this took longer than 30 seconds i dont need my edit code reset each and every one of them is saved thx-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi :) i want to take a moment to express how much you all mean to me. you all have genuinely been such a big part of my life, and I’m pretty sure you’re the reason i'm still alive. just by being there for me and having conversations, you’ve all helped me tremendously. i really don’t think i would be this happy if i hadn’t met you, kit. you helped me through some bad times, and i can’t thank you enough. i also want to apologize for being a little weird sometimes. i just love making jokes, and while sometimes they might be pretty bad, they were definitely funnier in my head :,3. i’m really happy that i’ve chosen to stick around because you guys are all just amazing people. i’m shocked at how close we’ve grown in such a short amount of time as friends o_o sorry there's not gonna be a section for each one of you as i feel iffy about mentioning you all separately (i'm SCARED) thanks for being there for me and i hope we can embrace a new chapter together, with more opportunities to spend time together.. <3