happy anniversary beast fyozai!
this is not only an au but a roleplay
that i've been doing with cosmo for
over one year, and guess what
that means. beast fyozai is one
year old! that is awfully exciting
for me. i've never had this much
motivation to continue such a huge
roleplay (with 30+ channels). i am so
glad they are finally canonically engaged
even though i know that that doesn't change
the way they see each other, considering how
much lore they've gone through. i am so glad
to have this au to life thanks to
cosmo themselves. — dostoy
happy anniversary to beast fyozai
the roleplay that's been together in our hearts
all of this time and never left. we're all so glad
that we were able to make your ideas become
a reality and started the existence of this special
au. honestly, with everything we've done in the
past, we have NEVER had a roleplay grow on us
as much as beast fyozai did, now we're here
tearing up over these stupid little characters
(not really..). one thing to add, there WILL
be a special artwork of beast fyozai for this
special occurrence. and one last time.
happy anniversary, beast fyozai. — cosmo.
stupid wip thank you cosmo for
this beautiful drawing that hasn't
been finished for half a year /lhj