Battery Recharge (NSFW)

Read Maid Service first

Kronii rubs her forehead and sighs. “Who EVEN thinks 3 entire days of meetings is okay…?” She gets off the cab and walks back home. Even while stopping time to take frequent breaks, the amount of work she had to do anyways was exhausting.

“…At least I have a long weekend thanks to that…”

She slowly smiles. “…I can recharge my batteries.”

She opens the front door and goes inside, a beautiful girl with a kimono greets her.

“Okaerinasai! Ojou-sama!”


She giggles, “Oh, c’mon. It’s fine if I do it every now and then!” The ex-maid helps Kronii with her things and leaves them on the table.

“Okay, I guess you can.”

“Hehe, thank you.” Fauna moves closer to her. “But you could also consider the other greetings we’ve talked about.”

“You mean just ‘welcome back’?”

She shakes her head. “You suggested that one, but I added…” She kisses Kronii on the cheek. “Welcome back, dear.”

Kronii almost has a heart attack. “Fwah, gah, gwak…” She takes a moment to recover while Fauna enjoys her reaction. “You’re so unfair…”

“Maybe I am.” She gives her a smug smile, “Now let’s go eat already.”

She turns around and starts to walk to the kitchen. Kronii stares for a moment then quickly approaches Fauna. She hugs her from behind.

“H-hey! Kronii!”

Kronii lays her head on her shoulder and returns the kiss on the cheek. “Lemme recharge real quick…” This is also payback for earlier.

“…Are you going to be busy again on the weekend?” Even Fauna’s worried tone of voice is healing her.

“Nope, I got a long one.” Kronii squeezes a little more. “Just had to die inside with never-ending meetings.”

Fauna pats her head. “That’s great, Kronii! Wait, not the dying inside don’t do that.” Kronii giggles at her slip-up. “Wanna do something then?”

“Mmm… I just wanna stay here…”

“No can do, I don’t want you to starve!” Fauna keeps walking but Kronii doesn’t let go. Fauna has to drag her clingy clock to the kitchen.

Just as she’s about to reach the door, Kronii snaps her fingers.

Now they’re back where they started.

“Kronii you’re not doing this right now.” She lightly slaps the hands hugging her.

“I’m not doing anythiiiiing.”

Fauna tries to go to the kitchen again and almost reaches the door.

Kronii snaps her fingers.

Back at the start again.

“Kronii!” She slaps her hands a bit more.

“Hehehehehe…” It seems she’s having fun. But Fauna’s sure she hasn’t eaten anything in a while.

“If we don’t eat right now you’re not getting any pampering this weekend.”

Kronii immediately lets go and looks at Fauna with pleading eyes, “I’m sorry…”

She smiles back and grabs Kronii’s hand, “I made your favorite today~, let’s go.”

Kronii’s feeling extra clingy today, she sits next to Fauna while eating and even tries to feed her the tofu dish Fauna made for herself, much to the kirin’s embarrassment.


“Something wrong?” She doesn’t seem to notice the change in her own attitude. The job really did a number on her.

Fauna has to do something to take a break from blushing. “You sure you’re completely free this weekend?”

“Well…” She closes her eyes to remember. “Oh, shoot… UGGGGGGHHHHHHH.” She lays her head on the table.


“…I still have some stuff to do…” She lifts herself up. “But at least I can do it all here…”

Fauna pats her head. “Then it’s fine! I’ll make sure you’re comfortable while working!”

Kronii smiles. “Thank you~. Now here’s another~.” She tries feeding Fauna again.

She blushes and closes her eyes, “A-ahhn…” She slowly chews in embarrassment.

“Hehehehe…” Kronii’s smile starts showing off her fangs. Fauna decides to deal with it if it means she can get to see her this happy.

After dinner and a bath, they relax for a bit in the living room. Kronii lays on Fauna’s lap while catching up on her webtoons. Meanwhile, Fauna listens attentively to Kronii’s reactions as she reads a book.

After getting increasingly frustrated with the decisions of the friends of the MC, Kronii puts her phone away and turns around to hug Fauna. She pats her head in response.

“Had enough for today?”

“They’re so dumb…” Kronii complains for a while. She presses herself against Fauna’s body, making her more muffled as she keeps talking. Fauna giggles from how cute she’s acting right now.

“Maybe next chapter it’ll be better.” Fauna puts the bookmark Kronii gifted her last month in her book and closes it.

