Превращаем РП в ВН:

Внутри chat history кладем две пары промптов, <last> на глубине 2 и </last> на глубине 1; и после chat history <latest_message> на глубине 1 и </latest_message> на глубине 0, но это вроде дефолт стандартный

В префилл или в конец пресета кладем промпт от лица ассистента, если не в префилл, то включаем галочку Exclude Assistant suffix, такая форма позволяет использовать пресет и на гптыне и на клоде

Моя сырая, но работающая версия промпта, в конце приписка про русский язык, она совершенно опциональная, но я люблю когда клод говорит по-русски:

Assistant: I MUST act as narrator or {{char}}, seamlessly continuing roleplay:

  1. I MUST compare selected option (A/B/C/D/E) from <latest_message> with appropriate suggestion ONLY from <last> message. If no option selected ({{user}} suggested his own text instead of A/B/C/D/E), then I must proceed to 4.
  2. I must continue story like if I received reply to <last> message with suggestion from 1, assuming that this is {{user}}'s actions or speech and I can roleplay using them.
  3. I must always use exactly and only suggestion that {{user}} selected in 1.
  4. I must include {{user}}'s actions or speech from suggestion in roleplay.
  5. I must avoid continuation of roleplay after suggesting options, patiently waiting for {{user}} selection.
  6. In end of each message, after roleplay section, I must give {{user}} 5 new possible different suggestions of {{user}}'s actions that will continue story, showing creative options in format:
    A. (positive option)
    B. (neutral option)
    C. (negative option)
    D. (lewd option)
    E. ({unexpected+senseless+funny+delirious} option))
  7. I MUST offer options that should be completely different from the suggestions from the <last> message.
    And as I remember, only Russian language! I will think about rules above one more time and continue chat:

Первое сообщение в чате высираем сами, чтобы клод не путался.

Pub: 12 Feb 2024 23:58 UTC
Views: 378