days running through the sweltering jungle
you were running low on supplies
your journey from the shore was a long one
it had been filled with danger
the second you had mentioned audience with this "vampire queen" things had gone awry
initially the river tribe you had met had guided you
then when you got to a bridge near a waterfall that's when they turned on you
near the rushing waters it was sword and shot versus spear
normally you'd be able to bottleneck them on the bridge
take them one by one
they spoiled that
one of them was dumb enough to rush you and take both of you off the rickety rope bridge
what your assailtant lacked in brains he made up for in the mass that cushioned your fall
he was a mess across the rocks
you had enough time to catch your breath before running off
eluding the rest of the tribe down here would be impossible if they knew you were alive
that's when a lucky break came to you
after a few more hours of trekking through the jungle you came to a forgotten cave
growth over it gave it a sort of camouflage
you could rest in there while you planned your next move
what you discovered within the narrow passage was what changed your plans considerably
the city of the vampire queen was real
as the forgotten passage showed you
the city must have been cut into the mountains centuries past
they'd forgotten such a small entrance that seemly led to just a peephole
warm lamp fires could be seen through two holes in the rock in the back of the cavern
they peered into the most majestic throne room you'd seen on the continent
the figure on the throne no doubt the rumored figure you'd been searching for
the issue was... that was not a queen and perhaps the vampire part was literal
below you was a royal court almost like those of Europe, yet dressed in savage outward attire
you'd stumbled through fortune into what you'd wanted
the court had a somber silence to it
reverence to the throne
coming to the continent you'd heard of a race of batmen
they'd decimated villages
just empty shacks
you'd made an effort to purge the things
but you couldn't find a trail on them
you had almost come to think it was humans masquerading as beasts
such things weren't unheard of
yet the attacks didn't seem to scream of human attacks
there didn't even seem to be a trace of blood
yet your pursuit finally struck gold
this court was eerie to observe
they brought a pig forward
the “queen” was offered the tribute no doubt
shackled to the floor in a designated altar
the other members of this tribe seemed to practice some form of modesty but this royal figure was nude
the creature's form was male
you could tell from this distance
perhaps there was a wife in this mockery of tradition
a robed priest slit the pigs throat and slid a ceremonial bowl under the packing animal
the crowd seemed to be divided into groups of batmen and human cattle
that was the only word you could use to describe the humans in shackles
that would seem to explain the empty villages and lack of gore
perhaps the raids on neighboring villages were for the sole purpose of slaves
the priest, you noted was a human, was eager in handing the bowl over to the royal
the bat gulped down the red liquid as the pig's thrashing slowly ebbed with its life force
the royalty was clearly not delicate with his meal, the blood spilling from the messy feeding and wetting the fur of his chest
the gluttonous display was macabre
nonetheless you didn't look away
you were made of sterner stuff
the whole display was garish, but no worse than the charnel houses you'd been through before
just a pig being slaughtered
nothing more
you prayed it had ended at swine
seeing humans in manacles in the back of the chamber, your imagination ran wild
but no, that would be wasteful
better to have the labor than some offering to a dark uncaring god
the architecture of the chamber seemed ancient
hard to place the style but it didn't match the neighboring jungle tribe's general looks
you were no expert on cultures on this continent outside of learning the river tribe's language
it was simple enough and you'd sailed enough under enough banners to understand conversation here and there
the deafening silence here gave you no feel for their language
nothing you could gleam from the ritual
the bat royalty had fattened himself on swine blood and eventually the worshippers filed out
you were still processing all this
the civilization was barbaric
that you had no doubt of
slavers and pagans
but how could you deal with them?
the tribe that guided you near the place for an ambush seemed ungrateful
if these creatures attacked villages, why wouldn't theirs be next?
you took respite in that cave, slowly sliding your back down the smooth wall
you'd rest here for a while
chasing leads for this long, you still were dealing with an unknown civilization
pistol, zeal and sword could only go so far
if the neighboring villages deemed themselves hostile to you, you had no allies
after your trek the muscles in your legs screamed out for rest though
you would sleep in the forgotten sanctuary and then brainstorm about the problem afterwards
the dream, nightmare really, was vivid
you sat in the dark
cold pressed against your bare skin
in the dark you could see movement but for some reason you didn't react
your mind screamed
you recognized danger
knew you could be killed
yet your hands didn't reach for a weapon
you didn't bolt upright
the room reeked of slaughter
a figure strided out of the dark
that mockery of royalty that oversaw a mockery of a court
he was once more nude
light brown fur streaked with blood
white feathered bands on his arms were the only attire he wore
the room felt cold but there was a heat surrounding the bat
giant ears atop his head
the fur on his head was grown out and braided
a small flaccid cock swung between his legs
under his arms there was a membrane
you bet he hand wings
those red pupils appraised you, weighing a scale in his head
you did not move
for some reason you were still rooted to the floor
then he descended on you with his teeth and you shot awake, hand on your flintlock pistol
that bat creature was nowhere to be seen
you were back in the cave and alone
that thing's stare still haunted you
red burning coals in a pitch black room
not quite the rest you wanted but your muscles did feel better
food was a pressing concern
that nightmare faded with the protests of your stomach
you'd have to find water and food
you'd had some rations but the trek through the jungle had burnt through the supplies
the cave had provided sanctuary but now you needed to leave its safety
you were relieved to have your pistol and sword
like a bird leaving the nest, you tentatively scouted the surrounds past the hole in the rock
this must have been some sort of guard post in the distant past
a way to give word to the court quickly
at least it's seclusion had benefited you
it was a waste of meat that they only drank the blood of that creature
a good slice of salted ham would feel like akin to approaching heaven right about now
hunting prey might make noise and bring unwanted attention
the noise and fire from cooking was too great a risk
today you might have to forage
you'd traveled several shores and built up experience with foraging off the land
eventually, you lucked into a river
you would have to risk the water
it wasn't quite ale but it would work
with a river meant more life
sure enough you found a peculiar fruit tree
a monkey feeding off the fruit gave you hope
the fruit was an unknown to you but if a small animal could stomach it with no ill effects, you should be safe
satisfied, you made your way back to the cave
you'd stowed a few fruits for later
along the way, you thought about how best to handle this situation
you were outmanned
the villages showed this civilization could not be underestimated
they might have swooped in under cover of night
they were bats after all
this could be a problem later down the line for others if you did not intervene now
but how did you cease their madness
the legends never spoke of these things being killed
after all, a corpse would have killed the notion of it being all but legend
just spirited away whole villages in the night
you carefully set foot back in the cave and quietly peered into the chamber
it was vacant
no doubt the bats were sleeping off their meals
the eye holes set in the wall offered you a great view across the entire room
you still had no idea what purpose this system served
soft torchlight kept the room bathed in a shade of orange
you took note that the pig had been taken away
you pondered how you would infiltrate their kingdom while staring down at the gory altar
perhaps this was the secret
they would mostly sleep for the day
if they were like their bat kindred they would be active in the dark
no doubt some loyal contingent of uplifted slaves protected the place in their masters’ stead from dawn onwards
the chamber was just as silent as it was before
spoke to how enthralled the bat people were
how they brought the slave caste under heel was a mystery
it painted a grim picture
diplomacy was probably off the table
aside from the language barrier, there was also the fact they were savage
they might even kill someone for attempting to parley
marching right into the entrance sounded like a bad idea
you'd have to find the entrance to begin with
this required scouting
so while your enemy rested you would take advantage of the sun and hug the mountain
the entrance had to be somewhere in the rock
with any luck you could map out the place and come back
after the meal and rest you were on the right foot once more
you took one more glance into the chamber and saw nothing out of the ordinary
what was really ordinary about this scenario, though?
the next few days saw you casting off most of your clothes into the cave
the heat was growing unbearable
your armaments stayed with you at all times
however, your coat was cast aside and you cut your pants down into shorts
the climate here was unforgivable
you'd encountered the stray native
usually, you crouched into the brush and observed them from afar
if they could move in relative safety during the day here they were either smart or thralls of those bats
if it was the latter you'd be in luck
eventually you found your trail
it was no doubt one such entrance
because your expectation was something grander
instead it seemed to be a little quaint
perhaps a servant's entrance?
you watched the patrols carefully
there wasn't much in the way of organization
there was an urge to rush in but that might prove foolhardy
these natives wore masks, resembling a bat
perhaps your mind played tricks on you during that ceremony
perhaps there was no giant bats and this was some tribal pagan nonsense
you'd heard of such things I the Americas on your journey
off hand superstitious gossip
you took note of the wooden masks
it was a bizarre costume but what better way to terrify your neighbors?
you withdrew to your cave to plan when the sun started setting
you hadn't seen these batmen outside after dark yet and you didn't want to risk it now
mentally, you'd mapped out the location so you could come back prepared
the nightmare returned when you went to rest
teeth on your neck
a tongue lapping at the wounds
it was done with more intimacy than that pig but this creature feasted on your blood all the same
when you awoke the sun was cresting above the horizon once more
you had no time to dwell on the panicked imagined dangers your mind plagued you with
you wasted no time rushing towards that entrance
you crouched near the entrance, observing
taking in everything
the patrol was light
definitely a skeleton crew
you didn't want to spill blood so soon
it might alert them
they'd notice a man missing and then you'd have to rush ahead of schedule
you wanted to sneak in
at least for the moment
you took your chance the moment you saw it and snuck into the entrance
none of the masked men noticed you
inside, it seemed quiet
the silence was becoming unnerving
torches lit the way deeper
you had to look over your shoulder after crouch walking for a few minutes
there was no entrance now
you fought the urge to panic and instead grit your teeth together
had you been observed the whole time?
you were trapped and had no choice but forward
you were out of options and it was frustrating
the whole thing was suspicious
perhaps they'd anticipated you and drew you in for the kill
you were in it now
no choices left
maybe you were too paranoid but you didn't like this
at least you still had you gun and sword
you pushed your wide brimmed hat off your head, the loose strap holding it to the back of your head
well, you were no easy meal if that's what they believed
the underground was vast
almost a city unto itself
occasionally you'd pass a chamber and crept past the doorway
peeking in was too risky but these were probably barracks of some sort
it only made sense to keep warriors stationed close to the exit for a quick response
at least that was your hypothesis
last thing you wanted was to alert a bunch of spearmen
the darkness wasn't absolute but it was enough to retreat into
would make sense if they were bats
you still had your doubts about that
that mock queen had to be a costume
the story was outlandish fantasy
it had to be
that chamber remained empty for days after that ritual so you couldn't confirm that
you chalked it up to stress and a lack of sleep inflicting delirium upon your mind
these had to be savages
human savages
for now, you were looking for a secluded and forgotten part of the halls that you could hide in
if they didn't know you were here you'd need somewhere to work from
some oasis in enemy territory
you crept forward, slipping past more sleeping chambers
an idea occurred
what if your cave wasn't the only forgotten hidden route?
but to have these tribesmen never find such an alcove in their city was preposterous
nonetheless, you hoped to test your luck
instead, you eventually came to a large chamber
it had been about an hour by your estimation
no way to really know for sure but you'd been exploring the earthen halls for a while
the doors were open and you recognized it as the throne room
your eyes glance up to the wall around where you were perched and you couldn't see anything in the black
perhaps that's why it was so hidden
the chamber was empty
you took your time looking around from outside the doorway
when you crept in it was deathly quiet
still nobody around
yet there was no other door in the chamber
you crept over to the throne
seemed fairly ordinary
if ornate
why this was in the hands of some jungle tribe was a mystery
perhaps a prize from a raid
while you were pondering the state of the place the doors slammed behind you
you turned, genuinely startled
despite your caution you hadn't looked to the ceiling and failed to notice the dark shape that had blended into the shadow
he unfurled his wings above his throne and pounced
the struggle was a blur
you'd had combat experience
but you still were taken by surprise
the attacker had lured you in
you knew that now
the knowledge did you little good
he'd caught you before you could pull your sword or pistol
his clawed hands kept you from your weapons
this was the creature from your nightmare and this wasn't the costume you'd hoped
teeth flashed before your eyes
he was going for the kill
you shoved him back and he gnashed
you were both around the same height but there was a clear difference in power
not that he didn't lack an abundance of enthusiasm
he was trying for your neck
you finally managed to get leverage and tossed him off
he raked the stone floor trying to regain his footing
it gave you enough time to draw your pistol
you tried to scramble to your feet but only managed to get half up before you shoved the barrel of the flint pistol in his face
he had been moments from attacking again
his reaction stayed your trigger finger
he smiled
a glint in those red eyes you couldn't quite read
”I like this one,” he spoke plainly past the steel barrel
he spoke English
that was bizarre enough
heavily accented, but it was English
then to show no fear towards the weapon pointed at him
it could be an ignorance of firearms
they might seem alien on this continent
but he didn't advance upon you either
like he knew what it was
but didn't shrink back from it
it was a standoff
but you had the upper hand here
the temptation to fire was there
but you didn't
the creature was like your nightmare
the only real changes from those dreams was the softer features your subconscious glossed over
he was still fangs and claws
but his body was far more androgynous than what your dreams had conjured
it was unusual
but this whole scenario was strange to begin with
you had narrowed your eyes at the attacker and he picked up on that
he rested his hands on his hips as he confidently stared you down
the batmen were real and one was standing before you
he made no sudden movements, his eyes filled with a sort of mirth you didn't like
was he enjoying himself?
you didn't dare take your eyes off the creature but the scenario seemed odd
it had to be a trap
that much was obvious
but where were the guards?
he didn't mean to confront you all by himself?
so you decided to interrogate him while you had the advantage
what the hell was he?
