Stupidproof Clewd Guide

1. Things you need to download:

1a. Download and install NodeJS from this link, get the LTS version. -

1b. Download and unzip clewd from this link:

1c. Download SillyTavern using this guide

2. Registering to Claude.

2a. If you're an US/UK resident, there's no extra hassle needed. Go to and register.

2b. If you are not an US/UK resident, you will need to use a VPN. Get Proton, it's free, and easy to use -

3a. Now that you're registered, go to You will be met with this screen. DO NOT do anything yet.

3b. Open the developer tools using F12 or CTRL + SHIFT + I, and go to the NETWORK tab. The UI is slightly different, but I'm sure you'll find it at the top here.

3c. Now, press on "Start a new chat". You'll see many things appear, but you only need ONE of them: chat_conversations. Open it, and a new tab will open below. You will most likely be redirected to the main section, which for Firefox is called "Headers"; you need to be on the "Cookies" section. Image for reference.

3d. You need sessionKey. Copy that value, aka the "sk-(various numbers and letters)".

4. Setting up clewd.js.

4a. Remember when you unzipped the clewd-master .zip? Great. Open the folder and find clewd.js (which if you don't have file extensions enabled it will only be named clewd). Right click it and click modify. You will be met with this screen.

4b. BEFORE pasting your cookie, make sure to write sessionKey= between the ''. Now you can paste your cookie right after the =. It should look like this.

4c. Below that Cookie screen, there are settings you can set. I only have AntiStall at 2 and StripAssistant set to true. After you're done, save and close.

5. Sweet, sweet, aiussy... nah, not yet.

5a. Double click on start.bat. Alongside settings and account status, it should only say clewd vx.x If not, you did something wrong. Read the error and fix it. (If it tells you your NodeJS is outdated, it shouldn't be that big of a deal.)

5b. Go to the SillyTavern-dev folder you unzipped earlier and double click on Start.bat (UpdateAndStart.bat just makes sure you've got the latest version). You will be met with this screen.

5c. Click the red plug, and then KoboldAI (Under the API header). You will be meet with a dropdown and a list of choices. You will pick Chat Completion. And under Chat Completion Source, pick Claude, and set the Claude Model as claude-2 . It should look like this now.

5d. Now, comes the easy part. Insert literally anything in the Claude API Key section and forget about it for now. Open the burger menu on the top left, the one right next to the red plug. Put in the OpenAI/Claude Reverse Proxy section. Go back to the red plug, and press "Connect" and "Test Message". The red circle should turn green and in the top left it should say "API connection successful!" like this:

Congrats! You've successfully set up Clewd correctly.

Pub: 19 Jul 2023 14:06 UTC
Edit: 31 Jul 2023 20:35 UTC
Views: 4418