chukasa's community is growing!

all upcoming updates are announced on the updates channel of chukasa bot server. thank you for enjoying chukasa and being patient! (‾◡◝)

chukasa's VER 39 CHANGELOG


  • three specific cards would not be sold when you tried selling its dupes to chukasa.
  • the missing command would not respond properly sometimes.
  • gacha x10 would have strokes more often than not.
  • for perfectionists out there: completions now have the right order for units and characters..
  • meiko's First, Let's Strengthen Our Abdominals! had the wrong unit emoji.
  • KING's producer was KING instead of Kanaria.

within 12 days chukasa went from 75 to 245 servers (jun 17th - 29th), like!!! what is this sorcery! i wish i could kiss everybody's forehead and pay for their therapy! thanks so much for loving him (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
very very special capitalized italic Thank You to the... the kissers (CHUkasa beta testers, puns) astae, revi, star, yume and yun!! i'm 39x happier thanks to your help and suggestions. i did the math!!

slash commands

chukasa grew so much so quickly its code would not handle a lot of friends spamming at the same time, and so prefix commands would not support so many gambling addicts at once - that's why he'd have a stroke every so often. fortunately now you can spam as much as you want until discord itself tells you to stop!

nearly all commands have been revamped and remixed, so i'd recommend you to check the /help command for more practicality. if you don't want to though, simply type / and look for chukasa! all of the commands have inline descriptions, so it's much easier to know what they do on the go. (i've become a huge slash commands fan)

/help has pretty much everything now, but just to announce:

  • users' shop filters
    · i didn't think the shop would have... 400 cards at a time. it used to be awful for navigation, but now you can filter the cards by name, unit and availability (which is either permanent or limited)!
  • slaughter the rich
    · if you're too rich, have already 100%ed the current collection, your crystals are piling up and you still can't stop the gambling... your end is near. you'll suffer soon! you'll go bankrupt! this is targeted to you, awesome_jerm.
  • a few adjustments to prices
    · rewards have been nerfed to avoid more awesome_jerms showing up (half-joke), and so were the wish pieces, which now are equivalent to 500 crystals. limited daily shop's prices have lowered as well.
  • mail is cool now!
    · mail is now /message, and there's a pop up so you can type the message. it's very fancy. it feels corporate-y.

chukasa's ver 3.0 changelog

from 2.2 to 3.0 because i said so!!

hey YOU

i test the bot myself, meaning features such as shops and gifting are mostly luck-based as i don't have clones to test it properly. so i need... test subjects... to debug chukasa before updating. people who will type commands and interact with the bot. none of your data will be on chukasa, as you'll interact with a spare bot (same code) for testing purposes. i'm too shy to reach out and ask this because if you agree to it, you will not be paid, you will not be fed, you will not be pampered; however, your help will be appreciated for eternity. so be a volunteer for a somewhat good cause!!
if you're interested, please send a chu mail!


  • i don't think there were notable bugs this time. at least nobody told me (;′⌒`)

thank you!!! especially to yun, akariurlocalsimp, bittwersweetbitter, wither and kilkila for the suggestions, support and spam of "can i hug your bestfriend (rui)", "did you know i have adhd", "what are your thoughts on mizurui", etc. on mail! i do giggle a lot. thank you all (‾◡◝)

  • museum and inventory have been condensed into one
    · the museum command is dead dead; now you can see everything on inventory.
  • sell all your dupes instantly!
    · new command, sell, will let you decide how you want to sell your dupes to chukasa in batches.
  • check the cards you're missing!!
    · this took a while, i'm sorry. but now you can do it with missing or mi, and also specify the character/unit (as in m tsukasa).
  • rewritten some of help descriptions
    · not too important but i feel like it was needed since there were too many errors in the bot's logs due to the wrong usage of some commands.

chukasa's ver 2.2 changelog


  • kohane and akito's total count on collection completion page were mixed up.
  • leaving the setting price page for 60 seconds would automatically put it on the shop, even it you'd left it at 0 (meaning your card would be sold for free).
  • the gifting feature was not included in the help command.
  • n25's debut single has 3 songs, but pulling only 2 of them would already count it as "completed".
  • not a bug: daily and weekly commands' timers were not broken; the bot was resetting randomly throughout the day, and so the timers were reset altogether. because this is bound to happen a lot (and earning crystals is not that hard anymore), both commands were deleted.

thank you for the billionth time to yun (aka akitoya. the master collector), cloudsteriaas._, stele, reii and snowy for suggesting stuff/reaching out/reporting bugs/supporting chukasa as a whole! i'm so grateful ‧⁺( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ◡ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )⁺‧

3 "versions" within a week is so weird. but bugs showed up and people kept suggesting stuff. i tried to just write them down for a later update but i'm not that patient. the earlier the merrier!! sorry for the spam!