”royalty of course,” he scoffed
that was another thing
how did he know the King's English?
it was filtered through an exotic accent but it was English
”some of the tribes under our benevolent employ had contact with what I assume is this ‘King’”
he pointed towards you
”just know, your King does not rule here.”
why was he acting like he had authority here?
you had a gun pointed at him and he's making demands
you dropped that topic though
worrying about which kingdom had claims was pointless at the moment
why in God's name did he think he had control?
”my kingdom,” he gestured to the cave and then to you, “my trophy”
that was when two dozen spearmen came into the room from what looked like the walls themselves
two dozen blades pointed in your direction from all sides
the spears made a convincing argument against making a sudden move
they were definitely human
you could see the differences between them and that creature they served at a glance
all masked
grisly wood bat masks carved in tribute or perhaps enforced fealty
you didn't see much to worship here
though you held your tongue
bravado would get you nowhere here
there seemed to be no smooth way out
your pistol carried one shot
none of them may know that
the creature grabbed the barrel from the side and pressed it to his chin
”it would be easy, correct?”
his fangs flashed
”but then… where would that leave you in the next second?”
he glanced to the spear near your throat
the man beast had you were he wanted
he was right that you could easily end one threat but you'd never live past that action
you pulled your finger away from the trigger and he gently pulled the gun from your hand
his clawed fingers fondled the barrel
he seemed fascinated with your weapon
perhaps he was more clever than you'd believed
he commanded a guard in a foreign language
your sword was forcefully pulled away from your belt
the bat now handled both your weapons before placing them on his throne
another command and your shirt was ripped from your chest
the bat licked at his teeth
clearly the thing had its prey where he wanted it
bloodthirsty demon
you didn't have time to curse him though
you felt actual fear when he ushered another command and the guards put you in the chains that pig had been in
the bat apparently cleared the room
their language wasn't anything like the river tribe's but you understood the tone
with the spearmen gone, he seemed even more pleased with himself
you didn't like this
he'd had a plan
you had to ask
how did he know you would come?
”I didn't,” he bluntly replied
”you didn't think we weren't aware of that alcove though?”
he pointed and his claw did indeed match that angle you saw through the eye holes
you told him you wouldn't give him the benefit of begging for your life
you had seen what he'd done with the pig
they'd picked you for some blood sacrifice so just get it done with
he leaned over you
those red eyes out of your nightmares, focused on you
and he gave a low sultry laugh
”I'll have you begging”
you didn't like the sound of that
he had you all to himself and he was cocky about it
the chains held you to the floor in a crouch
he walked around you, grabbing your hair when you tried to follow him
he held your head in place
”now, now.”
his confidence was unnerving
he pressed his chest against your back and you fought against the chains
he paid the protest no mind
you were dying here today weren't you?
you wouldn't give him the satisfaction
you clenched your eyes shut and waiting for your throat to be slit
silently, you prayed in your mind
two pin pricks cut the prayer short as you rather vocally cursed at the pain in your neck
you quickly turned your head to see the bat had bit into your flesh
he wasn't killing you with a knife
he was going to eat you like some animal
the foul thing
he lapped at the blood and his eyes were half lidded, like he was getting drunk off it
this hedonistic beast
when he broke away from the feeding he didn't bother hiding his excitement
blood flecked fangs licked clean as his breath grew ragged
you realized just how hedonistic this savage was when you realized he was now masturbating against your back
that's what he had to be doing
this creature took pleasure in all this
he fed off your blood and rubbed against your back while he pleasured himself
that indignity was too far
you fought against the chains and pushed backwards on him
his hand clamped onto your throat from behind
he wouldn't be dislodged so easily
but you were not suffering this any more
your struggling gave you an epiphany
there wasn't enough slack in the chains to rise
but by aggressively throwing yourself back, there was enough slack to pin him to the floor with your body
both his clawed hands went to your throat and he fed regardless of you having him crushed
you felt a wetness against your back after he seized up
did he just?
you refused to let him up but he didn't seem bothered
he locked his legs around your torso
damned thing
with your arms restrained, you couldn't wrest control from the bat
he just kept trying to grow fat off your life
you couldn't jab him too hard with your elbows because the chain slack too
he amused himself grinding into your back
the mess very obviously exactly what you thought it was
this flying demon was enjoying himself
you pulled yourself up with his weight clinging to you and pressed down on him with your back again
your rage was back
you refused to be a plaything for his sexual gratification
again you picked yourself up and slammed back down and that seemed to knock the wind out of him and the fight
he slithered out from under you after relinquishing his lock on you
he leaned over you, your blood still covering his snout and mouth
the bat planted one hard foot on your chest, hard enough to get your attention
you went to rise and throw it off when he admonished you like a parent to a child
”I love the fight in you,” he remarked while pushing his hand through his braided fur and putting in behind the big ears on the top of his head
he sneered and released his foot
”I suppose it is time to tame my beast, correct?”
you didn't like how he smiled when he said that
the bat allowed you to get up and with another command his servants came back in
manacles were fastened to your legs now
you were laid out like that pig now
the bat once more demanded solitude with you
laid out on your back
this was how he'd kill you
you knew it
that act of defiance earlier must have made up his mind
you fought against the bindings to no avail
the slack and been pulled back on them, leaving you little room to move
you had no idea what those red eyes planned
as he kneeled next to your side, you watched him
trying to make peace with God was difficult with the damn thing actually cooing as he felt up your chest
his claws ran over your skin and you could swear he was admiring it
the chains and bleeding were not the end of your indignity
his fingers hooked your belt and undid it
then he slid your pants down
was this the final insult?
to strip you?
he licked his teeth
he was debased
the deranged little pretender at nobility
and he had you vulnerable as a newborn babe
he grabbed at your flaccid manhood and you cursed him
he smiled in retaliation
you were at this deviant's mercy
you tried to think of anything but the bat's hands
he mocked you as he fondled your balls and stroked you
talked about how you'd be putty in his hands soon enough
focusing on anything but the sensation
you didn't want to admit weakness to this creature
the fondling was gentle despite him returning your curses with curses of his own
his attempts at seduction were very forceful
very aggressive
it wasn't like some tavern wench after your coin
nothing suave or subtle about it
he wanted to take this
take you
”I'm going to ruin you for women, you know.”
he said that with a wry smile as he gently gave your balls a squeeze
you tried to pull against your chains when he leaned down and buried his snout in your crotch
was that his plan?
make you a participant in sodomy before he killed you?
his nose sniffed at you before he pulled back a little
”I must have you bathed soon,” he muttered against your dick
it was true the jungle wasn't exactly hygienic but you didn't really care about appeasing your captor
the bat was such a alien sight with his arm wings draped over you
he pushed his hair away from his face again and started lapping at your manhood despite your insistence he leave you the hell alone
you hated that his tongue was working
you were got going to give him the satisfaction of giving in
you threw mental hurdles up to try and thwart your libido
this creature wouldn't win
then he fit it in his mouth
wouldn't win
you were here to purge this twisted kingdom
not become a pet or some fattened swine
focusing was harder and harder
he worked his tongue around the prick and you hated to admit… he was getting a reaction
the bat had made a mess of your lap
he gorged himself on the sensation as much as he gorged himself on your blood earlier
you didn't even know this creature's name and he was using you as some sort of toy
so, in order to make your curses more personal, you demanded his title
he broke away, a trail of saliva connecting his maw and your now regrettably erect manhood
he looked up towards you with a grin
this wasn't an admission of surrender dammit
you made that clear
you said if these chains were off you'd repay this treatment in kind
that was the wrong thing to say
his ears flicked as you uttered that
his smile grew wider and his eyes more eager
”a king in chains? I think not. that is a tempting proposition but I must disagree.”
he stroked your cock without a second thought to the shameless display
”as for my name, ‘my king’ will do.”
you wouldn't be saying that
you refused
he flicked his tongue over the head as he looked to you
this was a game to him
if only you could break out
but he had you at his mercy
the sadist was drawing this out
what did he want?
your carnal desires?
he was a giant abomination to everything you'd known right in the world
this whole act was an affront to God and get he was coaxing a reaction
you refused to call him king
your swears only seemed to drive him onwards
he wanted a reaction
that realization made you stone faced
you wouldn't let him have gratification
why would he even get gratification from licking that anyways
when you refused to react he attacked further
his hand stroked the erection you were fighting against
this might be too much
the temptation was a little voice in your head
no one had touched your body like this
you'd never even thought it was possible
and with a man no less
two clawed fingers slid below your balls and you shot your head up in shock
he smiled at getting your attention again, then swallowed you to the hilt
those two fingers gently rubbed the area under your nuts
circular motions coaxing God knows what reaction from your body
you'd never felt this before
he was breaking your concentration now
he pulled off your manhood to speak once more
”only a man can know how to please a man, don't you agree?”
you wouldn't feed his ego
absolutely refused
he was doing everything within his power to tempt you now
it was a hard fought struggle but his weapons were better
your first oral induced orgasm wasn't willingly
he pulled away to let it paint his face
his bloody face had streaks of white
he was triumphant and he knew it
you refused to make eye contact
so he came to you
he slinked up your body like a predator over his kill
he flashed his teeth and you expected this to be the part where you were tossed aside after he had his fun
he stood up and issued a summons
clearly, he didn't care how filthy he looked to his servants
he planted a foot on your chest and had some sort of conversation with his follower
then he looked down to you
in his accented English he told you your room and board would be ready soon
for now you'd have to just lay there like a “good pet”
this was degrading
the court carried on without regard for the naked man in repose on the floor
or the royalty covered in your body fluids
just carried on nonchalantly
you sat there in silence, your thoughts on how to get out of this
after what felt like hours the bat loudly declared in your tongue how he wished to retire
he pointed to you and two burly servants switched your chains for manacles and you were led to a neighboring chamber
a small alcove with a bed
however, the barred door told you you weren't allowed freedom
they pushed you in and a horde of servant women followed in
there was a massive smooth indent in the floor
filled with water
some sort of bathtub by the looks of it
he'd mentioned cleaning up earlier so this must have been the plan
the women bathed you under the supervision of the guards
what you didn't know what your host had issued a threat to the women if they went further than professionalism called for
he had said it would start with their fingers first
so that kept the servants from being too curious as they washed you
it did feel good to get the grime off from the jungle
eventually the warm bath was done and you were offered food
you took the hospitality with suspicion
but you hadn't had much more than jungle fruit for days
you were left in the chamber by yourself afterwards
this situation was complicated
you sat on the bare bones cot
your next step was definitely hard to think about
where did you go from here
a door creaked open and you looked to your door
”you know, the royal bedchamber is far more comfortable.”
of course
he stood at the wood door, his face framed by the square opening
he'd cleaned up since last you saw him
you didn't pay mind to his taunts
he smiled regardless
”my pet seems so lonely in his pen.”
you weren't his pet, you shot back
”you will be. in time you will see sense.”
your bed was at least sanctuary
it might have been unwise to turn you back to him but you were not engaging him
he wanted a reaction and you refused to play that game
he huffed as he walked off
what did your captor expect?
he held you here against your will and he wanted you to curl up in his bed like some sort of dog
you ignored how good that contact earlier felt
you wanted that to be a distant memory
your dreams that night weren't nightmares
your dream was vivid
those red eyes loomed over you
a wet tightness around your manhood
the darkness enveloped you once more
but this time there was a heat behind it
you awoke and realized you had ejaculated in your sleep
that creature had cursed you
the darkness of your cell felt colder
sleep was difficult after that
the kingdom was quiet
at least around your cell
how would you get out of this?
what if you played along with him?
got his guard down
that might work
he seemed arrogant enough that you could play to his ego
it sounded like a plausible idea
make him think he won
that would give you the opportunity
the plan was risky
indulging him might backfire
you dwelled on it until you guessed morning
hard to say what time it was underground
you wondered how he knew you were there
maybe his hearing
he had large enough ears they were probably sensitive
a weakness?
his arrogance could possibly be played to
that had to be a weakness
let him think he won
you scoffed
you heard footsteps outside
him again
he had breakfast
some sort of fruit paste
at least you guessed as much
without hunger gnawing at you, you were a little more hesitant about meals from here
how did you know it wasn't drugged
you accused him of that without a second thought and the bat decided to spoon feed you as if you were some infant
you resisted and he decided to prove it eating some and then showing his tongue
he was very dumb to come to your cell by himself
but if you roughed him up where would you go in here?
maybe playing at subservience would be the answer for now
drop his guard
you couldn't act too eager or he would suspect something
so you accepted the spoonful of food
you'd had this one before
a mango
but where did they get them here?
you'd only had them on a travel through Asia
it was a minor concern but that was unusual
the bat was encouraged by your reaction to do it again
it wasn't half bad
food was at least welcome
even if it was more fruit
you at least hoped your next meal would be some meat
the urge to throttle the bat was there but you stayed your hand
yes, it was best to let him think he had victory
play along and wait
in an effort to win him over but not to seem too eager you asked again
what was his name?
his actual name
none of this cute king kidding around
he stopped attempting to feed you and paused in thought
”none but family and spouse are to utter it. is that a proposal?”
