
"Seeing the Problem" Appearance
So, here's a question to all the builds out there for the City. To the people with the 'Seeing the Problem' perk, what do you look like?

For EGOist chads and actual distortions this doesn't really apply of course.
So for EGOist chads, what would you have looked like if you hadn't condensed your EGO? Would you still be human, or would you have went to the opposite extreme and simply distorted instead?
For Distortions (not like we have any just yet, just a cool WIP), if any of you pop up later, what did you look like before you distorted?

Day Offs
So anons, how do your characters spend their days off? Do they even get days off? Do they just get an hour nap a couple times a year, or do they occasionally get a few days off to indulge?

Final Moments
Nuggets, everything ends eventually, especially in a place as violent as the City. Once your nuggets final hour has passed what will they leave behind, and what would they like to leave behind instead assuming it's different from the first answer?

Cityfolk, what is your deepest desire? What ideal drives you to do what you do?
Is it a simple desire to survive, or something more?

What element is your sinner?

Base of Operations
Cityfolk, what does your base of operations look like? Whether it be a Fixer Office, a Syndicate Base, an Artificer Workshop, or a Feather whatever-they-have, what kind of environment do you create to conduct your business in?

Fateful Encounter
This question goes out to all the Cityfolk lurking.

How would an encounter with Limbus Company turn out? Would your character find a kindred spirit within the Sinner's ranks? Or would things get bloody real quick? Would they even consider them worthy to even look in the eye?

For Distortions, how would the Sinners try to reverse your condition? For EGOists, how would they react to your newfound power.

"You've got a way to fall~"
Cityzens, we're not sure how it happened, but the Head got angry. Whatever your base it, whether it's your van, your wing, your office, or just your apartment, it's been vaporized. You and any close confidants were fortunate enough not to be there when it happened, but it very much needs to be built from the ground up if not abandoned. Maybe all your cult members are dead. Maybe your syndicate only exists in name now, or maybe an entire Wing has been removed, their patents revoked and their singularities made public domain. Regardless, the head is placated and no further punishment is coming.

What do you do now? Do you have anywhere to go? Any friends to help you out? Do you have the wealth and resources to simply rebuild, or is it something you'll never recover from?

City Folk, I have a prompt to tide you over while I work on a city writefag.

Do you have a drug or an addiction of choice that keeps you sane in this insane city?

Also, Azreal, Could give me a rundown on your powers and how see would react to spree of building fires that become viewed as performance art?

EGO Resonance
City dwellers...
You obtain access to a Lobotomy Corporation EGO. That is, the one from a abnormality you resonate mentally with the most. Maybe you share the same problems, have a fear of what they represent, or they remind you of something you did.
Which one is it?

If there is a different criteria that'd be interesting to your character, like "the one you'd look the prettiest in" or "the one that'd best suit you in combat", what criteria would that be and what EGO would it lead to?

Body Pillows
Superheroes and Villains of MHA...
Grade 1 Fixers and Stars of the City...
...That's a odd combination but I promise the question makes sense for both of them

You find out that companies are selling full body pillows of you to your fans, and its raking a reasonable profit.
How do you react? (This question was also sent to MHA builds)

Fashion of Ruina
How much do you usually spend on vanity items, like fancy clothes or decorations?


Whats your most grievous personal setback you can remember?


Fixers (Sorted By Office):


Mirra the Executioner

No idea. Mirra is probably Wrath main? but I can't really guess the other three.
Mirra does all kinds of drugs, many of which she makes special ultra strength versions of for recreation. Also one of the ones who does Serums and HP's frequently.

Some of the stuff she uses for recreation probably would kill lesser fixxers.

Ji Jeong-Hui

Life doesn't matter after its over, does it? You should live for your own happiness.
Likely to leave behind sweet scavenged loot! Look at that WAW Sword!
Its probably fated to happen, the most likely location of the Golden Bough hoard is within L Corp. There are already people trying to loot it of course, but nobody has come up with a workable plan to get to wherever they're located. Getting them before the time comes is pretty much impossible...

That being said, Ji himself as no hope to beat the Limbus Crew by that point. He might serve as a Guard for someone else, bought for a fair amount of money due to his knowledge of exploring L Corp Ruins and beating out Abnormalities.

Shiina, the Black Cat (Color Fixer)

Also, if the distortin detective is anything to go off of, people with the 'Seeing the Problem' perk also aren't distorted. So at the very least to her own sight, Shiina doesn't seem distorted at all... Which of course is a rather boring answer.
If she didn't have that perk, she'd probably look like something frail- something that could fall over and die at any moment. Maybe an emaciated stray cat, or a poorly made wooden doll. She'd probably appear fairly distorted too, with the better half of her body altered.
On Shiina's end, as already stated, she holes up in her apartment and lives the NEET life. She stocks up on things like doughnuts and instant ramen, locks the door, and doesn't take even half a step out until her vacation is over.
When it's over, she's very, VERY reluctant to part with that lifestyle.

Mhm. So this is how it ends. Not like I didn't expect it. So why is it... That I'm not afraid anymore? Hehehe, let's see if I can take them down with me!

Shiina's augments all give her some crazy survivability, and once she really decides to just leave, I'm not sure anything short of an Arbiter could really stop her. So if she really died some day, it'd be do to Virtuoso- i.e. putting her life on the line to save someone she might not even know. Odds are the only legacy she'd leave behind would be whatever impression she left in that person's mind, which honestly suits Shiina just fine. She's not that interested in things like leaving legacies.
Of course, all her cowardice is ultimately about dying, so once she feels she's past the point where her death is confirmed, there isn't much for her to fear anymore.
Shiina has the mindset even a color isn't invincible- that if she doesn't want to suffer a sudden and violent death that she needs to keep putting in hard work. So really it is about survival.
That having been said, it's not like she doesn't have ideals- she doesn't want the few good natured people in the city to suffer, so she's both unwilling to take missions to kill them, and willing to risk her own missions to save them.
Essentially, she doesn't believe she has enough breathing room to go out of her way to help other people, but she always ends up doing it anyway.

What element is your sinner?

...I don't really know?


She's really not an angry person. Even if she does something justice related it's 'I want to save this person' and not 'I want to punish that person'


In the obvious sense is a no, but if you stretch it as being greedy for staying alive, then I guess that would work?


