for more info on stuff, refer to the notes.

hii! i'm cal (or callie)¹. i go by he/him and i'm queer. i have agoraphobia + pretty severe adhd². keep these in mind for whatever you seek fit.

i'm 16 (an '08), anddd single (of course if you don't count the two loves of my life³, innon⁴ and andri⁵)!

non important bit

  • i like talking quite a lot. well, not really, rather i feel its needed very often, so i satisfy those expectations by doing what i feel needs be done. (talking). not like .. particularly stressful situations or such i just mean like. if asked about something i answer in a way that may give the impression i do like talking (verbally, sure, but i mean more like "expressing myself"). please do trust me when i say i can express myself. (whether i can express myself well, orrr accurately, is a .. story for another time.)

my interests are here and my kin are here.

also, like, for the record, i'm not looking for Close Friends. i love talking to new ppl so feel free to hmu Just keep that preference in mind (^^#)

my best..est friends are maya, bri, andri, grayson + regulus & rodya. innon too MAYBE. :( hi. sorry. i meant to say INNON TOO ❤❤

if theres anything u wanna know, ask here


  1. you may also know me as ray, or something else, which is totally fine. call me whatever
  2. i'm not diagnosed with adhd, but this is absolutely no casual statement. i have adhd. unrelated, i do suspect autism, but don't quote me on that
  3. i am not actually dating either of them
  4. see /fuck
  5. see /spouse
Pub: 07 Jul 2021 06:11 UTC
Edit: 25 Feb 2025 07:24 UTC
Views: 2827