“It won’t but I know I’ll keep reading…” She goes back to just laying on her lap and stares at the ceiling.

“…Wanna go to sleep?”

Fauna stretches. “Yawn, maybe. Do you want me to wake you up early tomorrow?” Kronii glares at her.


Fauna runs her fingers down Kronii’s hair, just part of the usual pampering. “For your work, silly?”

“But it’s the weekeeeeeend…” Kronii kicks her legs a little.

“Alright, alright, we can sleep in… So let’s go to bed.”

“…Don’t wanna…” Kronii turns around again to bury herself in Fauna’s body.

Now a little annoyed, Fauna starts moving her hands, “I’ll pick you up~.”

Kronii gets up right as she feels Fauna’s hands go underneath her.

“Good girl~.”

While Fauna still has her own room, she prefers to sleep with her favorite clock. Slowly but surely, Kronii’s room is being conquered. Some plants on the window, some of Fauna’s books on the shelves, beds for the cats she adopted some time ago, decorations moved from her own bedroom… she even has her pajamas in some of the drawers to save time. Kronii doesn’t mind though, she’d actually prefer it if this was also Fauna’s bedroom.

Kronii gets ready for bed and Fauna takes the chance to pat Boros while he’s sleeping in his cage. She slowly moves her hand to try to not wake him up. Feeling the warmth of her hand, he wraps his tail around her wrist.

“Awwww you’re such a cutie…”

Kronii can’t help but smile looking at them. “And now he won’t let you go.”

“Did you already forget I’m good with animals~?” Fauna smirks at her while she moves Boros to his sleeping spot. “Off you go, little guy.”

Boros obeys and goes back to his original spot to sleep. Fauna pats his head one more time as a reward.

Kronii looks at another corner, where the cat beds are “Are your babies not coming?”

Fauna shakes her head. “They told me they want to sleep in my room tonight.” She leaves Boros alone so she can put on her pajamas.

“…Yessss…” Kronii whispers in celebration.

“Did you say something?” Fauna turns to look at her while putting on her shirt.

“Nothing at all.”

Kronii’s just happy she gets to have Fauna for herself for once. One of the cats, Snail, keeps getting in the way when Kronii tries to hug her kirin while she’s sleeping. The other cat, Clover, is a bit more merciful, but Kronii gets stressed when she feels his gaze while she tries to kiss Fauna. She has no idea if they decided to be kind this night but she sure is thankful to them.

They go to bed together and Kronii tucks the both of them in.

“Good night, Kronii~.” Fauna turns to her side of the bed and closes her eyes. After a bit she feels something tapping on her shoulder. She looks behind her to see her clock trying to say something.

“What’s wrong?”

Kronii looks at her with puppy eyes but doesn’t say anything.

“…Want a hug?” She opens her arms, ready to pamper her partner a little more.

Kronii shakes her head and opens her arms herself. “Couldn’t you say that from the start?” Fauna giggles while moving closer to her. Kronii embraces her and puts her head right above her chest.

“Oh I like this pillow!” Fauna nuzzles up against her and hugs her back.

“D-don’t say that!” She complains, but she still pats Fauna’s head.

Fauna’s already feeling really sleepy, but she still has to ask Kronii something.

“Any reason why you’re so lovey-dovey today?”

Kronii freezes for a second, “I-is it so wrong?”

“No, no, not at all!” Fauna giggles a bit. “I’m happy about it, but I still have to wonder.”

“I just… want to recharge my battery.” Kronii kisses her head. “…Haven’t had the chance to for a while…”

It’s true, these last few days have been incredibly hectic for Kronii. When they go to bed Kronii immediately passes out without even giving her a good night kiss.

“Well go ahead and recharge, then.” Now with her permission, Kronii kisses and pats her as much as she wants. Fauna’s glad Kronii can’t see her face, she’s still not completely used to being on the receiving end of the pampering.

Kronii tries to imitate Fauna and hums a few songs while running her fingers down her hair. Fauna slowly but surely gets sleepier and sleepier. She closes her eyes and listens to Kronii’s heartbeat, surprisingly, it’s calm.

“…I could get used to this.”

“I’m just that good, huh?”

“Hehehe yeah, better than me, even.”

Kronii gives her another kiss. “Nah, I still have a long way to go for that…”

Fauna reaches out to caress her face a little. “I think you’re doing great~, feel free to keep practicing.”

