Bug bug bug bug. mine...

Where is pollen hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- BugSprout
. . . . . . . . . VoiceClaim 1 | 2:15 | Normal VoiceClaim 2 | Hatred / Twisted . . . . . . . . .

not even dandy made you smarter.

Im your dumb boyfie!!

Bugsprout is just stupid. Or is he.. he could be spotted frequently saying "bug" to inanimate objects. Their bugs in their eyes. They really like doodling small things with his someone. He can come as noisy or rude tho he doesnt mean it since thats what he usually hear to his surroundings and thinks its okay to say it to others. He sounds sinester most of the time.. despite his dumb appearance he is a very good liar. "BUG BUG BUG." Tho he could be sometimes terrifying to some. He is a very pollen loving ant.

Bug sprout really likes making stages or performances by his pollen, tho not much due to his stupidity he couldnt do that. This frustrates him and just usually act childlish around toons to cope his frustration. "bug bug bug."

Pub: 04 Feb 2025 03:34 UTC
Edit: 04 Feb 2025 09:50 UTC
Views: 114