you hid your discomfort at the idea
you were planning to marry in a church
not in some savage burrow I the ground
not to another man
however, if that earned his trust at the moment, you would pretend to be interested
you were not an avid liar
God didn't look kindly at such behavior
if it got you out of this situation unscathed you'd attempt it
so you inquired if you were marriage material
why not tell you his name then?
if he wanted you around
he'd have to trust you right?
the heathen king didn't seem to see through the act
he thought about it briefly again
his voice was low as he spoke close to your voice
still very authoritative but softer here
you almost caught a trace of vulnerability in his behavior
”Ipyana,” was what he said before softly nipping at your earlobe
he let the moment hang there
if the bat was telling the truth this was a very important occasion
there was a possibility he was genuine
well, Ipyana was exotic enough
so why wasn't anyone else allowed to know the name?
the bat gave you another spoonful of mango mush
”a name grants power. if you tell anyone I will have to have your tongue cut out. I would hate that.”
well, you shared that in common at least
so the name stayed in your mind
you didn't believe the superstition about it having power over him
it was more you preferred not to have parts chopped off of you
a bad experience with Barbary pirates threatening to chop off your ears came to mind
you were in the predator’s den and it was entirely possible he could make good on the threat
the fact that his tone hadn't changed while spooning breakfast into your mouth was a touch worrying
he'd make good on it
you knew that
you would keep the name secret until you were safely away from here
you could curse it over the mountain pyre
that would explain the earlier “my king” remark
he wasn't being completely cocky there
of course, there was a chance this was a lie
but you didn't risk it
the bowl was empty and he just so happened to accidentally get some on your face with the last spoon
it couldn't be more blatant
he went to lick it and stopped briefly when your glance went to him
the stare wasn't enough to discourage him
he licked at the mango for a moment and then promptly decided to keep going
was this a prelude to another feeding?
you hoped not to bled dry
maybe keeping you feeble was his plan
his hand roamed over your stomach
”you have the honor of knowing my name.”
his voice was smooth
he was already trying to sexually gratify himself again
he fondled your crotch brazenly while he continued into your ear
”I can smell the desire on you.”
the dream
he felt the wet head and dabbed a little with his clawed finger tip
”normally, you should ask my permission.”
he placed the finger on his tongue to taste it
”I accept this tribute,” he remarked as he watched your face for a reaction
then he started talking about marriage
the ceremony would need to be held sometime before the next full moon for a good omen
so about a week
that… complicated things
you could seize him now
crush him
it could be that simple
but then what?
so you'd indulge this Ipyana
for now
you felt dirty having another man sexually attracted to you
but that was on him, you convinced yourself
if playing along got you out you'd do it
he seemed to just assume you agreed to all this
you hadn't denied it
but hadn't accepted it either
the bat just went along with it
the next few days you kept distant and he kept pushing it
kept insisting you leave that dingy cell
kept offering his warm bed and warmer body
his words
there was the occasional feeding and sexual contact
but he wanted to save more for the wedding
what more could two men do?
he said he was saving the real prize for later
you had only so much time to escape
there had to be an out
some jungle savage marrying you?
you'd never hear the end of it
but all your ideas fell flat
you came with no assistance on your foolhardy quest
it felt so easy to despair about the situation
but you held strong
another morning and he felt the need to spoon feed you
after, he'd collect his own breakfast
why were you letting him indulge himself with your body?
you should stop him
Ipyana was becoming insatiable and you felt responsible
he was already forceful
any brainstorming hit a wall
perhaps it was time to “relent” to your host and accept his bed
one evening you accepted that offer and he smiled, victorious
he opened the door and undid your chains
eager wouldn't begin to summarize his behavior
he believed he broke you down
you swore to make that overconfidence his undoing
so for now, you allowed him to win
armed guards posted outside giant double doors
that would complicate things but you had expected as much
they'd protect their leader
his nudity didn't seem to be shared by his servants and you had to ask about that
why were the two of you nude all the time?
”it is a privilege that comes with the station. who would dare question their kings?”
why did you have to be naked?
”that is my privilege.”
he sauntered over to the massive bed
his tiny tail drew your eyes to his rear before you stopped yourself
your eyes went to a chair next to the bed
your weapons and pants
he'd taken them to his chamber
what luck
it took a lot to allow yourself to lie in his bed and when you flipped your back to him he took that as a challenge
he clung to your back like a monkey to a tree
you stared at your sword and gun
you were close
you could escape
the thought rushed through your mind how easy it would be
you were stronger
he nuzzled his snout against the back of your neck and passed out fairly quickly
his slowed breathing told you as much
he'd been waiting this long for this and didn't even try to take advantage of your newfound willingness?
you reached slowly towards your pistol
the familiar wood of the handle fit to your fist perfectly
it would make a lot of noise
any kind of attack would
then you'd be rushed to death
you were startled to discover it had been sabotaged
the guy had been partially disassembled
how did they know to remove the hammer from it?
well, you weren't going to use it here but that was one part of your arsenal gone
the sword called to you
a thin and elegant murder weapon if there ever was one
the bat rubbed his face against your shoulder and you froze
after several tense moments, you felt comfortable moving again
that was the name of this abomination
you'd remember it for the rest of your life
the sword flashed in the dull light of the chamber as you released it
it had dirty work to do
the king did not know this would be his last night
you mind drifted to murder
and that made you realize something quickly
the name
before this you hadn't considered the killing a murder
but the name
it put you eye to eye with him
humanized him
before all of this it was seen as just another purge
you'd fought vampires before
whatever humanity they'd had in life was long since gone
the beasts around the Slavic mountains were just parasites and three had escaped your grasp
none had given you a name
this one could look and act like a blood crazed predator
but he didn't match the ones from those freezing mountains
they certainly didn't play host to their prey for this long
you didn't know what to chalk up to superstition
perhaps the vampire moniker was too literal in this sense
he didn't seem to recoil at your necklace
in fact, that was the one piece of attire he allowed you
you felt him lightly nibble on your shoulder and nearly froze up again before you realized he was doing so in his sleep
however, you sheathed the blade and placed it back innthe chair
you didn't know how to handle this
but maybe you were too rash in this crusade
at least for now, you considered staying your hand
for now
it was hard to explain what instinct stopped you tonight
you laid awake for a while looking at the sword
just cover his face and pierce the heart
as you'd heard from crones and heathen shamans
but this… person behind you
he wasn't the beast you'd initially came to slay
the one the stories spoke of
at least you didn't see it that way
it wasn't as though you'd grown sentimental of this Ipyana
but you were starting to see your zeal might have been misplaced
your quest might not have led you to an inhuman monster and you loathe to admit it
you weren't confident anymore that God would approve a rushed attempt to slay this bat
so that led to the second option of flight
he allowed you out of your chains
that was his undoing
there was no doubt some secret door in his bedchamber
you'd stay here during the day and find some hidden escape while he busied himself with royal duties
you weren't sure about the killing but you didn't approve of being this man's pet
perhaps you'd play this out and get away
rest came easily in a real bed
trying to seclude yourself in the room didn't work
Ipyana insisted you follow him
you were forced to comply for now
you'd have to find escape later
he allowed you the privacy to get cleaned up, shouting something harsh at the servants before they worked you over
he also cleaned up too
the kingdom was at least civilized in that regard
what followed was not nearly as civilized
you were confused why he demanded you sit in his throne
then he sat his naked ass in your lap and wiggled down on your crotch
he had decided you were his throne
and he decided to just conduct royal business like that
his rump pressed hard on you and you could barely see around him
you asked if he was serious
this was ridiculous
a completely debauched display that didn't befit royalty
you pointed that out to the bat
”why are you concerned about decorum? would you rather be chained to the floor once more?”
well, you enjoyed what freedom you could get at the moment
you attempted to ignore his every movement against your lap
he did his entire day like that
occasionally he'd wiggle against you hard and you cursed your body for betraying you
when he felt you grow erect he made sure to wedge it between his ass
he committed all his royal business like this
yet you were a participant in it
what did that make you?
you were accepting this
it was becoming complicated
Ipyana was pushing his luck but you held back last night
it was difficult to concentrate on your doubts
but you were an accessory to this behavior now
you were aware of that
the temptation had overpowered you and you knew it
it was happening right now
there was only so much blame you could lay on Ipyana
it was you who chose to lay with a man last night
and you cooperated with this display today
perhaps you could plead forgivene-
Ipyana rose up enough to trap your manhood between his thighs
it was getting harder to think right now
maybe that was his plan all along
you tried pulling willpower from somewhere but his attacks were overpowering
or maybe you were a weaker man than you thought
bar wenches could never convince you to come to bed with them
you'd held off marriage
even courting
never really staying in one port too long never allowed you the freedom to do so
another man was testing that
let alone one this man
why was he so dead set on breaking you like this?
he had men
his choice of slaves
why did he desire the attentions of a man that clearly did not wish to serve him?
this one was a mystery
he moved his thighs together, causing an involuntary grunt to escape from you
then he hopped off and stood in front of you
his arms raised above his head allowed his wings to completely spread out
you dared not run for it, but the urge was in the back of your mind
he'd lost a lot of his intimidating stature before this
but here, in this moment, you could see why some jungle savages revered him
he seemed to be the only one of his kind
it was a mystery
one you hoped to solve far away
after that display with his wings he turned on his heel and looked you dead in the eye
”the wedding shall be tomorrow,” was all he said before encouraging you up and out of his throne
you smelled like bat now
but his declaration gave you more cause for concern
why the hurry?
he wouldn't answer
even back in his bedchamber
you did the ritual bathing with the servants caring for you
any movement around your legs from the girls was scrutinized hard by the bat
they washed him head to toe and his fur came out clean once more
he probably reeked of your sweat from the day
dinner was served and it was the first meal you were able to eat without him trying to spoon it into your mouth
you noticed it was some sort of ham soup
this kingdom had strange culinary tastes
the bat had a small cup of blood poured into yours and he caught you staring
”I would offer you some but your kind doesn't take well to this raw.”
that was true
when you remarked about the concept of blood sausage, glanced away from his meal to ask
the concept of black sausage was apparently localized to Europe because he seemed fascinated by the idea
it was the most informal you'd been with your captor since you'd been lured in here
he called in a servant and your best guess was he relayed the information to her to relay to kitchen staff
you guessed at least
he shooed her away after
it still felt alien being completely nude around here and once more you brought this up
”I like everyone knowing my claim.”
you were not his claim
you didn't say that aloud
he ran his furred hand under your chin
”am I not on equal footing with you now?”
that part you did protest
you were kept as a pet
nothing equal down here
his smile dropped at that remark
”you have much to learn down here. give it time and you will.”
you hoped you didn't stay down here that long
the soup was appreciated though
that was downed fast and your bowl was set aside
when you laid down on your side away from him he took the opportunity to feed off you again
it really didn't hurt as much as you'd expect
in fact this time was gentle by comparison to when you were chained up
he'd taken little nibbles while you were shackled in your cell but he decided tonight he'd drink deep
and something about it made you relax and let it happen
you did regret your body was betraying you again
why was your dick growing erect at him softly licking your shoulder as he clung to you?
at least with the throne it was direct contact to the area
here, you shouldn't be getting aroused
his wing draped over you as his clawed hand stroked your throat
he kissed and licked at the fresh wounds he'd created and occasionally whispered words in his language into your ear
he was possessive
almost made you worried about the reprisal if you left
when you left
you reminded yourself
he decided to pull you back and you didn't fight against his hands rolling you back onto the bed
he shoved his tongue into your mouth and you tasted copper
of course he hadn't swallowed your blood completely
he had decided to assert himself this way
his frame pinned you to the bed
you could have easily thrown him off
said no
but you indulged it
or at least, you didn't fight him off
you couldn't explain why your hands came to rest on his ass
leather wings tightly wrapped around you as he started uttering something utterly profane into your ear
he rubbed his cock against yours in a frenzy
in-between ragged breaths after he broke the kiss you had to remind him you didn't speak his language
his answer was to bite your lower lip and break the skin
you started to curse but he started lapping at the wound
after feeding a little, the wing cocoon embraced you tighter and then he spoke
”I got ahead of myself.”
he nuzzled into your neck
”I'm so eager I almost had you deflower me here and now.”
why weren't you fighting this?
you were still erect, and Ipyana rubbing against it wasn't helping
his proposal was making sense right now despite all your doubts
why did you feel this way about a man?
”it will be better for our kingdom to see us consummate on our throne tomorrow night.”
he was deadly serious about this
you still needed to find a way out
but you ended up going to bed confused
the day of the ceremony
you hadn't stopped looking for an out
you even tried telling Ipyana it wouldn't work in the morning
he'd broken away to stretch his wings
frankly, you weren't some sodomite
two men couldn't lay together like this
”your words and your body are at odds.”
this wasn't helping your confusion
while you laid in bed he loomed down over you
his braids dangled around his face
it was hard to figure out what he was thinking behind those crimson eyes
then his hand squeezed your balls softly
”I do not accept your excuse.”
the bat did not release you
”you will not slink away from this and you will take responsibility.”
his voice was smooth and barely raised
there was a threat there but he barely sounded angry
it was uncomfortable and not just because his hand
he released you just like that and leaned down
his hand stroked softly at your jaw
”say your king's name,” he affectionately commanded
your back was against the wall and you did as he asked
he kissed your jawline
this man was so unpredictable
you didn't know how to handle this
any potential for escape seemed to be cut off
and Ipyana was enjoying it
you didn't appreciate being the bat's property
he disagreed with this sentiment
so you got up and asked point-blank why you weren't allowed to leave
he turned on his heel and pointed a claw into your chest
”do you know how hard I worked at sowing rumors?”
what did he mean by that?
