Nikako 4* Side Story

Preaching The Righteous Way of Living - Part 2

(Familiar Role-Model?)

Nikako: Hmm.... Mmmm...... Hmmmmmm.........

Daikoku: Nikacchi, what’s wrong..?
You’ve been groaning for a good while...

Nikako: Huh, oh, uh... I’m, in middle of thinking something...

Shigure: Waah~!? Nikako-senpai is actually thinking!?
Perhaps a meteor will fall to blow everyone out tomorrow!

Nikako: T, that will be a problem...!?

Shigure: I was joking.

Daikoku: Let’s just get away from this person’s nonsense.

Shigure: Can you please not ignore my joke!?
Ain’t that will just hurt Shigure!

Moreover you should’ve just talked if something happened!
Being together with one who keeps groaning will affect Shigure’s reputation.

Nikako: So... Just now, Tetra told me something-

(Few moments later...)

Daikoku: To not escape from feelings that you dislike...

Shigure: So Tetra-san’s also telling some hard stuff in there.
Even when knowing that’s the most no-go for a simple person like Nikako-senpai.

Nikako: I do think that reason is why it’s necessary.

How can I express hatred and dislike against other people...

Shigure: This becomes a huge problem in its own way huh.

Daikoku: ... If that’s the case, I can be your strength.
No one can easily beat me when comes to expressing sentiments toward Sirius..!

Nikako: That is true... Daa-chan’s feeling toward Sirius is a real one after all.
If I learn from that, maybe it will make connections with acting improvements!

Specifically, what’s the best thing to do?
Is it like going to Sirius theater then to shout “What a fool!” in front of them?

Shigure: That’s just a delinquent person ya know...

Daikoku: We’re not doing that kind of direct action.
First, you must check the other person’s doings in detail.

After that, you will see on how shining they are, along with how envious that is.
With envy, you can’t help but to turn it into a desperate wrath and sadness...!

Panda... She went to an exciting place again...
To enjoy such a bright and sparkly routine...! How unforgivable...!

She’s showing off while I’m busy practicing...!
Unforgivable... I won’t forgive you, Sirius!

Nikako: Wow...

Shigure: Rather than to Sirius,
That just seems like expressing a grudge towards Panda-senpai.

Daikoku: ... Roughly like this. The image is like having a dark fire burnt deep inside your heart.

Nikako: I wonder if I can do that...

Shigure: Isn’t it impossible if you’re a normal person?
You can’t do that unless you’re a sour grudge-expressing expert!

Daikoku-senpai is amazing, riight.
Shigure absolutely will not be imitating thaat!

Daikoku: I can’t imagine you being able to imitate it.
Well, a child can’t understand this kind of feeling in the first place.

Shigure: Do you still see yourself as an adult if treating other people like a child?

Daikoku: At least I’ll say so when compared to you.

Shigure: It’s childish if you fall and immediately respond to an obvious bait, right!?

Daikoku: I think having to oppose a brat is also an adult thing to do though!?

Shigure: Where’s the adult part if you quarrel with someone who you see as a brat!

Daikoku: Ah, she admitted herself as a brat! So you’ve fallen for it!

Shigure: Huh-!? Shigure never actually said that though!?

Nikako: W, wait, both of you! Calm down-

(... Hm? Wait a second?
With this situation... Isn’t this perfect to know more about wrath and hatred...!)

(I feel bad but, please let me learn a bit from both of you...!)

(Few moments later...)

Daikoku: That is why you’re a brat!
And that is why I don’t want to be with you!

Nikako: Uh-huh...

Shigure: Well I’m also down-begging to you!
To be together with someone who’s muttery and a downer-type like Daikoku-senpai!

Nikako: Mhm...

Daikoku: Now you’ve said it, this brat...

Shigure: What are you on, oh this dark-natured senpai!

DaikokuShigure: Grrrrrr......

Nikako: Hmm-hmm...

DaikokuShigure: ......

Nikako: ......

Daikoku: Hey, Nikacchi...
It somehow feels embarrassing if you hardly stared at us like that...

Shigure: It’s fine if you just ignore us and go home first.

Nikako: Please don’t mind me!

DaikokuShigure: .......

Daikoku: W, well... It’s no use to fight more than this.

Shigure: R, right... That’s not adult-like after all.

Nikako: Huh? The fight is already over...?

DaikokuShigure: Don’t look disappointed!

Part 1 • Part 2 Back to Masterlist

Pub: 20 Jul 2024 08:13 UTC
Edit: 18 Oct 2024 05:00 UTC
Views: 799