Chikafuji Lisa Archives

dropped indefinitely

Usage: Just toss the hash into your torrent client of choice.
Dates are in UTC
For bulk downloading, here're just the hashes.

gofile archive here


Live Stream

Date Title ID Status Links
2022-01-01 ssshhh secret cool kid karaoke!【Tsunderia】 0bk8KthUEuM Private 🧲 🇬
2022-02-26 【Unarchived Karaoke】Singing all the songs I wanna sing!【Tsunderia】 A5MaClboGyg Private 🧲
2022-03-10 10K CELEBRATION ENDURANCE!!!【Tsunderia】 G1cZcyCLV5I Private 🧲
2022-04-01 【Karaoke】Singing my heart out!【Tsunderia】 w8y6xDRIrPc Private 🧲
2022-04-29 【Unarchived Karaoke】【Tsunderia】 JImWPt8NDg8 Private 🧲
2022-05-05 【Grand Theft Auto V】sheepy yakuza boss hehe【Tsunderia】 ZmMtmdpUzd0 Deleted 🧲 🇬
2022-06-23 【Guerilla】unarchived singy stuff【Tsunderia】 5j2HdWcNm9A Private 🧲
2022-06-28 【Karaoke】zoom-y singy time!【Tsunderia】 4Z6lL5uchMk Censored 🧲
2022-08-05 【Karaoke】Unarchived singy stuff【Tsunderia】 OGF9pKsN_p0 Private 🧲
2022-09-08 20K CELEBRATION!!【Tsunderia】 PYPs-b61Dfs Censored 🧲
2022-10-26 【Unarchived Karaoke】Singing Halloween⧸Spooky songs!【Tsunderia】 iLNYhfV8GIQ Private 🧲
2023-01-17 【Unarchived Karaoke】Sheepy House Show (pt 2)【Tsunderia】 JQAxpul3uSI Private 🧲
2023-02-17 【Unarchived Karaoke】(Late) Valentine's Karaoke! OkAho8AT8F0 Private 🧲
2023-03-15 【Melatonin】Comfy rhythm gaming! LCGLhsj8fcQ Censored 🧲
2023-04-07 【possibly unarchived?】singing whatever i want! z-mGhdbeedM Private 🧲
2023-05-19 unarchived lisa day! ENhARncW070 Private 🧲
2023-05-24 today i will eat watermelon bLAnkrrX0Qo Censored
2023-06-09 Lunch with Lisa! mwKvvFdRfl4 Censored
2023-07-07 【Chatting】 super chat reading! opening up offkai gifts! WQsasuGHUBY Private 🧲
2023-07-21 【Unarchived Karaoke】the usual! (mostly EN songs) nodcYEvrD_0 Private 🧲
2023-09-13 LISA DAY (unarchive) KARAOKE! (yippeee) WPh4K_KYvVM Unlisted
2023-09-14 【Peggle】ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME, MORE CHALLENGES!! AAAA yY98t07iiXs Private 🧲
2023-09-15 【Nier: Automata】claw grip on da controller o7 Rocd3nSY1xU Private no
2023-11-07 TALKIES (guerilla) r-d4g75lYnc Private 🇬

Video Upload

Date Title ID Hash
2022-01-15 Let's go on a date L2Ca8UySKv8 🧲
2022-08-30 One-Take "Ocean of Tears" Cover uGOXK3R_gDk 🧲


Music Review and Radio Sheepy titles are normalized.

live_chat.json files can be rendered using TwitchDownloader

Music Review 1 was on YouTube.

