sorry for the rant i formerly had here. please just be a normal person, other wise i will slowly ghost you and eventually unadd you.

i feel as if you should know the following :

  • im barely online i have a job school and siblings to take care of
  • i can crash out randomly This sound corny asf but sometimes i will just freak out. this consists of repeated phrases and keyboard spam and whatnot. i am trying not to do this. if you're not my brother or my bf this is very rare But if i happen to be talking to you at the moment probably you'll get like a "whattfhfuck" a few times, my bad. i don't do that to crytype, i type faster when i am panicked.
  • i get FREAKY !!!!! if i've known you for at least 2 years you will get a 6 paragraph text about the size of grimmjow jaegerjaquez's weezer ir something This is a joke im serious about it kind of um i rarely say sexuak stuff bc it is nasty
Pub: 19 Jun 2023 14:00 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2024 17:43 UTC
Views: 671