` · . †͓ 𝐈。 Back 𝐈𝐈。 Characters 𝐈ndividual 𝐅riends

Reona. ` · . Updated because oh my lord you're so funny and awesome , a genuinely wonderful friend to me ! Personally you and I get along great , not just because we have beef with the same people ... Anyways Reona you're genuinely really cool and I love how pretty your rentries are ! You're cool , honestly really damn funny , and another person I don't feel like I have to watch everything I say around !
  I also find it really funny the main reason we actually met was because of both our mutual hatred for someone and because of our mutual friend Remiel ! I hope those Muu URLS I gave you are sufficing because I really love giving my friends URLS as a form of my appreciation to them . As much as I wanna write more I just can't think of anything off the top of my head . Sorry oomfie I still love you a lot trust me ( /P ) ...

Micka. ` · . Best fran ! Hi Micka did you know you're the coolest to ever cool ?? Like , we met in the most random place ever and went through so much bullshit together ! Even if we don't talk as often , you still manage to bring such a smile to my face everytime we do talk . If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't have ever been able to break things off with Raymond , so genuinely , thank you for everything . I love you ( /P ) and I always will , you're literally just like my sibling figure that I genuinely didn't ever get to have .
  To honestly just , put it simply , you're the bestest best friend to ever best friend . If you ever need to talk I'll be here , if you're ever feeling down tell me and I'll help in anyway that I can ! Micka I care so much about you , even if sometimes I don't seem like it - if I'm accidentally rude or harsh I promise you that I do infact still care so so much for you , no fucking matter what !!

Sunny. ` · . Sunny ! Sunny I love you so much ( /P ) you've literally became one of my closest friends . You've helped me through so many things and have been there for me through everything . I usually don't know what to say for appreciation but this is what I got ; genuinely you're so cool and I'm so appreciative for everything you've done for me . Even if that was just checking in on me during my absolute lowest time . If I'm being honest , if it wasn't for you I most likely wouldn't be here anymore , so thank you , so fucking much .
  I love watching your games of IDV , even if I don't entirely get that game much , if at all I still really enjoy watching you play . The way you me and Ganji are all haters together is so fun and you don't make me feel like I have to be ( atleast as ) careful with what I say , another thing is the fact we both , despite us not being too close in the past , manage to almost always talk about anything with one another makes me genuinely giddy . Thank you again so so SO much for everything !

Ganji. ` · . Hey bud . Anyways again thank you for being my friend . We met in the server and we immediately clicked in that VC . Sure we never had even heard of each other until then but it was more than clear we would become friends . You're genuinely really cool and awesome and amazing and all that sappy bullshit ! Typically I don't mean the compliments I say due to the fact I feel compelled when I say them , but this is all genuine . You're genuinely everything I say you are to me .
  If you ever need to talk tell me , I'll be here for you ! You're a great friend and a fellow hater which is awesome even if we don't talk as often due to our own things . Despite that you're still a close friend of mine and I really do appreciate everything that you've done for me ! I love being a hater with you and Sunny it's always the highlight of my day because of just how fun it is .

Celeste. ` · . Hi Celesstteee .... did you know I love your edits ? You did I always compliment them ANYWAYS ! You're really cool and I'm happy we became mutuals on TikTok and then met on Diacord because honestly you're awesome . Sure we may not talk too much but when we do they last for so long and I love that . I always love seeing your edits on my FYP because like what do you mean that's my mutual ?
  I'll be honest , when you first followed me I was actually utterly terrified ... Like what ? Someone famous followed little old me ? Unheard of ! So I honestly didn't actually follow back for a bit of time because I was very nervous to . But hey I did and now woohoo we're awesome friends ! Please don't hesitate to talk to me if you need anything or if you just want to yap about anything , I'll listen .

Chiki. ` · . Hi oomfie !! You're like so cool and awesome sauce , You're the Haru to my Aki , the Mahiru to my Mikoto , the Ponzu to my Pokkle , this is all platonic . Anyways um you're really cool and like I'm really happy we're friends and allat . Literally married without being married , #platonicmarriages4EVAA ! I'm so thankful we're friends , especially due to how cool and awesome and amazing and inspiring you are .
  You're genuinely so funny and I really love your company , I love vc'ing you for hours on end because we just get along so greatly . Genuinely you're one of the best friends that I've had along with everybody else . Oh my lord you're genuinely so fucking funny I always laugh so much whenever we talk . Love you kiss kiss PLATONIC . To you creeps .....

Ginko. ` · . Windy Sekai . Am I right ? Anyways LMAO hey oomf you're so awesome . Thank you for being my friend and helping me leave Windy Sekai , so honestly if it wasn't for you I probably would've just stayed and endured it, even though in no way I wanted to . You're really cool and I'm appreciative of you every single time we talk I get reminded of how good people still exist in the world.
  I love seeing you yap about spiders , honestly I love spiders too so it's so wonderful to see other people like them as well ! Know that you're always always allowed to talk to me for anything , you can vent to me if you ever need it , trust me I'm always going to be fine with it . Genuinely I love you so so much ( /P ) and I'm happy that we became friends , which funnily enough wouldn't have happened if I didn't join Windy Sekai !

𝐎ther 𝐅riends Maple , Ivy , Al , Mari
Aza (will write 4 you l8er) !

Pub: 05 Jun 2024 20:34 UTC
Edit: 10 Sep 2024 00:22 UTC
Views: 238