✂️=Missing some video
🔇=Muted parts
🐏=Secondary Source
💀=Lost to time

Date Title Links
2021-12-05 epic tsunderia streaming {💀}
2021-12-19 Tsunholiday Karaoke Relay!! 【Tsunderia】 {🐏}
2022-01-11 mewz dash hehe【Tsunderia】
2022-01-17 lego legend golira strim【Tsunderia】 {💀}
2022-01-22 music review 2 🧲
2022-02-04 laurel hill listening party!【Tsunderia】 {💀}
2022-02-09 powerleveling my friendship with lisa?! [ tsunderia ] {@Nini Yuuna}
2022-02-20 i'm working on stuff lol【Tsunderia】
2022-02-22 【#20】(guerilla) late night tsunderia minecraft gaming |【Tsunderia】{Kazu/Purin/Nen Collab}
2022-03-03 listening to music! 🧲
2022-03-08 music review 3 🧲
2022-03-16 oo oo ah ah【Tsunderia】 🧲
2022-03-21 music review 4 🧲
2022-03-29 💌+🐑 brats go wild >:3 💦 with @ChikafujiLisa ~ ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ || #34 || Tsunderia {@Matsuro Meru}
2022-03-31 sheep shenanigans {Kaneko Lumi Collab} 🧲
2022-04-15 shhhh study time 🧲
2022-04-16, 2022-04-18 TWITCH AFFILIATE PARTY!!【Tsunderia】 / music review 5 (pt 1/2) {✂️}, music review 5 (pt 2/2) 🧲
2022-05-02 HAPPY 6 MONTHS!【Tsunderia】 / music review 6 (pt 1/2) 🧲
2022-05-09 music review 6 (pt 2/2) 🧲
2022-05-11 twitch partner thingy! 🧲
2022-05-17 tuesday talkies :3c【Tsunderia】 🧲
2022-05-20 tsunderia vs. phase connect league!【Tsunderia】 🧲
2022-05-21 REACTING TO TOP 100 MUSIC AND STUFF {@Pipkin Pippa}
2022-05-24 music review 7 (pt 1/2) 🧲
2022-05-28 saturdays are for the sheeple【Tsunderia】 🧲
2022-06-06 music review 7 (pt 2/2) 🧲
2022-06-20 music review 8 (pt 1/4)
2022-06-25 hiiiii i'm sleeby zzzz【Tsunderia】 🧲
2022-06-27 music review 8 (pt 2/4)
2022-07-07 IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!【Tsunderia】 🧲
2022-07-07 music review 8 (pt 3/4)
2022-07-11 music review 8 (pt 4/4)
2022-07-18 music review 9 (pt 1/3)
2022-07-25 music review 9 (pt 2/3)
2022-08-01 music review 9 (pt 3/3) + music review 10 (pt 1/3)
2022-08-08 music review 10 (pt 2/3)
2022-08-15 music review 10 (pt 3/3)
2022-08-18 talkies :3c【Tsunderia】 {✂️}
2022-08-22 music review 11 (pt 1/3) 🧲
2022-08-26 eepy sheepy talkies【Tsunderia】 🧲
2022-08-29 music review 11 (pt 2/3) 🧲
2022-09-02 music review 11 (pt 3/3)
2022-09-05 music review 12 (pt 1/2)
2022-09-12 music review 12 (pt 2/2)
2022-09-23 music review 13 (pt 1/2)
2022-09-26 music review 13 (pt 2/2)
2022-10-03 music review 14 (pt 1/3)
2022-10-10 music review 14 (pt 2/3) 🧲
2022-10-17 music review 14 (pt 3/3)
2022-10-24 music review 15 (pt 1/2) 🧲
2022-11-02 music review 15 (pt 2/2) {🔇} 🧲
2022-11-08 come hang out with me :3 🧲
2022-11-08 music review 16 (pt 1/3) 🧲
2022-11-08 【#103】ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY WOOOO YEAH BABY THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT |【Tsunderia】 {@TetsuyaKazune ft. Tsurugi Nen}
2022-11-15 music review 16 (pt 2/3)
2022-11-29 music review 16 (pt 3/3)
2022-12-06 sheeple review my music! (1/2) 🧲
2022-12-13 sheeple review my music! (2/2)
2022-12-16 comfy talkies after work! 🧲
2023-01-03 music review 17 (pt 1/3) 🧲
2023-01-10 music review 17 (pt 2/3)
2023-01-17 music review 17 (pt 3/3) 🧲
2023-02-07 music review 18 (pt 1/4) 🧲
2023-02-16 music review 18 (pt 2/4) 🧲
2023-02-23 sheepy talkies! 🧲
2023-02-28 music review 18 (pt 3/4) 🧲
2023-03-01 🐏 "Moment of Clarity" - Narrow Head Listen-Along! 🧲
2023-03-05 the girlboss grind never stops 🧲
2023-03-07 music review 18 (pt 4/4) 🧲
2023-03-10 i'm gonna sing my little heart out!!!!! AAAAA 🧲
2023-03-14 🐏 music review 19 (pt 1/3) 🧲
2023-03-20 🐏 music review 19 (pt 2/3) 🧲
2023-04-03 🐏 music review 19 (pt 3/3) 🧲
2023-04-05 🐏 SHEEPY101: Album Listen-along - "Shed" by Title Fight 🧲
2023-04-11 hehe haha i'm sick 🧲
2023-04-17 SHEEPY101: Album Listen-along - "Slide" George Clanton 🧲
2023-04-24 hi hi good afternoon! 🧲
2023-05-01 hi hi good afternoon! 🧲
2023-05-15 hi hi good afternoon! 🧲
2023-05-22 music review 20 (pt 1/4) 🧲
2023-05-29 music review 20 (pt 2/4) 🧲
2023-06-05 music review 20 (pt 3/4) 🧲
2023-06-09 music review 20 (pt 4/4) 🧲
2023-06-26 music review 21 (pt 1/4) 🧲
2023-07-10 music review 21 (pt 2/4) 🧲
2023-07-17 music review 21 (pt 3/4) 🧲
2023-07-20 hi i am working!!! 🧲
2023-07-26 sticky business with twitch integration! ▶️
2023-08-01 music review 21 (pt 4/4) 🧲
2023-08-02 SHEEPY101: Album Listen-Along - "Ooh I Rap Ya" by George Clanton 🇬
2023-08-07 music review 22 (pt 1/4) 🧲
2023-08-14 music review 22 (pt 2/4) 🧲
2023-08-21 music review 22 (pt 3/4) {ft. Pipkin Pippa} 🧲
2023-08-28 music review 22 (pt 4/4) 🧲
2023-09-06 music review 23 (pt 1/4) 🧲
2023-09-11 music review 23 (pt 2/4) 🧲
2023-09-18 music review 23 (pt 3/4) 🧲
2023-09-25 RADIO SHEEPY 1 🧲
2023-09-26 RADIO SHEEPY 2 🧲
2023-09-29 RADIO SHEEPY 3 🧲
2023-10-01 i am being PRODUCTIVEEEE! 🧲
2023-10-02 music review 23 (pt 4/4) 🧲
2023-10-03 RADIO SHEEPY 4: drakenier inspired playlist! 🧲
2023-10-04 RADIO SHEEPY 5: i am reading and drinking coffeeeee 🧲
2023-10-05 RADIO SHEEPY 6: donothon offline hours <3 🇬
2023-10-06 RADIO SHEEPY 7: donothon offline hours <3 🇬
2023-10-07 RADIO SHEEPY 8: donothon offline hours <3 🇬
2023-11-07 [🎇UN-BDAY SUBATHON DAY 47] Will you Press the Button with Lisa | !goals !schedule to see collabs! {@Sayu Sincronisity} 🇬
2023-11-18 RADIO SHEEPY 9!! 🇬

