main rentry dni/byf interests
daydreaming 醒めそうにない ...

hii, im yún im a 15 year old
trans gnc guy whos also gay+aroace ..
i still have a lot more labels though, im
a huge fan of the persona+ ace attorney
series ! i draw sometimes and talk about
gay people a lot .. i have adhd & am autistic
and more unlisted stuff.. i love ryomina with
my everything and talk about them a lot sorry
nobody gets them like i do!! i also love ryoji,
aki and hifumin a lot ... i also love all my friends
very much !! hii athena and hii ei my super
awesome sister ! you 2 are my favorite people ever

Pub: 21 Mar 2023 04:14 UTC
Edit: 22 Jul 2023 14:38 UTC
Views: 292