/co/'s Big List of Sites V23.05.16

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🌟 - Marked for its quality and/or importance
πŸ”ž - Primarily hosts adult content and/or images
😈 - Primarily hosts 'sexually contentious' content
🐺 - Furry/Pony centric

Archives / Databases

archive.org/details/movies - Film & TV archive that includes many cartoon broadcasts, adverts, promos, special releases etc
archive.org/details/texts - eBooks and Text archive
archived.moe/co - FoolFuuka Archive for /co/
bcdb.com - Expansive database of animated series episode guides, including cast and crew Information
cartoondatabank.com - Databank containing information, images and theme songs to various shows
desuarchive.org/co - FoolFuuka Archive for /co/
intanibase.com - The Internet Animation Database
kemono.party -πŸ”ž- Public archive for paywalled art content
metamorphose.org - Catalogue of transformations in cartoons... strange...
the-ride.neocities.org - Catalogue dedicated to a multitude of Sonic fancomics
toonhound.com - Information on UK animated television series

Blogs / Personal Sites

cartoonresearch.com - Jerry Beck's blog
dilbertblog.typepad.com/the_dilbert_blog - Scott Adams' abandoned blog, creator of Dilbert
itsnotstupid.com - Invader Zim fan website
johnkstuff.blogspot.com - John Kricfalusi's blog, creator of Ren & Stimpy
kingofooo.tumblr.com - Official staff blog for Adventure Time
outpost-daria-reborn.info - Daria fansite and successor to the now defunct Outpost Daria
rebeccasugar.tumblr.com - Rebecca Sugar's blog, creator of Steven Universe
stusshow.com - Stu Shostak's personal site and frontpage for 'Stu's Show'
stretchfilms.com - John R. Dilworth's personal site, creator of Courage the Cowardly Dog
whataboutthad.com - Thad Komorowski's blog


booru.allthefallen.moe -πŸ”žπŸ˜ˆ- All The Fallen's booru, there's a looot of loli on here
e621.net -πŸ”žπŸΊ- For when you just gotta yiff in hell
gravityfalls.booru.org -πŸ”žπŸ˜ˆ- Booru for the series Gravity Falls
the-collection.booru.org -πŸ”ž- Booru for /co/'s drawfags
rule34.us -πŸ”ž- Booru for... well... Rule 34
rule34.xxx -πŸ”ž- Another r34 booru
visuabusters.com -πŸ”žπŸ˜ˆ- Personal site/booru for the Visuabusters art circle
zoo.booru.org -πŸ”žπŸΊ- Booru for the series Zootopia

(Comic) Books

comicfury.com - Self-publishing indie webcomic site
e-hentai.org -πŸ”ž- Primarily for hentai comics, but includes a large collection of western ones as well
exhentai.org -πŸ”žπŸ˜ˆ- Contentious sister site of e-hentai, requires a week old forum account on e-hentai for accessibility
getcomics.org - Comic book library that mostly deals with capeshit
globalcomix.com - Self-publishing indie webcomic site
gocomics.com - Classic comic book library
libgen.gs - Book library
pdfdrive.com - PDF Library
readcomic.me - Comic book library that mostly deals with capeshit
readcomiconline.li - Read comics online, as the name suggests
tapas.io - Self-publishing indie webcomic site, most of what's uploaded is okay at best
theduckwebcomics.com - Self-publishing indie webcomic site
webtoons.com/en/ - Self-publishing indie webcomic site with a similar community to tapas.io
z-lib.is - Book library

Community Websites / Forums

Always remember be to respectful and lurk before posting on any (small) community listed below …

baraag.net -πŸ”žπŸ˜ˆ- Mastodon art instance that is not for the faint of heart
deviantart.com - Art sharing platform that's garnered a reputation for weird fetish art, like with tumblr, you can still find good art here
fandom.com - Site for creating wiki pages
furaffinity.net - 🐺- Furry art community
inkbunny.net -🐺- Furry art community
newgrounds.com - Flash animation site that holds a very special place in the hearts of internet boomers everywhere
pixiv.net/en/ - Primarily for anime illustrations, but there are a few western artists that post here as well
sudomemo.net - Flipnote Studio community born from the ashes of Hatena, mostly populated by autistic teenagers
tumblr.com - Blogging site that has long passed its prime, you can still find the occasional good blog or piece of fanart
tvtropes.org - Site for documenting tropes in fiction
twitter.com - Troon and drama magnet that ended up being the main hub for artists to share their work, we recommend using Nitter for your browsing experience


… same goes for imageboards.