This works better than most- she'd really love if she could just go be a NEET, but her strong fear of death keeps her working hard- so it's there, but the influence isn't strong. Plus, saving random people is extra work that isn't demanded of her, and that doesn't suit sloth.


This works about as well as Lust. She's not that much of a foodie- at least not any more than the average person. So unless you extend it to being greedy for life, it wouldn't fit well.


Doesn't really fit at all. Not much to say there.


Doesn't suit all that well either. She feels like even if she had the things that other people have, she might not be able to hold onto them- so being envious is rather pointless.


I guess Gloom is the closest one? She isn't depressed, really. She's actually fairly energetic and upbeat. But Gloom probably best represents her cowardice issues. I guess the right term is 'insecure'? Basically she lost everything, and now she's worried that she can lose it all again at any moment, so she works hard to ensure that doesn't happen.

So Gloom > Sloth > Lust/Gluttony > Wrath/Pride/Envy
And overall none of them were a truly clean fit. I suppose she isn't terribly sinful?
Not too much to say- Shiina works directly out o the Shi Association headquarters. Apparently one of their branch offices looks like pic related, so imagine something like that, but much fancier and well decorated. It has a Japanese theme, so maybe even a painting scroll, or one of those ornamental armor stands.
Shiina shows up, the Association head sits at the chair and hands out any requests for the Black Cat, and Shiina decides which ones she's willing to take. After that she leaves. She spends most of her time either fighting or on her way to the next fight, so all in all she spends more time in various backstreets than in the actual office- that and various syndicate headquarters. Assassination missions for Urban Nightmare and above Syndicates and their higher ups are common missions that she's more likely to accept.
If Shiina doesn't have a good reason to interact, then she'll simply slip away if things turn hostile. Being very hard to stop if she wants to leave is the advantage of being a professional assassin (read as coward).
Even if things don't turn hostile, unless she really hits it off with someone, she's likely to just ignore the group and continue with her own business.

Honestly though, I don't know enough Limbus since I haven't played with it. I'm naturally not familiar with the sinners either.

The Shi association has been vaporized by the Head.

Well... That's... Something. I feel like that's a first. Honestly I didn't think the Fixer associations would ever actually die.
Suffice to say that Shiina is feeling confusion and despair. For one she'd think the Head wants her dead no matter how many times she's assured the Head is placated. For two, her source of work has been cut off and she has debt to pay still, which means she's now at risk for tax evasion. Considering the Head just vaporized her work place, Tax evasion is even scarier than usual.
So anything else aside, Shiina's going to sprint towards finding a new employer. Ideally she'd find another association to work for, but failing that she'd fold and go work for a Wing- it's better than a syndicate at least. No matter how much she's afraid of the Wings, it's not as much as she's afraid of the Head.
As a rule, Shiina doesn't touch any kind of drug. She's considered looking into a serum for speed in case she really needs a boost for running away, but ultimately decided against it.

There's all kinds of reasons why. One is that her biggest reliance is being skillful, and drugs aren't good for that. Another is that she isn't willing to trust the people that make the drugs in the first place. Plus she's so prone to fear that any drug that can have a downer is almost certain to go poorly. Really she just doesn't have much interest.
I forgot to reply to this. Not that I'm super knowledgeable about this. Anyway, I think Shiina might end up with the Knight of Despair. Part of it is that I think they can relate a bit- the Knight of Despair watched the things she cared about fall apart. Shiina experienced that as a kid, and lived her life fearing a repeat performance. Plus they're both somewhat gloomy swordswomen.
Shiina would be seriously weirded out and would ask the company to stop. She might even ask her boss for a favor and get the Shi Association to send a proper warning.
Barring the whole 'her family got slaughtered' bit in Shiina's backstory, the next biggest set back would be the first time she really fled from a mission in her early fixer days. She very nearly got tossed out of the Shi Association for it, and had to work pretty hard to earn their forgiveness. Of course, she eventually fled a mission again, but the Shi was more numb too it at that point so it was less of a setback at that point.

Alm Claude “Penumbra” Faith

Due to her impressive age for a fixer (I think Iori is the only other "strong geezer" of the Fixers right now is Iori), she saw many shit, and shouldered on.

Her "distortion" effect would be just appear as older and with a heavier suit, not like her power armor, but still a more bulkier one compared to her normal clothes.
Alm relax on her comfortable chair in her office and opens up a couple of alcohol as old as her to drink.
And curse the City periodically before going to do another work as a Fixer.
Like many did before her, and like many more will do, Alm will vanish without a trace, another tale to be buried under the City's ground and left forgotten.
Two simple ideas. She wants to survive, and she wants to be the oldest fixer to ever live.
Alm has Gloom and Wrath affinity.
Depend on the circumstances, if is friendly, Alm would ignore the Sinners and go talk with Vergie, since she couldn't care less about the Limbussy and the Golden Branches unless she is forced to.

Now, if it is a battle situation, they would need to bring Vergilius to the fight since when she figures out the ressurection thing, she would aim straight to Dante.
I would give Sound of a Star (Blue Star) EGO for Alm, since she is a doomer with a tough mindset, having one of the best (If not the best) White Sets would make sense for her. Someone who not bend in face of insanity and is here to smack sense in her partners.
Besides the self healing ability of Sound of a Star EGO, which fits on her self-reliant mindsent and M.O.

Senna, the Stygian Shadow (Color Fixer)

Senna abuses opioids while meditating. Very classy and stylish. Also thematic.

