a bean ver of zuka & broker jumping up & down repeatedly LOVEMAIL

pwned / leo : I love you. I probably kept saying this, because I do. I liked u from the start and how u keep including me too stuff I really think I would be interested too. I love it when u say you love me back even though its rarely. but its the thought that counts. I love how your fine with us constantly changing matching pfps, Is difficult to explain my love to you, but I still love u none the less. I love how u constantly motivate me for some silly achievements I always give up on.. I'm so glad even with ups and down were still together, even when my friends say its onesided, I didn't mind.. even thought I do wished u say it more often, but I don't blame you at all. I'm glad to be your first lover, I'm happy I could give u fun experiences that if we were to break up would probably be hard to forget. I love u alot and i don't know how else to say it, I'm not that good at words even though I talk alot and I'm pretty active with my words, but I'm unsure how to really say anything without sounding wrong. I love you alot though, I hope we can talk more! love u. hearts for you.

kira : haii kira! I appreciate u alot, like really alot, I loved talking to you and ranting too you, gossiping and pretty much everything, I missed the times we played together but its okay, we've grown but we still talk and thats what I appreciate!! you been there for me, and been a helping hand and listening one too, It's nice to have a friend to talk to everytime to be honest, thats probably why I miss you when ur like offline!! I usually have noone to talk too!! and I usually talk to you aaaa!!!! i still love u /platonic. I probably keep saying this but I actually do appreciate you and everything, your fun to talk to. I wish we can talk more often!! I hope your lifes alright tho!!! love uuu!!!! /platonic

moix / soul : Heyyy moix!!!! its unbelievable. were friends AGAIN!!! 3-4 years we have our fights and fuss and this time we get along?? I hope it stays long and we can visit each other in real life again! If im gonna be honest, yeah I did used to miss you, everytime we talk, I enjoy something in it, yeah we used to not get along before, but everythings changed and I hope you actually kept to ur promise and your now, a better person!! I do feel like we were destined to meet years ago LOL!! but everything happends and it changes. I always wonder why u always come back after a few months! everytime u did. I actually enjoyed ur company, it'll be hard to admit but everytime we fall apart, I miss you alot, in a platonic way of course. I used to talk about you too alot, surprisingly but I kinda thought I moved on but when I saw u were consisted in adding me back, I decided to give u another chance. don't make me regret it moix!! love you /platonic

masha : helloo!! masha!! hey dude!! did I ever,, tell you how much I appreciate you to be honest? as a friend you were always so fun and talkative, I always enjoy playing together or talking together even.. yeah u ask to voice chat alot, but there its some times when i dont mind and we just get really close! I hope one day we can meet up and try intereacting in real life!! I hope your life goes well with you and your family,, Its always so fun talking to you still!! love u man!! /platonic

rue : hey rue!, well hello even. I'll just be out of character for this one since, its my personal love mail, but I.. honestly have fun talking to you and playing with you in general, everytime we talk and we like show our interest to one another it gets so fun, I sometimes risk myself to talk to you more! LOL! but still I like talking to you even tho its just small converstations, i have fun and giggles whenever we roleplay as annihilator and mechanic!! and we really get into character especially when playing together, its surprising to be honest!, even so its alright tho! very much so I appreciate u none the less. I love you /platonic, also a memorable quote? I hate you /sar, "unless"

henry : hello henry!!! hii!! I'll just start it of, I appreciate you and everything. you always amaze me with ur cool poems and writing.. the unique words u put together to be a sentence makes it very meaningful. even if we have our ups and down and downs and ups, I'm still so glad i've meet u !! its really fun talking to you and playing with you, but remember the saying!! if its not lagging its not henry! I would add so much more but I don't know what to say.. I love you /platonic, I hope ur relationship with rue goes well!! stop getting into fights ya damn lovebirds

winter : heyaa winter! or should I say.. pookie? either way, hey winter! Its shocking, I know. but I truly appreciate you. your fun to talk too, and your cool in general, yeah the types of jokes you used to make and the ones ur friends make,, but its all in the past, I hope u changed for the better and u kept to the promise. I don't mind at all if u call me pookie or anything,, just don't get too comfortable with yourself! still, appreciate you and all.

anika : yolo anika!! yeah. I'm friends with moix again! surprising? I think otherwise,, but still I appreciate you for being frequent about me,, and always adding my new account everytime. your like up to date with everything. you may be a really long distant friend but u are a really close friend in my opinion. even if we dont talk that much, I appreciate you none the less! I'll probably still save u a spot as always in my love mails!!! still, love ur rentries and ur art!!! hope ur life goes well!! love yaa /platonic

Pub: 29 Feb 2024 22:52 UTC
Edit: 12 Sep 2024 15:12 UTC
Views: 684