request guidelines

Firstly, we are not required to do any one request. If we feel we don't have enough motivation/ inspiration or don't feel confident enough with the media, we'll simply delete the ask.

Second, please be specific with what it is you want. We don't have a particular format that we prefer, but it would be appreciated if you could mention if you want a psd used. Following this, a mention of a particular color and or whether you'd like a darker/lighter color scheme would be great.

We're not too picky with media we're not familiar with, so try your luck! It usually will only be denied if there isn't enough to work with png/render-wise.

We have a few different editing styles (I THINK)... Throwing in how you might want your stuff would be great, too (by this I mean if you want something minimalistic/over the top). Idk I'm getting lazy writing all this. Leave me alone.


White/Blacklist Dni Home .

Edit Report
Pub: 21 Jun 2023 23:37 UTC
Edit: 13 Jan 2025 15:09 UTC
Views: 205
