Regions of The Elysian League of Mans

Elysium ca 1130 VTE

Central Elysium

Elysia Centra (Central Elysium)

The capital region of the League, it was once the meeting place of the Maglleaci and Veston tribes for decades before the arrival of the Axols and Regii. Arguably the safest region as it is largely cleared plains and farmlands

Nation Capital: Elysia (Elysium)

Akvuro (Water Trail)

A series of river valleys north of the capital. Incredibly fertile and one of the major breadbaskets of the League.

Region Capital:

Longamento Hills (Long Hill Hills)

Dryer hills, ideal grazing land but raids from schizo tribes make herding unsustainable. The main route between the east and west of the island.

In the center of the kingdom lies a region covered in largely unsettled hills. It remains the largest connection between east and west in Elysium, but the rougher land has not allowed for many significant settlements to spring into existence. This has allowed for several schizo tribes to make their homes along the foothills, occasionally striking out to raid the roads and attack merchants or any fool who tries to find grazing grounds for herds when they reach critical mass. Escorting the merchants has become a fairly lucrative and stable employment for adventurers who are experienced fighting these hillmen.
The inability to safely keep herd animals in the region has made life hard for the people living here. A fairly recent agricultural invention originating from the southern region of Retirista involving digging small levels into hills to create terraces have begun to be implemented across the region, boosting food production significantly.

Region Capital: Longamento (Long Hill)

West Elysium

Tervuro (Earth Trail)

Long strip of coast with a significant logging industry. Dotted with old inns as it served as major road to the meeting place that is now the capital.

Northwest of the capital stands a series of villages along a path connecting it to the homelands of the Magllaeci. With the advent of sailing, travel has largely been taken up by the sea, with only a few coastal settlements acting as stops along the way. Tervuro still stands as the capital of lumber production in the kingdom, with logging camps dotting the forested, elongated region.

Region Capital: Malgraveno (Little Harbor)

Araneosto (Spider Den)

Homeland of the Magllaeci, and of home of the Alchemist Guild. Has a fairly large fishing industry along it's island chain.

Region Capital:

South Elysium

Maroteno (Sea's Grasp)

Home of the first somewhat significant shipyard of the island and several noble estates.

Region Capital: Retirista (Sailor's Retreat)

Malheripa (Dark Crib)

Homeland of the Vestons and home to the first non-alchemist academy. Home to a great many advancements in land development.

Region Capital:

Nebulo (Misty Island)

Center of a growing tea industry. Rather rainy and misty.

Region Capital:

East Elysium

Pluviente (Rainy East)

Most developed part of eastern Elysium. Land is fertile with large amounts of rain. Plenty of rise paddies and fisheries. Another major breadbasket.

Region Capital: Urbovik (Ludovik’s Town)

Longulo (Long Island)

Hilly pleasure island for nobles. Smaller plantations for luxury goods. Seemingly no schizo presence at all.

An island found to be unpopulated by any schizo tribe upon the arrival of adventurous explorers, it has become a luxurious resort for noblemen to travel to on vacation and for those few adventurers who've managed to live to an old age oft retire to if they don't take up jobs as instructors. Some minor orchard farming exist, but it's mostly to provide locally sourced luxurious fruits to said visitors. The Royal family owns a large estate here.

Region Capital: Ermileto (Hermit's Hamlet)

Pacaárbeto (Peaceful Grove)

Purposefully unsettled, practical training ground for adventurers. Large hunting and minor logging industry.

Home to headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild, the region is only home to a single settlement along the road between Lulago and Pluviente and serves as a training ground for aspiring adventurers and resting place for wary travelers. These can be anyting from merchants to Axols heeding the call to join the Northern Jarldom. Beyond the heavily guarded road, the region is covered in forests filled with wild life, anything from regular game to smaller monsters and occasional schizo camps which the guild takes close care to keep contained while not entirely wiping them out to ensure they remain in the area for aspirants to keep training against in a relatively controlled environment.

Region Capital:

Lulago (Ludovik’s Lake)

Coastal town and smaller settlements along river up to large lake at the foot of mountain ridge. Large fishing and farming industry, breadbasket of the north.

Region Capital:

North Elysium

Orikresto (Eastern Ridge)

Border to the northern lands. One large settlement near a pass into Nortikaĵo with smaller ones along the mountain and river. Large mining industry and minor farming. Provides arms and armor for the Northern Jarldom.

Region Capital: Novejmo (New Home)

Nortikaĵo (Northern Fort)

Northern Jarldom of the Axols, can't grow southern crops here so they rely on hunting, berry picking and import from the south. First line of defense against the untamed north.

Region Capital: Nortikaĵo (Northern Fort)

Edit Report
Pub: 26 Aug 2022 20:28 UTC
Edit: 29 Aug 2022 20:34 UTC
Views: 443