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for those unaware (because it's not a common word, not because i think i'm Ultra Smart for using it here...), "enumerate" refers to

  • numbering things 'one by one', or in order.

so, the enumerate scene notes are notes written in the order the game is played/viewed.

and for those also unfamiliar with "chronological", it refers to

  • a record of events shown as they occurred

so, the chronological scene notes (while being the exact same as the enumerate ones) are placed in the order the events occurred within the canon.

viewing something chronological BEFORE enumerate tends to spoil plot.
(i.e., if a slasher film were to reveal how the killer had set up a murder later on in the movie, viewed chronologically, you would see that before the murder, spoiling how it was done.)

  • i referenced other play-throughs for the timestamps, as i like taking my time doing nothing in video games.
  • also, though i think most people who like english would recognize it, if the way i have things sorted doesn't seem to make sense (notes, key concepts, phrases, and a summary), i'm vaguely mimicking the cornell method.

scene notes (enumerate)

scene one, 0 days before the crash, 0 / ~5min
  • notes
    • people shorten it to a year but they're actually out for 382 days (or supposed to be). 147 days have passed.
    • it sure does take a lot of effort to crash this thing Woaw,,
    • a lot of emphasis is put on Polle from the get-go which is nice.
    • i never thought about how the baby noises were relevant here before.
    • swansea kid mention
  • key concepts / words
    • guilt, secrecy
  • phrases, quotes, things i like
    • "there's nothing else to be done" when inspecting certain items [or maybe just the fax machine] in the cockpit
  • summary
    • the player crashes the tulpar for some reason unknown. the maze structure would imply guilt i think, but obviously of something we yet to know.
  • comments
    • considering we don't know who crashed the tulpar, it's safe to assume they got punished for it. i think that's what anyone would assume with the weird corp. stuff. with that, it's naturally also assumed that no one in the following scene (where everyone is getting along for the most part, certainly not concerned about anything as big as one of them BEING the ones that crashed the ship) had anything to do with the forceful nature of the crash.

scene two, 2 months after the crash, ~5min / ~18min
  • notes
    • open to the gang at a table. jimmy is trying to suggest they open the cargo they're hauling, swansea is under the impression they're getting paid still, for some reason. anya is the only one who read the handbook lololol.
    • jimmy is an asshole.
    • jimmy trusting daisuke's estimate of how long they'll last with their food is kinda crazy.
    • jimmy implies being able to force feed a burn victim is like? part of being a nurse for the shittiest company ever? emphasis on his respect for the company.
    • anya calling jimmy jim,, i died.
  • key concepts / words
    • taking initiative (responsibility will be coming up a lot.)
    • ^the hope that comes out of that
  • phrases, quotes, things i like