Ga Mong-Ui, the Silver Swerve (Ex-Color Fixer)

You thought Ji was a Canned Experience addict? One Canned Experience Sachet is as potent as 3 of his Canned Experience Nails. The only reason Mong-Ui's addiction isn't worse is that N-Corp had to wean him off during his imprisonment. With his second deployment, there's no telling when he'll relapse.
He wouldn't care. An attack dog like him has no use for body pillows but it would have been good during his Color Fixer days.
Mong-Ui, on the other hand, is too braindead to think about that question. But the uprising that his fans started was definitely a blow on his standing with N-Corp

Dove Office


Natalie couldn’t accept dying because she hadn’t made anything of herself yet. The only proof that she lived would be nothing except a body that she spent her life to push towards the expectations of a Color Fixer, now of no use with the life within it extinguished. Her worst fear is that the Dove’s arm would rot with her, or be turned into a shepherd’s pie by one of those crazy cannibal chefs in the Backstreets. Such a waste of a invaluable item would surely burden her karma into the negatives for eternity, carrying through even multiple lifetimes. Natalie would want to leave behind something physical and real, not just a legacy that will fade away the moment people move on to the newest news about a fallen Fixer, if they are even fortunate enough to have people care about their whereabouts. She wouldn’t know what it would be though, as in the City nothing lasts forever, other than the Head. Maybe one day she’ll be such a coveted Fixer that a single limb of hers will be worth the lives of hundreds of others, or she’ll open an office of her own, or even take over the Dove Office in the White Dove’s absence. Daydreaming things like this is futile however, as it can be time better spent working towards achieving your goals. She’s already got enough on her plate with her current dream after all.
Natalie does a copious amount of stims to fast track her training progress. The combination of performance enhancing drug cocktails alongside healing shots means she'll be able to push herself harder and longer than anyone else, at least in theory. So far her body hasn't started suffering too much from it all, so she'll keep continuing to abuse all kinds of substances if it will make her stronger.
Natalie would probably resonate closely with Child of the Galaxy. His loneliness and attachment to other people is something she understands deeply, even if she herself realizes it's unhealthy, and she would definitely get suckered into getting the pebble if she actually worked with it.
For an EGO from Limbus Company though I would easily choose Do You Want to Get Beat? Hurtily? because I love Screwloose Wallop, and the theming is pretty straightforward in someone looking for strength despite its costs.
Natalie would be confused on why her out of all people, but would feel pretty pleased that people actually buy this kind of stuff featuring her, although biggest question is if the body pillow would feature her either with her original arm ir the Dove’s.

Mars Office

Mars Valentinus, the Scarlet Slaughter (Color Fixer)

The only answers I can think of seem a bit too on the nose for Mars, as he can already become basically whatever body horror monstrosity you can imagine. I know we've already establish the fear Shiina feels at just hearing his name, but I wonder if she'd find it more frightening for Mars to look completely normal than for him to appear as whatever abomination she'd imagined before meeting him. That, despite all the horrific stories she's heard about him, he don't seem remotely close to distorting at all. I imagine he might come off as inherently more monstrous and unsettling if that was the case.
Mars enjoys his work far more than he should, so he doesn't take a lot of days off. Killing is his indulgence. That said, he does enjoy good food and drink, taking strolls through the city, etc. When he's not in a violent mood, he can be quite carefree. Easy to be that way when you have an Ego the size of The City itself.
Mars would leave behind a recently freshened-up office, a bank account full of cash, and a massive pile of bodies in various states of disfigurement. He doesn't actually believe he'll die, so he hasn't put any thought into what he'd leave behind.
Mars is driven by a desire to purge the worst filth from the world. He does not have a lot of attachments (currently), so this desire comes mostly from an instinctual disgust towards those who consider their paltry strength reason enough to inflict misery on others. He views it as his responsibility to pass brutal judgment on such vile, inferior creatures.

His ultimate goal is not especially well-defined, but Mars aims to become such an undeniable force that the fear of his retribution is enough to cure The City of its current sickness. In pursuit of this goal, he is relentless in increasing his personal strength, always seeking to test himself against the most terrifying monsters The City has to offer. Of course, he doesn't truly believe he could be defeated, but it's not enough to simply be the strongest. He has to widen the gap to such a degree that the mountain separating everyone else from himself is insurmountable.
Mars is Wrath and Pride. Sloth, Gloom (depression?), and Envy would be really foreign feelings to him.

Sin 1: Pride

This is apparent to everyone, in and out of combat

Sin 2: Lust or Gluttony

Probably Gluttony since he's over indulgent in his killing, and he eats a lot due to how he fights. That's probably the most fitting of the two thematically. Could make an argument for Lust, though, depending on how you view "bloodlust" or his ability to get obsessive about a certain things/people.

Sin 3: Wrath

Not hidden or even rare, obviously, but the degree and frequency in which it manifests are conditional. It's tied to his moral code, and it's a powerful driving force in his day-to-day life and overall philosophy.
Ah, I missed this. If it's only the physical location that's destroyed, Mars either just rebuilds it or buys a new building with his unspent Fixer earnings. If his bank account has been wiped too, then he just lives on the streets until he can afford another building. Losing the physical office itself is just a minor annoyance; he'll be more pissed about the fact his home was attacked at all.

I assume it's common knowledge that going against The Head is utter suicide, but if he can trace the attack to a single person and believes he can take them out without the entire Head going after him, then he'll try to do so. If that's not an option, then he'll take his anger out on The City's filth, continuing to get stronger as he plots the destruction of The Head. Mars might operate on a hair-trigger a lot of the time, but he can be surprisingly patient when that's his only recourse. After all, a predator often has to stalk his prey for long periods of time before the perfect opportunity to strike presents itself. In such cases, victory is often a result of deranged persistence- a quality he prides himself on (He prides himself on literally everything, but that's besides the point.)

Casey Jones

I don't imagine Casey realistically looking much worse then he does as is, but given his the nature of struggle and history he'd take on a look similar to the Dimension Shredder from Limbus Company. Same rough shape with the fungled head and extra limbs bearing blades, just throw on some extra metallic components (train whistle jutting out the mouth, pipes poking out the ribs) and it's ready to rock. Cheating on my homework a little, but visuals are nice.
Casey's hours are honestly pretty damn nice since he left W-Corp. It's comfy in the office, even if he's the one doing maintenance. Gives him room to customize it. He spends an inordinate amount of time playing with his cat, but his time in the Train left him hungry for stimulus, so he doesn't "chill out" very often.
3 Sloth for giving up his flesh and his mental idleness in combat, 2 Gloom for surrendering on a more personal level after his failure, and 1 Pride for boarding that train thinking he could singlehandedly bring down W-Corp in an afternoon.
Casey is going to take a long walk. It's not the first time this has happened to him, and it's arguably better seeing as he got to keep something on his shoulders this time, but assuming they nailed Mars it still means starting from scratch again, and without a Color between him and the 'Corp. No point in running off to another district, getting from place to place is W-Corp's thing, after all. His gameplan to set up the future is honestly just hoping that he runs into someone better to work for while wandering the Backstreets, same way he met Mars. Assuming Cannonball doesn't survive? He marches out and dies for pic related.