“…Thanks…” Fauna can’t see her reaction either, but she can tell she’s happy.

Kronii continues to hum and stroke Fauna’s head. The kirin can barely stay awake now but she notices Kronii getting slower. Eventually she stops altogether.


Fauna tries to move to get a better look.

“…” Kronii has fallen asleep.

“Guess you were still pretty tired, huh?” Fauna smiles at her sleeping face and kisses her on the lips. “Good night, Kronii.”

Fauna goes back to her spot and closes her eyes; it doesn’t take too long for her to drift off.

The next day, Kronii’s clinginess doesn’t go down at all. Fauna could barely convince her to get out of bed. Instead of feeding her, Fauna has to feed Kronii, who’s just hugging her arm without doing much. Afterwards, Fauna has to drag Kronii around everywhere because she won’t let go. She tries to give her a piggyback ride, but that’s the one thing Kronii completely refuses, she just wants to go back to bed with her kirin and sleep the day away.

“Kronii… You have work to do…”

Kronii groans and buries her face in Fauna’s chest. “I can do it tomorrow…”


Even though she’s happy that Kronii is depending on her this much, Fauna still worries that her clock won’t do anything throughout the weekend, she takes some drastic measures.

“BUT WHY???” Kronii yells out in shock after hearing what Fauna had to say.

“As much as I love you, I still need some alone time, Kronii.” Fauna walks to her bedroom without looking back.

“W-was I too clingy…? I’m sorry…” Dejected, she looks at the ground.

Fauna feels a sharp pain in her chest then runs to hug Kronii. “Noooooo, silly… You can be as clingy as you want…”

Kronii’s about to hug her too but she’s stopped by Fauna. “…WHEN you finish your work.”

Kronii begins to pout and crosses her arms. “…I’m just gonna stop time the—”

Fauna pokes her on the nose. “Uh-uhh-uhhh, that’s cheating, Miss.” Having to call her “Miss” after so long feels pretty weird. “You’ll be working while I’m in my bedroom, okay?”

It’s been a really long while since Fauna saw Kronii pout so hard. “THAT’S UNFAIIIR.”

Fauna pats her head. “I know how tired you can get when you stop time for too long, this is to help you. You’ll only have to work for a few hours, okay?” Kronii looks at her while she continues. “When we’re done for the day, you can hug me as much as you want.”


“I swear.” She turns around again to go to her bedroom, but she hears fingers snapping. Afterwards, she feels warm all over her body and she feels like someone kissed her face a bit too much.


“…I needed to recharge for work…”

Fauna walks back to her and pulls Kronii’s cheeks. “No stopping time, period.”

“…Ohkhaaayyy…” She can barely speak with how hard she’s being pulled.

Fauna smiles and lets go. “I’ll see you in a bit then, okay?”

Now in her bedroom, Fauna starts working on that project she was thinking about for the past few days. She grabs her trusty needles and scissors. “I hope I’m not too rusty… I haven’t had time to knit these days.” She grabs some yarn she was gifted by a neighbor for helping them carry some heavy furniture around their house. She sits down in her chair and begins to work.

She left the door open to let her see how Kronii’s doing. She’s still pouting but she started to work on her laptop. Fauna breathes a sigh of relief believing she made the right decision by limiting her dear Kronii a little.

She happily continues to work while listening to music. Her cats stop by to be pampered a little; she’s more than glad to oblige. While petting them she can feel a certain someone’s gaze on her, but she decides to ignore it. That is until she hears someone moving the sofa. She looks outside her room, Kronii moved the sofa to have a more comfortable position to observe her girlfriend. Fauna tries her hardest not to laugh and focuses on knitting.

While Fauna works, she doesn’t notice Kronii stare at her for a few seconds, then she goes back to her laptop. She notices a change in Fauna’s expression. She looks a bit sad… She slows down her typing. Maybe I was too pushy. She looks at her again and realizes she has her earbuds on, listening to music. …Oh. Now a little embarrassed she tries to focus on her own work.

After typing for another while, she can’t help but steal glances at Fauna again. …Man she looks so pretty… The song changed and Fauna has a very sweet smile on her face. Kronii has to stop working altogether so she can enjoy the view.

