/♾️/ lore

I. About Kroniism, our religion, and its relation with national order:

Our religion is called Kroniism.
• A kronie —or any other person— who practice the devotion of Kroniism is called Ouroborian.
• Our religious institution is called 'Kronii Appetentia', name chosen because the Ouroborian are always yearning Kronii's grace.
• Given our historical, but under revision, position of isolationist, Kroniism is the only religion recognized in our nation. Derivative, and blasphemous, variants of it are the Boroshian and the Bronogsticism, who worship the reincarnation of the sacred serpent Boros and the false god Krono over Kronii, respectively. Both are technically prohibit but in practice they are allowed if it doesn't intervene on the worshiping of Kronii. No official institutions are recognized for this derivative religious practices.
• If any outlander practices another religion it is not taken as an offense. Disrespect to our religion or goddess is not tolerated though, and exile would be considered if the wrongdoing is mayor. For internal affairs, we will develop about the punishing of practicing Kronies in another time.
• 'Serpent Embrace' is the name of the institution in charge of the protection of our religious representatives.
• At the center of the Infinity island, around the lake on it, is where the religious center of Kroniism is. While this region is not independent of the national government of Infinity, it's recognized as an special district where Kronii Appetentia call most of the shots. Outside of this area, the church has no saying in executive district decisions.
• Infinity's national government is not ruled by 'Kronii Appetentia' and the leader or leaders don't need to be a part of the religious institutions or have to be affiliated to it in any kind. That being said, historically all our leadership has been intrinsically religious in their approach to government, and a blessing is usually asked for the current high priest in rule.
• While all our military is charged with theocratic foundation, there are two separated armies: the national one, leaded by our government; and the the previously mentioned Serpent Embrace, at the orders of The One and The Twelve.
• Political, social and economical decisions doesn't need the approval of the church. That being said, Kronii Appetentia, specifically the consort of The Twelve and its extended form of the Court of Twenty Four, are influential to the level that it could be said that their disapproval works as an immediate veto, this being extremely rare as in general the religious institution role is more of consultation and they try to keep their involvement focused on religious and cultural topics. There has been decisions that have been contested by government and not revoked, but negotiations and concessions have been made to go further with them.
• The One, the head of the church, doesn't involve itself in politics or everyday affairs, her responsibilities being strictly religious. She is the figurehead of Kroniism, and unifying symbol for all the population of Infinity. Some orthodox Ouroborians believe The One are reincarnations of Kronii, but in general the role is treated as the direct voice to Kronii's desires. Given the specificity of the role of The One, The Twelve and the Order of Twenty Four groups previous mentioned are the authorized voices of the church to involve itself in the realm of men. Their role will be further explained in the future. Another group of priestesses is called 'The 365' and it represents community and street level religious authority and try not involve themselves in others affairs than religious. At the end of the hierarchy there are the student and common 'grassroots' priestesses, under the guidance of the last group. How all this groups work will be develop further very soon.
• Kronii Appetentia, by conjunct decision with the national government, has no power over the military institution of the nation. In relation to the possibility of war, the Serpent Embrace will remain defensive as it is the protector of Kronii Appetentia and it wouldn't participate on proactive attacks.

II. About 'The Government of Equals', Infinity national political system.

• Despite the name, the government of Infinity is not a isocracy or democracy, it is ruled by an oligarch class.
• The government regime is heavily based in the say of a religious high priest, independent of the church, whose ruling is based on adapting at our goddess blessings –streams–; but it is backed by a court of noblemen who take care of the specifics of ruling the land.
• The noblemen in charge are bourgeois of historical industry and agricultural linage. This council, given the disparity of the members in it, is anything but pacific in its ruling.
• Beside the previously mentioned, our most high regarded classes are of cultural importance: kronies of literature and other arts excellence.
• Our Capital is on the west coast and it is a high tech (circa 1800) metropolis, densely populated: New London.