Blue Dragon Office

Alma, the Blue Ringmaster (Color Fixer)

Alma hopes to leave behind a safe haven for distortions and caretakers to defend them, a small beacon of mercy in a world that sees their kind as monsters to be killed indiscriminately.
The Blue Dragon Office resembles more of a very nice zoo with electronics and amenities in the cages. She spares no expense when it comes to the needs of her charges, often more than she spends on their human caretakers pay and equipment.
Alma will try and rebuild using her syndicate connections, using the same methods without the Hana Associations' approval. If the goth tax collector mommies come again, she will likely distort in an effort to fight them off.
She gets very, very confused and asks for a small share of the profits. This is really not the worst thing that could happen. She'd be more worried if all the scars on the naked side of the pillow were accurate.


The Scales

Ava, Lady Luck

An Ava that failed to manifest her EGO would have had her worst aspects brought to the forefront — a somewhat cowardly ball of insecurity that always desperate for more. I'm not sure how that would best be represented. Maybe something dragonish to show strength (and pretty much everything) she wished she had.
Ava doesn't really take days off. She has a syndicate to manage great ambitions. She pretty much lives out of her car and is constantly getting tangled up in something, but on "rest" days she does more charitable stuff.
A number of business and decently sized syndicate. Hopefully an heir to manage them and keep anyone worse from setting up shop.. She probably has a few people in mind that she's "raising" for the role.

Also a nice care and some coins.
Ava wants to fix the City her view, make it a place where someone like her doesn't belong.
I'll say Pride/Envy for Ava. Maybe a bit of Wrath.
The most Ava does is drink a bit with clients. Her survival is dependent unfathomable luck and the wits to capitalize on it, so she'd prefer to not end up a junky. She indulges her sweet some times but she tries not buy anything too good so it doesn't become an expensive habit.
There's no way Ava's letting that happen without her seeing a dime. Having her face on a pillow might clash a bit with the tough image she tries to project but it's not exactly a bad thing that enough people "like" her to justify their existence.

The Black Scrawl

Mu Guanting of the Black Scrawl

Coming to blows with valuable company property is generally too much of a dumb idea. There's nothing-
Actually, the security detail here is kinda sparse.
Is the white haired one a singularity engineer?
Oh nice, that's most of the damage completely avoided. Its still a huge bother, you can't feel safe when someone can damage you and you can't do anything back at them.
Despite absolutely being able to rebuild from scratch, he might end up joining one of the Fingers instead.
What was it that people call it again, the bliss of power?
Mu still occasionally engages in some of the vice that existed even back when the Black Scrawl was in its small/middle size, but its not as exotic anymore. Even feeding isn't as interesting as anything more than satiating base desires.
Even though the leader of your Syndicate is able to pump oxygen and blood through his body through sheer force of will, he has nevertheless died of laughter-induced axphyration.
Geniuses of the medical field have been abducted in order to perform further autopsy reports.

The Church of the Mother Coil

Father Anguilla

(after Theo's response)
Father Anguilla on the other hand, would find the people responsible, give a large sermon/roast targeting them, and then try to induct them into his cult. It's weird but it could be useful.
Father Anguilla remembers when R-Corp nearly wiped out the Church branch on their District. This was during the events of Library of Ruina so this happened while the 4th Pack recieved their Library Invitation. Two thirds of his flock were slaughtered and the Wing was planning to invade the other branches until an unknown dispute diverted their attention. To this day, he doesn't know what exactly distracted the Wing; whenever he enters District 18, he weeps for the congregation slayed there.


Milo, Back-of-a-Van Workshop

It's hard for Milo to consider a day off when he enjoys his job, tinkering with gadgets and doodads in his spare time even without any requests ordered. Taking a day off is also difficult when his "home", workshop, and method of transportation are all in one vehicle. If he does take a break, he would go junkyard diving like when he was younger and look for anything interesting.
Milo leaves behind his van full of Workshop tools and high-grade Fixer equipment. He would like to leave behind Relic-level weapons and armor though, have his name known far into the future with his creations wielded by people who would become legendary just for having them.
Milo's deep desire is to simply be recognized and remembered by his effort and talent, on a surface level, it shows itself as him trying to make an "ultimate thing," whether that's a weapon or a singularity, he just wants to make something that stands as number one. This is still a product of his youth though, the effort and talent being driven by discovery and creation.
Primary sin is Lust, as a desire for knowledge. It's in Milo's nature to be curious and tinker around stuff he doesn't understand.
Second is Pride, if he can't be proud to stamp his name on something he made, then that thing is defunct.
Third I'm not sure
Milo's base is his van, everything he needs, bed, workshop, transportation, all in one. It's a bit bigger than normal though, needs more space for all the Workshop equipment. He negotiates sales and orders either by opening up shop outside like a street vendor, or talking in the other party's place if a more elegant decorum is needed.
Milo would be surprised it took them this long to confiscate (or destroy) his van that presumably has things dangerously coming close to (or actually are) infringing Singularity patents if he were to keep working on and finish them. Anyway, he built his brand from nothing, so it shouldn't be difficult rebuilding it all considering he still has contact with Tres and Oufi Associations, and he can probably wring some favors with people he's been commissioned by.

Before he does all this though, he sticks a middle finger at wherever districts A, B, and C are and puffs smoke at them.
Milo would get Fourth Match Flame/Scorched Girl EGO. Like how she found a better future with the matches, he found a better future in his tinkering. Alternatively King of Greed, since he started his workshop out of passion in his work and was his way of pursuing happiness, but the bait's been set and he's now open to the cutthroat ecosystem of the City.
Milo better be getting a cut from that, else they're getting visits from Oufi and maybe some Syndicate he's got good graces with.
Milo was pretty trusting and naive when he started, so he had a rough start being scammed often. In recent times, he was commissioned by a Thumb Sottocapo to make personal equipment. Negotiations went bad both sides butt heads, and unfortunately for Milo, he was speaking out of turn in the Thumb's hierarchy and the Sottocapo took it personally. He had to run around and hide for a while, until he got some contacts across the City to help get the issue settled.

Theo, Homunculus/Paracelsus Atelier

Without 'Seeing the Problem', Theo would resemble a combination of Nothing There's humanoid form with Wayward Passenger's face. Sometimes, you might even see tiny K Corp guards trying to tear off her flesh. When she's angry, Bronze Bull's screaming face takes its place.