…Does she think I don’t notice how she’s looking at me…? Fauna bites her lips trying to control her embarrassment. Kronii’s staring is just too much for her. She stopped working altogether to keep watching her. Concentrating on knitting is getting really hard now.


With her face completely flushed, Fauna gets up. “I’m closing the door.” She grabs the handle and starts to close it.

“WAIT NO I’M SORRY.” Kronii sits back down and grabs her laptop.

“Stealing glances sometimes is fine, but you have to work, okay?”

They both look at each other, pouting. “…Okay.” Kronii concedes and goes back to work.

Fauna stops knitting once she’s satisfied with her progress for the day. She puts her project away and leaves the room when Kronii isn’t looking to finish up some chores she had left. Thankfully her clock is concentrating too much to turn her head. Another hour passes like this.

“…This should be enough for now…” Kronii stretches and gets up from the sofa. She looks at Fauna’s room, her kirin is nowhere to be found. She looks around her room trying to find her. “Wait, how did…” She frowns. “Her footsteps are impossible to hear sometimes.”

She snaps her fingers.

Fauna hums to herself while folding the laundry. Boros is taking a nap on some of the clothes after helping her water the plants outside. Well, “helping” her by mostly watching, but Fauna appreciates it, nonetheless. Suddenly, he wakes up and looks at Fauna.

“Is something wrong, Boros?”

He gestures to her side.

Be careful.

She tilts her head, “For wha—”


Kronii leans on Fauna while pouting. “…I thought you’d wait for me…”

Fauna laughs and pats her head. “I’m sorry~, I still had some things to do outside of my room.” Kronii moves from Fauna’s shoulder to laying on her lap.

“What were you doing anyways?” She pokes Boros to pretend she doesn’t care that much. “I saw some stuff for knitting but I didn’t see what it was.”

“Oh don’t worry.” Fauna finishes up folding the laundry and moves to head-patting duty. “Just a lil’ project I wanted to work on.”

I’m glad she didn’t check my drawer….

“Wanna eat something?”

Kronii turns to look at her, “…You’re not going to make me work again after that, are you?”

She smiles, “Noooo, I think you’ve done enough for today. Good job!” She leans in and kisses Kronii on her cheek. “Keep it up for tomorrow~.”

“…What do you mean tomorrow…” Kronii pokes Fauna’s cheek in return.

“You’re not done, are you?” Kronii reluctantly shakes her head. “Then we’ll keep going~.”

Fauna helps her up and they go eat. Even though she feels bad for her, she doesn’t know if she could handle Kronii feeding her again. They eat relatively quickly since there’s not much to talk about.

“…So…” Kronii fidgets a little. “…Wanna play something?”

“Oh, I thought you wanted to hug me.” Fauna walks with Kronii to the living room, she almost giggles after looking at Kronii’s flustered face.

“W-WELL… Yes… but I don’t wanna be that much of a bother…” She looks at the ground, afraid to meet Fauna’s gaze. Meanwhile, the kirin almost has a heart attack.

Why is she so cute… This and various thoughts pass through Fauna’s head in the blink on an eye. “S-sure, let’s play…”

They play games for the rest of the day. Kronii recovers from feeling upset and has fun with Fauna. At some point she moves close enough to her she’s right next to her. Fauna notices and takes it as an invitation to lean on Kronii’s shoulder, so she does just that.

Feeling her warmth right next to her helps Kronii recharge her batteries. They finish up their gaming session then play with the cats and Boros for a little while. The cats keep staring at Kronii, making her worry if they’ll stop being merciful tonight. Fauna giggles when she looks at Kronii’s scared face, she hasn’t told her she already convinced the cats to leave them alone for the weekend.

…She’s cute like this so I won’t tell her.

They eat dinner then head to bed. Kronii keeps checking Fauna’s room to make sure the cats will stay there. “They’re as clingy as m— a-as any cat so I have to see for myself they won’t move." Fauna hugs her from behind and starts pulling her back to their room. “I’m sure they’re not as clingy as you—”


Fauna laughs, “I’m sure they understand you by now, Kronii. You’ll be fine~.”

For this night, Fauna does the pampering. Kronii deserves some after doing a good job today after all. “Good girl~, good girl~.” She spoils her a lot, so much so, Kronii almost falls asleep quite a few times.

“It’s okay to sleep, Kronii. It’s why I’m doing this.”

“Noooooo…” Kronii hugs her tighter.

“You’re almost done, right?” She asks her while caressing her face.

