Natural Resources of /meat/

The following is a general overview of natural resources and derived resources produced by /meat/ in sufficient quantity and/or value that make them profitable for international trade.


The staple food of /meat/ is the "Three Sisters", namely a combination of maize, squash, and beans. The three plants benefit each other when planted together, allowing increased land productivity while providing a balanced diet for the majority of the population. In addition to the Three Sisters, cassava is also grown, especially in the drier western /meat/ and land with soil too poor to support other food crops. The recent introduction of rice has led to some of it being grown in /meat/ as well, although domestic demand for it remains low.
The tropical environment of /meat/ allows the cultivation of many tropical fruits, nuts and beans, chief among which being banana and citrus fruits like grapefruit, lime and orange. Coconut, pineapple, and plum are also cultivated to a lesser degree. In addition to the common beans grown as part of the Three Sisters, /meat/ is also a major exporter of cacao and coffee beans, alongside more common groundnuts. Other kinds of common nuts grown in /meat/ includes cashew and Brazil nuts.
Sugarcane, mace, and nutmeg are the main food additives produced by /meat/, although other spices like cinnamon, ginger, pepper, and vanilla are also produced in varying quantities. Notable non-edible plants grown in /meat/ include aloe and tobacco, fibre like hemp, ixtle, and sisal, and wild indigo.


Located in the tropics, the majority of /meat/ is covered in tropical rainforests of evergreen and semi-evergreen nature. As such, it is an abundant source of tropical hardwood, including greenheart, ironwood, mahogany, and rosewood. In the seasonal rainforests, teak is also grown in moderate quantities.


The water surrounding /meat/ is tropical and generally warm, allowing the fishing of bonito, mackerel, tuna, and snapper. Crab and lobsters of warm water variants are also found. Other products originating from marine creatures include coral and pearl, as well as purple dye from sea snails.


/meat/ is located on a peninsula west of the South Holosea Trench. As a result of the subduction zone, most of /meat/ land is orogenic in nature, making it rich in metallic minerals. A combination of porphyry copper, epithermal gold, and iron oxide copper gold deposits result in /meat/ having a significant amount of copper, gold, silver, and iron ore deposit. The mines for these ore also produce a noticeable amount of byproducts, such as lead, zinc, tin, mercury, and antimony. Molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium is also present in these deposits, although technological limitations prevent them from being utilised in practical manners, with uranium oxide often used for stain glassware. On the other hand. active geology prevents /meat/ from having a sizable fossil deposit within its border, with the vast majority of underground carbon becoming graphite due to orogenesis.
Gemstones produced in /meat/ tend to be igneous and metamorphic in nature, with the most notable ones including agate, opal, jade, and garnets. Among them, jades of both nephrite and jadeite hold a significant value in /meat/ culture, while agate and garnets are often utilised in tools, abrasives, and ornaments alike for their significant hardness.

Export list

Product\Country /∞/ /kfp/ /nasa/ /nasfaqg/ /rose/ /wg/
Mace & nutmeg
Human resources

Product list

Likely common products are marked with *

Products of uncertain availability are marked with ?

Staple food:

  • "Three Sisters"*
    • Maize
    • Squash
    • Beans
  • Cassava
  • Rice?


  • Avocado
  • Banana*
  • Citrus*
    • Grapefruit
    • Lime
    • Orange
  • Coconut
  • Pineapple
  • Plum

Beans & nuts:

  • Cacao*
  • Coffee beans
  • Groundnuts*
  • Cashew
  • Brazil nuts
  • Soya beans?


  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Mace & Nutmeg*
  • Pepper
    • Black pepper
    • Pimento
  • Vanilla


  • Aloe
  • Cane sugar*
  • Tobacco
  • Wild indigo


  • Hemp*
  • Ixtle
  • Sisal*


  • Tropical hardwood
    • Greenheart
    • Ironwood
    • Mahogany
    • Rosewood
    • Teak

Bounty of the sea:

  • Bonito, mackerel & tuna
  • Coral
  • Crab
  • Lobster
  • Pearl
  • Snapper
  • Murex snail

Metallic mineral:

  • Copper*
  • Gold*
  • Silver
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Zinc
  • Tin
  • Mercury
  • Antimony


  • Agate
  • Opal
  • Jade*
  • Garnet

Derived product:

  • Human resources*
    • Medicine
    • Mercenary
    • The Peculiar Institution
  • Uranium glass
  • Dye

Land resources analysis

The majority of land in /meat/ comes from relatively new (read: within 100 million years) orogeny. The mountains are relatively short, likely beneath 2km, but might steadily rise in the next dozens of millions of years. The majority of rocks in /meat/ will likely be igneous or metamorphic in nature due to young volcanic activities generated by the subduction zone west of the trench.

Fossil fuel

Most likely negligible. Nothing approaching economic scale.

Metal and ore

Abundant due to volcanism from subduction. Primary ore deposits will be, from east to west, porphyry copper (PC), epithermal gold (EG), and iron oxide copper gold (IOCG).
Copper will be the most abundant metal due to its significant presence in all three kinds of deposits. The same also applies to gold (relatively speaking) and, to a lesser extent, silver. Iron ore is somewhat common (from IOCG), usually in the form of hematite and pyrite.
Notable byproducts in smaller quantities include lead and zinc (from PC and EG), tin (from PC), mercury (from EG, usually in the form of cinnabar), and antimony (from IOCG, usually in the form of stibnite).
Molybdenum, tungsten, and a small amount of uranium also occur in these deposits (Mo and W from PC, U from IOCG), although practical use of them is beyond the technology of the world (barring possibly /inf/ for the first two). Uranium oxide was used to make glassware since Roman times for its unique colour.
Note that the same also applies to /vspo/ and, to a lesser extent, /hfz/.


/meat/ likely has a decent selection of gemstones, most of it igneous and metamorphic in nature. The most common gemstones will be agate, opal, jade and garnets. For jade, the majority of it will be nephrite, a deceptively hard gemstone that is commonly used as tools and ornaments alike. The more valuable jadeite, while present, is likely much rarer. Another thing of note is that garnet is a mineral group, with colours covering the whole spectrum. Red is likely the most common colour for /meat/ garnets. It is also a hard gemstone that can be used to make abrasives, and carving tools before the advent of hardened steel.

Pub: 10 Mar 2022 02:35 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2022 15:00 UTC
Views: 1360