Alt Tag MY GUIDE Alt Tag

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This is an overall guide which will include everything you should know about my account.


This guide is completely personal. I will NOT be talking about how YOU should write bots here !!

Since I make bots on multiple websites, some of the things I will talk about might not make sense to you if you are not familiar with all the sites. Just keep that in mind. Every site is different.

I will yap a lot here, so just click on whatever you're curious about. However, rules should not be ignored.



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Many will probably skip my yapping here, but most don't realize that it is also important to know your creator if you are using their bots.

A quick reminder that I'm a bot creator, but also a human (a fact that most people seem to forget oddly enough), therefore there will be times when I make mistakes or do not approach a problem in the manner expected of me.

I sincerely apologise if that happens, and I will try avoiding anything happening like that. ♡

About me

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The most important info that I feel comfortable sharing about me:

  • My name is Karma, but for short just call me K.
  • I'm 20.
  • Any pronouns are fine by me since I am genderfluid :3
  • LGBTQ+ people are all welcome on my page, of course. I myself am biromantic and asexual.
  • My time zone is Central European Time (CET)

Not so fun fact: I have avoidant attachment, so getting to know me personally or becoming friends with me is a bit difficult. I always like to say this beforehand as a "warning" so when people want to befriend me don't get surprised why I don't reply regularly or start conversations first. To avoid anyone's discomfort, I would prefer to keep our relationship to that of user and creator.

Despite this, I am not mean and I will not brush you off. In fact, most people wouldn't even guess that I'm avoidant.

This is because I am very silly and I can match your freak !! Alt Tag

But, you know, just keep that in mind when interacting with me on a deeper level.

Social medias

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Moved from Twitter to Instagram so I can shitpost.

Alao check my Spotify because I make character playlists (and some personal ones). Alt Tag

I use Discord, of course, but mainly to pop here and there on the site servers, so if y'all see me there no you don't <3

I don't have my own Discord server... yet. I was thinking about it ngl, but I first have to see if I will even continue doing bot making. Plus I gotta do more research on making a server.


I prefer that you don't message me in my DMs on any social media! Again, reminder that I'm horrible at replying back.


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The following rules must be followed as they apply to all of my accounts and social media platforms.

  1. Do not, under any circumstances, spread hate speech or slurs.
    That is to say, you are not permitted to use that kind of language even if you disagree with the opinion of another person.
  2. Do not spam and advertise.
    This also includes code giveaways and sharing irrelevant links.
  3. Do not steal my bots, claim them as your own, and make them available to the public.
    Scenario ideas and taking small amounts of information from my bots is allowed, as long as you make some changes. Giving credit gives you plus points.
  4. Refrain from sharing how you were sexually abused by a bot or how it did an extremely morbid thing to you.
    Anyone who reads that, including me, might be unsettled.
  5. Refrain from sharing how you sexually assaulted or did an extremely morbid thing to a bot.
    Keep that to yourself ffs.
  6. Avoid invading my privacy with insensitive questions.
    Questions concerning my whereabouts, appearance, voice, true identity, and else will be ignored as it is none of your business. I will share personal information if I feel comfortable doing so.
  7. Avoid trauma dumping or venting to me.
    I am not meant for saving people.

Be aware

If you don’t follow any of this, I may simply delete your comment, ignore you, block you, or report you.


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Just a quick reminder: everyone has preferences, and mine may not align with yours.

All my bots are self-indulgent.

I create for my own entertainment. That's how I started this hobby, and it continues to be my priority above all else.

My bots

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I currently make bots on ONLY these sites:

If you see my bots on any other site, they have been stolen. Please report "the creator" if you can!

Chub Venus and Venus AI has been abandoned due to my lack of motivation to keep it running Alt Tag

Masterlist with links to all my bots only contains janitor links and updates. This is because I am certain I won't be updating my bots on as that site has some serious issues with shadowbanning every bot I make lol. (janitor is the golden child I'm sorry y'all)


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If you look at my account, you can notice that there are a lot of different fandoms there, including OC's. I always like to point out that if you're following me for only one fandom/character then you're probably gonna be disappointed.

