Extra : You forced my hand.
Stumbling in a dark corridor, late at night, was a lone Hufflepuff girl, she walked slowly towards the kitchens, heart heavy and ready to burst.
The kitchens were empty, all the elves were already asleep and the beautiful glow of the moon seeped through the windows.
The sleep deprived girl approached an all too familiar countertop, desperate for sustenance, pawing around in a tear and sleepiness induced blindness.
She hadn't realized she wasn't alone, another girl, wide awake, was quietly preparing a meal.
Unfocused blue eyes, she tried holding back tears, letting a soft mix of a sob and a sigh escape her mouth, she filled her plate clumsily, letting utensils fall on the floor, clattering loudly.
She couldn't hear the approaching presence through all the racket.
Suddenly grabbed, she yelped loudly, pushing hard, trying to escape the soft lemon-scented embrace.
"It's okay..." whispered the voice, Margaret was resting her cheek against her head, eyes closed, as she held her close in a comforting embrace, the Hufflepuff panicked slightly, confused by her dire need of comfort and extreme need to flee.
The tall girl's body was tense, her embrace soft but firm, and her skin cold, she could feel her heart, beating softly as her head was pressed close to her collarbone, she kept holding back her tears, not wanting to burden her aggressor.
"I can help you." whispered her "friend"
She nodded softly, messing up her brown hair.
Still caressing her, Margaret whispered "Imperio."
It was as if a dam had broken, tears started flowing, her mind felt free of worry and she bawled loudly on the girl's black and red robes, staining it with tears and mucus, her whole body shaking as the Gryffindor shushed her like a mother comforting her child.
Uninhibited, she emptied her heart, sobbing and sniffing in the arms of the uncomfortable, silent girl, the "curse" had been lifted long ago but not the one on her heart and mind.
Trembling, she slowly, painfully detached herself from the embrace, eyes embarrassingly red and wet, blushing at the sight of the large stains she made on Margaret's robes, but she wasn't angry, instead, she saw a rare sight, a warm smile.
She smiled back, clearing her eyes with her sleeve and she grabbed her plate shakily while the white haired girl left her in silence.
"Thank you..." she whispered, mostly to herself, wishing she'd be heard, but no daring to say it louder.
She left the kitchens on wobbly legs, still sniffling a little, her heart much lighter, a smile on her pale face.