byf & dni

i rt spam, i qrt people, i need tone indicators, i
am ok with and make kys/kms/die jokes untagged,
i swear and tweet in all caps untagged, i say slurs
i can reclaim, i mainly tweet about my interests,
no ss/sharing any of my tweets unless its funny,
i'll sb u if we dont have much in common or u fit
my dni or if i just dont like u
, i have a rrly bad memory so if i forget smth its not on purpose
sb to unfollow
basic dni criteria, -16/24+, dont have a rentry/carrd/etc or age on your acc, proshipper/
nsfw acc, hate any of my hypxs, snyder cultist, freak subtwt (ed/sh/leak/etc), main: kpop, mcyt,
stranger things, anime, south park, or genshin (unless i follow first), think ai art is real art,
support/are mspec lesbian/gay or endo system, zionist , stan these people (current moots ok)
(please tw/cw: sh, suicide/death, cancer, animal abuse/death, and bugs)
if u follow me and i sb u, its bc u fit my dni

e2r ‌ ‌ links ‌ ‌ byf&dni ‌ ‌ ints ‌ ‌ moots ‌ ‌ hoard

Pub: 08 Jun 2022 03:26 UTC
Edit: 29 Jan 2024 22:37 UTC
Views: 1974