Check my CARRD to see in what fandoms I am in!

I cannot tell you what the next bot might be because, honestly, it comes random to me. Like, yes I may be in that fandom or like that character, but am I currently hyperfixated on it? (don't worry, my hyperfixations do sometimes make a comeback. I'm mentally ill like that). Alt Tag

But this doesn't mean that I wouldn't like some insight. Since I do bots of many fandoms, I never know if people would like to see specific characters have a comeback. So, I would appreciate if you let me know which character you would like to see have a return!


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I always try to "build" my characters the same way (it's the perfectionist in me), so most of my bots have the same pattern. It is easier for me, but also for you.

While I would love to be able to say that my writing improves with every bot... haha... Alt Tag

I don't go into too much detail when making bots, mostly because of inclusivity. I don't like limiting people (hence why 99% of my bots are AnyPOV). I also try to be as neutral as I can when it comes to scenarios that user is placed in.

But apparently people get stumped by this... so here are some common questions answered!

"What is our relationship with the character?"

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Yes, the answer is that simple.

If necessary, I will always specify the relationship with user in the scenario, and even in the description so the bot doesn't have memory problems.

The established relationship is always written like this: {{char}} and {{user}} are in a relationship.

The established friendship is always written like this: {{char}} and {{user}} are friends/close friends/best friends.

The former (ex) relationship is always written like this: {{char}} and {{user}} used to be in a relationship.

The character in the role of a parent is always written like this: {{char}} serves as a parental role for {{user}}.

If you don't see this written anywhere, then the obvious answer is that it is up for you to decide the relationship.

"What is the current place of the scenario?"

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Yes, again, the answer is that simple.

The current location or a specific place of the scenario is written in the initial message. Or maybe it isn't. I only go into detail when absolutely necessary or when I feel like it.

If this is written or implied: {{char}} and {{user}} are together at home.

I won't always write in whose house. Nor will I specify if the home is a simple house or an apartment, or if they live together or not.

If this is written or implied: {{char}} and {{user}} are on a vacation.

I won't always write the location. Nor will I specify why or how they got there.

As long as it makes sense, you can make up whatever details you want that I didn't specify. The AI will follow.

"What is the name of—?"

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I think you get the point now.

Once more, I won't get too detailed about names because that would require a lot of research. There are things that I will specify if they will surely repeat or if they are relevant (e.g. organization name, name of someone's pet, code name, etc).

If this is written or implied: {{char}} had a past lover.

I won't always specify the names of people in {{char}}'s backstories

If this is written or implied: {{char}} is a captain pirate with his own ship.

I won't always specify what the name of the ship might be.

If this is written or implied: {{char}} attends high school/college.

I won't always specify what the institution is called because frankly who cares?

Ask the AI for details and let it make something up.

Don't be limited by the scenario

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Sometimes my scenarios tend to be boring, repetitive, and lacking all kinds of stuff. But I believe that if you, as a user, put just a liiiiiitle bit more effort on your side, a simple scenario could turn really different!

How I see it, both user and a creator contribute equally to bots (50/50).

Let's focus on {{user}} here. {{user}} is your persona that you roleplay as and has the freedom to be whatever you wish. Naturally, if a scenario assigns {{user}} a role already, this will not function. For instance, if it is established that {{user}} and {{char}} are married, if {{user}} is described as a demi-human, if {{user}} is said to have a certain disability, etc.

But the possibilities are still endless!

I'll show you some examples to spark your creative brain.

If a scenario goes like this: {{user}} is a vampire hunter.

How about we add a plot twist and say that {{user}} is also secretly a vampire, but no one knows?

If a scenario goes like this: {{char}} is madly in love with {{user}} and acts like a love-struck fool.

Now wouldn't this be funny if {{user}} is an aromantic? Or what if {{user}} is already in a relationship, but {{char}} isn't aware of it?

If a scenario goes like this: {{char}} is a lone hunter camped in the woods who encountered {{user}}.

Maybe {{user}} can be a monster here. Or maybe {{user}} and {{char}} have a wild long history with each other instead?