”a vast terrifying kingdom of vampires? I wanted fresh blood to come in and challenge me. all these tribes are balless.”
the bat looked up to you, genuinely annoyed
”I finally got someone that wanted to be a hero and now he wants to flee.”
he poked your chest again for emphasis and his other hand gestured out past the door
he brought up he could have anything he wanted
any man was his for the taking here
but all of them were pathetic
”where's the man that nearly killed me?”
he had challenge in his eyes
you disregarded yourself as anything special and he corrected you
”you are going to be king,” he demanded, “and you are going to prove that tonight.”
so diplomacy was off the table
you couldn't simply parley out of this
Ipyana seemed satisfied he won
his claw traced down your chest
and his hand deftly fondled your cock
”my people need strong men.”
you found your hands resting on his hips again
”I need a conqueror to conquer. I think you will find me more of a challenge than some frail female.”
but you didn't want this
he stroked your flaccid manhood
”when I am done, you will need this.”
he wasn't taking no as any answer
you'd have to look for an out somehow
but time was running out
intimacy like this was alluring and it threatened to make you relent
you didn't want to admit that was the greatest obstacle
this was sinful
his hand shouldn't feel this good
he shouldn't be arousing you
when you started growing erect, he softly laughed
you hated to admit he was getting a reaction out of you
the temptation was so very strong
God couldn't approve of this
but the desire was burning through you
you hated this but also… felt like admitting it wasn't bad
he'd gotten you hard
this shouldn't be right
the tan furred bat wrapped his other arm around your shoulder
”I don't know why you hesitate now. you were so eager to meet me before. am I every bit the monster you heard?”
were the raids planned?
no, that couldn't have been all trickery
the kingdom was staffed by humans for a reason
however, the snare he'd set up for you was a masterwork of deception
your zeal had driven you into the bush and caves
just like he'd wanted
this had all been a trap
perhaps if you overpowered him now, you may escape
you didn't make attempts before based off the armed guards
but if he fancied a challenge then a challenge he'd get
you pressed him against his chamber door
he smiled
you moved quickly to pin his hands above his head
the smile didn't leave his face
”you're thinking ‘I can force my way out’ aren't you?”
you noticed his legs rub together and saw he was erect as well
”I've needed you to do your worst since you stepped in my chamber. I just needed to dangle escape a little more out of reach.”
Ipyana wiggled in your grip but did not fight to escape
he licked his teeth looking into your eyes
”you almost make me want to break tradition. almost.”
he was eager to taunt you
even here
you had him cornered
didn't he know that
and then what?
you thought to yourself
you couldn't kill him the other night
had him dead to rights
could have done it
why was he like this?
you'd fought truly vile things out there
but this one you held back against
Ipyana could free himself
he could have called the guards
you'd be dead in seconds
the situation was confusing
he boldly leaned his face forward enough to kiss you
his muzzle was short enough that a kiss was easy
you didn't fight it
something broke
you finally snapped under it all and kissed back
you were damned
all because this demon
he'd never let you leave
escape felt impossible
you pressed his head back against the door and he groaned at your initiative
your frustrations needed to go somewhere and Ipyana volunteered
you needed to escape
Ipyana was a siren trying to draw you to the rocks
and it was working
a mousy voice from the other side of the door interrupted you
it was a servant girl saying breakfast was ready and reporting the decorations were almost all put up in the throne room
Ipyana looked frustrated when you broke the kiss
his reply was curt and you heard footsteps fade away
the anger instantly went away when addressing you
”almost had me break with tradition again. kissing is rather addictive isn't it?”
you glared at him
you said you wanted to leave once more
”aren't you the least bit curious? I can feel your body. is there really anything worth going back to in Europe?”
your hands refused to release his wrists
”you came all the way to me off the rumors I spread.”
you came to Africa to deal with a great evil
like you've done before
you were stern with him
”I guess that doesn't leave much room for a home does it?”
”no women either.”
woman, and no
you didn't know why you were indulging whatever he was attempting here
”so I get to claim virgin territory.”
he wasn't claiming anything, you wanted to leave
Ipyana was pinned to the door and was at your mercy
he leapt up and wrapped his legs around your torso
”Your home is here.”
he wasn't as playful with that last sentence
it was a command
”we are kings. immortal. you are going to show it tonight.”
you released his wrists and his wings were quick to embrace you
he wouldn't listen
and you tried to ignore his tongue on your throat
well you'd gotten your audience with the vampire queen
and he clung to you to the point you didn't think escape was possible
the rest of the day flew by
he was smart enough to keep you within eyesight the whole time
so just running when his guard down was out of the question
would he have you cut down?
you didn't know
didn't really want to test it
the throne room looked a fair bit grand now
the kingdom had set up music, food and a majestic carpet across the room
it was lavish compared to the converted cave that seemed to be spartan otherwise
at one point you were shooed out to the grand doors
it was nightfall outside and Ipyana explained there was one last step to the ritual
you hadn't met his people
only the worker caste
that would change in a moment
it had occurred to you that you had only roamed the halls during the day
Ipyana was running around during the day since you'd been here
perhaps he had done that for your convenience
when you first observed their rituals it was hard to tell if the batmen were a real thing
clearly, not everyone was invited or able to come to that bloodletting
the mountain tribe varied vastly
some were man like
Ipyana clearly the face of the kingdom
some were essentially giant bats
you did not know if they were intelligent
perhaps Ipyana kept you locked up for a reason
he was one thing
some of this bizarre crowd towered over you
the king was already a hard fight
you noticed the more man like ones stood between their feral looking fellows and the humans
perhaps they were dangerous
more beast in mannerisms
hard to say and you were reluctant to leave Ipyana's side at the moment
for your safety
you were in this deep
as much as you loathe to admit it
Ipyana might be essential to your survival right now
this kingdom was far more massive than what it appeared on the surface
you wondered how deep his kingdom went
you were getting wed into this?
you had to out your foot down
planting your feet resulted in spears prodding your back
how long had those spearmen been behind you?
escape didn't seem possible right now
not with all the eyes on you
was God really going to let this happen?
it was obscene
Ipyana looped his arm around yours and gently tugged you forward
you took a deep breath which he misconstrued as nervousness when you were really frustrated with the whole situation
you'd find a way out
you were marched up to the throne and altar
that same robed priest awaited you
at least no slaughtered pig seemed to be involved this time
if they forced you to drink fresh blood like some savage you'd be sorely tempted to bolt
the whole thing reeked of paganism as is
you tried to center yourself despite everything around you
the bat eyes boring a hole into your back as much as the spears threatened to do
the smell of incense smoke and no doubt sacred oils around the ritual
their babbling language the priest recited the ceremony in
you had no use for all of it
the scowl must have been apparent on your face because an elbow jabbed your ribs
you glanced over and got a side eye from the bat
he spoke up
a short reply
you knew what that meant despite the different tongue
then both his eyes were on you, demanding a reply
you felt like a hostage
having no clue whatsoever about their language you nodded an affirmative
you knew a no would not be accepted kindly here
despite the formal decor across the entire chamber, Ipyana had both of you still completely nude
you had seen some of the bat people wearing clothes, same with the slaves
so this really was a royal indulgence
the ritual seemed to be finished with Ipyana handing you a necklace
dangling from it was a claw
”it is a gift from my ancestor. a sign you are in the family now.”
you took it and looked at it
he quickly undid your simple crucifix from your neck
you were about to protest when you saw him tie the simple metal cross necklace around his own neck
”an exchange,” he quietly explained
that must have been why he let you keep it
you sighed
there had to be a way out of this eventually
but for now you tied the simple claw necklace around your neck
the priest seemed satisfied with whatever happened and excused himself from the throne area
that allowed the bat king to walk over and sit in the throne
but he did it shamelessly
his clawed feet clenched on the armrests of the chair as he held onto the headrest, allowing his wings to fully spread
his own black cock was already sliding out of his fur in his excitement
this red eyes blazed as he presented himself eagerly
chocolate fur, leathery wing and a supple pink winking hole
this was their king
and the look on his face was one that demanded service
it demanded to know if he was your king too
but it wasn't a question
at least not one he expected any answer to but yes
every set of eyes in that chamber was on you
you could feel the pressure behind you
your job was to appease his kingdom and satisfy their king's debauched hunger
you couldn't explain why the sight of Ipyana made your body betray itself
he wasn't touching you
instead, your dick was growing just looking at him
a fact he took notice of immediately
fangs gleaming in the torchlight
he was an affront
this was sinning
you should stop
this should stop
your feet carried you to the throne
this was wrong and unreasonable
but if you did this, you could figure out a way out
you just needed to do this to gain their trust and then you could call whatever place this was a distant memory
just indulge his lecherous ways here and you could get out after
you kept telling yourself that was the only way
they were forcing your hand
the priest seemingly remembered something and came forward
Ipyana didn't seem perturbed
when the priest handed you a bottle you stared at it for a moment
you smelled it after popping the cap
your curiosity much have gotten to the bat because he was impatient
he explained the purpose
you were supposed to put this on your…
your eyes went from the container down to your crotch
there was a lot to think about but you doubted time was a luxury the crowd would allow
the act of rubbing it on felt more obscene with the audience
he enjoyed your discomfort, judging by the smile
you'd get out here somehow
Ipyana told you that was enough
and demanded you stop stalling
your marriage was final and you were only putting off the inevitable
you sighed and approached, his hole twitching as you closed in
you were forced to do this
that's what you told yourself
this wicked extortion was the cause
if no one was in the room you wouldn't have even thought of doing this
the heat of his body felt peculiar against the tip of your cock
you could tell the wait was killing Ipyana for how much he tried impaling himself on it
your eyes went to the cross around his neck
Ipyana hadn't won
you thought that as you slowly fought past the muscle of his ass
strange juxtaposition
but you would get out of here
out of the tight clinging embrace of your captor
the heat was intense
the humid African jungle couldn't compare to this
you almost caught yourself grunt when you eventually bottomed out
Ipyana took time to stop arching his back into you to issue you of all people a command
”show me how much of a beast you are.”
his claws raked over the throne as his kingdom watched their king be deflowered
they had said nothing and you didn't think it would be best to look around if you wanted to stay erect
why did you want to stay erect?
he clamped down hard and you retaliated by bucking your hips into him
”just think,” he gasped out, “no one has earned what you have earned here my pet.”
you decided perhaps he had taunted you enough
pulling back, you gained the momentum to slam back in
he let out a shameless moan
his claws marking what must be centuries old stone
his cock sprayed a small amount of precum over himself with the next thrust
the bat was already a mess and you hadn't even started
when you paused to watch him he glared
”I didn't tell you to stop.”
you glared back down at him
crowd or not you wanted some respect here
”I hoped you were better with your dick than your sword,” he groaned out
he rolled his hips against the invading manhood in a desperate move to get a little more pleasure
he'd insult you
even while indulging himself so shamelessly
he was just about to say something else when you grabbed his hips and yanked him up
you started mercilessly pounding into him
you shouldn't have taken the bait so easily
he kept fucking ensnaring you
instead of silencing him the move had the opposite effect
he let slip strings of curses in his own tongue and yours
your balls slapped against his ass and his own cock would keep spraying precum in a vague instinct to breed
it didn't take long to realize you were an active participant in this now
he did this though
you were left with no choice
God would understand
”that's it,” he screamed out, “that's it.”
the kingdom seemed deathly quiet
between the silence and the echoes of your bodies slapping together there was nothing to focus on but him
he demanded your attention
even while pinned under you he had the authority here
you hated to admit that but it was the truth
the bat king was on top even if he wasn't
his hands scratched against the antique throne
a line of kings all led to this?
the whole chamber was focused on him
that wet tight heat was tempting you again
you hate to admit to being a sodomite now
but you'd escape
get absolved of your sins with penitence
you were trying to ignore how his body clung to you
how it fought to hold you
this shouldn't be happening
but it was
and a small part of you was into it
Ipyana kept demanding
he yelled out how you needed to show you were a man
not some worthless eunuch
red half lidded eyes challenged yours even while you fucked him into his family's sign of authority
this goddamn seductive demon of a man
you started thinking about how he started all this
he tempted you
it couldn't have been your fault
your cock pumped in and out as he licked his teeth
this bat had been sent to test you
and you were failing because the way his body embraced you was making it hard to reason
his curves were distinctly masculine
but just womanly enough you could catch yourself staring at his hips
yet he refused to completely submit
the defiance in his eyes made your blood run hotter
how dare he
playing coy like this
you went harder on his poor hole and that only made him taunt and curse you further
”faster, faster,” he groaned
with the bat wings unfurled and his blazing eyes you looked like you were laying with a demon
but this wasn't the creature from your nightmares
when he screamed and convulsed you froze
you had no idea what was happening to him
at least for the brief moment before Ipyana shot ropes of white from his cock
the first burst hit him in the face, with each load weakening
his own climax wasn't even finished when he angrily demanded you continue
so that's what that was
you didn't know men could do that from… this
that looked intense
but calling you “balless” went back to pissing you off
who did he think he was talking to you like that?
