Tips for Tower of Salvation

How to Teambuild in ToS

  • Crits are still king. Use your refreshes at the start to try to get a 50% Crit buffer like B-Helena (even if you run Physical) or RRH Rou.
  • For DPS, it is recommended to go with magic. At lower levels just go with what the game gives you (phys or mag) & you have the most dupes on. You can upgrade characters you want to +5 for 1000 silver per upgrade at shops.
  • Your next priority a dodge tank like PP Justia (bis), Maid Rubia, or Rou. Rou reaches 100% dodge on White Cat+Nature Claw if you get the [Veil of Night] artifact during your run. Regular tanks are virtually useless because higher floor mobs either hit like trucks and oneshot them outright, or dispel all the buffs they need to survive (unless you play around it). Morpeah, however, does work in the sense that her summons can stall until death time and don't take up space when they die.
  • Try to fill out the other utility slots (silence, battery, dispel, shredder, silence, pusher or puller (Refi/Dalvi)) during your run.

Skill Upgrades
Refresh lv2>lv4>Max
Starting SP lv2>lv4>Max
ATK and/or MATK: Max
DEF and/or MDEF as needed
The rest

[S-Tier Units / Strategies / Artifacts]

Good Strategies: All Phys or all Magic DPS | 3+ Different Elements | Chains (10+ hits, Refi/Celia) or Anti-Chain (5-, BATeresse) | Fixed DMG (if juiced Justia) | Death Time stalling (Morpeah)

Good Artifacts are typically those that Give SP and synergize with your playstyle. +Damage Taken/Chain-related artifacts > ATK/MATK%, CRIT DMG. Even Fixed Damage artifacts if you use og Justia. The Veil of Night (50% Dodge on all units) is also extremely good, and if you get (can afford) the 1000% Crit Damage artifact that matches your team it's basically a free clear for that level.
Check out the Artifact Index to see what you can expect!

S-Tier Units:

  • Crit% Buffers (B-Helena, also dubs as a battery with her other costume, RRH Rou)
  • The usual nukers (BV Eclipse>Loen, Venaka, Bustia, MLia, Roxy etc)
  • Chain or other Damage Amplifiers (BA Teresse, Grafina/Levia, BCelia, Refi, Zenith)
  • PP Justia (Forced evasion+battery with her skill potential), Rou, MRubia
  • Morpeah (3 reposition types + 3 SP from auto attacks, can also tank and nuke as needed)
  • AD Diana (shield can't be dispelled unless Diana is dispelled, thus a counter to dispel mobs)
  • Base Gray (mobs tend to have very high atk values at later floors, which his skills scale off)
  • OG/Blood Glutton Justia (with fixed damage artifacts)
  • Celia (chains that can easily be doubled/tripled with Refi and artifacts, debuffs)
  • Elise/Venaka (Shred), Schera (dispel), Refi/Dalvi (pull), Rou (kb/dodge), Olstein (Silence)

Example of a Magic Team, Chain Stacking run ft. B-Helena, Celia and Loen.

Pathing Priorities

  • Plan your route to end up at a shop before boss rooms, so that you can heal (=revive) all units.
    This is lower priority of you are using a healer (B-Helena or MCTeresse)
  • Prioritize the path that has a treasure room after an Elite room.
  • 1-10F: Green and Blue Rooms for roster/artifacts.
  • Especially on higher difficulties it is advised to avoid Green Rooms after 20F; they can often fuck up your run. Stick to Elite/Shop/Event rooms.

Example: Path based on a) shop before boss room and b) the side which has the treasure room after an Elite battle

Important Tips

    Even if you don't feel like playing ToS, you can still use your keys to Quick Battle the highest level you cleared → get Obsidian Shards to spend on stat boosts → start the next playthrough a lot stronger. The quick clear scores also count towards the Seasonal Goal.
    Keys only cost 10 Dias each, you can buy 10 a day if you want to speed this up.

Quick Battle

  • Replacing units is free on T1, and costs 2SP per unit after. Don't miscalculate and find yourself short on SP to use skills.
  • Dead units (tombstones) can also be replaced mid-battle for 2SP each.
  • Swapping units out/in resets their cooldown. This means that for 4SP you can have Olstein's silence/battery skill up and running again, same for PP Justia's forced evasion+6sp skill.
  • Shops heal and revive everyone for 1000 silvers. If you know a shop is up next you can even finish the battle with just 1 unit left.
  • Costume dupes and unlocked skill potential nodes carry over to inside the Tower; gear and levels does not.
  • You can retry if you mess up a formation/skill order, but chance % related events (crit/dodge) will always produce the same outcome if you use the same team. Swapping out and using different units will produce a different rng seed.
  • Progress is saved. If you want to do something else you can Alt F4 and continue from that floor next time. Note that you can't use your keys to quick battle other stages if you're in the middle of a run.

Lv8+/Ranking/Maxing Score

Like Tower of Pride, you can rank in Tower of Salvation by reaching the same amount of points as other Top100 players have. If Rank1 has 66.000 points you will also get rank #1 if you reach 66.000 points. For now this just gives you a new shiny title and trophy at the end of the season, but hey.

At Lv8+ mob HP values become so bloated and SP so scarce that the one shot meta and chain stacking become increasingly harder to pull off.
At this point you may need to start exploring alternative strategies, like planting Gray's DoT on mobs and (Reflect) Tanking - there are artifacts to enhance counter damage (1st slot) and offer immunity to dispel for a turn, meaning that CD swapping Olstein + a juiced Sylvia/Lecliss can really shine. Similarly, a unit like Morpeah can stall until death time in a lot of cases. Remember: Your score is not affected by how long it takes you to finish a battle!

The rest is finishing LV10 with 7 companions, 50k+ silver, and stacking as many elite (blue) rooms as you can, which is the RNG element. Look forward to buying 10 keys per day to hopefully fish out that one perfect map from your daily 13 attempts if you want to compete for Top100. Have fun!

You can use this as a guideline for ranking or if you want to get more obsidian/challenge yourself on lower floors:

Pub: 16 Aug 2024 20:33 UTC
Edit: 05 Feb 2025 13:41 UTC
Views: 1591