Gingaza Chapter 1 Episode 19: The Galaxy That Continues to Expand

Koyomi: With this, Gingaza's production of The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter has reached its final curtain. We are sad to say goodbye, but we have successfully completed the entire schedule.

Ramona: Thank you all for seeing the play......

Everyone: Thank you very much!

Ramona: ......I see, it's already over.

Ramona: With this, I'll say goodbye to Misao......

Koyomi: You seem to have put a lot into the role.

Ramona: Yes, I would have liked to have played the role more. I guess it's because I was blessed with a great co-star.

Koyomi: ......So, are you happy you joined Gingaza?

Ramona: Well, to be honest...I felt lonely at first. But now I feel glad to be a member of Gingaza.

Koyomi: It's a great thing for us as Gingaza. We've been blessed with good people.

Ramona: Yeah......wait! Did you just praise me!? Does that mean you recognised me!?

Koyomi: any case, it was a good performance. I feel like I was able to get over the wall.

Ramona: It's thanks to you too that I found friends with who I can compete.

Ramona: But yeah, yeah! I guess that means you’ve acknowledged me!

Koyomi: Wait a moment! I didn't say that I acknowledged-

Rinko: Ah, there you are! It was a great performance! I was so moved!

Ramona: Rinko!? You came to see the show!? Are you...?

Rinko: Don't worry. I'm working as normal in my hometown. I've also decided to continue theatre with a working theatre company.

Ramona: I see.......let me know when the show is scheduled. I'll definitely go and see it.

Rinko: Of course! Won’t you come too, Senju-san? I'll give you friends rates.

Koyomi: F-Friends rates.......

Rinko: Oh yeah, I think there's a guest waiting for you backstage. You should go and see her.

Kathrina: ......You’re late! I've been waiting for ages!

Ramona: Kathrina! I can't believe you're visiting my stage! Do I have a fever? Or is this a dream!?

Kathrina: Honestly, you haven't changed at all, you annoying.......I shouldn't have come to see you.

Ramona: But Kathrina came to see me! In other words, you were so moved that you wanted to tell me! Right?

Kathrina: Hah......yes, that's right. You did a great job.

Ramona: Is that......?

Kathrina: It must have been hard for you to come here by yourself. I know what you've been through.

Ramona: ......No, no. It was fun. It was a lot of fun.

Ramona: I didn't go through any hardships.......

Kathrina: You terrible actor. Well, whatever. I'm Sirius, you're Gingaza. Let’s do our best for each other.

Ramona: ......Yeah. Nice to meet you in this country, Kathrina.

Kathrina: Yeah, nice to meet you. Mona-san. ......Hey, your grip is so strong that my hand hurts.

Ramona: I don't know how much force to use.

Ramona: I was finally able to make up with you…...

Pub: 24 Sep 2023 14:31 UTC
Views: 266