    • DAISUKE:
      "straight up nearly corked a kid once"
      "you were goddamn born fully corked!" i giggled
    • "they actually sell plushies of this guy. for kids."
      so duly noted its crazy
    • DAISUKE:
      "man. my mom will straight up stuff me when i get back. i'll look like Swansea!"
      "we'll have a rad story to tell though."
      "they might even write articles about us. we could be on TV!"
      "uh, it'll impress the ladies too."
      [an example of how having a people pleasing kid on the ship is as "useless" as it gets. daisuke plays the role of the kind of guy you'd want in a group project—not the kind of guy you want 'helping out' in you and a crew's last moments. his enthusiam is bound to be broken down, being he's the only one this hopeful. unfortunately, doomed, it looks.]
    • JIMMY:
      "has Swansea been like this towards you for your whole internship?"
      "that's just how he is, man."
      [another ('another' because every single line said by daisuke is a rep for this) example of daisuke's people pleasing behaviours. i've seen a lot of people refer to him as useless for what i assume is purely because of that one scene. though, i think if you take a look at anything he says, it clearly explains why he's "useless"—first of all, he's an intern for a guy who doesn't seem to need him, and secondly, he's not honest about their situation (like jimmy, as unfortunate as admitting jimmy does something more than useless is.). swansea just being a certain way (so he thinks) isn't very relevant to how he lets himself be pushed around. on top of that, he is essentially giving an excuse to let himself get pushed around, as he seems to prefer.]
      "don't let him push you around too much."
      "his bark is worse than his bite."
      "he may be cranky but he is legit a wizard of a mechanic!"
      "i was like 'you rock! so this is what years and years and years and years of experience looks like!'"
      [i wonder if anyone took this as daisuke not truly respecting swansea. i think a lot of people view his behaviours (daisuke's) towards swansea as something with upmost respect—like, likely toning down how umm silly he is i guess. i think people get the idea that because he's an intern he does that. but just looking at this interaction, one might think he kind of secretly thinks the intern isn't too important to daisuke, nor is swansea's respect, as one could probably see his last comment as a way of genuinely making fun of him.]
      [i wonder if the steam q&a context about daisuke being pressured into and feeling responsible for taking this internship would reframe anyone's thoughts on that. like, make it'd put emphasis on how much he likely would truly respect swansea's experience. (despite his language).
    • ANYA:
      "um, i was thinking... we never went back into the cockpit after we dragged him out"
      "it's almost entirely foamed up"
      "kind of a miracle Curly didn't end up fossilized."
      "but it could still be unstable."
      [clearly implying he not only think its unsafe, but that he doesn't want to go]
      "i just think, well, it's the only place the code scanner could still be."
      [valid and true point. note that jimmy already agreed to looking for the code scanner, yet clearly had no plan to do so, as he didn't even want to go back into the obvious location (the cockpit). anya is in fact the one who took note of where it might be, as jimmy was making an empty promise to seem like a leader.]
      "otherwise we're shit out of luck."
      [astute observation dipshit. someone was just informed theres no other place the thing he needs could be, then restates such as if he came up with it.]
      "i'll take a look."
      [magically, jimmy is absolutely determined to go to the cockpit. the phrasing of "taking a look" is interesting, too—it implies it may not be there. though it very likely is, he words it like this nonetheless, as if he's taking a risk—he's the one who's going to be "unlucky" if it isn't there. not his fault.]
      "i know you'll figure it out, jimmy."
      "you're so capable!"
    • JIMMY:
      "you know what they say."
      "pain is how we know we're still living."
      [oh my goodness gracious shut the fuck up]
    • JIMMY:
      "everything is my business now, because of curly."
      [someone actually push this guy into a meatgrinder wow]
      "i don't want to keep having this conversation."
      [woah calm down ther ebig tough boss man! who the fuck told you your stupid fuckimg lanky ass could get on swansea's dick about having a conversation i hate him so bad. sorry. sorry.]
      [what i meant to say is that it's interesting his placement of curly's blame being at the end of the sentence. it sounds more like he's genuinely trying to manifest that everything is his business, and then suddenly remembered the only reason he can say insane disrespectful things to people is because of someone else not being able to do their job.]
  • summary
    • the crew (jimmy (player), swansea, anya, and daisuke) all agree to open the unknown cargo they're transporting on the tulpar, which requires a device they don't know the location of. jimmy, the player (and newly ranked captain) agrees to finding it somewhere in the ship. daisuke, the intern for their mechanic, seems rather hopeful about their journey, chatting with jimmy about how they'll talk about their journey when they make it back alive. swansea, their mechanic, comments that the the utility room (arguably and presumably important) is filled with foam apparently. anya, their nurse, is having a hard time feeding their newly disabled ex-captain, curly, his painkillers. it's clearly implied that curly is in the state he is in from a sort of murder-suicide attempt (hence scene one). jimmy feeds him his pills for anya (and comments on her inability to do her job). they're all looking forward to trying to do something to aid their survival. jimmy eventually finds the scanner he needs to open the cargo, so they do. it's not revealed what they're transporting at the end of the scene.
  • comments
    • interesting how when inspecting the vent (next to curly, after feeding him his meds), it mentions swansea saying it's busted, and that it's likely 'beyond' wrecked, now. lol if only jimmy went out of his way, at some point, to deliberately disable swansea to force a kid into a vent that's fucked up, huh?
Pub: 25 Jan 2022 08:57 UTC
Edit: 22 Dec 2024 06:42 UTC
Views: 218