he traps you in all this
forces you do do all this
goddamn temptress of a heathen king
you yanked him damn near off the throne and he scrambled to hold onto the armrests
you pounded away like an animal
he didn't seem to regret leading you on like this
the bat screamed and another orgasm ripped through his body
he lunged forward and you were wrapped completely in leathery wings
”sit on the throne,” he weakly demanded
even when fatigued he wanted to be assertive
you were exhausted and didn't mind taking a break
not that you would get one
Ipyana was ravenous and you were held hostage
you accepted that
for now
you just needed to endear yourself a little more and that would be your opening
Ipyana rode you with all the fervor of a bareback horse breaking
how was he still this lecherous?
after two bouts he should be exhausted
his hips worked hard as he forcefully slammed down upon your lap
”why did you stop moving? are those legs broken?”
the ragged query was demanding your attention
but you'd gotten a good look over his shoulder at this underground kingdom
some continued to watch
some had decided to quietly vent their lusts by themselves
some even joined each other
the slaves were actively participating
despite their role the batmen and women seemed happy to allow the humans free reign here
it was slowly turning into an orgy
the whole damn kingdom was a cesspit and the humans were indulging it
what the hell was going on here
Ipyana shoved his face in front of yours
”if you don't move and stop staring I will take those eyes.”
you didn't know how much weight his threats carried but you began to thrust your hips to meet his own
his wings tightly enveloped you in warmth
when you finally came it was unlike anything you felt
Ipyana rode your orgasm through another of his own
only then did he relent, deciding to indulge in your blood again
you didn't know if this was some long plan to drain you to death
your blood on his snout and your seed leaking from around your union
the throne and the chamber was a mess and you were exhausted
he kissed along your neck and commanded you to rest
it was difficult with the chair as stiff as it was but you managed to somehow pass out from exhaustion or blood loss
possibly both
the next few weeks saw a change of sorts
Ipyana overnight had decided to go easy on you
he wasn't some gentle soul
you made no mistake of thinking that
he still barked orders to his subjects
openly, he was still very possessive
but there was less of an edge to it
he didn't make threats against you any more and he seemed to regard you with more affection
both in public and private
every night he'd curl up with you and expect some hedonistic reward for all he'd done
you didn't so how the place operated in all honesty
reminded you of the horror stories you'd read of ancient Roman empires
you hated to admit you were enjoying the company in bed
God wouldn't forgive it most likely
you had ensured you were going to hell
not like you were given many options
but the bat's mood had changed
perhaps he indeed believed the two of you to be newlyweds
one night, after what ended up being two hours of sex in all manner of position, he mumbled sweet nothings
his fingers delicately traced circles across your chest
you were allowing him to do this
you could stop it
”how would you like a statue?”
this king asks this out of the blue
why in God's name would you want a statue?
”good. I didn't want you to be too eager.”
the bat was blissfully unaware that you weren't happy here
or he was deliberately ignoring it
more than that
it was an instinct you picked up
the atmosphere of the kingdom
just how it seemed to you
so you point blank asked a question in return
was he scared of his own kingdom?
Ipyana was so quick to rush to threats
you had noticed that since you came here
resorting to violence first to maintain authority
it was a flimsy attempt at holding control
you'd sailed on ships with captains like that
eager to bark out promises of keelhauling
and you knew where it came from
inexperience with power and fear
they'd never admit it, of course
but you'd seen it
a mutiny in the making
thankfully, you'd steer clear of such ships after being on them once
better to wait out things at a port for a better ship than go along with a disaster in the making
Ipyana was always threatening dismemberment
and just like you thought, he denied being afraid
he scoffed at the notion
so you brought it up
his threats
do the kings in his country normally have to threaten bloodshed?
you brought up all the times he was going to dismember you
and that stunned him for a moment
did he really think you wanted to be his husband?
you were crossing into dangerous territory
but escape seemed to be impossible now
why not throw all caution to the wind?
he pinned you by your shoulders to the bed and glared at you
”you don't mean that.”
it was a command
his voice was low
and his eyes stared into your soul
hell, maybe none of his subjects actually liked him
you knew you were pushing your luck
one more possible nail in your coffin came out more scathing than you may have intended
he had to kidnap a lover after all
his eyes went wide
you couldn't read his face at first
he wanted challenge
you pointed that out
did he really want a challenge?
because he sure didn't seem to want that
he snorted at the accusation thrown down in front of him like a glove
he held no real authority because all he could do was rule through fear
and you pointed out, you didn't fear him
not anymore
”maybe you should,” he retorted as he pinned you as hard as he could
he should just kill you and be done with it
you were just a toy right?
he didn't want any challenge
you scoffed in his face
he couldn't handle a real challenge
all talk
he rattled his braids as he angrily shook his head
he was king
this was nonsense and you were going to stop speaking it
fear wasn't going to make you want to stay here
”then what will?” he shouted down at you
it is earned
a good leader would know that
a good king would know that
did his family not teach him a damn thing?
whatever god may have given him the office
but it was up to him to hold it
he remarked again, his hand going to your forehead
”what is going to make you actually stay? I demand you tell me!”
if he had to making demands he already failed
you has no idea how to be king
but you knew how respect worked
maybe he had never heard of the concept
”so I get this respect and you stay?”
why was he that concerned about his pet staying?
”what part of the husband don't you understand? I thought you spoke this ‘English’.”
you used your now free hand to pull his away from your face
you didn't understand why he seemed upset
just why did it matter that much?
”your duty demands you stay.”
you objected but he silenced you with a kiss
why did you give him free reign?
you weren't scared of him now
his tongue was clumsy
given how he was your only partner you really didn't have much to compare him to
but you could tell his composure was gone at the moment
just why did he want you to stay?
he really could have gotten anyone if he wanted a pet
he broke the kiss
”we exchanged vows, you gave me the necklace of your ancestor and I gave you mine.”
that wasn't quite what the cross meant
but you doubted this was the time and place
his hand released your wrist and his wing embraced your neck
”I've tasted you…”
he had lost a lot of his bluster
perhaps you struck a nerve
he needed to hear that
it made you feel a little guilty when he attempted to nuzzle his snout into your neck
you didn't know how his lineage acted, or how these savage kings usually worked
but he needed to command respect, not fear
you could tell he was thinking about your words
for a moment he wasn't focused on you
the bat was normally impulsive
for the moment he actually looked pensive
you didn't expect him to listen
why did you care if he did though?
you didn't want to be here
did you?
as much as Ipyana defied everything you thought was right, he had a magnetism to him
you didn't want to admit it
he was another man and not even human
between that and his hostility, you should feel nothing
there was a certain draw to the thing you couldn't explain
you'd courted before but it never really went too far
the sea and adventure would call again
and they'd let you go
yet this one, this man wouldn't accept that
it was bizarre
you didn't want to be here but he refused to listen
but now instead of just forcing you he was actually thinking
you could see the look in his eyes was troubled
he hadn't been so blatantly denied before this
Ipyana had bewitched you somehow because you were actually humoring him
you were miserable here but something in you was thinking it didn't have to be like that
God would see this as an affront
but you'd sinned
nothing changed that
as much as you could blame him there was part of you that enjoyed this
you'd rather do than admit that openly
mentally you were still struggling with the idea
you wanted to hate yourself and everything about this
curse this whole heathen kingdom
but a selfish part of you didn't mind settling down
it was a lot to process
both of your mind were a conflicted mess
Ipyana had never known any other way to lead
he was king
now his husband wanted respect
but that wasn't right, was it?
the kingdom took what it wanted
he had taken this man as his
but fear only seemed to have fleeting power if he could only keep his husband under his thumb for so long
he wanted to keep you around
fine, he would try things your way
for now
he'd make you stay one way or another
you saw the assurance return to his face
he released you and rolled onto his back next to you
he promised to himself he would make you stay
you'd want to, he promised
the next morning he was affectionate
just like he had been
but he was actually pleasant to the servants
he seemed to thank them
they hid their shock but you could tell the girls were just waiting for the catch
but he was warm to them the whole time
not to the extent he was to you
and it came off as a genuine
he didn't initially cling to you in the morning and he allowed you to have space as you were bathed
you couldn't tell his language but his tone was completely different
did he actually listen to you?
you were suspicious about his change of heart
he couldn't have just changed overnight
heathen would probably revert right back to habit
why did you care if he improved his reputation?
you should be looking for an out
getting away
but what would you do when you escaped?
you thought about it
this kingdom felt… strange
not like the place was welcoming
you never really felt comfortable anywhere
but Ipyana was attempting to impress you
which was more than some of the women you courted had done
you were still a captive here
he could promise all the kingdoms he'd want
you knew of no kingdom with two men ruling it
you were a curiosity to these people
as soon as Ipyana had fun with his toy he'd return to being a despot
the day was the usual
you felt shocked when he didn't use you as a throne
he let you sit where you wanted while he conducted business
and while his tone was formal it lacked a lot of bite from previous meetings
what was he up to?
when you were back behind closed doors he spun on you
”so you'll want to stay now, yes?”
that's what this was about
did he just pretend to be pleasant to people to convince you he'd change?
”it wasn't pretend. I just thought about how I treat you and then applied it to others.”
he approached and fondled your balls
”with an exception.”
he grinned for a moment and the smile dropped when he saw he got no reaction
”I did what you asked.”
that was true
but that wasn't just a one day thing
he would have to be a fair ruler all the time
”I can do that. now please, stay. our bed awaits.”
two fingers did that circular rub underneath your balls
you hated to admit he somehow knew his way around a man
perhaps the royal family just teaches that
wouldn't shock you at this rate
you brought up that if he was just going through the motions to impress you it didn't count
”yes, yes. I must be genuine. if I was dishonest with myself, you'd see that.”
you didn't know if he was joking around with you
he was telling you what you wanted to hear
was that all this was in an attempt to bed you?
he pressed against your taint and smiled at the grunt you made
”I tell my husband no lies. just like he tells me no lie.”
just what in the hell did he mean by that?
since when did you lie?
”every time we lay together I can tell you lie to yourself.”
he nuzzled up to your neck as he closed for his kill
his free hand pressed to your heart
”you love this.”
the fur was smooth against your bare skin
”you may not say it but you love this. deny me as you might.”
his confidence was back
you wanted to harshly deny his accusation
but you could have shoved him off
instead, you let him huff the nape of your neck
you allowed him to palm you
man, a beast man at that, and you were allowing this
”you can only deny your feelings for so long, yes?”
two fingers tapped against your taint again
as if to punctuate the statement
you glanced down at his cheeky toothy smile
you offered a protest about both you being men
he proposed a counter offer
”if that bothers you that much, I will be your ‘wife’ behind closed doors.”
he moved to stroke the erection you were failing to hide
”see, you love the idea.”
he giggled as his arm wrapped around you and his palm skimmed over your bare back
”we are kings outside here though.”
he was insistent of that
we are kings
you pondered over that phrase
God might not forgive you, you thought to yourself
your hands were squeezing his ass no sooner after you finished musing over that
you hated to admit it but he was right you'd spent this time conflicted
he was attractive
you hated that he was having any effect on you but he was
but God hadn't punished you for this
you'd done right by Him before
maybe this wasn't nearly as bad as you first thought?
Ipyana had you bargaining with God over this
he was winning
you sighed
it was hard to deny his accusation
you'd worried for a while about being hellbound
it was very likely
but perhaps this wasn't the certifiable sentence you initially thought
you'd done God's work before this
perhaps you could explain yourself when you stood before Him
ask for any forgiveness
for now, your body felt the pull your brain was trying to wrestle with
he embraced you and you returned the favor
you didn't think calling him wife would matter much
not like God could be fooled
when you sat down on the bed he immediately crawled into your lap
he looked proud of his victory
you didn't count this as his victory
you didn't know what to call it
Ipyana nestled his face into the nape of your neck
you were still conflicted but he was offering arguments
Ipyana would have normally engaged in sadism
taunted you about giving in
he didn't
he embraced you
the bat king was affectionate
he'd definitely softened to you
soft licks along your bare neck perked you up
his wings slid around your back
his body rubbed against yours and he quietly murmured into your ear
”you pride yourself on your sword, yes?”
you had a feeling he wasn't speaking about the blade by your bedside
maybe, you reasoned with yourself…
what if you considered this a way to perform His work
would it really be sinning if you brought God's word here?
escape was far from your mind now
you could affect positive change
a rare opportunity
you'd stay
not that you'd tell that directly to Ipyana
lest you give him something to gloat about
now this was a mission
you wouldn't purge them
not that you could anyways
this was strange, but you'd adapt
then they would adapt to you
you hoped
until then, perhaps this wasn't the worst
you laid back on the bed and the bat king took that as a sign
maybe you could accept kingship
you'd walked so many miles
sailed many seas
would a crown really fit?
