For Persona: I'm playing Persona 1 (PSP), Persona 2: Innocent Sin + Eternal Punishment (PSP + PSX), Persona 3 (FES & Portable), Persona 4 (Golden), Persona 5 (Vanilla and Royal) + Strikers, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, and Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth

I MOSTLY LIKE P2IS:EP ESPECIALLY EP i dont really care for the other persona games Especially 4 and 5 But Talk to me abhout any idrm.. I am Super crazy over Persoan 2 thoguh :3

For Other Megaten Stuff: I'm playing Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Shin Megami Tensei V, and trying Digital Devil Saga.

Note that it's just playing for most of these... I haven't finished all of these at all yet oopsies I just keep picking 'em up one by one giving them turns (Minus P2IS:EP, I finished those) . Ireal,yl hate turn based combat

ALSO Some Persona characters I like are Ulala (MY FAVVVVVVV), Nyarlathotep (Also a favorite but I need her to explode.), Tatsuya, Katsuya, Maya, Eikichi, Jun, Sudou, Shinjiro, Aigis, Nanjo, Chie, FemC, Makoto (P3), Akiren, Yusuke, Naoto, Philemon, Lisa, Yukino, Baofu, ohmygod literlaly the entire P2 cast, ..Akechi .. I'M SUPER NORMAL ABOUT ULAMAYA TRUST ME ..Send me art of Ulamaya or Ulala or Nyarlathotep I will bite you (happy)

Edit Report
Pub: 24 May 2023 05:31 UTC
Edit: 26 Dec 2023 19:05 UTC
Views: 840