Onolumi Ch. ARG

Guide for Newfags (a.k.a me)


https://www.youtube.com/@Onolumi/ is a cute Vtuber that plays retro games, this is about an ARG hidden in some of her community posts. Every 3k subs on the channel there's a community post thanking her subscribers. My account of the early days of her channel and /vrt/'s involvement is limited as I am getting most of this second hand, I am a new bot (2 month member) so I will try my best to add context, but I may get things wrong.

ARG Posts

3k Subscriber Post

3k subs
3k subs

While it wasn't noticed at the time, if you are going into this knowing it's an ARG you immediately notice the bot in the bottom left with the blinking light. This is morse code: -.- . . .--. / - .... . -- / -.-. --- -. - .- .. -. . -.. or KEEP THEM CONTAINED.

6k Subscriber Post

6k subs
6k subs

Again at the time this was posted nobody thought much of it, but upon returning to it the letters were found to be an encrypted key which once solved read: KEEP THEM PACIFIED.

9k Subscriber Post

9k subs
9k subs

This one was more obvious and triggered people going back and looking at the other posts. The falling blocks when put together form a QR code.

9k subs

When scanned the code reads: KEEP THEM ALIVE.

12k Subscriber Post

12k subs
12k subs

This one is the first one considered unsolved, some anons found that if you take all the letters used in the words you get a root sign: √

12k subs
These are the corresponding member badges with how many months you've been membered, as a reference for the chips in the GIF.

15k Subscriber Post

15k subs
15k subs

This one was easy to solve, it's a barcode that once scanned reads: Z- EMOTIONS, or Z EMOTIONS.

18k Subscriber Post

18k subs
This one is also considered unsolved, using the F, L and R on the monitors as Forward, Left and Right respectively and starting on a grid with the arrows pertaining to the starting direction the letters Gb, or alternatively G6 were found.
18k subs


This is still WIP, and any contributions towards solving the remaining posts is appreciated. Also subscribe to Lumi's channel so we can get the next post; we are currently at 18.6k subs as of writing this rentry.

Special Mentions

In this video made by Lumi as a highlight reel of sorts there is a particular timestamp, 80 seconds in, that seems to be of some interest. It might just be more atmosphere building, but best to keep it in mind.

Picture includes messages within the member tiers on her channel: Stay Asleep, Nobody Needs This, Glimpse Into Reality.
There are also no hidden messages within higher tiers of membership.

Pub: 19 May 2023 10:25 UTC
Views: 6001