Instinctual Variants are comprised of So, Sx, and Sp - Each represents a natural instinct that we prioritize: Social, Sexual, and Self-Preservation [Disclaimer: Sexual is not to be taken literally in this context, please see resources for a proper description on the three instincts]. There are two theories within this. One is IV's on their own, in which you have one dominant, one supporting, and one blind variant. For example, if someone was Socially dominant, Self-Preservation supporting and Sexually blind, their typing would look like this: So/Sp.

Instinctual Variant Types:

Sx/So Sx/Sp So/Sx
So/Sp Sp/So Sp/Sx

The other theory revolves around your core enneagram type and one of the IV's. It is combined to create a specific Subtype of your type. For example, an enneagram 2 can be: So2, Sx2, or Sp2 - Each with different defining characteristics based around the combination. I like to use this model, which is why I think Sx(dom) etc. exists—when two or three of them are Sx.

Descriptions of all Enneagrams with their variants:
type 1

SP 1 - Worry, Anxiety: worries about consequences resulting from things not being done right; avoids mistakes and doing things wrong so as not to be personally blamed or criticized; obsesses about details and likes to be prepared.

SX 1 - Zeal, Jealousy (counter-type): desire to reform people or society to the “right way” to be or do; feels entitled to what’s been “earned” through hard work and high ideals; angry and resentful of those who haven’t earned what they receive.

SO 1 - Rigidity, Non-Adaptable: already knows the “right way” so no need to adapt to what others say is “right”; provides example by modeling how one should be; sense of superiority can come from criticality of others for not behaving the right way.

enneagram type 2

SP 2 - Privilege, Me First (counter-type): child-like seduction in order to get for themselves what they need; exaggerated sense of entitlement or privilege; wants to be taken care of but doesn’t want to be dependent.

SX 2 - Seduction, Aggression: seduces or pulls others into close connection and relationship; looks to others to get what they want; aggressive through emotional seduction and manipulation in relationships.

SO 2 - Ambition: wants to lead, stand out, have influence and advantages; promotes themselves through association with people of status and influence; generosity is used strategically to influence and gain advantage.

enneagram type 3

SP 3 - Security, Company Man/Woman (counter-type): security through hard work, material success, and accomplishments; seeks recognition from others through effort not overt self-promotion; can overidentify with work role and career.

SX 3 - Masculine/Feminine, Charisma: presents attractive and pleasing image to others; promotes and supports important others more so than promoting oneself; success of significant others becomes one’s own success.

SO 3 - Prestige, Achievement: adopts the persona and image that garners respect, approval, admiration, etc.; can confuse persona and image with who they truly are; enjoys the spotlight and achieving success, reputation, status, influence as they climb the social ladder.

enneagram type 4

SP 4 - Dauntless, Tenacity (counter-type): stoically endures pain and suffering rather than playing the victim; willingness to jump into new territory in pursuit of personal passion; can be self-punishing, demanding of self in order to forge oneself toward an ideal.

SX 4 - Competition, Hate: “more shameless than shameful” in their demand for what they want; competes with others to overcome feelings of internal deficiency; angry envy toward others who have what they don’t or are what they’re not.

SO 4 - Shame, Honor: attracts support by expressing their suffering to others, takes on the victim role; self-defeating focus on sense of inferiority when comparing self to others; feels guilty for wishing, desiring, shameful feelings about self in comparison to others.

enneagram type 5

SP 5 - Castle, Castle Defender: hides within “castle walls” to protect against intrusion and maintain privacy; hoards resources and minimizes needs to avoid dependency on others; observes life from a distance instead of participating in it.

SX 5 - Confidence, Confidant (counter-type): searches for someone they can trust to share their secrets with; emotionally sensitive with romantic streak; may connect to inner emotional world through artistic expression.

SO 5 - Totems, Symbols: relates to people through ideas, values, and ideals; searches for ultimate knowledge, truth, and meaning to avoid experiencing life as meaningless; obsession with ideas and the extraordinary which disconnects them from everyday issues and concerns.

enneagram type 6

SP 6 - Warmth, Affection/Rejection: is warm and friendly as a way to show one is not a threat; cultivates protective and trusting alliances with others; resolves doubt through constant assurance and cautious around potential dangers and risks.

SX 6 - Strength/Beauty (counter-type): uses strength or beauty to be empowered within the world; stands against fear but more “bark” than “bite”; runs toward fear or danger with attitude of the best defense is a good offense.

SO 6 - Duty, Fellowship: knows and follows the rules to relieve anxiety; relies on ideologies or other systems of reference; can be precise, intolerant, and adhere to guidelines of authority to avoid ambiguity.

enneagram type 7

SP 7 - Like-Minded, Family:: networks with like-minded people who support self-interests; on the lookout for opportunities that satisfy their interests and needs; finds good justification for behavior in pursuit of self-interests.

SX 7 - Fascination, Suggestibility: lured or pulled by imaginings or fantasies that embellish reality; an optimism of someone who’s in love; can be easily overtaken by enthusiasm and fascination for an ideal.

SO 7 - Sacrifice (counter-type): postpones or defers desires and gratification in favor of pursuing an ideal; moved by duty and recognition toward service of humanity; seeks recognition and applause for being good according to social consensus.

enneagram type 8

SP 8 - Satisfactory Survival, Satisfaction: takes a direct approach in getting what they want; gets frustrated and intolerant of obstacles that get in the way; accumulates territory and material resources to assure satisfactory survival.

SX 8 - Surrender, Possession: rebelliously asserts their “truth” or “way” in place of the rules or norms; wants others to surrender control, wants to dominate others and surroundings; can have difficulty letting go of what’s been “possessed” or taken under their control.

SO 8 - Friendship, Solidarity (counter-type): seeks advantage and influence through associations and alliances; defends those under their protection from injustice, unfairness, and harm; appears more friendly, generous, and less aggressive than other type 8 subtypes.

enneagram type 9

SP 9 - Appetite, Collector: numbs oneself through eating, physical comfort, and routine activities; collects things and may have trouble deciding what to throw away; substitutes essential needs and wants with non-essentials.

SX 9 - Union, Fusion: sense of being comes from merging with significant others; can have difficulty individuating and standing on their own without reference to other; tendency to lose sight of own needs and desires in favor of other.

SO 9 - Participation (counter-type): participates in order to feel a part of the group; prioritizes group needs above their own and works hard toward those needs; fun-loving, sociable, congenial, doesn’t weigh others down with own woes.

Pub: 17 Feb 2023 02:17 UTC
Edit: 10 Mar 2024 15:47 UTC
Views: 1890