gulps fuck hi

im vincent or uh any other name that u can find here but if you're toolazy to go there some of my other mains r eudoxia, scara, or kieran. call me whatever u want thats on there also nicknames! i love nicknames

i go by he/him uhm no she/her it kinda makes me uncomfortable. i dont really care if u call me anything else but i'll correct u cause like.. not my pronouns! im a trans male which should probably explain why i dont like she/her pronouns. im a minor i dont really like displaying my age but idrc if u ask. my bday is 11/23. im gay, aroace, and cupioromantic. dont ask what cupioromantic means i will hurt u just google it

i'll decorate this at some point trust
main, lovemail, directory, extended

Pub: 15 Jan 2022 19:46 UTC
Edit: 10 Mar 2025 02:57 UTC
Views: 609