everything has changed ! ⠀⠀. .⠀𝄞 mike's extra rentry ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀─⠀⠀ ⠀⠀𝐈⠀⠀𝐈𝐈⠀⠀𝐈𝐈𝐈

⁰⁰¹⠀⠀﹒⠀⠀˚⠀⠀₊⠀⠀⠀Hey! most people know me as Mike but i love it when people swap up between my other names (finn, richie, etc.) If you know me, I like it when people ask what names they can use because I have names that are exclusive to certain people. My preffered pronouns are he him but also a few neos such as gho ghost and loser losers, so I also love it when people ask which pronouns they can use! I identify mainly as gay (im really straight /j) and also I’ve recently figured out im genderfluid, however, I have a lot of other xenogenders and identities! I would prefer if you’d use masc or neu terms but if we’re close you can ask if you can use fem terms! In the system I am mainly a host but I also have the roles of an angerholder, traumaholder, and also a memoryholder!

⁰⁰²⠀⠀﹒⠀⠀˚⠀⠀₊⠀⠀⠀I have a lot of sources because I am a mixitive or mixtroject! My main three are Mike Wheeler from stranger things, Richie Tozier from it, and also Finn Wolfhard, but as I said before, I have many sources and you can always ask for the rest, though I might not be willing to share all of them if we have only just met so be wary and respectful of that, please

⁰⁰³⠀⠀﹒⠀⠀˚⠀⠀₊⠀⠀⠀I love making rentries even if they don’t always turn out good, it’s kinda just something I do in my free time, like a little hobby! Though most of my rentries are inspired by my my really awesome sister, Sasha! Other than making rentries in my free time, I do have somewhat of a life! I talk to my previously mentioned sister a lot because I consider it my best friend! I also love talking to my other best friends Robin, Anne, Theo, Enid, Luz, and Orion! I honestly consider Robin, Luz and Anne to be sisters to me because they’ve always been my rocks! Them, sash, and Nancy are amazing sisters and I couldn’t be luckier! Besides my platonic and family relationships, my favorite artist and girlfriend, is taylor swift! Though I also am a big fan of Lana del Rey, Paramore, Conan gray, and more! I also love talking with my adorable two babies (cats) Pickles and Cleo! I love my cats so much!

⁰⁰⁴⠀⠀﹒⠀⠀˚⠀⠀₊⠀⠀⠀but my favorite thing ever is my handsome (actual) boyfriend, Will! He’s the light of my life and I don’t think I’d be as happy without knowing he's by my side through thick and thin! Every time I talk to him I’m reminded of how fucking lucky I am to have such a perfect boy, I adore him with my whole heart, it feels like just yesterday I made a joke about him without knowing he was in front and I can remember how nervous I was promising him I’d tell him what I meant in exactly a week, I also remember being such an ass that I made him wait until the last moment to ask him out, Will is one of the greatest things to ever happen to me and I don’t think I’ll ever stop believing that < 07 07 23 3

⁰⁰⁵⠀⠀﹒⠀⠀˚⠀⠀₊⠀⠀⠀I am bodily latino and isreali, I am also jewish and I am fluent in english and currently learning Spanish (mostly) and also hebrew! I have multiple disorders such as autism, bipolar disorder, adhd, and more. I don’t act very much like the other system members but I am understand if you refer to me as them without asking first because I’d like to think I’m decent as masking as other people, but please ask! If you have any more questions, you can always ask me!

thanks for reading this!

Pub: 11 May 2023 17:52 UTC
Edit: 29 Jan 2024 22:06 UTC
Views: 767