it felt alien to compromise like this
but this tribe could benefit from you
that's what you eventually told yourself
over the years you'd traveled hard and fought hard
you'd seen far worse than this tribe in the mountains of France or the bogs of England
but Ipyana, he wasn't a monster
he wasn't the vampire queen spoken in hushed whispers among the river tribes
perhaps, at one point his people could have been a threat but you'd ended up declawing it
even before then, all the rumors were partly a scheme to get some foolhardy hero down here
you'd answered the call an ended up taking care of the problem a way you hardly expected
that night, the king was very eager to share
that night you finally came around to the offer
perhaps you were sinning
but you'd be forgiven for wanting to finally rest and still do some good
you'd stepped into the jungle
eager to confront the danger
a year later and you were king
it still made you do a double take when you heard someone call you that
except for Ipyana
your initial spite and later reservations were gone
distant unpleasant memories like those nightmares you had first viewing this place
he was no longer a nightmare
in fact, he'd actually decided he liked being a proper king
his people had a hard time accepting Ipyana was no longer the tyrant they knew
your remarks about how he had no real authority hit him hard
he desired real power
told you repeatedly
you suspected the urge wasn't completely noble
but offered a firm guiding hand regardless
your outside experience was a benefit and he started listening
you were dealing with a kingdom that hadn't even seen the seas
when you started telling him stories he would start getting aroused at the violence
his bloodlust was eager, even with your efforts to quell it
quelling it perhaps wasn't the best word for it
you'd learned to be honest yourself
while you'd done good, you knew you'd have a lot to answer for when you died
so you had decided the damage was already done in that regard and just lived with it
perhaps God made you to desire the company of this man
you couldn't speak for Him but you didn't feel like a prisoner down here any more
Ipyana had decided to take up modesty to please you a little
it wasn't much, a tunic he'd had fashioned with purple dyes
he gave you the same clothes as well
what finally convinced him was how intimate undressing could be
he liked seeing your eyes gravitate to him when he stripped
in the bedchamber he rarely wore anything except far more jewelry
trinkets gifted to him
by his subjects
they no longer feared him and he no longer threatened them
he'd attained real power
respect that he could command
there were a few that still didn't like him but he was doing a wonderful job changing his image
with any luck opinion would completely change about him
he was becoming an actual leader
however, trying to discourage the orgies in the throne room didn't seem to take
as reserved as the tunic made him appear he insisted that the royalty adhere to some tradition
he had a ritual planned for your anniversary and you knew exactly what that would entail
one would believe an anniversary would bring up feelings from when you first married
they'd be right
Ipyana was the plotter
you knew this
he wasn't completely defanged
so when he spoke to his subjects here and there in his native tongue in hushed tones you knew it was something
you'd learned some of his language
not enough for fluent conversation but enough to pick out words
the cultural exchange was going both ways
some had learned English
hell, some even converted due to your diligence
initially, Ipyana did not like that idea
his tribe had a pagan tradition that dated in centuries
you'd honor that as long as he honored your tradition
as time passed he held out on converting but some decided they wanted to hear what you said
he at least understood the meaning of the necklace you gave him better
in exchange you at least listened to him about his ancestors and why the necklace you gave him was important
only fair
you were… a missionary
that's what you told yourself
you submerged yourself into the tribe for that whole reason
you tended to gloss over the selfish reasons in your mind
waking up and seeing Ipyana quietly basked in the glow of torchlight
his gentle caresses
how sweetly he called you king
the feral side coming out when his teeth were on your neck
it was a complicated relationship but you felt more right with God if you convinced yourself you were doing work for Him
you grew to love the bat
he had a charm
of all the ladies your courted none challenged you
he offered that
being with a man felt more equal
more respect from each party
despite playing the role of woman in bed he was not content to be passive
he demanded your passion
so the ticking off every day until the anniversary had you more and more nervous
he was still a hungry little deviant and you really had trouble turning him down nowadays
there was a sneaking suspicion Ipyana might have rather debased ideas around the anniversary
despite the secrecy it was an easy guess
it was funny to think at one point you feared his surprises
you knew he meant no harm now
so you just tried to relax despite it all
when the day came you were shocked to see him in clothes already
normally it was struggle to see him off in his tunic in the morning
he had breakfast for you and sat back on the bed to present it to you
he drew attention to his hair
the braids on his head only got longer since you'd known him
he liked when you pulled his hair and grew it out further just for that
beads and metal rings decorated it
more trinkets of appreciation from the subjects
he'd really grown into a proper king
blood sausage was plated with bread
oats and fruit too
he handed you a big meal
you knew the exact intent behind that
he wanted your strength up
you enjoyed the meal while he clung to your back
only once you finished the oatmeal did he speak up
”was the taste to your liking?”
it was oats?
”I added something the shamans gave me,” he purred as your face fell
”don't be like that.”
he could read your worry
”just a little ‘convincing’. not that you need it.”
sure enough, your skin started warming up
it was noticeable
he'd drugged you
”I drugged us,” he corrected
the way he cooed didn't at all reassure you
just what did he mean?
”I took a little drink then gave you the rest. I wanted you full of energy so the big meal was perfect.”
you glared over your shoulder at him
”oh don't give me that look. it's harmless.”
you would have preferred to know what you were fed
he kept his arms over your shoulders and smiled
he reassured you it wasn't a poison
just a little boost
why did you need a boost?
at that his smile grew wider
that was his only reply and you did not trust it
he patted you on the back and took the bowls away
”take your time getting cleaned up. perhaps a cold bath may help?”
well, he didn't lose any of his confidence since you'd met him
this didn't inspire yours
after he left you took care of all the morning necessities and made a discovery
your skin felt like every little brush against it was amplified
it was distracting to bathe
whatever he'd fed you was constantly bombarding your senses
you felt like your whole body was on fire despite the water
getting dressed was a challenge
even while he wasn't here he was teasing you
if that was his intent then he succeeded
you sought him out
after a while he trusted you and you became comfortable here
so roaming the halls by yourself did happen
to think, a year ago you'd have used this as your chance to escape
instead, you were rushing to his side
you had gone from hating him to finding comfort in him
his body taunted you
more importantly his mind challenged you and his heart comforted you
you hadn't felt this connection with a woman
maybe God worked in mysterious ways
you tried to ignore the heat coursing through your body
stepping outside of the chamber and you noticed how quiet the halls were
more so than usual
you went to the throne room
and it was empty
you smelled the scent Ipyana usually sprayed on himself
it was a citrus scent
he'd been here
a wooden box sat on the throne
your name inscribed on it
you figured it was best to open it
it was a replica of your pistol
but different
”Ipyana” was carved into the ivory on the handle
the steel was a little rougher than your pistol
the craftsmanship was still amazing all things considered
a small cross dangled from the bottom of the handle
under the gun was a note
”it's not loaded and I'm hunting you. love, yours eternally.”
he's… hunting you
instantly your eyes went to the ceiling
of course he wouldn't try the same strategy twice
you slid the pistol in your tunic belt
maybe you would just head back to the bed chamber
a year ago you'd be panicking
instead you sought the bedroom you shared with Ipyana
this game was ridiculous
you peeked out the hallway
no one
where was he?
the suspense was killing you
hopefully that would be the only thing killing you
despite the gun being unloaded you still held your hand over it
it was security
you didn't expect the bedchamber to be barred
Ipyana wasn't keen on letting you skip the chase, it seemed
so you'd play along
you'd gotten familiar with the kingdom's layout since you first came here
however, you were dealing with someone raised here
every dark corner was a prospective ambush point
you probably weren't getting much help from the subjects
they'd stopped being slaves in your eyes after a while
the human population seemed to take to this place
especially after Ipyana's change of heart
you noticed more than one bat and human couple over the year
Ipyana and you weren't exceptions
despite all that, they'd side with whatever weird game the bat had planned
you stalked through the tunnels and the nostalgia of it all hit you
the drug coursing through you heightened your senses
every soft little breeze through the caves
the dripping water in your bathing basin
the hot breath on your neck
you spun
the faint smell of citrus lingered
pistol drawn, you heart was a drumbeat that only grew in intensity
you were being hunted
you had to remember that
slowly, you made your way through the tunnels
the game would end with either him or you catching the other
to what end, you didn't know
but Ipyana was lustful and, honestly, after this chase so were you
the adrenaline from the hunt and the drug meant you'd have no pure intentions with your quarry
he'd better have lube on hand
of course he would but both him and you were getting into this game of cat and mouse and you didn't think you would be able to help yourself
the anticipation felt like torture
your husband decided to draw out the game as much as a possible
the corridors were no longer the maze from a year ago
you would turn on your heel when you heard something rush through the air
he was toying around
you hadn't done something like this in some time
the stalking
one might even say your new crown made you soft
you hadn't picked up your sword or pistol in a year
you rounded another corner with your gun drawn
your instincts returned to you as you crept through the tunnels
flapping down one branch of the caves
had to be him flying
you quietly dashed into the dark
deeper and deeper into the subterranean city
you went deeper and deeper
the hunt was exciting you
you bet it was doing the same for him
the hunt persisted for hours
the corridors got darker the deeper you went
your foot caught something
a tunic
you raised it up to your eye
in the dark you couldn't exactly tell the color but you had a good guess
he left you a trail
once more you were stepping into the snare
you were capable now
Ipyana would have no surprises left…
you heard running water further down
that would cover your approach
he knew you were coming though
just like a year ago
you put the gun back in your belt and crept along until you came to a massive cave entrance
the water was so loud and you finally understood why
within the mountain kingdom there was a massive waterfall
you'd never been this deep and Ipyana never mentioned it
speaking of…
you pulled the pistol and casually pointed it near the cave roof
dark or not you knew full well he'd come down from above
he was a bat after all
two gleaming eyes opened up in the void above you and white teeth flashed in a smile
”took you long enough.”
he swooped down and in one graceful motion grabbed your head with his thighs and gently knock you over
his wings lessened the impact against the cave floor
the bat decided your face was a perch and you glared up at him between his legs
he smiled, completely unashamed
he wiggled down on your face
you could have thrown him off but didn't
”I could trade out my old throne for this one, yes?”
despite the fur you could tell he was as flushed as you
he felt like fire on your skin
he lifted up his legs and spun around on your face to give you the view of his back
what was he scheming?
”keep your mouth busy and I'll do the same.”
he wasted no time ripping your tunic up and devouring your cock in one smooth motion
you grunted against his crotch in your face and he shivered at the sensation
he pressed it harder against your face
you palmed the bat king's generous ass with your hands
he was sloppily throating you
you nipped at his thighs and he moaned into your crotch
you kissed at his body and his reactions were almost as good as what he was doing to your dick
good enough to tempt you to barbarism
damn near forgot about the lord with what Ipyana's tongue was doing
both of you were tangled like that in the dark
the waterfall overpowered all the wet noises you two were making
to think, you'd be doing such things
but the drug coursing through you was driving you into a frenzy
the drug had both of you already at your limits and eager
that hunt was foreplay and you'd had your fill of waiting
it was still strange to kiss his manhood
he had no such reservations, but you still hesitated when you did it
you still managed to get him to shoot his load into your mouth all the same
he violently throated you until you blew your load into his hungry muzzle
the whole act lasted only a few minutes
that drug was a hell of a thing because your head was swimming
Ipyana savored the sensation before he sat up
he smothered you, content in his new seat
right now, your lust wasn't satisfied
fair bet was he felt the same
he gripped your hair with one of his hands
you could throw him off right now
his cocky glance down at you would get rewarded though
the taste, touch and smell was all you could focus your mind on
what did he intend?
when he smashed his ass hard against your face
he was taunting you
an idea hit
perhaps exactly what the bat intended
”I cleaned up befohmygod.”
your tongue reduced his words to a groan
his claws gripped your hair as his body leaned back
the little tail above his ass flicked as his cock throbbed to life instantly
normally you wouldn't even think of such a thing but you carried on with a deep hunger
it was all preparation for the main event
Ipyana got lost in moment
just recklessly indulging
this was unseemly but you were past the point of concern for that
he climaxed from your tongue again and again
you clamped your hands around his thick thighs
he began pleading with you to stop
his body quivered as him balls emptied across your stomach
eventually, you listened and let him go
he collapsed forward
his body was loose as he draped over you and recovered
you had to scoff at the mighty king being overwhelmed
he weakly shot back that he'd make you beg for mercy
in a moment
after he regained his strength he decided to impale himself on you
it was unceremonious
very him
for a king, he had a disdain for formalities when he could have what he wanted
those eyes glared down
red coals in the vast twilight
you once feared those eyes
now you mirrored the frenzied desires
you were still hesitant about a crown
but not this
not Ipyana
down here you could growl his name without worry while you slammed hips together
his wings slid over you as he held himself up against your chest
when you came in him he didn't stop
he was hungry
and he'd said he'd make you beg after all
the king wasn't a liar
your tunic was long forgotten
might have ended up in the water
you were as exposed as Adam once was
was this hole in the ground your Eden
you were still bargaining with the lord, hoping he'd forgive you in the end
you lost count of how long both of you went but by the end of it you were sure any further would be costly
you didn't really care to die so soon, despite the pleasant circumstances
the bat collapsed onto you, your hearts almost in sync as hammering drumbeats
he was weary
but satisfied
despite you not begging
his ass almost did it though
you wrapped your arms around him as the cascading water provided a steady rhythm to your drums
the drug was working its way out of your systems
all but the burning heat
you kissed him in the dark and those two rubies vanished as he closed his eyes to sleep on you
the night of your anniversary was a momentous one
once you recovered from your aches and pains, both of you laid there in the dark
he had plans for the kingdom
your kingdom
part of it involved this chamber
it was strange to see him speaking of politics and logistics while your seed dripped out of him, but he was excited
you'd never seen him this enthusiastic
”we are going to form a dynasty,” he slowly gestured to the ceiling before wearily laying his winged arm back around you
a dynasty
but heirs?
”small matter,” he countered
he was a man
”empires need not be blood related.”
so adopting an heir?
what if someone challenged his rule with another heir?
