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This is a work in progress because im Laaaazy

⠀⠀⠀ before you int

  • i am drained most of the time. please do not spam me or rush me to reply to you. i tend to rarely reply unless i need something, with the exception of my partners. i prefer to avoid making new close friends.
  • my typing style and behavior in general is constantly changing. pay no mind to it, it's an affect of my disorders.
  • if you need a situation handled, please contact me privately. public confrontation is stressful for me and it's also unneeded.
  • do not use they or she on me. do not flirt with, threaten, or use slurs on me even if it is "jokingly". do not behave parasocially / place me on a pedestal / act or like you are friends with me. it makes me uncomfortable.
  • do not compete with me over my special interests or fictional partners. i am specifically possessive over chainsaw man and bunnies. if you piss me off about this i will block you.
  • speaking of blocking, i block freely. sometimes it's personal, sometimes it isn't. mocking me and my boundaries proves exactly why you are blocked. just block me too?
Pub: 29 Mar 2019 12:41 UTC
Edit: 21 Aug 2024 13:33 UTC
Views: 4746