She nods slowly.

“Then do your best tomorrow and we can cuddle all day~.”

Kronii seems happy with that answer, and she closes her eyes. Fauna sings a few lullabies to help her favorite girl fall asleep. Once she’s made sure she’s not waking up, Fauna kisses her on the forehead and goes to sleep herself.

On the second day, it’s a little easier to get Kronii to work. She’s starting to get used to this kind of schedule, though she’s still a little clingier than normal. Fauna’s just happy Kronii won’t be stressed out trying to finish everything in one day, nor will she stop time tiring her out even more.

“You can do it~.” She cheers her on from her room, Kronii lightly blushes but she’s happy for the support.

While she’s working, Fauna keeps knitting. She’ll probably finish this today, too. She gets too into it she fails to notice Clover jumping up to her lap right as she’s about to cut the yarn with her scissors


She tries to avoid hurting Clover she ends up pricking her palm with the scissors. “Ow… Cloveeerrr… You know you shouldn’t do that when I’m working…” She notices her palm is bleeding a little and licks it.

Kronii saw everything and immediately snaps her fingers to stop time. She runs to find the first aid kit and heads straight to Fauna’s room. Just as she’s about to enter, she remembers her warning. She snaps her fingers again, right outside Fauna’s room. The kirin notices and looks at her, she has a very worried face. “Aw, Kronii, it’s fiiiine.” She gets up and grabs the kit. She quickly patches herself up and returns it. “It wasn’t that serious.”

“Okay…” She turns around to leave but Fauna grabs her arm.

When Kronii turns around, Fauna kisses her on the lips.

“Thank you, Kronii.”

She blushes, Kronii will never be able to handle Fauna’s surprise attacks. “N-no problem.” She heads back to return the kit while thinking the whole ordeal was worth it.

Kronii hurries up with her work, that kiss was a good motivator. Fauna can’t help to feel a little bit embarrassed. I forgot kisses help her a lot… As she thinks that she notices Kronii touching her lips. She quickly covers her face and tries her hardest to ignore it while finishing up with her project.

“…I’m dooooooooone…” Kronii stretches and slumps on the sofa, pretending her soul left her body. She turns to look at Fauna. She’s staring at her.

“Good job, Kronii!”

She straightens herself up and puts her laptop away. Showing Fauna yet another silly side of her mortifies Kronii, but her kirin doesn’t seem to mind. She finds it very cute, so she copies her. “I’m done tooooooooo…” Fauna stretches then slumps on her chair and looks at Kronii. Now the clock doesn’t know if it’s embarrassing or not, so she just starts to laugh. Happy with the reaction, she laughs with her.

Just as promised, they cuddle in the living room after eating. They put on a series to watch but they’re barely paying attention. They embrace and take turns pampering each other. Fauna ends up using Kronii’s chest as a pillow again. Kronii looks at her from above.

…Now I can do this…

Kronii kisses Fauna’s head, making her giggle. After a little while, she kisses her again…

…I want more…

And again… and again… and again, and again and again.

“K-Kronii…?” Fauna looks at her, she seems to be in a daze.

“…I need to recharge more…” She turns Fauna around so she can be on top.

“H-hey no need to look so scary…” Fauna tries to poke her cheek to retaliate. “Just relax a little…”

“Your fault I haven’t been able to do anything up to now…”

“But now you’re free today and tomorrow aren’t you?” Fauna smirks at her. “You can do whatever you want now.” The smirk turns into a pure smile, making Kronii snap out of it.

“…You’re too unfair…” Kronii manages to calm down and goes back to hugging her.

Fauna giggles. “What’s up? Not going to do more?” She runs her fingers down Kronii’s hair.

“It’s not like I don’t want to…”

“Then go for it~.” Fauna leans in to whisper. “Take your reward.

Fauna’s voice seems to cast a spell on Kronii. She grabs her shoulders and kisser her all over. “K-Kronii!”

“Too late to complain.” She responds as she licks her neck, slowly removing her kimono. She undoes her sash while kissing her some more. She’s so sweet… she thinks as she puts her tongue in.

Kronii licks the strand of saliva that falls on Fauna’s cheek after their kiss. She slowly opens up her kimono. It’s probably because of the cuddling before this, but Fauna has been sweating a lot inside her clothes. She tries to cover herself when she notices this.

“Nope, not allowed.”

