I personally do not have a DNI.
I am not a kind person, don't expect me to be.
I mask as others most of the time.
I don't show much emotion until I trust you entirely.
I struggle telling your tone if I'm not familiar with you.
I make suicidal, sexual and slit jokes.
I have horrible mood swings.
The smallest and stupidest things can and will affect me.

Don't shame me for my source.
Don't accuse me of being heartless or anything.
Don't ask about my source's memories, I'm not comfortable sharing them with non-source mates.
Don't flirt with me without permission.
Don't suddenly go looking for drama with me.
Don't call me source related names unless we're close.
Don't compare me to Sirius, it makes me uncomfortable.


Pub: 11 Jun 2024 08:20 UTC
Edit: 18 Nov 2024 16:24 UTC
Views: 99
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