Hiii!!! this is just a place holder for my carrd that i'll hopefully finish soon T-T

basic info:
17 + he/xe/it (+ any neos)
Autigender + transmasc (its fluid asf but i'm male aligning for the most part :P )
Audhd (ASD & ADHD)
latino (mexican)
aroace-spec (aegosexual & greyromantic)

neos i use (will add to)
xe/it/star/moon/ze/rat + rlly any others but i like these a lot ♡

basic dni criteria (homphobic, transphobic, racist, bigoted, etc.), dont respect neo prns, political, -14 or 22+ (current moots fine), problematic, misuse/dont respect tone tags, heavy nsfw or are on nsfwtwt, ed/shtwt, dont respect boundaries, Makima bootlickers, proshippers, shota/lolicons, heavy font users, and if you have no age on your profile

DO NOT infantilize the things i say or do. i will make "my tummy hurts" jokes or use silly terms pls do not make it weird same thing applies for my autism, i will block if i see that shit

sometimes go semi ia but i try my damndest to interact as much as i can, tl>dms, please do not dm me unless we are close, i block freely so rlly uncomfy = hard block, pls tell me if i make u uncomfy or say something off!! i am always willingly to listen calmly & i will do the same if i think its an honest mistake, heavy cursing, i say slurs that i can reclaim, make kys/kms jokes on tl, am okay with pet names!!, might platonically flirt with close moots, my interests are cringe ik dont make fun of me pls T-T , everything i say is usually /lh or /j

dms are always open for questions ab my boundaries or dni criteria!! but pls dont dm me if you dont need anything, it makes me anxious ty

Pub: 07 Apr 2023 07:13 UTC
Edit: 23 Nov 2023 17:59 UTC
Views: 3226