Nudity is pointless when you're all by yourself.

There are trails that go into the woods and meander around for miles without leaving the property. Groups sometimes use them but not very often, except the near ones which are grassy and kept mowed. These are all mostly the width of Jon's riding tractor, except for little glens he maintains, spots ideal for a tryst, or even just a private picnic. Without even discussing it, Harold and I headed for the nearest grassy walkway disappearing into the woods.

There's something exciting about being naked and suddenly alone with a guy who attracts you. The men never seem to have erections in public. But when a guy looks at me and smiles I can feel the excitement in my clit. The second we were by ourselves my clit was screaming for attention. It had been several years, so I was both horny and nervous, and very much afraid that the attraction might not be mutual. I can't think of anything more pathetic than an old woman trying to throw herself at a disinterested man. I neither wanted to embarrass myself, at least not in that way, nor destroy a potential friendship.

Embarrass is a funny word. I use it a lot to indicate two almost opposite situations. The other type of embarrassment is the fun type. Imagine Angie caught "with her pants down". Angie's young and beautiful and this type of embarrassment is something she obviously craves. Any female exhibitionist loves being embarrassed that way. Angie likes routinely letting herself get fucked by strangers in front of a lot of people and cameras. But there would be nothing pleasant about offering myself to a man and being rejected.

Harold and I were both carrying the usual towels, mine in a shoulder bag along with such small items as sun block, small bills for the vending machines, a mirror and lipstick, and rubbers. I was no longer having my period, but there's the health issue, and also, some habits die slowly. At least I'd stopped carrying around tampax. The last time I'd had a lover, there was still, in theory, the possibility of getting pregnant. I'd yet to find out what sex was like after menopause.

Harold was wearing a belt with a pouch that couldn't have held much more than some small bills. He had on sneakers, but no socks. I wore some very delicate sandals. On Angie they might have been called sexy. But on her, almost everything is sexy, especially nothing. Anyway, since shoes were the only thing I was wearing I wanted them to be attractive, not just plain white sneakers, which would have made more sense. But I have good feet and can easily walk barefoot for miles. I have good legs too. I used to have shapely tits, but today my legs are my best feature. If you say something nice about my breasts, like they don't sag or they look nice, there's always that understood qualifier: "for a fifty year old woman". Fortunately, Harold seemed to like my tits.

We walked by several of these pleasant open areas before settling down in one. I wasn't tired, and I don't think Harold was either. But we both seemed to want to make use of the privacy. Harold's towel was big enough for both of us, so I left mine in the bag. Besides, it gave us an excuse to sit close to each other. Very close. I hadn't touched a man with my bare skin since the last time I got fucked, years earlier. In that time I'd come either to this camp or the one in Florida, about three dozen times, and exposed myself to hundreds of different men. Maybe thousands because the resort in Florida is much larger. Yet they hardly pay us any attention, except the ones you make conversation with. Angie used to get a lot of attention, but I doubt it felt as exciting as Harold's naked thigh touching mine.

"Harold, how old were you the first time you went all the way?" I didn't care much what his answer would be. I just wanted to start talking about sex. "Do you think it's better when you're young or when you're more experienced?"

Harold was slow in warming up to the topic. I went on to discuss anal sex, how lucky I was that my first time was with a talented fanny fucker, so that from the beginning I knew it could be good for the girl. This was sort of true, but I was simplifying. I just wanted to imply that I was willing to do pretty much anything he might want. I didn't particularly want anal sex. In fact, over the years it had become less comfortable. Probably the aging of my asshole. Like everything else it just doesn't stretch that easily now. I knew, however,that if Harold wanted anal sex I'd give it to him whether he was good or not. I was really desperate for love after some years without it.

"Do you know why most women, certainly most women here, are exhibitionists?"

Of course he didn't really know. Nor do I, though I assume it's biological. Mostly I know that it's a fact.

"Women come to nudist camps because they want to expose themselves. Men come for a variety of reasons. I'm sure one of the biggest is seeing the women expose themselves. Once you do it, disrobe in front of dozens of strange men the pleasure quickly becomes addictive. While cultural indoctrination has us holding our legs closed around the pool, we'd rather spread them and hold our pussies open. I find I've learned to love exposing myself in almost every way. I'm telling you things about myself because I want you to see me naked. I enjoy showing you my pussy and anus, and also my thoughts, secrets, and desires. May I tell you something even more personal?"

How could he say no without knowing what I wanted to say? It's the perfect gambit.

"I'm going out on a limb a bit telling you this. I've been dreaming about having sex with you. There, a girl can't expose herself much more than that."

