ill firstly link my first tweet about David Perry. :3
David Perry twitter Account!!
dude get tf away from David Pookie Perry!!!
David Perry info thread!!
David Perry's wiki!
David Perry look-alikes I and some friends have gathered!
Geological Survey Boss //
Auction Barker Announcer //
this guy from the same scene as white tolkien //
this fuckass fish from a south park edit //
this guy from s3e17 //
this guy from "Probably" //
Stephen Abootman's Aides //
Duke Gotcha from Papa's Bakeria //
Tom (Newsman) //
Tom Thompson //
Ted //
Old tweets that mention David Perry (not from me):
( i do not like these mfs )
David Perry edit.. dave me david perry edit...
David Perry Ships Havid [[David Perry x Heather Swanson]] (Not publicly mentioned due to obvious reasons.) (the actual first david perry ship) Petevid [[Peter O. (OC) x David Perry]] (the first OC x Canon ship) Intervieweed [[David Perry x Randy Marsh]] Peflovski [[Sheila Broflovski x David Perry]] Davio [[David Perry x PC Ohio State]] PC Perry [[David Perry x PC Principal]] Strong Perry [[Strong Woman x David Perry]] the list goes on...
friendly mention of this fanart my friend made once
Thats all for now! Requests for shrine contact on the David Perry fan account at the top! just DM me! bye!!!