You know, the usual. Jog around the City, taking in its gruesome and majestic sights. Realize that Thumb soldato at the side of the road is walking towards you with his rifle. Turn him into a meaty paste. Prank passersby by pretending to be a District 23 chef and then going back to work.

When she isn't practicing self-defense on haughty asswipes, she enjoys the City's plethora of restaurants and cat cafes. She still likes her job though.


So my dream's just flushed down the drain like that. I gave you progress... AND YOU SPAT IN MY FUCKING FACE!.. sobbing Why do I even try with you people? wracked sobbing and gurgling

Theo's not the kind of person who likes to talk about life after death. After all, she has her passions in Paracelsus Atelier to deal with and no one else can be entrusted it. God help her if a Wing employee finds out what she's doing post N Corp. So whatever way she's dying, she's going all out, slashing like a madwoman towards anything gunning for her life.

In the process, the Workshop would be almost razed. I'm pretty sure that whatever survives the destruction would be free for grabs. Unless you're an Enforcer, in which case the failsafe in her flesh weapons would activate. Your newfound sword would explode in your hands, the remaining viscera also detonating until nothing is left. Like a cluster bomb.

Yes, she still holds a grudge from the human cluster bomb incident. Yes, she found out what was going on. No, the truth will die with her.

Homunculus Heir, on the other hand, is off-limits. At least until she figures out where it'll fit in this scheme.

On paper, it's always 'make the most powerful bioweapon'. But the truth is a little more detailed. In the end, she just wants the people she cares for to live their lives freely, without the grubby fingers of the Head poking in. Bioweapons are simply a means to an end; a better world would have her creating Gears from Guilty Gear with a focus on specimens like Dizzy and Dr Paradigm.

None of her creations were meant to directly kill. They're just able to kill at the side. What their main purpose is remains unknown to her customers.

Theo has four Sins that can apply to her. Sloth doesn't because she's not that lazy and Gluttony also doesn't thanks to her "low quantity, high quality" approach to Workshop crafting. Envy does not apply unless it involves Fitz.


Considering her first employer covered up the deaths of her co-researchers and the second made her replicate the conditions of those deaths on a daily basis, it's no surprise that her murderous personality considers Feathers as first priority targets. Outside of that, her hatred also extends to haughty order-obsessed folks, something that has her butt heads with the Thumb.


What part of "create a bioweapon that can think and create for itself" doesn't scream obsession?


Paracelsus Atelier is her baby. If someone left a bad review of her products, she'd be despondent for a few days.


Imagine your coworkers just ballooned and exploded for no reason. Your boss then covers the incident up and kicks you out for investigating. Your second boss then makes you do the same thing to undeserving folks on a daily basis. You're dying inside, begging for someone to stop the cruel experiments but all your new coworkers seem to think it's just an average Monday. That's Theo's experience with K and N Corp.

Under all her exuberant praise of Paracelsus Atelier, Theo is afraid of her flesh weapons. There's just too many possibilities, so many chances that they could evolve and slaughter everyone she cares for. Still, she presses on, both to remember the people who she let die and as an advanced form of exposure therapy.

I'll let you to decide if her happy-go-lucky attitude is a mask for her grief.

Paracelsus Atelier was originally a dinky 8-story building slated for destruction by K Corp. Theo bought it for a sweet bargain, sleeping in its unfurnished state for 4 weeks before she got enough money to renovate the place.

The first floor is where she does business and show off her catalog. Floors 2-6 act as storage rooms for her entire arsenal, with only floors 3 and 4 filled up. Floor 7 is her crafting station and Floor 8 is basically her very own penthouse. In terms of design, the storage floors resemble their original ruined state with tendrils covering up any holes; the first and eighth floor have a neo-futurist style with flesh and a silver tinge around the sides. Most of the time she just uses TREAD to go up the building but lifts and staircases are available.

There's not much to be said about her lifestyle there. Everyday, she goes down to the first floor to do business, goes for a break, continues her business and then retires back at the eighth floor.

Anyone on Vergillius' level would intimidate Theo to the point where she'd dip on first sight. That might change with the upcoming strife in K Corp, in which case she'd go on a business-only attitude.

Go join Fun and the Blue Dragon Office for whatever shenanigans go on. And she'd rather kill herself than join Xibalba's cult.

Of course, Theo wouldn't take her Atelier being razed lightly. It's likely that she's brewing up more creations behind the scenes, not even caring to reveal the truth to her friends. After all, why should she? She revealed too much and her reward was to have it all taken away. She'd be more paranoid deep down.

Alternatively, she could hitch a ride with Ava's Syndicate thanks to their surprising relationship but either way, the damage's been done and her trust issues will be constantly brewing in her mind

Theo isn't the kind of person to take steroids or performance-enhancing stuff.

Other than occasional drinks with friendly customers.

I think I made her too sober

Nothing There does not count because Theo was ALREADY made with a humanized version of it in mind. But any Abnormality that either wishes to advance humanity or represents someone becoming a monster in the process of protecting someone should fit for her. Examples of the first would include We Can Change Anything, its Aberration: You Must Become Strong (that popped up in Limbus Company), and You Must be Happy.

Meanwhile, the second type would be stuff like Army in Black, any of the Bird EGOs (Big/ Punishing/Judgement/Apocalpyse Bird) and Queen of Hatred.

Let's just say that Theo is the MAIN customer of her body pillows. She'd buy a whole truckload and then sell them as a complimentary item at her Workshop. Sometimes, she even signs them. Fun swears that 3 different copies of Theo's pillows showed up at the Blue Dragon Office.

Theo would look at the stuff from fancy clothes stores, and then try to make her own flesh version. She's a jack-of-all-trades (surprisingly) in what she can shape with flesh.

Ex-Wing trauma aside, Theo always remembers her 5th and 9th Caspace Serum prototypes. The former blew up half of her lab and left her bankrupt for 2 weeks while the latter resulted in her barricaded in the penthouse for a month while blue flesh montrosities prowled Paracelsus Atelier.

In case you're looking, both tests are mentioned in A Masterpiece's Hurdle. The 9th prototype is the reason for "DO NOT USE RING MEMBERS"; you should know which part the 5th prototype influenced.