So Harold did the obvious. Only a cad, a celibate, or someone with out balls would have refused. Or someone with other committments. For a woman my age I have a nice body. Below the neck I could pass for a woman somewhat younger. Harold is a seasonal warrior. When he's in training he looks pretty good. The rest of the time he looks like a couch potato though he's in better shape than he appears. In spite of his good physical condition, and the fact that he also looks younger than his age, he does lack the stamina of his youth. And this bothers him. I've tried to tell him that having a hard dick for an hour is not what most of us are looking for in a lover. At least it's not the only thing, and maybe not that high on the list either. I would prefer that my lover has good endurance. But I can just as easily drool over a guy with great foreplay,

All my talk about anal sex was intended to get Harold's juices going. I wasn't particularly looking to get myself buggered. I just wanted to tell him that I was available and pretty liberal in what I'd allow. And my yacking did have results. Harold couldn't hide the fact that he was twitching. Nor would I let him. But I realized later that the talk of anal sex had put him a bit off the pace. As much as he fantasized about doing it again in a girl's fanny, with his reduced stamina he was afraid that for him, anal sex was as much history as my periods. But when I saw him sitting there looking uncomfortable, it was mostly for the usual reason.

So far, Harold has not yet shown a desire to put his prick in my anus. But he does fuck me pretty regularly. And I'm never very surprised when I feel his finger slipping inside my fanny. Actually, I'd love to have intercourse with Harold a lot more than he could possibly manage it. As long as he didn't actually hurt me, I could probably outlast any man, even a stud in his twenties. But I don't need a lot of vaginal intercourse, just enough to remind me that my lover really is my lover. The rest of the time, I love being touched or even just near a man with whom I've shared intimacies.

Harold doesn't get an erection easily and has trouble maintaining it. I consider it my job to help him.

--------------------------------- 4. Jenny's Gang Bang

Hey, I really love this, especially reading that stuff Angie's mom wrote. Kendra got the idea, or at least started it with her own little essay about costumes at a nudie party. She typed it out, ran off a few copies and put one in her most recent of the scrap books she keeps of party pictures. The pictures aren't restricted. Kendra wears nudie costumes because she wants the guys to look at her, so she's never told a man to not look at the pictures. In fact, she leaves the albums out where her dates can hardly miss them.

I doubt anyone took the essay as a challenge. But Angie decided to write a rebuttal about her figure. After a few paragraphs, however, she got into all that female philosophy.

Laura, Angie's mom decided to compile a collection starting with what Kendra wrote and the one by Angie. Then Laura wrote that one about her new lover. I'm hoping she'll tell us more about him and other men in her life. It's wonderful to think that I could still be enjoying sex and dating when I'm her age.

Anyway, Laura has this free web page. "Free" means the provider tacks on a lot of advertising. She jumps ship occassionally, and keeps mirror copies both on her home machine and on a competitor's server. Nominally, if you go to her home page, it's about a hiking trip she took one year and a canoe trip the next. But if you click in a blank place between two pictures, you enter another page where you get access to these compositions. You probably know it if you're reading this. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other places you can click to get to other sections. But that's Laura's business. Angie says her mom got the idea for this hidden section when she read rules for a free web site that prohibited "blind" references. Laura likes breaking rules, even if she has to do some research to figure out what the rule means.

One of the first sites offering free web pages was geocities, back around 1995. They had rules, like no pornography, no blind references. But the rules are mostly for show and almost impossible to enforce if violations can't be detected by machine. Geo had about twelve employees and several million contributors. I doubt they made any attempt at all to manually search for rule breakers. About the only thing they did was offer an e-mail drop box for viewers to report violations. Whether anyone bothered is doubtful. But at least it looked like they were trying to keep the sites clean. If you want to host a hidden porno site or anything you want to keep private, you use blind references, burried pages that aren't accessible from visible html pointers on the public pages. Anyway, the worst thing a provider ever does is erase the site. Most people have a mirror copy of everything somewhere else anyhow, so no big deal.

Also, the sites make money selling advertisement flags. You get a free page, but also a lot of spam. Free e-mail works the same way. In 1995, geocities wasn't the only provider, and five years later they had hundreds of competitors, maybe thousands. These people want your business and don't go out of their way to alienate you. So no one stops you from breaking the rules if you don't make a big deal about it. My guess is that Laura's blind reference pages will go unnoticed and/or ignored. So it's a great way for girls like us to let our hair down and open our pussies, at least in print.