”that's why we adopt multiple. I was thinking one of mine and one of yours.”
but won't there be disputes down the road?
”not if they marry.”
so he was talking about taking orphans and putting them in an arranged marriage
not the most barbaric practice
not tied to bloodlines
less of a claim
neither of you would be producing bastards that could mess up the claim to the throne though
so it might go unchallenged
he brought up becoming further isolationist
digging deeper into the mountains
using the tribes above as a cover for the kingdom deeper still
you wouldn't be the last explorer
that was true
but how?
he pointed behind the waterfall
no one came this far down into the kingdom for sometime
at one point royal decree prevented it
what Ipyana found behind the waterfall made him curse that decree
the royal family had decided once upon a time to decree this area forbidden
there was a cave past the waterfall
it went deep
deeper than anyone knew
cave fungus lit up the deepest caverns, some of which went untouched for centuries
what was down there was the reason for the royal family to seal it
pools of water that knitted wounds and cured disease
even extended life
the family did have a point
a civilization would use such a thing as a crutch
become addicted to it
you served a cautious balance to Ipyana's enthusiasm
but his proposal was simple
allow the humans to have the vast kingdom above and keep digging out deeper below
he guided you miles below ground to more discoveries
his was not the first civilization down here
the pools were only the beginning of the wonders
shadowed golden halls
the bat king drug you along for weeks down there
his kingdom could take care of itself, he saw to that before leaving
you two were the only one's partaking of the drug he'd been given
he predicted a baby boom months from this event
it was only when he found the seat of the ancient kingdom's rule did he stop
naked as the day he was born, he ascended golden steps
you could not see past your torch but he never needed it
the tribe forbid all these secrets
locked them away
Ipyana enjoyed the liberation of this
he felt a surge through him as he touched the throne
this was his now
a golden land of ghosts
and his father said it was to be safeguarded
well, the old king had died
poisoned by his concubine
Ipyana though
he was smart
he hadn't fallen for some dancing girl
he took what was his
red eyes locked onto you in the dark
he was seizing what his by right as king
this was his
you were his
dark thoughts played in his head as he pictured himself feeding off you, gorging off your blood in the healing pools indefinitely
subsisting for eternity off your life
fueled by your blood and seed
it was owed to him
your life
your manhood pulsing inside him as you forever locked into him
he could have all of it
not die worthless in some bed like his father
Ipyana shivered
he was observing himself as those dark intrusive thoughts kept growing
teeth on your jugular as he tried producing his own heir with your cock
it had been so long
”come,” the bat commanded to you at the foot of the golden steps
you were naked as the day you were born too
the pistol had been left at the waterfall
not that it did you any good
unloaded as it was
was this part of the game?
you addressed him by name
”I will not say it again, husband.”
so many secrets down here
your feet carried you up the stairs
a bloody handed kingdom dwelled here
terrible and ancient
it gripped Ipyana the moment he touched the throne
your pace stopped
green eyes
he didn't wait for your approach any more
Ipyana charged down at you
the bat gnashed his teeth at you in the dark
words quickly vanished in a rabid flurry
your time in the kingdom make you soft but not harmless
vampire hunting in the Slavic mountains made you used to wrestling something like this
you had no idea what came over the bat but you refused to let whatever held sway over him to stay
you yanked him into an armlock and he still tried biting
this wasn't even the monster from your nightmares
a beast
you thought about how the holiday down here went so wrong
you were just fine until you got to that damned throne
so you escorted the bat away
your grip held true as you pulled him back
despite struggling in the dark you took time to focus your thoughts by praying aloud
anything you could think of
this had unholy taint to it
Ipyana and his people were just people
whatever was down here was something else
you bellowed out prayers as you held the clawing and biting thing that was your husband moments before
you refused to let him go while you had the hold on him
this seemed like outright trying to kill you
not the usual toying
and you had no intention of dying down here
when you ran out of christian prayers you turned to what sacred words Ipyana taught you in his tongue
anything to stop this madness
Ipyana struggled hard
but you wouldn't relent
the further from the throne the harder the thrashing
like a cornered animal
after falling back enough Ipyana seemed to be freed from the grip of whatever had hurt him like this
you were covered in scratches and bites
he'd nicked you so many times you could feel the blood on your skin
he seemed to go limp
you got worried but still carried him farther away
you had no intention of hanging around that throne
the dying torch in the distance shrunk more and more
you will leave this accursed city to its fate
you kept praying for Ipyana
hoping the whatever lurked in the city hadn't claimed him
his plans for expansion needed to be dismissed
you would hope he saw reason afterwards
he mumbled something but you clamped your hand over his muzzle
you'd heard shuffling in the silence
you weren't alone
you held your breath
in scrambling away you'd made plenty of noise
you stood there, naked in the shadows
Ipyana was out cold
at least you prayed that was what happened
whatever demonic taint had a radius
you hoped you'd merely severed the connection
you released him and put him on your back
you needed out of here
whatever Ipyana's family had decreed it was the correct response
this was the place that needed to be purged
you'd spent so long in this city it would be a challenge to find a route out but standing in the dark waiting to be killed
you looked over and saw your torch snuffed out
it was time to go
you quietly made your way away
it was hard to remember where the route was but you kept going forward
running around in a panic would only attract unwanted attention and get you lost further
your eyes would eventually adjust to the dark
you just needed to give it a while
hopefully you had that much time
a low rumble reverberated from the direction you came from
you refused to look in that direction
just carried on forward
you'd seen strange things before
but this city was beginning to feel more and more sinister
once more you'd walked into a snare
Ipyana had had such high hopes for this place
you silently prayed as you carried him on your back
you weren't going to die here
it had taken a week to explore most of the place you could see
Ipyana had supplies stockpiled for you two as part of the surprise at the waterfall
those had been burned through
you needed your gun and sword
running blind
this cursed city
may God take it
the place was cursed
you couldn't explain it
didn't want to
you just needed out
he found that water that almost seemed like the fabled fountain the Iberians spoke of
it was too good to be true
what if the water was cursed
what if what was down here could never truly die because of it
you had no time to ponder it
shuffling feet all around you
instead of dashing around you slowly shuffled as well
they wouldn't suspect you were just a man
with any hope
you spent what felt like hours walking
it may have even been a day
Ipyana definitely awoke something with that throne
you were afraid to stay in one spot
he hadn't woken up
he was warm against your back but the unresponsive king troubled you
those deathless demons no doubt circled you, allowing no real time to rest
you were defenseless save for your fists
you didn't know how much good fisticuffs would be
after what had to be a day on your feet you came to a staircase
it was not familiar but it led away from the city
you ascended slowly, the shuffling behind you growing
their slow pursuit seemed to have located you
you stepped on a rock and it gave you an idea
you set down Ipyana gently so you could heave the stone as far as possible
the clatter had the shuffling recede from you
Ipyana clung to your leg, nearly making you scream out
you weren't proud to admit that but it did frighten you
you looked him in his groggy eyes
rubies in the dark
he was your Ipyana
the bat was still tired and you picked him up
you whispered that he needed to stay silent
he nuzzled against your neck and let you carry on
heading up the stairs, you heard little behind you
the rock seemed to have done it
the stairs were laborious, neverending
running off no rest meant it was getting harder and harder to take each step
Ipyana drifted in and out of consciousness
he was seeing things that weren't
it was like he was watching things from the outside
not like he could formulate any words to you
he continued to experience what he realized was the waterfall
it was a bunch of bats watching the water cascade
screams echoed from the other side of the water
but they grew no closer
one of the bat's was clearly in charge
Ipyana realized he was probably looking at his ancestor
they spoke amongst each other as green fire slammed against the water
shamans had sealed the city
everything within the city was damned and they needed to block it off and forbid it
Ipyana realized his foolish ambitions in disregarding his family's degree
he would do better
if only you two survived
your climb was getting harder
every step was getting heavier
the shuffling had returned to the bottom of the steps
you didn't dare look back
you heard water above too
Ipyana clung tightly to your back, his fur a soft distraction to the fear you faced
he was with you
in the bat king's arrogance he'd nearly doomed his kingdom the same way his ancestors nearly did
but in hearing them converse, he knew how to stop this
the things that stalked the city were sealed off by the tribe's shamans and he just needed to shake off the spell
the thing from the throne was a hateful all consuming wretch
he couldn't describe what it was in words
the kingdom had used the healing waters to cheat death for eternity
but the water was a trap
sometimes death was a grim necessity
the mind can only take so much before it breaks
what lurks in the dark is enslaved by the mad spirit that reigns here
the curse was old before the Egyptians built their tombs
and it only grew in the shadows
Ipyana was mentally fighting to tell you a message
one simple stupid word
the green fire held back his words tried to block out his ancestors guiding hand
what he was seeing in his past was being barricaded by a thick fog
this thing forcibly cut the king off from his history with a great struggle
you had been right to pull him away
the farther the distance the weaker the possession
it couldn't directly puppet the king any more but the mind was still malleable from even this distance
it knew where he was
while it's slaves couldn't be directly commanded they still shuffled up the stairs towards the source of noise and possible warmth
your chase was slow and plodding
but you heard it
water ahead
you stomped harder up the stairs
breathing heavy, you knew if you stopped you'd be dead
you finally climbed to the top
even in the dark you could hear a river
it churned through the caves and you bet it connected to the waterfall
you didn't have time to think
you clutched Ipyana tightly as you dove in
the next few moments were a blur
you were carried down river and thrown off the falls
the splash down hurt but you held the bat firmly and surfaced quickly
there was your gun and your clothes
Ipyana was placed on the cave floor face down
you didn't need him choking on water after all this
he had a pulse
that was good news
you looked to the waterfall
the river above it had to be massive to had never seen those steps near the entrance
the size was insane
you climbed up and nearly jumped back when the bat clamped his hand around your wrist
”water,” he weakly mumbled
you went to cup some for him and he shook his head
Ipyana shook his head
his advice had come too late
thankfully, you'd taken the risk and dove in
the shamans used running water to locked the deathless things away
they couldn't cross that
the bat was weak but seemed himself
you pulled on your tunic and holstered your firearm
you scooped up your king, hoping those things wouldn't pursue
Ipyana held you tight and the first words he could get out was an apology
you carried him away from that hell hole
the next day he was back to full strength
he ran his fingers over the wounds he'd inflicted
remorse was easy to read in his eyes
but that wasn't him
he apologized again for the trip down there
his ambitions could have killed you both
but you gushed him
it was a mistake you'd learned from
you pulled him into your embrace in bed
the rest of the kingdom had settled back in after the festivities
you did bring up the idea of carrying your arms again
you'd love to teach the tribe about gunpowder after seeing the craftsmanship with the new gun
”so you approved?”
you loved it
they'd apparently learned to mimic the mechanics from taking apart and putting together your gun
the dead city below would meet steel and fire if the water ever dried up
”I wanted to give you immortality,” he remarked in a defeated tone
well, judging by what was down there, immortality wasn't a gift
besides, there was always heaven
”tell me more about this ‘heaven’.”
you weren't expecting genuine interest but he sounded intrigued
a decade was gone in the blink of an eye
Ipyana had led his tribe into a new golden age
with your support
instead of digging deeper as originally planned, the tribe swelled and spilled back out into the jungles
the bats, formerly isolationist, now were entrenched in the human society around their borders
you advised him how to handle trade when more Europeans came
the reactions his tribe got were mixed but at least on pocket of the continent was fiercely independent
perhaps there might be war in the future, but for now Ipyana saw glories his forefathers never dreamed of
you never openly revealed yourself
so the visitors could never figure out how this tribe had access to firearms without trade
some traders decided to stay, for reasons
the tribe had secured a handhold
a stronger and more well defended homeland meant Ipyana could focus on an heir as well
well, multiples
in the end he didn't want to adopt just two orphans
he adopted any orphans into the royal family
still decided the arranged marriages were a good idea
mostly seemed to be bat and human
you questioned him on that
”it worked for us,” he gestured out to the throne room
two dozen children later and the finest firearms and gold to trade with the visitors
he flashed an arrogant smile
that part of Ipyana remained all him
his tribe flourished
but you pointed out it was under his guidance
”our guidance,” he was quick to shoot back
the cursed city below your feet stayed sealed
Ipyana didn't like talking about that experience but he was glad you two escaped
as for the bat
he'd aged like a fine wine
you didn't know how a man could get hips like that
you'd become much more comfortable with your desires in the time since
and expressed it often
the bat king's behavior had rubbed off on you and you him
he had grown into quite the diplomat and his people loved him fully
your advice had been taken to heart
in a lot of ways
he still held true to his tribe's religion but a promise of heaven with you made him finally perk up
he converted, even began quizzing you on theology
you were no priest but you answered to the best of your ability
several nights he spent curled up with you in the dark wanting to talk about it
maybe that encounter in the city had frightened him more than he let on
you held him tightly every night
he took comfort in what sermons you remembered
when trade offered it you asked for a Bible
he took to it
there was a give and take though
after seeing the city below and the prison it was made into, you conceded the tribal medicine men had a point
what followed was a strange fusion of both your people's beliefs
totems and crosses
your household was a bizarre mixture and your kids were given both worlds
raising a kingdom and a family was a full time job
Ipyana actually took to both with gusto
it sort of conflicted with your sex life
not that you two didn't find time here and there
he'd grown out his hair and ended up in longer and longer clothes for a reason
you loved how sensual he'd grown, still had the cockiness from when you first met but there was something else there
like he knew he had you and he'd take his time
he was eager to take you to some little dark corner of the kingdom and pull your pants down today
after taking care of the kids and getting through some farming delegation he was content with some rest and relaxation
there was a lot of weight on his shoulders
the same ones you held as he kneeled in front of you
he took a deep breath against your bare crotch
”I never get tired of this,” he whispered up to you
and you never got tired of him
he kissed the head of your cock
you hoped God would be forgiving of a few thousand acts of sodomy
you were pious otherwise
that what you'd reasoned
then your husband slid your cock into his mouth and you stopped worrying for a while
he softly looked up to you for a reaction
even in the dark he was satisfied to see you lean back against the cave wall
you had seized a perfect life here
and perhaps this was God working
well, more like the bat's deft hands working here
you grabbed at his head and he slid away from your cock for a moment
his fingers squeezed your cock and balls gently
his tongue was quick and teasing
he learned every inch of your body over the years and you his
his smile flashed
blinding white in the dark
you quietly muttered down to him that you loved him
and mirrored the sentiment before affectionately kissing your manhood
well, one way or another you had him kneeling
Ipyana gulped down a load and looked past your now flaccid dick draped over his face
your breath was ragged
but you knew being away from royal duties involved further duties to your husband
it was funny how the bat king found himself secreting you away
years ago he would have just dropped your pants and done it out in the open
fatherhood had changed him
granted, all of this had changed you
you never thought you'd give up adventure
but this was a worthy cause
all of it
Ipyana the reformist had turned his kingdom around
the secrets that dwelled beneath your feet were secure for generations now
formal schooling and parenting of your heirs brought up fine children
the arranged marriage might cause issues down the line but it seemed like the most secure
but your husband doted on his kids with an affection that surprised even you
he liked his role now
it fulfilled him more than the empty hedonism from before
not that you two weren't still busy
he was eye to eye with you again and smiling
he hands were already skilled but they'd been tempered with experience of just what gets a rise out of you
”what's the matter, feeling your age?”