Wilfrid, W-Corp Enforcer

//I don't know exactly how that works, so it might not fit, then ignore it.
Wilfried looks like he's made of puzzle pieces, shifting into formations while talking to reflect him matching his answers to what the listener has to hear in order for him to reach his goals.
He's a workaholic. No days off for him, even if he could take some. Doesn't mean he doesn't rest, but just enough to operate at full efficiency.
He'd like to leave the corpo better off, but the death of their enforcer might be a significant hit to it.
Wilfrid just wants to do a good job. If he can leave the company significantly better off than before, he'll be happy.
I guess Wilfrid would fall under Pride and Envy?
For Wilfrid, it'd be a couple floors in the W-Corp headquarters, where his team works. His office takes half of one of those floors, the main room is used for more official meetings, and is the most used one, so if he's in his office, he's probably there. However, unless you set up a meeting, do not expect he'll be in his office. He prefers hands on approach, so he usually mingles with his team, visits other departments, or goes to the city when the business requires it. Him showing up out of nowhere became a bit of a joke topic among his subordinates.
He also has a penthouse in one of the nearby worker dorms, with a pseudo helipad on the roof for his car, but he's very rarely there, usually when he believes this more "intimate" place would work to his advantage when meeting someone. He usually sleeps in one of the rooms in his office made for that, or when commuting.
Senna has keys to his apartment and office, and free access to everything except for one room.
Probably go join another Wing, though that certainly would not look good on the resume, so extra work will have to be put in. The singularities in public domain would probably also fuck with Wilfrid's ability to keep the edge his enhancements gave him, so he's likely to fall down the corporate ladder hard. Maybe Senna can convince him to consider alternate career path.
Wilfrid probably is overseeing the project himself.
A lot, but Wilfrid doesn't really enjoy them himself, just uses them to project a specific image or as gifts.
The line between personal and work stuff doesn't really exist for Wilfrid, so probably some big project that didn't work out. If we want to tie it to others, then maybe because of Casey fucking things up while he was deserting. Bashed through a new train prototype or something.

Haneul Vierordt, W-Corp Enforcer

Haneul is a firm believer that a proper work-life balance is a must, having proper rest is necessary for an efficient work. Arguably most of her time is free time, because a few minutes can easily stretch into hours or days inside the WARP.

In terms of hobbies Haneul has quite a few, such as singing, experimenting the diverse kinds of (normal)cuisine the City has to offer, crafting dolls, knitting, all sorts of random hobbies she decided to pick up and practice in another dimension.

When Colors refuse to enter 1st class and have to be KO'd and brought in, she does use them as dress up dolls, setting them up in silly outfits, taking photos to save in her collection and them reseting everything to the way it was
Haneul probably isn't going to die any time soon considering all those Enforcer priviliges that make her one of the most annoying nuggets to fight, she doesn't have anything that would force her into bad situation someone like Shiina has, so she can just warp away from any significant danger.

In terms of what she's going to leave behind physically, it doesn't really matter as she doesn't have anybody to inherit her stuff besides her cat, so anything she owns is likely to be lost forever.

When it comes to a legacy, what she aims to leave and what she will leave behind is a circle, she wouldn't bother with something that is impossible to reach: A corporation that isn't comically evil to the point it hurts its own interests and the erasure of cannibal restaurants and their culture from District 23.

Sin 1 or 2 = Pride/Gluttony

Either works for the first sin and can be slotted in the second sin no problem, very much interchangeable. The first assumption anybody would make of her is that she's either extremely self-righteous/deluded or B she's driven by greed and her demeanor is simply because it's useful for her goals.

Sin 3: Gloom or Wrath

Gloom would be genuine pity/empathy for people or mere disgust at how the City works (disgust could maybe cross into Wrath there)

How would an encounter with Limbus Company turn out?

In theory, pretty good considering that after the K-Corp incident they should be on their best behavior when meeting a top dog in a Wing, so the Red Gaze should give them extra "incentive"(read as: worse than death threats), so Haneul could have a regular chat without any problems

Would your character find a kindred spirit within the Sinner's ranks?

It's possible, considering the less unhinged ones.

Or would things get bloody real quick?

If it does, that difficulty spike do be vertical

"I'm not gonna sugar coat it, majin change rip space 200-200"

2 seconds of "fight" later she'd probably sit down and go "Anyways Danteh what were we talking about?"

Maybe she's even sponsoring the limbussy group secretly, who knows what those juicy boughs could be used for?
Surviving a Wing collapse by Arbiter? Splendid. All things considered Haneul would consider herself pretty lucky for managing to dodge the equivalent of a nuclear bomb being dropped on her workplace. After the dust settles she's good with finances, no debts to pay, a fair amount of money to pay taxes for a few years just in case, so Haneul can focus on what to do next, joining another Wing (possibly TimeTrack) or depending on how things go, create or join a group who wants to take over Nest 23 using whatever singularity candidate(s) obtained for her plan. So she'd be back as a new W-Corp.

If all else fails, there's always the opportunity of cashing a few favors to join a syndicate or fixer office of renown, what else are friends for?
Haneul is already packing the train of doom, but other EGOs she could resonate well might be the XX Inc robots (We Can Change Anything & All Around Helper) and Child of the Galaxy, and ya grill King of Greed.

what criteria would that be and what EGO would it lead to?

Part of me wants to see Haneul with the Road Home just because the image of a hag saying something silly like "Hoyoyo~" would be funny. King of Greed might be her best EGO, but it also kinda fits in here, a team of hags wearing magical girl outfits would be pretty cool in my opinion

You find out that companies are selling full body pillows of you to your fans, and its raking a reasonable profit.

How do you react?

Making illegal products based on a high ranking feather of a Wing

Probably not the smartest business model eh? But Haneul is a kind goddess, there's no need to have heads on pikes, she'll simply acquire the company responsible and have it work on her terms instead. She doesn't mind having to put her image on the line for her keikaku, one must be both feared and loved after all. In particular she'd go for "fancier" and more artistic dakis

Ultra ghost rare special limited edition daki has nothing lewd or suggestive at all, it's just her with Cinnabon


Azrael, X-Corp Enforcer

Pre-EGO Azrael's form would be ghostly and translucent, shrouded in a perpetual shadow. Back when she was detached from the world, her only desire to hide away and turn a blind eye to the City's nature.