Perhaps some day we'll even chance posting a gallery of open pussy pictures. Our own naturally. But it would probably be better to do it somewhere else with another provider, so there would be less risk of this site being shut down. Maybe I'll do it myself and Laura can put a link to me. Of course, I'd like her help setting the site up. Come to think of it, most of us have done some porno type posing, at least with boyfriends. Some like Angie and I have done it for groups, in her case professionally. She could probably come up with a hundred good pictures of herself featuring her open pussy. But if you don't already have a porfolio, think of the fun you could have with this perfect excuse!

Anyway, for now I'd like to write about something especially naughty, and publish it here. One reason is because I really enjoyed it when it happened, and I want to keep the memory fresh. The other is this exhibitionist thing. Telling people about it is like flashing my open pussy at a guy. I just love exposing myself.

So maybe I'm not the model quality beauty Angie is. Kendra's pretty much up there as well. But I'm just the girl next door - good figure, not great, freckles, a couple of unattractive beauty marks, and eyes a bit too far apart. Anyway, my hair's my worst feature. I grow it long because it's supposed to be sexy, and I do think the guys like my hair long in spite of the fact that it doesn't have much body. I'm basicly your skinny, hippy, flower child, who'd like to think of herself as a potential porn star.

I have this boyfriend, one of several regular lovers, who belongs to a photo club. I think the guys are even a little interested in cameras and pictures. Their regular activity is hiring a model to pose for them. They discovered early on that they could hire really beautiful girls who expect to pose naked for next to nothing. Most of these girls end up eventually masturbating to fill in the two hours. All Phil has to do after about an hour of bend overs and pussy spreads is let the girl choose her own poses for the remaining hour. By then she's probably so horny that she can't think of anything else. Split among ten or more, it's really very little per guy for an intimate strip show. These girls are exhibitionists and like a medium large audience.

These girls turned out to be both cheap and easy to find, once the club got a reputation for really existing. Most of the girls actually contact Phil asking for a turn after they've heard about it from another girlfriend. They know the pay's low, that they will pose naked, and even get a chance to masturbate with a dozen guys watching. And not get gang raped. I suspect some of them have mixed feelings about that last fact. But it's nice to know you have control over the intercourse option. Phil says the club's rule is no sex with a model the night of the shoot. If one of the members wants to date her, or hire her as a prostitute at a later time, that's the girl's business. The no sex rule is mostly to make it easier to hire subsequent models. I can just imagine one girl telling her girlfriend:

"It was absolutely wonderful. I paraded around naked the whole evening and no one even touched me, even after watching me play around with my dildos in both places. It was really a gas. Have you ever had the chance to masturbate with a bunch of guys watching and not gotten fucked almost before you can pull your toy out? Of course, it was a little frustrating. But I'm not sure I'd want to do it with that many strangers."

So Phil tells me about these sessions when we get together for sex. His pictures are all digital, but he runs off hard copies of the better ones. I always look through his most recent album to see the latest girls who have posed for him. Usually, he turns on the computer and shows me the pictures he's kept only on soft copy. The bad stuff has been simply erased, so what's left, about ten times as many poses as what he's made prints of, are all still quite good. My definition of good seems to also be Phil's, a nice smile, a natural pose, exposed crotch, and nicely displayed tits. There are usually a few where the girl still has some clothes on, but he doesn't waste photo paper on them no matter how good she looks. I think Phil likes showing off his photography almost as much as he likes fucking me, eventhough he's always telling me how great I am in bed.

Actually, I'd better be great in bed, because I couldn't hold a candle to any of these girls he hires to pose for the club. Maybe Angie would rate up there, and Kendra would make the cut. But I wouldn't. I once offered to pose for them for free but the money wasn't important, which was why he didn't jump at my offer. Then I asked if the club was open to girls. I wasn't that interested in taking pictures, but thought I'd like the show. Phil was more comfortable with that idea. The club wasn't really a club at all, just something Phil organized. He paid the girls with his personal check and collected cash from the guys who showed up, kind of like splitting the bill for lunch.

So it was really up to Phil. Still he asked around a bit before inviting me to the next session. For cover, I blew the dust off my old 35mm, and actually ran off a few rolls. I also paid my share of the model's fee - $8. Cheaper than the lunch I'd compared it to. I think the girl was a little surprised when she saw me there. But when I was just as enthusiastic as the guys about watching her masturbate she relaxed and really started enjoying herself. At one point she suggested that, if the guys wanted, she'd let me play with her and stick the dildos inside her. After an hour and a half and fifteen minutes of masturbating, she was probably just looking for something different to fill the last half hour. Not that she seemed ready to quit, but more like she wanted to get fucked, and seemed to think that the rules should allow another girl to do it.

