The Senchou League

Ahoy there maties, I welcome ye to take a gander upon here document for the Senchou League. It will contain information that ye will find to be helpful along yer voyages in the seas.

What is the Senchou League

Avast, the Senchou League is a proud land dedicated to our Goddess, whose great booty and treasure we wish to plunder, Houshou Marine. From our heartland in Ailivia, we stand proud upon our treasured ways. Across two oceans we reside and plunder. Port Royal be our capital, but our government be decentralized as is the pirate way. We have no central ruler, but a council of our leading cities which be the top of our government. Each member of the league be weak alone but together as one, we are unbreakable.

What be the values and culture of our nation?

Maties, we live be what we call the "Marine Code" and love our freedom. Gentlemen pirates, not savages we be. What we love can be summed up in three words: Booty, Treasure, and Humor. We love a good drink, a hearty laugh, a good song, and the booty of our women! All are welcome to visit our lands despite our piratical tendencies. You be more safe in our lands than most!

We do love games of all sorts, and love the friendly challenge they present. No true Pirate would want it any other way! Havin' fun is part of the code, and you best believe that we enjoy lollygagging around. Many o' tale are told, and the telling of stories is important to our culture as a whole. We also be some of the horniest lot in the seven seas, for to be sexy is part of how we worship. Nay, all these claims of these little squirrels being the most horny are clearly the work of fools. They couldn't hold a candle to us!

We also be a superstious lot, and believe in many omens and what ye may call sailor's tails. After all, we are a nation of sailors at heart and it be reflected in our ways. Funeral rites are taken seriously, lest we be haunted by the ghost of those properly not sent off. Davy Jones' Locker is what ye call hell for us, while paradise be with Senchou in heaven for endless breeding with her.


There ain't much more to be said that can't be said with more detail. Ye landlubbers will find out more soon, count on it!

Pub: 17 Apr 2023 13:14 UTC
Edit: 17 Apr 2023 13:47 UTC
Views: 211