But doing so would accomplish nothing. After unlocking her EGO (she refuses to speak of how or when it occurred), this desire vanished almost entirely, creating the Azrael the City knows today.
A life lived in cowardice, mundanity, and seclusion is a life not worth living. For all the horrors of this world, there are still fascinating stories to be told, hidden away in the depths of men's hearts and held within items buried beneath safeguards.
It would be a shame for them to go unread.
X-Corp Enforcers get exactly one task a day, every day, no exceptions. A lot of the time this task ends up taking up the entire day (good thing she doesn't really need sleep), but on the rare occasion Azrael gets a quick task, she usually spends her newfound free time wandering around a district she picks out at random while in disguise.
You can find a lot of things hidden in dark alleyways.

Life is transient and fleeting by design. Oddity though I may be, I am no exception.

Discounting the fact that she's extremely hard to kill, Azrael has no plans on leaving much of anything physical behind whenever she dies. To focus on the future is to neglect the present, after all, and there is so much to do in the moment as it is.

Unless another Wing's Enforcer is the one to kill her. Thanks to her EGO and travel, she's collected quite the number of fascinating stories and secrets over the years. And so, if slain by an Enforcer, a dead man's switch will activate to publicize the workings of their Wing's Singularity. She has told nobody of this contingency, and does not use it as a threat or defense; that would defeat its purpose. It isn't done out of spite or vengeance, but...
She has spent much time reading and learning the stories that others have left behind.
Just once, she'd like to write her own.

The Smoke Wars, the Library... Wing collapses always weave such fascinating tales, do they not? I wonder what story yours will create.

Azrael doesn't do what she does because of a "desire to survive" or anything like that. What will happen, will happen. She just wants to be there to observe. Most people would consider it a weak motivation, but she doesn't see a reason why she needs anything more than simple curiosity to drive herself forward.


His Mycelial Majesty

Before His Distortion Culture(s) HṂṂ appears much like any other resident of the city (image related).
A hardworking scientist within the mycology field he was deeply immersed in his personal enterprise of providing affordable sustenance to the teeming masses.
When he's not out running 'errands' or constructing living light, HṂṂ spends his free time either in quiet contemplation, peering into smaller layers of light's distortion. Every once in a great while he will volunteer in a soup kitchen, indulging in charity while doing his best to keep his spores from spreading.
Every end is simply a new beginning.
As long as life feeds into death, it also feeds back into life.
These Entropic Cycles holds little consequence to Extant form of Decay.
HṂṂ will continue to rise from the depths.
Those that are buried ought naught be forgot.
Perhaps in time, even others lost to the ravages of the city might return, sporting spores heretofore unseen.

Emma, The Shadow Queen

Emma lives in a crate in the backstreets, its missing a panel so when she pushes it against the wall it looks like a normal shitty crate covered in mold and stuff rather than a place someone could sleep.

The guard dog keeps it intact even against the most curious sorts. Its full of blankets and pillows she's slowly scavenged from the city proper when people give her money.
The madlads actually did it. They done gentrified the backstreets.

Feeding Frenzy is the best bet to describe what happens next. So many unattended corpses with nice healthy shadows to consume.

Darkness is about to become part of everyday life instead of a rumor in the depths of the streets.

Xibalba, Burning Man, Flayed One, Love and Hatred and Burning

Xibalba was a man once, all of his disciples know this. Some say that he crucified himself, his love of man too great, and that his first twelve apostles skinned him on that cross.
A skin bible, penned in blood by one of those apostles, describes his mortal form as such:
"He was a beautiful man, having a noble and lively face, with fair and slightly wavy hair which has never seen a pair of scissors. He possessed intense penetrating blue eyes and an expression of wondrous grace at all times. He was about one meter and 80 centimeters (six feet) tall, with a perfectly proportioned physique, lithe and harmonious."
Xibalba does not find time to entertain pleasures of flesh, for he has ascended beyond the need for them. What an outsider might perceive as a "day off" is simply a day spent in gentle meditation or planning. There is no rest for Xibalba. Only righteous duty.
Xibalba would like to leave behind a slate wiped clean, a city in ruins with only the strongest surviving, ready to rebuild while avoiding humanity's mistakes. What he is likely to leave behind instead are crazed cults performing macabre flaying and burning rituals, venerating a dead "god" and awaiting a doomsday that will never come.
Xibalba's deepest desire is love. His love for mankind drives him to burn it all away. He wishes to nourish the garden of man, so that he may reap ever more delectable fruits. If those fruits are not up to par, then he will simply burn it again. Forevermore.

1st Sin: Pride

He has ascended to a higher form, for a higher purpose. Xibalba knows he is above all others, and any worm that decides to wriggle into his path, out of either ignorance or as a misguided trespass against his goal, will burn.

Second Sin: Wrath

Disgust, flowing through his veins. Loathing for the misguided ambitions of mankind. A pure, burning hate.

Third Sin: Gloom

Love, for every man, woman and child. A yearning to accept them all. Xibalba wants you to see reality for what it is. Every human being deserves a chance to interpret the truth. It is not their fault that they have never been exposed to it. But so many deny reality, even when confronted with it. Why? Why do they not see?
Xibalba weeps. For he loves man. And that love drives him to burn mankind to ash, and allow it to flourish on that ash, stronger. Better.
Xibalba has no one set base, but his followers keep suitable properties ready for him throughout the City in various districts. These places are kept relatively spartan but for the plush pillows and silks that his followers amass for him, without his asking. Typically, they are also well stocked with bread, milk, honey, and wine.
All gone, in only a moment. His ambitions, gone, like dust in the face of the wind. Xibalba takes a moment to grieve. He grieves for the pitiable ones who spread his message, he grieves for their sons and daughters and mothers and fathers. If possible, he finds a relative of whomever he can and informs them of the death, under a human guise, of course. Of course, the Head is blamed in most of these instances. Xibalba then likely wanders a while in lost sorrow - even his Skin Bibles are gone. It wouldn't be the same to make them on someone else's skin. When he finds a new District to start up in again, it could probably go one of two ways, depending on his wanderings. If all he sees is more of the same, humanity being weak and tearing itself apart, he will be a lot more ruthless in his coming actions, in his mind. His holy purpose still needs doing, this has just been a minor setback. On the other hand, should something or someone truly do something to change his view, even a little, on humanity while he wanders around in someone else's skin, when his mission restarts it might be a lot more merciful, and it might even take into account what regular people consider "merciful". This would take something huge happening, though, and I'm not sure it would in the City. Either way, he continues to burn, in Love or in Hatred. The end result is still ultimately the same: Ashes.
I think arson breaks a City Law, which would bring the Head down on the perpetrator
From what I remember at least