No one suggested that girl-girl sex should be prohibited, and I was obviously cool with the idea. So when I asked if they wanted me to take my clothes off as well, they supported the idea. Both ideas. I wasn't the beauty of the professional, but guys don't say no when I offer to undress either. Well it wasn't long before we were doing the full lez bit. I'm not a lez, and I don't think she was either. But we both loved giving the guys a show even if it was shoving something up the other one's ass. By the time we were done the guys were cheering and wanted to refund my eight dollars. As if that made any difference! Even the hundred the other girl was getting was hardly her reason for being there.

Anyway, all the guys that had been there that night, which was most of the regulars, had seen me naked and doing the sex thing. My face and hair are merely attractive. I average better in my birthday suit. And I definitely have the right attitude. Reina and I were both sporting bare pussies, so we even matched in the pictures of us rubbing, or working opposite ends of a two ended dildo. A funny thing about those is they really feel good when you both have your end completely inside and your lips are touching. But, like in porno where the guy's dick is always only half or less inside you, for the camera they wanted to see our pussy lips with about a foot of unused dildo between our crotches. Well, I was up on the table to give the guys a show, and Reina was even getting paid, so we compromised, giving ourselves a good pussy kiss for several minutes, then pulling apart so the guys could see and photograph what was going on. Reina and I found ourselves playing a game: see who's cunt could hang on to the most shaft when we pulled apart.

I don't know who first suggested it. But of course, Phil remembered my original offer. Maybe he now realized I was more sporting than he'd imagined. There are a lot of girls who regularly fuck their current boyfriend but consider themselves as moral as a monogynous housewife. I call them Puritans. There are some girls who will pose nude for art classes and act like they're virgins. In my experience, however, most nude models are at least as promiscous as the average and much more liberal than the Puritans. But there's no guarentee that a nudist model is particularly wild. Nor do art classes insist on beauties like Phil's photo club. The organizer is usually looking simply for variety. Some times they even do men. The few times I've done it, everyone seemed quite pleased. Anyway, what Phil suggested was a staged gang bang.

The tentative plan was that I'd get naked, maybe slowly with much help. There would always be a lot of guys around me, sometimes fully clothed to highlight my nudity, sometimes naked, surrounding me with erections. The idea was to make it look like every one of them was taking a turn fucking me, while no part of the rest of my body was going unmolested. Phil explained that as long as the men changed places, it would look like they were passing me around. While in reality, it only had to ever be Phil actually fucking me. In most pictures you hardly ever see the man's face, often not much more than his dick where it's stuck inside the girl.

"Well, you'll have to decide on one other guy we can trust my pussy to. After all, you can't provide both dicks for a picture of me getting DP'd."

Phil knew what double penetration was, but had never heard it referred to by just the initials. Anyway, when he finally realized what I was saying he was surprised about three things. First, that I'd allow anal sex. He'd never asked so I'd never offered it, though I'd done it with other lovers. Second, that I'd have sex with a stranger, and expected him to pick which one. Third, that I'd do it with both of them at the same time. Fourth, that I'd allow myself to be stretched that way. Fifth, that I'd do it with all those other guys watching. Did I say three?

After hiring girls to get naked for about a year, Phil still didn't seem to realize that the girls were doing it almost entirely for their own amusement. So he also didn't realize that once a girl's taken the plunge and gotten addicted to exposing herself, there's no end to how much she wants to do it, only the practical limits of her body. If it were possible to get four guys into your crotch at once, there'd be some of us trying to fit two dicks in each hole with a lot of people taking pictures. I bet if Phil hired a girl to pose naked and then asked her to keep her clothes on, it would upset her.

Nobody wanted to substitute orgy night for the next regular modelling session. Besides, they'd already made arrangements with the girl. So it was decided that we'd do it on a Wednesday. Most of these guys either did normal dating or were married. As long as the sessions didn't involve them in sex, their significant others didn't seem to mind. Maybe they didn't even know that the sessions always involved a beautiful, naked female. There were three guys who were willing [willing?] to fuck me, and willing to get themselves tested. It was also suggested that Phil and I should offer similar proof. So, after all five of us went to the trouble, I didn't feel it right to tell two of these prospective lovers that I wouldn't honor their efforts. I discovered that four lovers with a dozen other guys watching is just about the perfect gang bang!

