placeholder & jamie ★ 16 any pronouns "alt" black - gnc & queer . well-meaning enjoyer of (the) science(s) . . and arts ! (+ design) ......! ! j :: psychology , mythology , music , insects , fashion , animanga , videogames , , horror - residentevil , silenthill , final fantasy , TF2 , L4D , berserk , metal gear , dmc ++ unlisted . . j ii draw ++ make stuff ! i enjoy baking , reading , writing + more . . i will post what i do from time to time . i take breaks from s͟o͟c͟i͟a͟l͟s͟ , might affect the way we interact . >> j j

Pub: 12 Feb 2023 14:00 UTC
Edit: 08 Mar 2023 21:43 UTC
Views: 313