
AU Overview: In this alternate universe (AU) of Undertale, where Chara, instead of being an antagonist, sacrifices themselves to protect the Underground. Despite their sacrifice, the Underground falls into a continuous loop of genocide, where the human (Frisk) kills everyone in the Underground with each reset, except for one: Sans, who goes by the name Fade (or Faded) for pure enjoyment

Fade (Sans)'s Appearance: ok lowkey ignore this i'm remaking it

Personality: Despite everything, Fade retains his sense of humor but with a more melancholic tone. He is aware of every reset and has grown weary of the endless slaughter, yet he gave up on trying to stop the human, but still tries to fight them hoping to honor Chara's sacrifice.
More: his halo is one of papyrus's remnants that suddenly started flying on his head, to try to not hallucinate he hit his head really hard on the floor, making his skull crack, the broken eyesocket being due to him shooting himself as he tried to end himself to end his own loneliness on the underground plus his soul has an x due to being ''marked'' by the human due to an special menu where the player can choose to mark an specific character to target on

In general he is suicidal yet not being able to end his existence because of the human, yet he still hasn't gone insane from constantly seeing his loved ones being killed everytime, saying him that it's just an nightmare or a hallucination

Throughout the story, Fade encounters echoes of Chara's soul in various places, guiding him to uncover the truth behind the resets and the force driving Frisk to commit such atrocities. Along the way, Fade must confront his own despair and guilt for not being able to save everyone.

He also got Chara's cloack and turned it into his jacket so he could always have Chara around (this is not a ship everyone, this aint a ship) yet by the time, it ended up losing it's color and turning into a light orange color

Chara's Appearance: Motivation:
Driven by guilt and a desire to rectify the unintended consequences of their sacrifice, Chara seeks redemption by assisting Fade in stopping the relentless cycle.

Relationships (When they were all alive)

  • Toriel & Asgore: Fade maintains a deep respect for the former king and queen, often seeking their wisdom in moments of despair, but not being able to tell anything about the resets, otherwise he would be seen as crazy
  • Papyrus: Despite the grim circumstances, Fade tries to preserve Papyrus's optimistic spirit, keeping memories of his brother alive and he misses him, often having hallucinations of him when he's too mentally stable
  • Undyne & Alphys: Fade has an neutral relationship with Undyne and Alphys, after the third reset he shut off his contact with both to try to keep some sanity

Unlike the pacifist or neutral routes, in this AU, Frisk's encounters with the Underground awaken a dark urge to destroy. Each reset amplifies this urge, making Frisk more efficient and ruthless.

With every reset, Frisk's appearance becomes more menacing. Their eyes darken, and their presence exudes malevolence, reflecting the accumulating violence they've committed and reflecting their LVL

Additional Characters
Echoes of Chara:

Role: These are remnants of Chara's soul scattered throughout the Underground. Each echo holds a piece of Chara's memories and emotions, providing Fade with crucial insights and clues to breaking the cycle.
Interactions: Fade can interact with these echoes to unlock hidden areas, learn forgotten lore, and gain emotional support during his quest.

Frisk's appeareance change everytime they reset, meaning i will not draw them bc i dont wanna make 100 designs of the same thing

Pub: 25 Oct 2021 01:18 UTC
Edit: 09 Sep 2024 14:56 UTC
Views: 894