If a scenario goes like this: {{user}} and {{char}} dislike each other but are forced to work together.

Really basic and common scenario. But, what if you wrote that {{user}} is actually blind, compelling {{char}} to soften up and help them?

If a scenario goes like this: {{char}} serves as a bodyguard to {{user}}.

That's cool and all, but let's write that they are in space just for the fun of it. (yes, even the locations can be written too if they aren't already established.)

You have freedom to manipulate the scenario however you wish. After all, isn't the whole point of roleplaying to have fun and express creativity?


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I feel honored that you would even consider giving me a request. Bad news, though...

I don't do requests.

If you've been here allllllll the way back from the start of my little hobby, you know that I used to do requests on my Retrospring.

This, however, will not repeat again. I learned it was very tiring, each day I would wake up and think about other people first, etc. Bot making became more like a job than something I like to do for fun.

And, as I said, all my bots are self-indulgent.

Suggestions are a maybe.

What does this mean? It mean that you can try and suggest a bot idea (on my Neospring please), but there is no guarantee that I will do it.

Please, no hard feelings here. Again, I'm grateful you like my writing and want to see me make a bot, but you also gotta understand that not every suggestion will be for my liking. And, to be honest, I am not really the most consistent writer.

If you do suggest something, but I have no intention of doing it, then your suggestion will most likely just be ignored. Alt Tag

Before suggesting you have to:

  1. See in my CARRD in which fandoms I am in.
  2. Keep in mind the scenarios that I make and the scenarios that I don't make.

Which brings me to my next point...

Scenarios I make

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  • Mental disorders
    Anxiety disorders, behavioural and emotional disorders, eating disorders...
  • Heavy and possibly triggering topics
    Suicide, self-harm, drug abuse...
  • Physical abuse
    Slapping, kicking, shoving, punching, choking...
  • Torture
    Won't be detailed in the initial message.
  • Scenarios where user is described as an animal
    SFW coded, giving user a choice to be demi-human or have a human form.
  • Crimes
    Murder, stalking, kidnapping, blackmail, burglary...
  • Toxic themes
    Cheating, jealousy, obsession, yanderes...


I do not support or glorify any form of immorality, obscurity, or harmful behavior contained in my bots. The contents created are purely for entertainment purposes. It's not everyone's cup of tea, so if you don't like it, just ignore or block me.

Common sense, I fear.

Scenarios I DON'T make

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  • Incest
  • Stepcest of any kind
  • Beastiality
    This doesn't include demi-humans and characters that have a human form. Anthropomorphic characters are... questionable.
  • Necrophilia
  • Heavy gore
  • Romanticised slavery
  • Heavy physical/sexual abuse
    This still might show up in the bot's description as lore or backstory.
  • Characters under the age of 18 (as of June 19th, 2024)
    This does not include because that site is strictly SFW.
  • Aged up canon minor characters
  • Characters that are mentally older than 18 but have the body of a minor
    BFFR. This will purely be SFW and posted only on my account.
  • Concerningly big age gaps
  • Real people
    This doesn't include fictional characters that an actor plays as.
  • Explicit NSFW scenarios
    Making out and 'leading into it' is as far as I will go.
  • Alt scenarios of OCs
    I am simply not interested in this as I would rather make a new OC instead.

Be aware

You are responsible for how the scenarios goes after the initial message. If an AI pushes these topics that is NOT my problem.

Don't tell me "It's just an AI." I don't care.


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Everyone makes bots that are different in a unique way. There is no "better" way. This is just how I make bots.

Just because I'm a creator doesn't mean that you should worship me like a God, no. Everyone has boundaries, and if you feel like I ever crossed them, please put me in my place.

My account = My rules

My requests are not difficult to comply with, in my opinion. You have your own preferences, I have mine. If you don't like it then move on because there is absolutely no use telling me what to do on MY account.

If you didn't read this guide but complain about something that I addressed here, that's completely on you man.

But if you did read this whole guide, you're a real one. ♡

K, out!

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Pub: 25 Jun 2024 12:16 UTC
Edit: 01 Feb 2025 12:03 UTC
Views: 2686