She opens her kimono back up and continues to kiss her. “H-heeeeyyyy…” Fauna’s getting too embarrassed for this, but she likes how assertive Kronii’s being. She can only cover her face while Kronii keeps going.

She lifts her bra and starts to play with her breasts. She licks and bites her nipples, the slightly salty taste because of Fauna’s sweat only makes Kronii want to lick her more. “A-Ahn!” Fauna’s now covering her mouth, but Kronii grabs her hand and moves it away.

“I want to hear you.”

Unable to deny her request, Fauna moans more and more while Kronii keeps playing with her. As she’s slowly being taken over by the pleasure, Fauna grabs Kronii’s head to lead her where she wants to be licked next.

“…What a cheeky maid.”

Looking down, Fauna can see Kronii’s smug eyes. “I-I’m not your maid…”

“Clearly not with how much you’re leading me around.” Kronii laughs a little as she kisses Fauna’s stomach.

She lightly hits Kronii’s head. “…Are your batteries getting recharged no— AH!"

Kronii slides her hand down her panties. “Plenty.” She moves up to get a better look at Fauna’s face. She covers herself.

“Faunaaaa…” She kisses her hands now that her own are a little occupied. Having to remove her own hands herself is a lot more embarrassing than Fauna thought. She slowly uncovers herself. “Much better.” She leans and kisses her again.

She slides her fingers down her pussy, softly caressing her. She slowly opens her lips and keeps sliding up and down. She plays with her clit, making Fauna clench her legs. With her other hand, she caresses the rest of her body: her breasts, her stomach, her hips. She takes extra care to touch Fauna’s weak points as slow as possible. All the while she stares at her beloved kirin’s face, enjoying her reactions.

“W-why do you have to— Mmm… L-look at me?” Fauna can barely talk now that Kronii put her fingers in.

“Hmmm… I wonder.” Kronii smiles as she’s getting the reactions she wants.

“D-don’t just— AHH… d-dodge… Mmmmm… the q-questio— Ahn~." Kronii picks up the pace, hitting the spots Fauna likes the most.

“Almost there… huh…?” Kronii started touching herself after hearing Fauna’s moaning. She was already backed up after so many days of stress, it doesn’t take her long to start feeling it. She tries to keep the same rhythm with both of her hands, but this only makes her feel as good as Fauna is.

Fauna notices this and slides her hands under her shirt. “F-Fauna?!” She fondles Kronii’s breasts and pulls hard on her nipples. “AH!”

While letting one hand play with Kronii’s breasts, she moves the other one towards her pussy. She puts her fingers in while Kronii’s are still there.

“W-WAI— MMMmmmmm…" She couldn’t remove her hand on time. Adding Fauna’s fingers sends a shock to her entire body. Kronii curls up to try to resist the pleasure.

“N-now we’re… ev— AH!” Kronii goes back on the offensive, touching Fauna’s G-spot and caressing the rest of her body.

It turns into a race to see who can make the other cum first. They both know each other’s weak spots, so the moaning gets louder and louder. As they gasp for air, they move their faces closer to each other. Looking at each other’s eyes, both can tell they’re really close.

“F-Fauna…” Kronii moves closer, about to kiss Fauna again.

“Kro…niiii… Ahhh…” Fauna kisses her first, sending another shiver down Kronii’s spine.

They both go faster and faster, until they can’t take it anymore.



They clench their bodies and give in to the pleasure. They have to stop their kiss because of the spasms. While Fauna closes her eyes while Kronii refuses to, wanting to see her beloved kirin’s face as she cums.

When they calm down, they stare at each other.

“…You know you could’ve asked this… from way before, right?” Fauna pulls Kronii in to give her a hug.

“I think I would’ve passed out if I did…” Kronii embraces her. “But now I’m okay.”

“You sure?”

Kronii nuzzles up against her. “Mm-hmm.”

After pampering her a little more, Fauna starts feeling chilly. “Let’s clean up, okay?”


After taking a nice, hot bath and eating dinner together, they head to bed.

“…Wait they’re not here tonight either?” Now Kronii can’t believe such miracles can actually happen, Fauna laughs at her poor girlfriend.

“It’s fiiiine… It’s not like someone can talk to them, right?” Might as well spill the beans now.

“…………Oh…….. right…….”

Kronii refuses to face her for a little while. Maybe that was a bad idea.