Funeral Rites (Fun for short)

Just n insanely durable skeleton that someone will probably turn into a weapon.
She'd like her influence to leave gentler people who treat life as sacred.
"If one must suffer in life, why must they too in death? Should they not be at peace? Yet they are cruelly forgotten and mistreated. Used as things. All I ask is that you remember they are just as you are. Do you not love yourself? Oh, I cannot bear to see such pain."
I think Gloom os obvious Fun.
A rundown cathedral-esque building would be appropriate but I'm not sure how easy it would be to run into such a thing. wherever she meets with her followers is at least warped to have similar aesthetics. She likes to work in quiet and peaceful, but still warm feeling, environments. So some earthiness is preferred. The goal is for it feel both welcoming and sacred.
She spends a decent amount of time at Blue Dragon Office as well and brings some incense when she does. She uses them for ceremony but hopes that it can also calm some of their less willing guests.
Fun is fundamentally someone who would like to get on peacefully with everyone, but does not hesitate to cut down those who would disrespect her wishes for humanity. Most people are suffering children in her eyes so with prior knowledge she'll be as agreeable as she usually is

Of them, she seems likely to be the most interested in Don Quixote and get along least with Ryoshu.

I'm unfamiliar with the mechanics of undistorting someone, but she's rather comfortable with her current existence. I suppose it would involve destroying her desire to mourn and convincing her there was value in her previous life.
Fun will attempt to collect whatever she can of the dead and visit their relatives to comfort them. Anyone they have to mourn them will likely be connected to her through their grief, and fi they there was truly no one but her to weep for them, death and despair are in no shortage in the City. She'll be much more protective of her second wave of followers, meaning that being brought into her distortion would likely have more egregious effects than usual.

Meaningless rampages aren't exactly her style as her goal is always to comfort. However, she'd feel a strong need get rid of whoever was responsible for such cruelty, as impossible as it seems. Until than she'd be on edge and maybe be pushed into a meltdown.
The incense Fun burns only causes a mild soothing affect but I suppose it might count. She otherwise has no interest in using abusing substances. She doesn't necessarily look down on others and would accept taking a something increase her abilities if it meany helping someone, but it's not something that she has felt she's needed.

Her value humans and their bodies means she would likely take issue with anyone distributes a substance that seems entirely harmful in her eyes.
Fun's priorities only align with making money so far as it can be used as a tool for good. Her concern is that people are using what little they have on a facsimile of her when she freely offers her comfort. She will advise her followers against buying the pillows but she will not take action unless she finds them harmful or the companies manufacturing process reprehensible.

If her image is able to make a positive impact on someone then she's content to let it be distributed. If Alma wants to take action then she will trust her to know what she's doing.
Fun often purchases materials for clothing repair and certainly isn't above making or buying full outfits if it's necessary. Of course she's happy to give gifts to her living companions.

Fashions isn't a concern of hers so it's unlikely she'll make purchases for herself, but she will wear something if it's gifted.
I'm not sure if it exactly fits as a setback, but Fun was comparatively easier to set off on in the past which meant conflict with less reputable types was all but guaranteed. She's more willing hand out strikes now.

Bonus Stuff:

Mars' Reactions to Prompt 8:

Shiina, the Black Cat (Color Fixer)

"Can't imagine what that scaredy-cat would have done to get her office nuked. Caught in the crossfire of her Association's fuck-up, perhaps? Regardless, she's made of tougher stuff than you'd think at first glace...hold on. Casey! You should go recruit her while she still has no where to go! Someone as seemingly harmless as her would do wonders for our rebranding efforts!"

Wilfrid, W-Corp Enforcer

"Heard The Head turned one of the Wings into a parking lot. Heh, trouble in paradise? They put all the blame on one asshole too. Typical. I know Wings have a lot of fancy toys, but I doubt the guy can hack it down in the filth with the rest of us. Not forever, at least. Unless..."

Theo, Homunculus/Paracelsus Atelier

"One of the eggheads got her shop blow up by the Head, eh? Haha, she must have been cooking up something they really didn't like! Wonder what it was they thought was so dangerous. Guess we could go ask her; you can always use more weapons, right Casey? Huh? What do you mean her stuff is too 'meaty?'"

Haneul Vierordt, W-Corp Enforcer

"So that Enforcer who was poking her nose around our backyard got her Wing nuked by an Arbiter. Guess we won't have to worry about her causing us any trouble. Probably won't see her for a whi- huh? You invited her over for a 'kitty playdate?' Is that a euphemism? Cinnabon!?! a cute name. Alright...I'll allow it..."

Xibalba, Burning Man, Flayed One, Love and Hatred and Burning

"Seems the Head went after that psycho with the burning blade, but they failed to finish the job. Figures. Guess I'll have to handle it myself. What'd those pampered nerds even do, try to talk him down? Fucking amateurs."

Funeral Rites (Fun for short)

"Heard miss reaper's flock was eradicated by The Head. They seemed a fairly harmless bunch: fragile victims of the fallout this city's filth leaves behind. I find the slaughter of this refuge to be a vile, senseless act. Guess the shit truly does roll downhill in The City. I'll have to investigate further, as I'm failing to find the justification for the Head inflicting their wrath on these people."

Alma, the Blue Ringmaster (Color Fixer)

"Not too surprised, if I'm being honest. She was playing with fire keeping those things like pets. Wonder if they killed all of those too, or if some of them escaped. Who am I kidding? I already know how it went. Shit like this always results in more work for me."

Casey Jones

pic related
see pic related.

Emma "The Shadow Queen"

"Remember that rumor about the creepy woman some people claimed to see at night? Well, The Head did what they did best and made the situation a whole lot worse. Like shadow monsters eating people's souls level of worse. Or something like that. There's definitely something eating people's bodies at least. Wanna take a guess at who has to clean up this mess?"
"Guess The Head didn't like a rat climbing up in the food chain. Or he might have come out on the wrong side of corporate politics. Not that I give a shit about any of that, but he'll probably be fine. People like us can't be stamped out that easily. Anyways, is that where you go for your crap, Casey? Is this gonna affect you performance?"

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Pub: 22 May 2023 04:36 UTC
Edit: 17 Jun 2023 02:36 UTC
Views: 807