that jab had a challenge behind it
you slapped your hands down hard on his hips and twirled him around so his back was against the cave wall
”that's the spirit,” he murmured into your ear as his hand came up so he could embrace you in his wings
your dick rubbed against his covered one and he shivered at the sensation
he stood eye to eye with you and went in for a kiss
you'd have shown hesitancy after what he did years ago
but after licking his ass multiple times you really couldn't be squeamish
he thrust against your sword and you his
his dress was growing wet from the leaking precum so you pulled it aside
your husband took that as a sign to leg lock around you, forcing you to hold him up by his ass
once more you grappled with the dreaded vampire queen
you sometimes mocked the title while in the act
he sure had a horrifying reputation while leaking onto your bed
he loved when you met his pace, became the conqueror he desired above all else
his challenge was met
it took little time to get him to orgasm by rubbing against him
the blowjob had already had him excited
you nearly pushed further but then a voice around the cave bend made you stop
it was one of your youngest
you'd both christened him David since his mother died in childbirth and his father went out in to the jungle to never return
the boy rounded the corner to see his fathers adjusting their clothes and short of breath
you'd have to finish in Ipyana tonight
David asked if you could show him more sword fighting and Ipyana started laughing
you kept a straight face and told him you needed to clean up while the bat tried to suppress his mirth just a little
another decade passed
your children were growing into fantastic examples of royalty
though you weren't bonded by blood, they held a place in your hearts nonetheless
quality of life had improved
meaning it was rarer to see more children adopted into the family
the dynasty was massive in the next generation but the growth had become a slow trickle
they were educated on affairs of state and they were working out
many of them excelled, making both of you proud
the marriages were becoming more accepted among them
raising the sons and daughters was a challenge and it was tough to run the kingdom
but both of you managed
the jungles were thriving with the tribesmen and your kingdom was fiercely independent from colonial powers but asserting their territory
you sometimes feared the bolder of the Europeans might make a move but they respected your land for the moment
Ipyana had built a strong country
the bats and humans were working in harmony now
speaking of…
your husband stood in the doorway naked
your eyes glanced up from the book you were writing in to see the sight before you
he'd come from the bath connected to your room and he was still fresh from the shower
his hands held onto the door as he showed off
age had worked like a fine wine with the bat
gray fur started showing on his face
but wrinkles never seemed to happen
the gluttonous side of him resulted in his hips and ass getting fuller
he had gotten softer around the waist
indulging was the death of his figure, as he sometimes lamented
but you didn't mind
especially not now
”so,” he remarked softly, “the children are in bed.”
that was very true
his braids now nearly touched the floor
it was a chore to clean his hair everyday but he said he'd feel naked without them
bad naked
not the kind that put him on display for you
his chocolate fur was sleak from his bath
”well, I was just thinking, my king could find something better to study than that book.”
you'd decided to start writing down all you've experienced
as a testament
you'd dealt with plenty of hell in your life
the hope was some of the wisdom could help a later generation
some might find it unbelievable
that didn't matter
you'd leave out the part where your husband's body made the blood rush to your cock
if your children read it, you would want to maintain some dignity there
you did describe him as beautiful though
compared him to some jewel plucked from the mines
a twinkling beautiful thing
however, in private you'd be far more vulgar
he demanded your blood one way or another
your queen
you set down the pen and book and stood up to meet him
his cock twitched when your eyes went to it
you ripped off your own shirt and pulled the pants off as you approached
”writing about your conquests when you should be claiming them,” he teased as you drew him in an embrace
you'd get back to the book later
when you ran your hands down over his stomach and then hips you took a moment to savor the tactile sensation of his fur against your palms and fingers
his hips were thick enough to sink your fingers into
you teased him back about how he really looked like a mother now
”if I could give you heirs I would without question,” he whispered with a smile
but you did not want a woman
you wanted him
you told him you would never have any want for a woman
a reversal of the guilt you used to feel for such desires
Ipyana was your husband and you'd be proud to tell God that now
no woman could match him
”my my, someone is generous with the praise tonight.”
playing at statesman in your retirement wouldn't sound exciting to some
Ipyana was there to provide the excitement
ever at your side
you'd lived through danger
raised children together
twenty years ago you'd come to blows with him
he thought you property
all the years later and he was your ideal
there was always a fire in his eyes
daring you
not undermine you
but prove to be your equal
you couldn't have gotten that with any courtship
you easily picked up your prize and carried him to the bed
his hair dangled everywhere
you had no idea how he could take flight like that
he did it on the regular to strengthen your charges
as vital as you teaching the human children fencing and grappling
he appreciated being manhandled
however, he liked to have his say
you were pulled onto the bed and he swiftly maneuvered himself on top of you
he laughed
”were it so easy.”
his hands rested on your shoulders as he leaned over you
his arms and shoulders definitely still had a tone from his flying
you bet he could give you a contest if you two were to wrestle
he was a perfect mixture of masculine and feminine
you knew he wore strapless everything just to give you an eyeful all the time
as fascinated as you were with his shoulders he felt he was owed yours
he was gentle as he leaned down and nipped at meat of your shoulder
the years had taught him to be more delicate with your blood
to sample it as one would a wine
he didn't gorge himself with little restraint
perhaps some pig slaughter he would, but not you
sometimes he liked to connect all the scars he'd left over the years with his claw while you laid in bed
there was no mistaking you for someone else's now when you took your shirt off
he sighed into your neck as your hands pried his ass cheeks apart
your hands gripped tightly
the bat cuddled into your neck while the blood dried on his muzzle
he was content here
but soon enough he'd crave more
of course he was the one to break the silence
”isn't this the part where you ravish me?”
his taunting had become softer over the years
he wasn't as brash
merely tossing the occasional barb
you shot back about wanting to handle your blushing bride delicately
he licked the blood off his face and snatched a bottle of lube off the nightstand
the medicine men had perfected the formula
really an impressive achievement all things considered
if it wasn't for their knowledge you both wouldn't feel as healthy as you do now
not quite feeling like a teenager but you bet men your age up north didn't have the virility you still had in your veins
the king appreciated your vigor
for now he decided subtlety and just blindly dumped the bottle over your manhood
he had done that over his shoulder
the slick fluid was briefly chilly before your body heat warmed it up
once more, you cock made its home inside your husband
he had taken your dick so many times he was practically built for it now
he insisted on being on top but his pace was less frantic than usual
his hips rolled against your lap as he leaned back
he held your legs as you admired the view
arching his back was clearly showing off and you obliged him
your hands gripped his hips and you enjoyed the ride for a moment
it was only a matter of time before he insisted you do your part and thrust back up to “earn your keep”
you intentionally held off to get a rise like that out of him
the king's smile matched your own
his cock was hard enough it bobbed around in a hypnotic rhythm
the bat king's mouth was slightly parted in a sigh
this was belonging
the way you slipped into him was comforting
the heat was welcome
you'd leave this part out of your book but you wish you form the words that best reflected the beauty in this moment
he rode you and you eventually matched his pace
the bat wouldn't have it easy and you saw to that
his thicker ass clapped against your thighs and made a raucous and shameless noise
he at least enjoyed the way you handled his hips, even if he lamented getting slightly chubby
more than once you growled into his ear you would feed him all he desired
that teasing was usually reserved for when you bred him into the bed while he moaned like a whore
he maintained some dignity tonight by using you as his throne
he tightened up and smiled when you grunted
”your king demands tribute.”
both of you picked up the pace
when the climax came you were ready
blowing a load inside him never got old but you both didn't have the recovery you used to
he'd made a mess of your stomach and let your cock slip out of his satisfied hole
he collapsed on your chest and allowed the flaccid dick to slide out of him
rest came for you both
the next morning an aide barged in about some foreign delegation that would need your attention and got an eyeful
it was a special day
fifty year ago you confronted what you thought was a monster
instead of liberating the kingdom you reigned over it
the family you raised and the land you built were more than you could have imagined
age was catching up to you
moving slower, aches and pains everywhere
you'd led a slightly softer life since coming here but violence had shortened it
a formal ceremony from your children had been wonderful
you'd stepped down and allowed your eldest children to rule
Ipyana loved getting doted on by the kids
you enjoyed the ceremony but something in the back of your mind held a presence
something felt off
but you shoved those thoughts to the side
it was a pleasant day
you doted on the old bat with equal affection
this was contentment
his once secretive tribe was now the highlight of the continent
almost on par with a European nation
his dynasty did bring glory to his people and they'd become an amazing civilization
all without submitting to anyone's rule
there were actual cities being built where there were once huts
you both had done good
Ipyana had aged about as well as you did
both of you were very brittle and he refused to draw blood from you
let alone gow it had slowed your sex life down
but the love was there
even if your bodies couldn't keep up the pace any longer, your hearts still belonged to each other
his fur was gray now
reminded you of snow
after the day's events you both retired to your bedroom
Ipyana helped you since you'd developed a limp over the years
that night your intuition turned out to be correct
after all the danger you'd encountered you ended up passing in your sleep
you left a family, a country and a husband in mourning
Ipyana sat in bed in silence for day
he pondered if he could fix this with that underground water
but you'd said you wanted to see heaven
he hugged his knees as he dwelled on it
it hurt
the promise of immortality didn't work for that city below though
he didn't want to bring you back as a monster
the bed had grown cold
kids wanted to come in to comfort him but he wanted to be alone
the Ipyana of five decades ago was an arrogant fool
nothing like the scared frail thing that sat in the dark now
he wouldn't meddle with the order of things and eventually secured a priest for the funeral
he'd do it your way
besides, he needed to know as much as possible
his own intuition was right as well
after a dark month, your children had a second burial and Ipyana got his answer about sharing heaven with you
you awoke and realized two things
you were not in your bedroom
nothing but clear sky above you
it took a moment
the bad feeling you felt
you went to bed and…
sitting up, you saw endless fields
behind you, a voice broke through the serenity of the plain
a fragile looking man stood at a gate
he spoke clearly
”welcome, my son.”
you had a faint idea what this place was
you were worthy?
the old man watched you
he gestured to the gate and it opened
however, you sat down, politely excusing yourself for the moment
you'd go in time and you thanked the robed figure
you weren't going in alone
time passed
but you could hardly say how
it just flowed from moment to moment without a sign from the sky any passage of time had happened
you saw others approach the gate and most were let in
you stayed
the old man seemed to understand and didn't trouble you
a few things you realized as you waited
all your aches and pains were gone
you felt like you were in your prime again
that alone was a gift
looking at your hands and they were like when you first set sail
however, your attire was what you'd slept in that night
you were truly dead
no other explanation
quietly you meditated on your life
you hoped you'd get let in
more importantly you hoped someone else would be too
heaven wasn't heaven if you had to spend eternity in solitude
you weren't wishing for any more heartache for Ipyana but you weren't praying for his death soon
you just wished you could share the burden but you had to be patient
his absence was painful but you could bet his pain was worse
he wouldn't want it to be a competition
you laid back in the field and waited until a familiar face leaned over you
fangs flashed in a smile
he was just as youthful as you
you rose and pulled him into a crushing embrace
his body was clothed in the same flowing robe you'd left him in
there would no doubt be a lot to catch up on
the separation had to be painful >however, there were more pressing matters
both of you stood before the gates arm in arm
he was by your side
you'd face the ultimate judge and no matter the outcome, you presented yourself proudly
the gates opened slowly to you both and the old man calmly beckoned