This page is a resource for finding links for corpos discussed in /corpo/. It is not a comprehensive list, meaning that the only corpos included are those that have received discussion or whose talents are linked regularly, which are mainly English-speaking or have English-speaking talents.
Some corpos might not technically be a formal business, but verifying their legitimacy is challenging as many are international. Therefore, their reputation as an organization is much more important when considering whether to include them in the thread.
List of Small Corpos
- AegisLink
- AKA Virtual EN
- YouTube
- Website (???)
- Wiki Entry
- Astraline
- AuroraLiveVR EN
- BlueJump EN (JP & KR)
- Cieste
- Glitch Stars
- globie
- Hoshizora
- Idol Corp
- Joshiko Productions
- lucid Multimedia
- Mythos
- NOA Talent
- OshiLink
- Phase-Connect
- PlayAsia
- Project Orbit
- Project: Verses
- Projek Hikayat
- Ricorie Productions
- Socks Vtubing Agency (SVA)
- Specialite
- StellarVersePro
- V-Dere
- V-Oshi
- V&U
- V4Mirai
- VDoki
- VOLs
- WonderPop
List of Company Mascots
- Crunchyroll-Hime (Crunchyroll)
- GX Aura (Opera GX)
- Himura Kuraudo (HyperX) (Graduated October 2024)
List of Indie Groups
List of Defunct Corpos/Groups
- AmberGlow (March 2024)
- Website (Defunct)
- Wiki Entry
- Animal Lounge EN (December 2023)
- AkioAIR (March 2024)
- Website (Defunct)
- Wiki Entry
- bondEN (October 2024)
- Cyberlive/Aetheria (October 2022)
- Cyberlive Twitter
- Aetheria Twitter
- Cyberlive Website (Defunct)
- Aetheria Website (Defunct)
- Wiki Entry
- EIEN Project (November 2024)
- HeavenRend (June 2024)
- Website (Defunct)
- Wiki Entry
- HEYU (May 2024)
- HighTideSha (December 2024)
- MyHolo TV (May 2024)
- NEXAS (January 2025)
- NexStage Project (July 2024)
- PixelLink (February 2025)
- PRISM Project (April 2024)
- Production Kawaii (November 2024)
- Project Kavvaii (April 2024)
- Project Memoire (February 2025)
- PROJECT・F (December 2023)
- Website (Defunct)
- Wiki Entry
- Kawa Entertainment (January 2024)
- KoMETA (June 2023)
- Realcorp (January 2024)
- Star☆Ring (October 2023)
- Twitter (Defunct)
- Website (Defunct)
- Wiki Entry
- Tomopulse (January 2023)
- Website (Defunct)
- Wiki Entry
- Tsunderia (January 2023)
- Website (Defunct)
- Wiki Entry
- Shirayuri Productions (November 2023)
- V-Tomo Project (November 2023)
- VERSEn (June 2024)
- VReverie (December 2024)
- Yume+ (August 2024)
- Website (Defunct)
- Wiki Entry
Common Definitions
Corpo - Shorthand for a corporation, company, or talent agency.
Defunct - When a corpo goes out of business, loses every talent, or is no longer operational for any reason, they are considered defunct.
Indie Group - Groups of indies that form into a single loose entity, sometimes indistinguishable from small corpos and sometimes completely independent of one another.
Mascot - A vtuber who represents a brand. They are usually given a model specifically for that role.
Microcorpo - A corpo that is very small in size, due to a limited audience and or a small amount of funding. An easy way to tell if a corpo is a microcorpo is if they do not have an official website or any listed staff.
Talent agency - An agency that provides vtubers with opportunities for sponsorships, merchandise deals, or collaborations. For the purposes of the thread, they are considered "corpos".