.. French Restaurant by the beach… I ll pick u up at 8 by ure crib… Heres my number babe… holla at me anytime… Mmmh… look at that ass go… Baby got back.. My Gucci clockwork shows its 8… On ure door Im knocking… Damn look at u… little black dress… leaving very little thoughts to my imagination… I parked the Benz this way babe…That ride always impresses the honey… Here we are… Lovely restaurant… good convo goin… Telling me what u do for a living… All I can think about is how IM gonna do you tonigh… Ahh look at those soft legs… Body so amazing… Im defo gonna sex u up tonight… Im gonna be the best u ever had… Aint no dought bout that… Second bottle of champagne… girl don’t drink too much… I want u sober tonight… Wanna get outta here… No need to finish tht lobster… Heres the valet with the Benz…. Off to ma crib were we gonna get it down… Sit back and enjoy the warm leather… let me put the radio on… Girl when I get u to the crib… Upstairs in ma bed… with the help of trey u get a clue of whats goin down tonight… As We pull up 2 the driveway… Baby come here… the door is this way… Now here we are all alone in this room…. Girl I aint Chris brown but ur are bout to be taken down
Now shawty I no u no all bout ma good side… But I think its time I introduce u to ma other side
I aint one of them fast ass niggaz who breaks off 2 quick … I get it down nice and slow…
the way we be bumping and grinding…
tonight u ll b sliping and sliding…
Baby girl on ma * u ll riding…
Now I no u heard rumours about how I’m the baddest sexer
but I guess tonight u r gonna find out for sure
Now baby watch ure step… The living room is this way…
Get ureself comfortable as I unplug my house phone
I don’t want no distraction… Tonight I m gonna give u my undivided attention
Yes now the lights are dimmed …now where we were…
Come here girl… Let me start by kissing ure neck…
And make my way up to ure soft lipz…
Baby girl u taste sooo gooood…
Nibbling and biting ure ear...
Been wating for this moment all day…
slowly spread them legs…
My finger will start workin ur …
Spread them legs wider babe… Let me show u wot I can do .. with ma fingers
I got strong teeth… Jus look at the way im ripping out ure dress…
Oh wooow …Ure body is better than I imagined…
I ll slowly corrress ure amazing *… Gosh that feels good…
Look at you sweatin already.. . Shit hasn’t even started yet…
Now lets make our way upstairs…
first door on the left…
This is where im gonna do you right…
Now let me watch u take panties off…
That’s right baby nice & slow
It might cold outside… but its pretty hot in here…
I mma take my shirt off for now…
Now its ure turn to take care of me…
I wanna feel ure lipz on mine…
Whisper to my ear how bad u want me
Undo that belt slowly…
Oh yes… that’s it…
Rub it just like that…
Take my boxers off with ure teeth…
Yh girl don’t be shy … show me wat u got…
Now I no why u have a tongue pierce…
Ohhhh… yh Just like that…
Now its ma turn…
Let me show u wot im capable of…
Lye down on the bed…
Open up them legs…
Whats in inbetween them legs is a work of art…
Now just give me a chance to add some painting to the masterpiece
Grab that pillow next to you...
let me show how I do…
Ma tongue will b hitting da spot…
Yh that’s what u like...
And no baby I won’t stop… I can go on all night…
I see u getting all wet …
That pillow definitely aint working… coz u r defiantly waking the neighbours up right now…
But its all good… I love hearing ure voice…
Ure * are all hard
Ure is all wet… Jus how I like it girl
and ure legs all shakin…
I told u I was the baddest nigga
Now I m comin back up…
Now how deep do u want me 2 go… I ll whisper in ure ear…
Baby how u like this position… Ma body on top of ure’s…
My * buried deep inside of u…
Now this where the real shit begins…
spread them legs wider baby… Oh yh just like that
Slowly kissing ure lips…
slowly biting ure ear… I no that’s what u like baby…
Yes… Wrap them legs round my waist…
Now let me show just how strong I really I am…
wrap ure arms around me as well…
Hold on tight baby…
I m pretty sure u neva had it down like this b4… I m standing up tall…
This is what is all about babe…
ure lipz on mine…
ure arms around me…
Ur slippin & sliding
I must say… Looking deep at ure brown eyes... makes me realise just how beautiful u are
Yes baby… Get wild… This is how it feels being in the skies…
Now get down… I wanna get a feel of that A*…
Bend over…yh… that’s wot u call a view…
I no I told u I like goin slow… But for this bit… I ll do the opposite…
Don’t scream too loud baby… Ma y be try tht pillow again…
I dought I t ll work though…
oooohh yhh… now that feels good… Ur a… is jus simply amazing
Before we finish… I wanna no wat its like taking a ride wit u…
Here… Get on top of me baby girl…
Now start riding nice & slow…
ohh yes… That’s wot im talkin bout…
yes… keep going faster babe… Damn girl u got skillz…
Here… bite ma finger... Mayb that ll help the screaming… not too hard though
U no what… scream as loud as u can baby…
I don’t hear no complaints
Tell me who’s your daddy..?? Yh that’s right..
Ahhh … Now for the finale… Girl u aint ready for this…
Just stay by my side as u watch the fireworks go out…
Its like new years eve in here…
Look at you breathing all heavy…
Come here and give me a kiss…
I told u I’ m the baddest sexer…
Now let me get some ICE cubes and whip cream…
U ready for round 2??
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