In the porno mags, they often have another naked girl doing girl things to the victim with her lips and toys. But that's just to dress up the foreplay with another naked female body. When Phil made his usual story book of the session he spliced in a few pictures taken previously of Reina and me, making it look like she'd been there also. In those pictures, with the guys all standing around, you don't notice that none of them are actually touching either of us when she's visible.

The night of my solo they sure were. Most of the time, most of them were touching me, and only a few taking turns taking pictures. At one point I had Phil's dick in my ass, and three guys in my pussy. Of course they only had a finger each inside, but even that's a stretch.

They started this activity to see if it was possible for four guys to each get some appendage inside one of my lower orifices and actually photograph the event. Some of the time I wanted to suggest we just try it first. But once they began, I usually lost all objective opinions. A dick and three fingers at once is even more a turn on than it is a challenge! And that's mostly because it involves so many guys fucking me at once.

There was a technical problem with the four guy penetration. While I remember trying, as instructed, to look backwards and smile at the camera, with four male bodies surrounding my privates, I couldn't see past them. In the picture you can't see my face at all. I do have a few freckles between my two openings, so I can prove it's me by showing you other pictures where you can see both my pretty smile and my perineum together. In fact, a bunch are classic DP where I'm bent forward over the guy in my pussy while the guy in my anus is bent to one side trying not to block the camera's view of my crotch and my face. The ones I like best are when I'm smiling, letting the camera know how happy I am. In others, I'm doing this surprised act, as directed, making it look like my stretching was sudden and unexpected.

I think we must have done this pose even more than the number of pictures implies. As I recall, every one of my four lovers took a turn in each place. That's twelve possible combinitions, and it seemed like they'd tried every one. But I certainly wasn't keeping track. Most of the time I hardly knew which two of the four guys were fucking me and quickly didn't care. As long as they kept using lube, I just enjoyed it!

But that's jumping to the end before I've savored some of the beautiful "opening" scenes. Shit, the best picture has to be one where I'm up in the air about waist high with so many guys holding so many parts of my body that I have no chance of falling. You can tell by my smile that I'm not even thinking about that or anything other than the fingers holding open my two orifices. Those fingers were supplied by four different men. But while I was very much aware of my much helped exposure, I can still remember the delightful feel of male hands touching me everywhere, thighs, breasts, buns, even arms, feet, calves, and some guy supporting my head. There were sixteen men there and about fourteen partially in the picture. Could a girl want more foreplay than that?

When they were doing the "Open Jenny" stuff, with all those guys touching and holding me, the men were all still dressed, and I was contrastingly bare naked. There was a lot of this stuff, basicly just me posed in the usual porno ways with a lot of male background and varying degrees of male "help". Does a girl look sexier wide open or with a guy reaching around, pinching her nipples? I love feeling a guy reaching underneath and cupping my pubes in his hand. But it does sort of block the camera's view of me. Porno is all about things like that. What feels sexy often doesn't photograph well. What connects well in video doesn't show continuity in stills. A still of a dick in a pussy might as well be a medical illustration without seeing the girl's face or at least more of her body. But in video they can pan back and forth so that when you start from her crotch getting stuffed and pan up over her belly and tits to her face, there's no question that this girl with the pretty smile is really getting dicked.

At my orgy they weren't doing video. Most of the questions about which was better were solved in the usually way, do both. But there was a tendency away from any solo poses. They did enough of that every month with girls prettier than me. So in most pictures there are male appendages touching me, usually all over me. Before the fucking began, there was a period when the guys all got naked and tried to overwhelm me with erections. I remember once when I had a dick in my mouth, one in each hand, others touching my torso about as close together as the guys could crowd, when I felt each of my feet grabbed, and pressed against an erection. I never saw a picture of that. Probably no one bothered. Who wants a picture of my feet?

I wonder what it would feel like to rub the bottom of my foot on my lover's erection? At the time I was only aware that it was happening. I could hardly savor the experience and was much more aware of the erection I was sitting on, pressed up between my buns. There was also this one guy who had the annoying habit of pinching my nipples exactly the right amount. It felt delightfully like being reduced to a sex machine. Pinch - orgasm - squirt cume. It made it hard to appreciate the penis pressed between my buns.

Some girls need foreplay to get in the mood for the surrender that follows. Not me. Foreplay is just another nice part of sex. But I'm ready for penetration before I can get my clothes off, even starting with just a G-string! One thing nice about being photographed being "seduced" was that I enjoyed more foreplay that night than I would have thought possible. Because I'm such as easy lay, guys who know me tend to cut quickly to the chase.

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