Chunithm SUN

ChuniSun Header

An attempt to centralise information and files related to running Chunithm SUN at home This document is still very much a work in progress, lines in italics are a placeholder/reminder for myself

Table of Contents


File Link
Clean Data SDHD 2.10.01 wherever you normally find your data
Official SDHD Options
Official SDGS (International) Options + Sun Plus backports
Assorted known good Options
English Patch
Assorted Options (Varying quality, don't blindly merge with existing options without a backup, there are many duplicates)
Patched exe's and fufubot segatools
Network Emulators
ARTEMiS (Recommended)
aqua (No longer updated)
Other Links
Chunithm SUN Patcher
fufubot segatools
Tasoller Custom Firmware
chusan-touch missing libraries


This is simply to get the game installed and running, further configuration and network setup is covered below

  1. Extract Chunithm SUN (SDHD 2.10.01).7z somewhere (for example C:\ChunithmSun)
  2. Extract Patched exe's and segatools bin + fufubot.7z to your App\bin folder, replacing any existing files
  3. Extract any desired Option data to the App\bin\option folder
  4. Run App\bin\start.bat

English Translation

The English translation package will translate almost all of the SUN UI to English, however it won't translate song/artist names

  1. Extract somewhere
  2. Copy the data folder to your App folder, replacing any existing files
  3. Copy the option folder to your App\bin folder, replacing any existing files


As provided, the game will run at 120hz. If you want/need to run the game at 60hz, you will need to use the Patcher linked above to patch your chusanApp.exe with CVT Mode. You may also need to open segatools.ini and under [gpio] change dipsw2 and dipsw3 to 1
You can also change whether the game runs Windowed or Fullscreen via the [gfx] section


The fufubot segatools provided above uses chuniio-mux.dll, an all in one input solution that should work with YubiDeck/Tasoller/Brokenithm/Keyboard all at the same time

1 is used to enter the Test/Service menu
2 is used to add a credit


Probably the worst way to play the game. By default the game uses SDFGHJKL for the slider and Space Bar for the air sensor
This can be customised in the segatools.ini in the [io3], [slider] and [ir] sections


Slider and Air Sensor will work as expected with no other changes
To use the built in Aime reader, open segatools.ini and in the [aimeio] section uncomment the ;path=aimeio_yubideck.dll line (remove the ; from the beginning)


Slider and Air should work with no changes, however the LED's on the slider will require the installation of Custom Firmware
Before installing the Custom Firmware, you will need to know if your Tasoller is on the factory 2.0 firmware. If your Tasoller was purchased from 2022 onwards it should have come with 2.0. If your Tasoller is older you may need to follow the DJ-DAO upgrade guide before installing Custom Firmware

To install the Custom Firmware, download the package above and follow the steps in the readme.txt included, making sure you use the correct files depending on if your system is AMD or Intel


Allows you to use an iPad or Android tablet as your controller. This will also work on phones, however it's not recommended due to the size

  1. Download the latest Brokenithm-Android .apk and install it on your tablet
  2. Download the latest Brokenithm-Android-Server and put the exe somewhere, but do not copy over the chunihook.dll, as the segatools provided above already implements this
  3. Run brokenithm_server.exe
  4. On your Android device, open Brokenithm and type your PC's local IP address in the Address box at the top right, then click connect
  5. Start Chunithm SUN with the start.bat as usual

Brokenithm-Android will be running over your wireless connection, which may not have the best latency. LED's only work in TCP mode. To do an Air input, you slide up
You can improve latency using ADB. The basics are covered here. I may include specific instructions on setting this up in the future

  1. Download the Brokenithm-iOS ipa and install it to your iPad using Sideloady, making sure to follow the Important Windows Task regarding installation of iTunes
  2. Download the Brokenithm-Evolved-iOS 7z file and extract it somewhere. Do not extract the aimeio.dll and chuniio.dll files to your game folder, as the segatools provided above already implements this
  3. Run Brokenithm-Evolved-iOS.exe and connect your iPad via USB
  4. Start Chunithm SUN with the start.bat as usual

Brokenithm on iOS has improved latency due to not relying on a network connection (IO is handled via USB)


chuni-hands lets you use a webcam to detect raising your hand for the air sensors. This can be used with any input method, however it is best paired with Brokenithm

  1. Download the latest version of chuni-hands and extract it to its own folder
  2. Open chuni-hands.json, find the "SendKeyMode" line and replace "be" with "chuni_io". Save the file
    "SendKeyMode": "chuni_io",
  3. Open chuni-hands.exe and configure your air activation settings in the GUI
  4. Start Chunithm SUN with the start.bat as usual

Don't forget to also run Brokenithm before starting the game, if you are using it for the slider input. You will also need to disable air input within Brokenithm on your tablet


chusan-touch lets you play the game with touchscreen, using the same input method as brokenithm (slide up for airs)
Instructions are provided on the github page. If it still doesn't work, you may need to download the additional missing libraries linked above and put them in your bin folder

Network Setup

To make a profile and save your progress, you will need to connect to a server. While there are some public servers, such as, it's generally better to run your own local server