7chan.org/co/ - 7chan's /co/ mirror
8chan.moe/co/ - 8chan's /co/ mirror
8chan.moe/ac/ - 8chan's Spanish /co/ mirror
boards.plus4chan.org/co/ - /co/ bunker
fujochan.org - GOD HATES FUJOS
sturdychan.help/co/ - Ever wonder where all the worst generals go after getting banned? No? Well here it is anyway


4channel.org/co/mega - Mega threads on /co/, with spoonfeeding!
4channel.org/co/official - Official Win-O'-Threads, comic book sharing on /co/

Public Torrent Sites

1337x.to - Torrent site
bt4gprx.com - Torrent search engine
cpasbien.tw - French torrent site
kinozal.tv - Russian torrent tracker with a focus on films, including cartoons
knaben.eu - Torrent search engine
magnetdl.com - Torrent site
publicdomaintorrents.info - Public domain movie torrents, including cartoons
rarbgp2p.org - Torrent site
rutor.info - Russian torrent site
rutracker.net - Russian torrent forum
torrentfunk.com - Torrent site
torrentgalaxy.to - Torrent site
torrentproject.cc - Torrent site
yourbittorrent.com - Torrent site

Private Torrent Sites (a/k/a Private Trackers)

Visit /ptg/ on /g/ to learn more. Also don't go around begging for invites.

cartoonchaos.org (CC) - Private community for animated shows and movies
mese-vilag.net - Hungarian private community for cartoons
myanonamouse.net (MAM) - Private community for books, possibly the closest thing to a private tracker for comics
myspleen.org (MS) - Private community for animated shows, VHS and Betamax recordings
oldtoons.world - Private community for animated shows and movies
totallykids.tv (TK) - Sister site of CC that deals with children's shows specifically
unleashthecartoons.world (UTC) - Romanian private community for cartoons and Romanian entertainment

Streaming Sites

azm.to - Streaming site for movies, including cartoons
ev01.to - Streaming site
kimcartoon.li - Cartoon streaming site
hdbest.net - Streaming site for movies, including cartoons
himovies.to - Streaming site
soapgate.org - Streaming site
supercartoons.net - Classic cartoon streaming site
vidsrc.me - Video streaming API (Note: Player can be finicky at times)
watchcartoononline.bz - Cartoon streaming site
wcostream.com - Anime/Cartoon streaming site with a large collection
yesmovies.ag - Streaming site


cdisplayex.com - Comic book reader
linuxlinks.com/qcomicbook/ - Comic book reader for Linux
mpc-hc.org - Lightweight and well put-together video player for windows, although it hasn't been worked on since 2017
mpv.io - Powerful and well-maintained video player that allows for great customizability
nomacs.org - Comic reader and image viewer
qbittorrent.org - Β΅Torrent without the adware
sourceforge.net/projects/mcomix/ - A decent comic book reader
tachiyomi.org - Comic/manga reader for Android

Miscellaneous / Unsorted

base64decode.org - If it starts with a 'aHR0' then you'll need this
catbox.moe - File hosting for when your images are either too big or too lewd for /co/
libredirect.github.io - List of alternative frontends for popular websites
mega.nz - Cloud storage, a very popular way for /co/ to share cartoons with one another
my90stv.com - 90s tv simulator that lines up YouTube videos of shows and commercials to simulate watching random tv channels
neocities.org - Web hosting with a community similar to Geocities, has a lot of ca
rwbyg.com - Site companion for /rwbyg/

Special Thanks

Special Thanks to these people for providing the resources you see here, I'd highly suggest checking out their lists for more cool resources.
The Awesome Piracy repo
The Booru Project
InstallGentoo Wiki

Edit Report
Pub: 01 May 2023 18:47 UTC
Edit: 17 May 2023 00:07 UTC
Views: 1206