First of all, holy mother of God. I didn't expect someone would take out the time to put so much thought into their feedback that they'd need a rentry just to get it out. I'm touched. Giving me that much time is already one of the highest forms of praise you can give me, and for that I am grateful.

You know, funny enough, Lolita was one of the first books I've ever picked up. Just an aside, when I read it, I didn't really think it was worthy of all the controversy, but then I remembered that it came out in the fifties. I love how Nabokov wrote HH though. Maybe I should move on to Pale Fire one of these days...

I'm flattered by what you said about my prose. Almost everyone else didn't have a problem with it either, so I guess I'm doing something right lol. Thank you. I'll do my best to improve it, since as you said it still has its weak points. Frankly, most of what I see in the mirror that reflects me as a writer are weak points. But it's easy to be one's harshest critic.

So yeah, weak points. I would say that I'm a good writer, but poor to middling when it comes to plotting, especially the story is really long. I guess my only excuse here was I was trying to keep it as short as I could, so it feels rather compressed. I was actually that Anon that was griping about switching perspectives in one of the threads; originally this fic was going to be a three-part thing told from the perspective of Anonmachi, then Suisei, then A-Chan. Anonmachi would've been speaking in the first-person POV you see now, then Suisei would've been speaking in a first-person POV that still referred to You (making it a pseudo-second person POV to reflect how much she missed Anon), then A-Chan's narrative would've been a third-person POV. Then I realized that I was overcomplicating things. So I scrapped whatever I'd already written from Sui and A-Chan's POVs and continued the story from Anonmachi's.

The smut, meanwhile... yeah. I told another Anon this, but smut isn't really my strong suit. I can make funny smut like how I did with HoloPai, hence the whole 'sex comedy' angle here. But that's all. I still have to do my smut reps.

As for the vocabulary and repeating words, I'll do my best to have them minimized in future fics. I'm thinking that it has something to do with my writing process. I'd sit down for one to two hours a day, pump out a thousand words or so, then rinse and repeat. Though my writing speed would've been sort of fast, I would tend to reuse certain words because I totally forgot that I used them yesterday already. Usually, I'd weed them out in the copyediting and proofing stages, so that's where I have to focus on again in the future.

Now the ending. You're correct. I wrote this fic sometime after finishing Operation Nimrod/editing the first and second chapters, so I was still... how do I say this... 'feeling it,' you know? The drama and all that. Then while writing this, the scenes got really heavy, and my outline was leading to a really, really sad tragedy. I may sound like a huge wuss for saying this since it's just a fanfic, but I wasn't ready to do that ending.

But now that I've released it and got feedback, I feel that I didn't do the story justice. I essentially 'forced' a happy ending (also a way to make more fics in the future), and I think I shouldn't have done that in hindsight. Still, if not for the way I wrote it the first time, I wouldn't have realized that the original ending I wanted didn't have to be that sad after all. So, I decided to have another go at it and give it the "True™" ending. Hopefully, it turns out okay.

Lastly, the excerpts. Seeing them highlighted like that, they look so dang funny out of context. Thank you for liking the text enough to have these. If you'll indulge me, I'll have to say that I'm especially proud of the title drop. Second place would be the "let's be guilty together" line. Just hearing Suisei say that was just, "Ohhh yeah..." As for the soundtrack, I think it's because I grew up with Visual Novels, so I decided to put some music here and there. Glad you liked the song picks!

tl;dr, thank you very much for the feedback, Anon. I'll remember your pointers and continue to improve my writing. I also hope my future works will meet your expectations.

Pub: 22 Aug 2023 04:06 UTC
Edit: 22 Aug 2023 04:08 UTC
Views: 107