How to use KocerRoxy in Chrome

First locate the proxy

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We will take a rotating proxy for our example here:

Port: 5576
Username: CiscoRamon0yfA
Password: K36u5cxpG1Z78hDI_country-US

For Chrome, you can use SwitchyOmega Extension

  1. After installing the extension, you can access the extension setting by opening Options of the extension.

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  1. You need to click on the proxy tab on the left and enter the Host IP and Port as shown.

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  1. Click on the lock icon to open the dialogue box to enter username and password. Paste the username and password and click on save changes.

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  1. After saving, click on Apply Changes and save the configuration.

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  1. Once you have applied the changes, you can choose the proxy option in the extension to activate the proxy for your browser.

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Pub: 30 Sep 2022 08:48 UTC
Views: 415