Rehab Anon scrapped outline

This script was spurred by another user's prompt here.

anon has been dodging marriage assignment like every senator dodged the draft
"sorry i didn't get the mail" and skipping town only works so many times
the fines are piling up too
maybe its time to finally leave the city for good
hes known there were human supremacist cells that would probably be willing to take him in
he found someone who was in and started talking to them recently
they call themselves segregationists or separatists
they don't seem much like whats on the news


anon gets his next assignment letter and skips out of town for good, joins separatists in the hills
they pressure him into pulling some stunt
Literally planting bombs


they know the media will cause more fear mongering which they want so they just have anon plant fake bombs and let news crooks spin a story
gets caught
gets interrogated by a bigass bear
he cant handle being yelled at by a giant aggressive predator
completely shatters, talks (a lot)
between being highly cooperative and tapes of anon being pitiful in the interrogations the judge is extremely merciful
rehab instead of jail
all that stuttering and crying like a bitch makes it obvious anon is not a hardened terrorist
he is assigned some kind of domestic dog as a councilor and psychiatrist
doesn't talk the first session, sullen
second session he isn't talking again
councilor is going through his record
whole lot of infractions when he was in that boys home

"i didn't do that stuff"

wont elaborate
very cagey
third session
councilor sits on the couch next to him instead of at her desk, too close
tries to talk more about the boys home
flashback ptsd moment
he can smell the stale mold of the couch
he can hear the noisy buzzing of the old fluorescent lights
the sour musk of his caretaker
hes back in the boys home
councilor put her hand on his shoulder, not sure why hes so tight and strung up
he flinches and tries to elbow her in the process but she easily blocks it
this was a very bad move


he whimpers
this was an even worse mistake
she loves the noises he makes
she's said so herself many times
she will use anything available to draw out those "cute little noises"
a cigarette a few times
something causes anon to snap out of it, maybe something the councilor did
hes no longer in the boys home with his abusive caretaker
hes back in the relative safety of the rehab facility
in those short few moments he's already sweat through his clothes
hes clenching his jaw so hard his teeth hurt
there's an iron lump the size of a cannon ball in his stomach and its threatening to come up
he cant get a full breath
eventually he calms down
councilor asks who miss [caretaker] is, he said that name a few times
hes not in any state to continue
maybe she offers him a barbiturate which kicks off future drug abuse in the story
later sessions he starts opening up slightly
caretaker would make up infractions so that she had a reason to "punish" him
these went on his permanent record
between his rap sheet and the trauma causing him to be phobic of all anthros, especially predators, especially especially canines its not surprising that he ended up on that path that he did
shes a little hurt that he hates canines but understands
she asks if he would like to be transferred to a herbivore councilor and is silently relieved when he declines

somehow anon gets put on the suicide watch list
maybe a separatist landed himself in the same facility and slashes anons arm with a shaving razor and frames a suicide attempt
councilor now has to watch him whenever hes not doing group activities or sleeping
including showering
anon is very against this but ultimately is coerced to shower
when he disrobes before her she sees the extent of what his caretaker did
cigarette burns
claw marks
other indistinct marks that only a seasoned sadist or forensic pathologist could categorize
a massive, gnarly, full head of teeth bite mark on his shoulder and neck
looks like it was not once, but reapplied multiple times
councilor better understands the full extent of his childhood abuse
she has anon write some statements and sign some reports regarding his caretaker
anon starts opening up eventually
starts getting better but has a long way to go
time passes
those statements he wrote nearly a year ago are bearing fruit
the reports lead to a investigation. other victims were tracked down and questioned
turns out the state has been turning a blind eye to this abuse for over a decade
massive court case
prosecutor thinks anon could be the star witness, gets pushy and tries to guilt trip him to take active involvement in the case
anon is not emotionally capable of taking on this burden. thankfully the court system is very lenient towards humans because of chauvinist beliefs that boys are weak. they allow his statements to be entered into evidence without his direct testimony because he is adjudicated incapable
apparently he was caretaker's favorite
this is all very hard on him
maybe kick off the drug abuse line if that was seeded earlier
media is incessant about interviews
he tries to go to he hearings for closure and healing
he just ends up staring at his abuser
medias are relentless
pushing microphones and cameras into his face, offers to pay for interviews
they even send representatives with snazzy phrases telling him he can build his own anti-abuse "brand". he can stop abuse and get rich and famous at the same time
councilor tries to shield him as much as possible but its hard
court case ends
caretaker was made an example of
state wants to save face for turning a blind eye to the abuse
people are out for blood
anon is still in the center of it, forced into celebrity status

i don't know where to go from here

Pub: 11 May 2022 16:20 UTC
Edit: 11 May 2022 22:39 UTC
Views: 780