The server you connect to is set in segatools.ini in the [dns] section. If you are running your own server on the same machine as the game, this will be your local machine IP, which can be found by opening Command Prompt, typing ipconfig and looking for your IPv4 Address: generally in the format of 192.168.x.x

To use a virtual Aime card, create an aime.txt in your App\bin\DEVICE folder, and fill it with 20 digits, not starting with a 0 or 3
Once in game, hold down the Enter key to scan your virtual card

The 2 most popular local servers are listed below


ARTEMiS is the preferred network emulator as it is still maintained, and imports database information from your game installation
Installation and setup guides are available for Windows and Ubuntu
Data import has its own seperate guide
If the instructions linked above seem a bit too complicated, I've put together a mostly screenshots guide for setting up ARTEMiS on the same PC as your game, available HERE


aqua is much simpler to set up, however it is no longer maintained.

  1. If you don't already have it installed, download and install the Java JDK and make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set
  2. Extract aqua-0.0.46-RELEASE.rar somewhere (for example, C:\aqua)
  3. Open with Notepad
  4. Set game.chusan.version= to 2.10.13 (or whichever version number your latest Option Data has, as described in the file)
  5. Set game.chusan.rom-version= to 2.10.01
  6. Optionally, set a desired
  7. Save the file
  8. Run start.bat (this should be running before running the Chunithm SUN App\bin\start.bat)

Hardware Card Readers



You are most likely to have success with Multiplayer when all users are using the SAME data and options, from the same sources. Verify that each person can run the game normally before attempting to network them together.

Chunithm expects the cabinets to be using specific IP addresses,
The easiest way to achieve this, both locally and over the internet, is by using a tool called ZeroTier
Once you've signed up for ZeroTier, login and create a new network. Click on the newly created network and add the following Managed Route and IPv4 Address Pool (you will need to switch to the advanced tab under IPv4 Auto-Assign)

ZeroTier Config

Delete the auto-generated Managed Route and Auto-Assign Pool (the ones that aren't your newly created 192.168.139.x ones)
Install the ZeroTier client on all PCs you wish to use for multiplayer, and join your newly created network using the Network ID on the ZeroTier page
Whoever created the Zerotier network may need to go into the Network Settings and authorise the newly joined users (tick the Auth? box next to them in the Members section)

For the next part you will need to know which IP address each machine has been assigned. This can be done by either typing ipconfig into command prompt and checking the IPv4 Address shown under the ZeroTier One adapter, or by clicking on the ZeroTier icon in your taskbar, mousing over your joined network and then mousing over Managed Addresses

Open segatools.ini on each machine and make the following changes

addrSuffix= last 2 digits of your ZeroTier IP
id= everyone needs a seperate keychip
dipsw1= set to 1 on the machine assigned the .11 IP, and 0 on all others
example keychips: A61E-01D02321145 A61E-01A30831145 A61E-01E38091145 A61E-01E46241145

In service menu, under GAME ASSIGNMENTS, enable CABINET-TO-CABINET PLAY, making sure all are on the same group (A for example)
Whoever was assigned should set SET STANDARD IN GROUP to STANDARD, all others should set this to FOLLOW THE STANDARD

verify settings on own machines


Application Error (0xc000007b)

Install the Visual C++ Redistrutable AIO package
Also install the June 2010 DirectX Redist package

Game is stuck at the Settings are being synchronized screen

Follow the Standard
In the Test Menu, go to GAME ASSIGNMENTS and set CABINET-TO-CABINET PLAY to OFF. The screenshots were taken using the English Patch, however the settings will be in the same location if playing in Japanese

Game is stuck at Waiting for Distribution Server screen

Dist Server
Set dipsw1= to 1 in segatools.ini

Network check stops/fails at Title/Billing

Open config_hook.json with Notepad and modify/add the following

    "allnet_auth": {
        "type": "1.0"
    "allnet_accounting": {
        "enable": false
    "emoney": {
        "enable": false

Display issues

Chunithm SUN is a 1080p game and can't be run at other resolutions
You should disable G-Sync/Freesync and set your refresh rate to whichever you plan to run the game at (60hz or 120hz)
If you find the game crashes whilst alt-tabbing out of fullscreen, and want to fix this, you can download the latest version of DXVK and extract the x32\d3d9.dll to your App\bin folder (where your chusanApp.exe is)

Sound issues

If you are having no audio/audio issues, go to Sound Settings, click on Sound Control Panel, select your output device and click Properties. Under the Advanced tab, set your Default Format to 16 bit, 48000 Hz (DVD Quality)
You can also try enabling/disabling Forced shared audio mode with the Chunithm SUN Patcher linked above

Slow boot times

You can reduce Chunithm SUN boot times by going to Virus & threat protection in Windows, clicking Manage settings, Add or remove exclusions and adding the game folder to your Exclusions list

Error Codes

0919 Disable your DVD drive
4105 amfs directory is not set correctly in segatools.ini

If you have other 4 digit error codes, you can compare them against the list of IDZ error codes to see if it helps pinpoint the issue, as they run on somewhat similar systems

idk other stuff

Pub: 13 May 2024 20:35 UTC
Edit: 13 May 2024 20:41 UTC
Views: 2364