III. About Kronii Appetentia inner workings, moving hierarchy of priestess and activities.

• Student Priestesses and Grassroots Priestesses: simply a priestess with no particular restriction. Usually helpers of other higher ranked priestesses in high density populations but can be responsible of religious activities in minor communities. They can renounce their vows any time. They can go out of Infinity after the isolation ended, but it is not well accepted, and if they do they can't become a higher ranking priestess in the future. They don't produce Kronii's Milk, but they do the others products based on priestesses.
• 'The 365': group composed by any priestess who has been chosen to have the blessing of producing 'Kronii's Milk'. It's not really composed by 365 priestess anymore, but it's name derives from when they were in the past. In general, a leader priestess of a temple is part of this category, but it is not mandatory. They don't have any particular restriction and can have a relative normal life, except being unable to leave Infinity, prohibition put on every Kronii's Milk producing priestess. Can live anywhere on the island and doesn't need to be stationary. They either can or can not be relevant in the local government, but their responsibility is mostly religious. Being a The 365 is necessary to reach the upper ranks. Once the gift of Kronii's Milk is given, it cannot be reversed, so it's impossible to go back to be a grassroots priestess or a civil.
• 'The Twelve' and the 'Council of Twenty Four': the former is a council of priestess chosen as everyday leadership for religious endeavors; cooperation and counseling with the government of Infinity; rule the Boros region; are in charge of the lower priestesses; and control the Serpent Embrace army. There are twelve priestesses that are chosen every twelve years by the previous group of The Twelve, and rule for twelve years. They are the only ones that can be chosen The One if needed, either by being chosen by The One directly or by a special occasion voting process taken by the Council of Twenty Four. There are no special restriction about their milk as it's not differentiated from any of the other produced by lower ranked priestess. They must keep living in the Boros region, but can travel around the country freely. After retirement they can live the life of a The 365 priestess in the Boros region and keep their free movement. The Council of Twenty Four is composed of The Twelve and other twelve priestesses from the main cities and towns of Infinity. This group is to align the effort of the church nationwide. The non-Twelve are the main priestesses of their respective population but can move freely too. They also rule for twelve years and are chosen by their predecessors in that position. The group that aren't part of The Twelve doesn't have the influence or responsibilities of the first group, as they are focused on their local affairs. They may or may not be chosen as a future 'Twelve'. After retirement, like The Twelve, they can live the life of a The 365 priestess, but aren't limited on any particular location. Milk has same restrictions as The Twelve.
• 'The One': religious figurehead (think The Pope). Can produce Kronii's Milk, but as the top religious woman she doesn't have the obligation to do it. If she does, milk is reserved for priestesses from The Twenty Four and up. She is the leader and authority of the Boros region and the population in it. She lives in the main temple of Infinity, 'The House of The Chosen,' and rarely comes outside of it, and when she does is mainly in the Boros region. She is in charge of 'Kronii's Gift' ritual. She also commands Serpent Embrace in theory, but in practice it is The Twelve who does. Even if she isn't on the daily tasks, she is the last word and main consultant in the religious decision making. Will rule until death, decides to step down, or with a special removal vote of the Council of Twenty Four with a 3/4 of votes approval threshold. When retired or removed, she can still live in The House of The Chosen but doesn't have any authority or responsibility; or follow the path of a The Twelve priestess retirement. Nonetheless, the restriction about her milk is kept.
• Kronii's Milk producing priestesses must remain virgin unless marriage. Marriage means retirement though.

IV. Kronii's Gift ritual.

• Yearly ritual, happens between spring and summer. Date is not fixed, depends on climate as it happens outdoors in a very cold area.
• It's lead by The One and is done on the city near the House of the Chosen. Name of this city is pending.
• Consist of having the priestesses being punctured by a living serpent in the breast, hold by The One. It leaves a mark that won't disappear.
• The poison of this local species of serpent —probably from the warmer south areas of Infinity—, who has been force fed with Snake Fang and exposed to chuubanite, is what produces the body changes on the priestesses to be able to produce Kronii's Milk. This change in their bodies is irreversible and will last the whole live. There are no known collateral health effects of this process, but breast get enlarged –or reduced– by a fixed amount for some unknown reason, size which is believed to be Kronii's measurement.
• Feeding the serpent –name pending– with the Snake Fang is not dangerous for this species, while exposing them to chuubanite to activate the chemical process which transforms the poison in the activator used for this ritual is deadly to them, and after doing so the animal will die within days. Given that one serpent can punctuate up to around sixty priestess with the activated poison retaining the effect and this ritual happening once a year, they are not an endangered species. While they aren't institutionally protected, kronies are advised not to hunt them. The poison of this serpent, either of a Snake Fang fed or at its natural state, don't have levels of toxicity dangerous to the human body.
• The process of feeding the chosen serpents for the ritual consist of capturing it in the wild, bringing them to the House of the Chosen, and give the animal a processed powder made of the Snake Fang for four months. This process can be made by any priestess from The 365 and up but the know-how is restricted to the Council of the Twenty Four, The One and the servants in the House. This is not a secret for the general public.
• On the contrary, the chuubanite exposition and how to make it correctly is unknown outside of The Twelve and The One, and the specifics are reserved to them. This knowledge is transmitted orally and there are no written records of it. Given the fragility of human mind and its memory, this is –one of– the reasons why this selected group of priestess only rule for twelve years.

Note about Kronii's Milk commercial exploitation.

• The production of Kronii's Milk is controlled by Kronii Appetentia.
• This is because this a sacred item and its production should not be under the expectation of free market rules of offer & demand.
• That being said, stocks of production is sold to common kronies and then it can be commercialized. Only Kronii's Milk from The 365 can be commercialized, The One milk won't be.
• Produce and stock of Kronii's Milk is limited, as trying to produce it on mass could be a dangerous slippery slop that might put on danger the health and normal life of the priestesses.
• At the same time, while the church doesn't control the consumption of the milk, the national government tries to keep an eye on it because of the narcotics effects and addiction that it produces.
• Kronii's Milk consumption do no require being a Ouroborian practitioner. It can also be exported to other countries since the end of the isolationist era by public trading, but Kronii Appetentia approval is needed and it's government controlled.
• Legal commercialization of Kronii's Milk is enforced by the national government per solicitation of Kronii Appetentia.

Pub: 05 Apr 2022 02:56 UTC
Edit: 20 May 2022 13:43 UTC
Views: 766