be in a prep school
got in out of sheer 'tism to prove that one guy on the internet wrong
end up in a all-boys school instead
hope this doesn't make you gay by the end of the year
find out you're the only human who enrolled here
with that comes bullying
if it were called that had not you be also the tallest guy here
lifting and exercise does wonders
one canine anthro thought it was a good idea to mock you in the middle of lunch
decide to stake your claim in the hierarchy
stand up
face down the opposition
give me the o'l "ill fuck him up" eyes
he bites his lip and backs down
he sidles away as if he shit himself
sit down and continue eating
man it's good to be on top for once

be canine anthro
top bitch of the academy
find out some humie passed the incredibly hard entrance exam
try to bully him as to establish dominance
he stands up
oh shit he's taller than you
gives you a "i'll fuck you senseless" stare
turn around immediately and walk away
all the while sporting a boner
everyone sees it
walk around the corner and try to steady your breathing
another flash of him looking down at you ruins your pants

be walking through the halls
taking names
slapping the hoes
except there no hoes in sight
just scores of uppercrust dudes who'd probably fold at a slight wind
you miss girls
you also miss the peace and quiet ever since the canteen incident
that wannabe bully kept challenging you and everytime you win without throwing a single punch
or word
you swear his pants change everytime you meet
anywho you were walking until you crash into someone
find both yourselves on the floor as the otter anthro pawing on the floor searching for something
you notice a pair of glasses near you and you hand it to him
his vision finally clears and he flinches from you
"please don't hurt me!"
oh right your reputation as a badass preceeds you
now some of the anthros here stay away from you even when you try to make friends
its lonely at the top
but this could be your chance on tweaking that view
but how should do it in this situation
you notice a noticebly large scratch mark on the trembling otter's glasses
thats no good sonic in your head says
the mammal freezes in place as you take it off from him for an ol spit shine
give to him nice and clean and say goodbye
maybe this will change things up a bit

be nerd otter
running across the halls just because
bump into someone with a firm body
oh crap is that who you think it is
try to find your glasses first before you realize who you crashed into
suddenly you feel your glasses handed to you
your heart relaxes a bit before it triples in speed when you finally see who returned it to you
its that tall human who made Charlie cum in his pants
quick roll a persuasion
"please don't hurt me!"
nailed it
he seems to ponder a bit before he reaches out to you
you freeze up as he snatches your glasses away
he spits on it and rubs the lens with his shirt and gives it back to you
the human walks away while you sat there

you don't know what to feel about that
was this his way of saying he owns you know?
is this the start of a bully romance story?
and why does that scenario turn you on?
you pull up your glasses and sniff it good
it still smells like him
lick the part where he spat on
start getting a chub as you savor the lingering taste
now you have certain scenario ideas for your dungeon party this weekend

it's end of the week
which is also club day
you don't have one
which should do you pick?
scanning around the the dartboard you spot what you hoped for
game club
hell yeah
immediately head for the club room
open the door and be greeted with 4 players around a large table with some cardboard and figurines in the middle
wait was this for board games only
look at the pamphlet again
*not for video games which is devil's work
aw fuck you conservative old school prep values

meanwhile the four players are looking towards the tall human in the entrance
the otter was panicking, he didn't think you'd track him down here to collect you
the fennec fox leaned forward as his vision starts half-piping all over the creases of your tight shirt and pants
the hyena on the other hand was hyperventilating
this was a fucking human
he didn't they actually exist outside his fantasies and his cousin's word of mouth
his eyes sparkled in awe as he looked on to your towering figure
the last was a goat who pulled the drawstring on his hoodie and fell to the ground frozen
the soft noises of baas could be heard from him

its you again
put the down pamphlet and sigh and decide that it's at least not boring compared to the other clubs
with a strong cough on your knuckle you say:

"I'm here to join your club"

the otter stands up quickly and blurts out his answer
"Of course! J-Just take a seat right there and make yourself comfortable!"
there was a certain edge of panic in his voice
but nonetheless you take a seat right between the hyena and fennec
immediately the two starts scoping you out, seeing what makes you tick
damn there's a hierarchy even among nerds?
you sit up straighter which makes you taller than the rest on the table

the fennec fox, Frelly, was glued to the tough exterior of the human
he was tempted to run his paws all over you and maybe even a lick in
plus your size just tickles him in all the right areas
he wonders if you can carry him while you fuck his brains out

on the other hand, Hank the hyena was looking at you with admiration
he notes the muscles on you and wanted to feel them up, see if the legends of your strength is true
you see, he wants to be a man one day
and since his father left his family, he clings on to the biggest male figure he could find
at first it was the human barbarian comics he read
now it was the real life towering beef in this room
which is you

the otter, Oscar adjusted his glasses and finalized the format of your character sheet
he hands to you the empty document
"Just make your character here and w-we'll get started then! If you have any questions feel free to tell me."
you note the empty class, race, and backstory
ey this is like that nuclear winter game you played
only with papers and pencils
hmm what should you make
you already went with the gunslinging rouge thousands of times
its your first game so you could fool around a bit

the otter sees the human hand out his paper to him
'Anonus the human barbarian'
'biggus dickus warrior who slays the monsters and steals the bitches'
he looks up with a blush to see you with a pleasant look on your face
might have to adjust some of the stats here since you probably don't know
just go with high strength and constitution he guesses

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Pub: 20 May 2023 01:58 UTC
Views: 5092