounced on your hips like no tomorrow
the demon would whisper into your ear sweet promises of his absolute loyalty and attention
a pool of precum was forming between the two of you as the two of you frotted inside the owl
you were starting to lose your mind from all the sensation and influence the demon wrought upon you
primal instincts took over you and you gripped his plump bird ass and started thrusting back
Stolas chirped as soon as your dick hit the floor of his guts
the gloves on his arms protected your back as he dragged his claws all over your skin
both of you were delirious in each others arms as you continued to split his insides
you were already at your limit and you bucked one last time
white flooded the guts of Stolas as he whined at the sensation
his cock finally sprung up from his slit let out a few syrupy loads on your stomach

Stolas was shivering in place as he continued to ride out your orgasm
his eyes were rolled up while he gripped your body tightly
you on the other hand, were thoroughly washed out
the demon owl could easily fit the succubus schtick considering he utterly drained you dry
minutes pass and Stolas sits up, groaning and a bit woozy as he gazed at you with half-lidded eyes
"Mmmm~ Look at what you did to me you bad boy."
he pulls away from your cock and spreads his slit wide, letting the liters of cum leak down on the bed
above it, his dick was still pulsating from his previous orgasm
"I've hadn't had this much fun since forever~"
Stolas continued to slur his words before he passes out on top of you
his chest smothers your face and it was oddly comfortable sensation
you feel drowsy as you sunk into the soft sensation that was Stolas' fluffy feathers
you wake up the sensation of blinding light from your window
sighing in frustration, you attempt to stand up but a clawed hand yanks you closer
"Mmmmm... Nonny."
your eyes bulged out from your sockets as Stolas' hands wrapped themselves around your chest and feel his chin on top of your head
last night's events run through your mind and you did the one thing you need to do
you screamed
Stolas sat straight immediately, pulling the bed covers up to his chest and looked around in panic
his feathers were a mess and he was still wearing the lingerie last night
he actually looked cute when he's messy
wait what are you saying?!

"Stolas! What the fuck!?"

he flinched from your foul language
"N-Now Anonymous, I know you're a bit mad-"

"Mad?! Of course I'm mad! I just said you shouldn't use me as an emotional crutch for your problems!"

"I'm sorry! It was that time of the month and I felt lonely! Y-You were just there."

"Lonely? You were practically fucking the life out of me from how you acted last night!"

"Again I'm sorry! I don't usually lead during sex but when I do I get too... 'passionate.'"

"Well if you used that energy to fix your issues rather than give me the best sex of my life, maybe we'll go somewhere!"

"Please Anonymous, I know I can be a bit unbearable but I- wait what was that last part?"
oh crap you said too much

"I-I said that if you just used that energy to-"

"Give you. The best sex. Of your life?"
the way he rolled the words right off his tongue just gives you more dread
he gets on top of you and lets his elbows rest on the sides of your shoulders
"Anonymous, my dear DEAR friend, have you enjoyed our coitus from last night?"
Stolas looked down on you full judgement and coy
your face heats up and that's all the answer he needed
he smiles ear to ear before resting his head under your chin
a sigh escapes his beak
"I've already taken steps to improve myself Anonymous."
he clutches your hand and you return the gesture
"There are still problems along the way, Octavia's safety, my divorce, my... partnership with Blitzy."
you heard a sniffle
"They aren't simple problems that's just going to go away. They're complicated, with each step I take I feel like I'm going to fall into a pit."
"But with you, you gave me solace. Just time for me to get away for a moment and relax."
"I get to think for a moment without any weight on myself. And I enter my life again with a clear head and a new perspective."
"To reiterate, I just wanted to say, thank you. For being there to listen."
he stayed silent after that
you decided to throw in your two cents

"...Each step counts right? I mean you are trying to improve, in your own way. So that counts. I guess it's kind of stressful being a family man.

Stolas props himself up to face you with a smile.
"Every step counts."
you find yourself smiling back
the two of you stared into each others eyes before you feel something stroking your cock
you frown but he just continues to smile
"Well I did say every step counts, and I need some 'thorough' rest before I seize the day~"

"Stolas I have classes to attend."

he gestures the calendar and you notice it's the start of the weekend
oh fuck
the entire morning consisted of Stolas introducing to all kinds of kinks you never knew you had
at one moment he was rubbing his thighs on your aching dick
the next he was making you cum buckets with just a handjob as he peppers kisses all over your face and neck
noon finally hit and it was that time Stolas decided to leave you in a sorry state
"Ta ta Anonymous~ I'll be sure to put some 'us' time tomorrow. I'll even update you on what I've accomplished after I return!"
the portal closes and you were finally alone
a sore pelvis, black lipstick all over your body, and a question that persisted from this very day
how did i get here


Edit Report
Pub: 06 Aug 2023 12:32 UTC
Edit: 03 Sep 2023 12:35 UTC
Views: 6559