Lanudohagulovinugo Education System (LES)

A year has 52 weeks.

Elementary School:

4 Years of Elementary School starting at the Age of 5. In this time, children are to learn the basics of the life. Boys and girls attend together. Subjects to be taught are:
-Moterutonuge Language
-History and Geography
-Simple Science
-Morale Studies
-Family Studies

Year 1:

Moterutonuge Language 4
In language, children are encouraged to speak in a more proper matter, as well as the basics of the alphabet and how to write each letter.
History and Geography 3
For the first year, History and Geography focuses on the local region. Teaching children some basic history of their hometown and the lands around it and shows where in their hometown what is located and how big the town really is.
Arithmetic 3
Children are taught the basic numbers and how counting works, as well as how addition and subtraction works.
Simple Science 3
In this year, the basics of what makes a plant a plant and an animal an animal is being taught and how they differ.
Art 2
Children get to learn basic color understanding, which includes how mixing colors work and how to best draw basic shapes like circles and boxes.
Handicraft 3
Kids begin to learn the beginnings of all kinds of crafts and what materials they need for them and how to buy them.
Music 6
In this year, it focuses on singing simple songs together with rhythmic movements to both wake up kids and to encourage togetherness.
Housekeeping 5
Kids get to help with simple task for cooking before lunchtime like cleaning food and help clean the dishes afterwards. They also learn the first basics of keeping a place clean.
Sport 2
In sport for this year, kids are mostly encouraged to play simple games together like tag or red light/green light.
Morale 3
Kids in this year are encouraged to learn about helping each other and that helping others is a good thing.
Family 2
Family studies are special in that they differ for each clan of family. All years of a family usually take them together and get taught by a member of the family in how they see fit. What gets taught depends solely on what a family considers important. It could be more handicraft or math, but it also could be secret family techniques in all kinds of fields.

Orientation School:

2 Years of Orientation School following Elementary School. Girls only. In these years, girls are to find a field of knowledge that interests them in particular and to specialize in for the future. Subjects removed are:
-Simple Science
-Morale Studies
-Family Studies

Subjects added are:
-Science with Holo-dhennet Language
-Religion with Tsukijin Language

Specialized Schools:

-Male School for boys to learn how to be a man.
-School for Arts and Crafts
-Science University
-Military Academia
-The School of thoughts and beliefs

Pub: 14 Dec 2022 15:27 UTC
Edit: 14 Dec 2022 22:53 UTC
Views: 402