Twitter Space

Date Title ID Magnet
2022-11-23 hiiii 🫠 1ynJOaXVawQKR 🧲
2023-03-03 I’M CLEANING RN, i hate my wifi 1MYGNgADpjnJw, 1OyKAVBkeXDGb 🧲
2023-06-11 hang out with me while i cook! 1jMJgLQmBgmxL 🧲
2023-07-27 please let summer be over i’m suffering 1OdJrzjmnepJX 🧲
2023-08-11 BEEP! :3 1ypKddpXQdoKW 🧲
2023-11-17 twitter space while i prepare dinner ❤️‍🩹 1vOxwjwarXWJB 🇬


Date Log
2023-05-15 Added music review 2
2023-05-20 Added music review 6 (pt 2/2), Added music review 7 (pt 2/2)
2023-05-22 Added 'unarchived lisa day!', Added music review 18 (2/4)
2023-05-23 Added music review 20 (pt 1)
2023-05-30 Added (2023-05-15) hi hi good afternoon!, Added music review 20 (pt 2)
2023-06-06 Added music review 20 (pt 3)
2023-06-11 Added music review 20 (pt 4), Added 'hang out with me while i cook!'
2023-06-28 Added music review 21 (pt 1)
2023-06-29 Added magnets from anon (marked with 🐏)
2023-07-20 Added music review 21 (p 2) & (pt 3)
2023-07-21 Added 'hi i am working!!!'
2023-07-22 Added '【Unarchived Karaoke】the usual! (mostly EN songs)', replaced 'i'm gonna sing my little heart out!!!!! AAAAA'
2023-08-08 Added music review 22 (pt 1)
2023-08-11 Added twitter space
2023-08-12 Created YouTube subcategories, added private video uploads, added music review 21 (pt 4/4)
2023-08-15 Added music review 22 (pt 2)
2023-09-19 Added music review 23 (pt 1), Added music review 23 (pt 3), Reuploaded music review 23 (pt 23) {video wan't processed}
2023-10-02 Added 'sheepy radio 1', Added 'i am being PRODUCTIVEEEE!', Added 'sheepy radio 2', Added 'sheepy radio 3'
2023-10-03 Added 'music review 23 (pt 4/4)'
2023-10-07 Converted hashes into clickable magnet links, Added "RADIO SHEEPY 4 and 5"
2023-10- Created a Gofile
2023-10-17 Added "Ooh I Rap Ya" Listenalong
2023-10-24 restarted dead torrents: (2022-03-16) oo oo ah ah【Tsunderia】, (2022-04-15) shhhh study time【Tsunderia】,(2022-05-28) saturdays are for the sheeple【Tsunderia】, (2022-08-22) music review 11 (pt 1/3)
Pub: 08 Apr 2023 06:33 UTC
Edit: 30 Jan 2024 00:30 UTC
Views: 3272