“…I’m sorry for forgetting…” While having her back against her, Kronii still tries to reach out and hold Fauna’s hand.

“Awwwwwwwww…” Fauna moves closer and hugs her from behind. “It’s okaaaaay… It’s been a stressful time.”

Kronii turns around to hug her back.

“Hehe…” Fauna gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Stressful time, huh?”

Fauna looks up to her. “Does it take you back?”

“Little bit. I wasn’t sure I’d even survive back then.” Kronii hugs her tighter. “But now you’re here with me.”

“Yup, and you’re not getting rid of meee~.” Fauna rubs her head against Kronii.

She’s just so cute…

“Hehehe…” Kronii kisses her head and ruffles her hair.

They stay still for some time, enjoying each other’s warmth.

“…Oh wait.” Kronii remembers something else.


“So what was that project you were working on? I’m pretty sure you finished it.”

Fauna giggles and pokes Kronii’s cheek. “Seeeecret~.”

Kronii pouts and returns the poke. “Oh, so I’m not the only one dodging questions here.”

“Maybe you’ll find out if we take a walk tomorrow~.” She pinches Kronii’s cheek a little.

“…But it’s the last day of the weekend…”

Fauna looks up again, now with puppy eyes.

“Just a short walk, c’mooon…”

There’s no way she can say no to Fauna when she’s like this.


Fauna rubs her head against Kronii’s chest again.

“Thank you Kronii!”

If she’s this happy then I guess it’s worth it.

They pamper each other a little more before falling asleep. Still wondering about that project, Kronii drifts away.

“Fauna it’s freezing.”

“Okay it wasn’t like this yesterday, don’t be like that.”

They go on their walk some time after breakfast. Fauna had to drag Kronii outside. The sun’s out and it’s slowly melting away the snow, they can almost see the grass inside. It’s still pretty cold though.

“…Don’t laugh, okay?” Fauna opens her bag and pulls out something.

Kronii turns to look at the bag. “Well what is i—” Fauna wraps something around the both of them.

…Oh, it’s warm.

She takes a better look at what Fauna put on her. It’s a scarf. The knitting is perfect, it even has a pattern.

“Do you like it?”

She turns to Fauna; she’s wrapped in it too. “We can share this!”

Only now she notices the colors of the scarf: green and blue.

Kronii almost falls to the ground from the heart attack. “Y-you okay?” Looking at Fauna’s face helps her recover.

“…I love you…”

Fauna blushes; but manages to smile. “I love you too!”

They finish up their walk talking about whatever comes up in their minds. They enjoy watching how the sun keeps melting away the snow, though Kronii had to stop time a few times to avoid some of it falling on their heads while walking under some trees.

Back home, Fauna makes some hot chocolate for the both of them and Kronii adds a few extra marshmallows and other decorations to their cups.

“Here you go, Kronii!”

“Thank you.”

They sit down together and stare at their drinks. They stay like that for some minutes, neither of them taking a sip.

“…Maybe we should take the scarf off.”

“Yeah, maybe we should.”

They got a little too used to it.

Fauna fidgets a little before asking something, “Umm…”

“What is it, Fauna?”

She looks at her, blushing. “Are your… batteries… recharged?”

“Hmmm… Not sure…” Kronii quickly leans in to kiss her kirin.


“Hehehe, now they are.”

While drinking, Fauna keeps glancing at Kronii. “So what did you learn from this weekend, Kronii?”

Kronii stares at her.

“…That I shouldn’t procrastinate with work and end up stopping time tiring myself out even more during the process…?”

She shakes her head.

“No, you should quit. I can’t believe they keep doing that kind of thing to you.”

She takes a sip of her chocolate.

“Oh, alright!”

“Well, that was easy…”

Kronii ruffles her hair, “If you’re the one who says it, then you’re probably right.”

“…And how do you know that, Kronii?”

Kronii smiles at her, showing her fangs.

“I trust you.”

Fauna’s stunned for a few seconds, then leans on Kronii’s shoulder.

“…Dummy, what if I told you to leave me right now, then?”

Kronii puts her drink down and hugs her kirin. “I’m not doing that.”

“Why not?” Fauna’s already looking away, blushing.

“Cause you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon.”

t. Nameronii

Source for the art used:

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Pub: 31 Jan 2022 11:29 UTC
Edit: 31 Jan 2022 18:09 UTC
Views: 2097