  • new ways to see users' shop
    · shop mine (or sp m) will show you which cards of yours are on the shop currently. before, they'd be swallowed by everyone else's cards, and finding them would be quite annoying.
    · speaking of annoying, finding cards you don't have yet was annoying. now users' shop will automatically only show you the cards you can buy. you can still see all of them with no restrictions with shop u all (or simply sp u a).
  • revamped rank and rank cards view
    · now it's up to 30 users, 10 per page, and the embeds look much nicer now. also, on the underside, you can see how many friends chukasa currently has!
  • added ✖️✔️ buttons when selling to chukasa
    · just in case you end up selling a card to chukasa on accident! as for the page where you pick a price, you can just leave it if you change your mind. the message will eventually die. i guess.
  • "Loading..." messages got a makeover too. if the command takes a bit longer to load, you can entertain yourself by counting the orange ball's jumps...

chukasa's ver 2.1 changelog


  • standard prices for limited and permanent cards were mixing up if you did something on museum view.
  • kaito's Belive in Your Unfading Feelings was two different cards instead of a single one.
  • several virtual singer cards either had the wrong subunit emojis or didn't have them at all.
  • miku was missing two cards!!
  • on collection completion page, mafuyu and everyone in wxs but tsukasa (..not intentional) had the wrong total card count.

thank you deity of analysis and card encyclopedia (yun), theunwantedweeb, bittersweetbitter, kohanshiraishi and dog knife for the help and suggestions!

  • added 10 gacha pulls at once
    · r 10 and r [unit acronym] 10 are a thing now (finally). the blue button on the right is the list of all 10 cards you've pulled.
  • changes on usability
    · because the bot has been verified, the message intent would have to be requested. the thing is, chukasa doesn't really need the message intent, and so it was denied. to work this around, now you must mention the bot instead of the prefix when in servers. when you're in chukasa's dms, the prefix still works.
    · setting your cards' price doesn't make you type and send a number anymore, and it makes me sad because joke numbers are no more. still, i hope the new buttons aren't a nuisance to anyone.
    · for that matter, mail also only works in dms.
  • added virtual singer to collection completion
    · the not-a-minority has been acknowledged.
  • added a way to view your dupes
    · for full display, m d (museum dupes)
    · for list display, i d (inventory dupes)

chukasa's ver 2.0 lenghty changelog


  • every command with pages (inventory, museum, shop etc.) would be in sync with everyone who used it at the same time, meaning your command would be controlled by a ghost somewhere.
  • kaito's Pushing Back the Performace and miku's First Time on the Street! both had the wrong unit emojis.
  • len's Bursting with Power! had the wrong rarity.
  • gifting a card to a user who already had the card would not count it as a dupe.
  • gifting a limited card dupe would not deduct it from the gifter's inventory.
  • daily permanent cards shop was costing 10 pieces instead of 5. now it's fixed, and i made it only 2 pieces.

thank you toyatory, yun, theunwantedweeb, bi111ie, cibere, stijindcl and the handful of python experts i've asked for help/annoyed to death (❁´◡`❁)

  • wish pieces and dupes
    · the new currency will be given to you whenever you pull a starstarstarstar dupe, alongside a copy of that card.
    your dupe count can be seen on your inventory, next to the cards' name, as well as on the museum.
    · you can either exchange each wish piece for 1500 or use them on the daily shops... which are another new feature! gasps.
    compensation: users who started playing before this update will be rewarded 1 wish piece for every 10 cards they have.
  • changes on museum
    · there are two new buttons on the museum view: train (🔃) and sell (the crystal emoji).
  • gifting
    · whenever you see another user desperate for that one card which you happen to have, remember now you can give it to them.
    · you may try chu gift @user to view all your starstarstarstar cards, or chu gift @user [name] to specify which character/unit to view.
    (for now, this is how you can trade cards too.)
  • selling
    · still on the museum, you may choose from selling the selected card to chukasa for a standard price of 1500 crystals for permanent cards/3000 crystals for limited cards, or put it up for sale on the users' shop, where you can pick any price from 1 to 15000, up to your heart's content or scamming desires.
    (the users' shop is cross-server and does not reset. you can retrieve your card from the shop if you change your mind.)
  • daily limited cards shop
    sells limited starstarstarstar cards for 10 wish pieces each. 5 cards that reset daily at UTC +0.
  • daily permanent cards shop
    sells permanent starstarstarstar cards for 2 wish pieces each. 10 cards that reset daily at UTC +0.
  • set an announcements channel
    · as a server mod, send chu here in any channel chukasa can see, and that is where you'll be notified whenever the shops are reset or a new version is released.
    (this is so that less people won't miss on the new features. what if the inflation catches up and gacha becomes 10x pricier! they'd never know!)

please note:

  • all limited and permanent starstarstarstar cards are always on the gachas, but since there are a lot of them, sometimes it's hard to collect every single one.
  • because the shop rotation is random, there might be cards today that were the same as yesterday's.
  • unlike with wish pieces compensation, chukasa cannot compensate your previously pulled dupes.
  • selling and gifting are restricted to starstarstarstar cards.
Pub: 18 Jun 2023 23:18 UTC
Edit: 05 Aug 2023 16:50 UTC
Views: 3522