/bd2g/ BD2 Progression Checklist
New to BD2? Overwhelmed by all the >content, not sure how to progress? We got you!
Getting Started: The Road to Diana (SP1-10)
Your first goal as a new player should be to work towards clearing Main Story Pack 10 ("SP10"/Homunculus) so that we can recruit our free Diana.
Diana is one of the game's core buffers. On top of making it a whole lot easier to reach higher level clears in any content where the game's elements system is important (which also happens to be the content most of your free pulls come from), she will also generate you free cash shop currency or other useful goodies daily. Along the way you'll also pick up some other important free units, like your Alchemist and a Gear Crafter.
The game's mechanics are explained as you go through the story, so just enjoy the ride. You'll get the hang of it. Probably.
- Download BD2
- Complete Story Packs 1 to 3
Intermezzo: The Path of Adventure (SP3)
After clearing SP3 the Path of Adventure pack will open up. This is the hub for the game's resource stages.
You can also access it by clicking on the sword icon on your minimap:
Resource stages in this game only need to be manually cleared out once (Green) per difficulty level. After that you unlock their auto-clear function (Quick Hunt), which instantly gets you all rewards based on the # of times you dispatch to it. This isn't one of those replay games.
For now, focus on clearing out the following stages once to unlock their Quick Hunt function:
- [Normal] #2 - Abandoned Mine | Extra Gear crafting materials
- [Normal] Slime Empire | Character EXP
- [Normal] Magic Crystal Cave (1x for each element) | Crystals (Potential System)
- (Optional) [Normal] Goblin Ruins | Gold
Especially early on you'll want to quick hunt Slime Empire on days where it has a boost active, and the Hunting Grounds on others. Dispatch to Magic Crystal Cave every single day as it uses different tokens.
Joining a Guild
Clearing Story Pack 3 also unlocks another major feature: Guilds. Joining a guild gives you a daily 50.000 gold, which is a huge deal for a new player, and some guild shop currency just for checking in. Participate in the daily mob/boss battles during the monthly raid week for yet more gold and tokens to spend on the guild shop.
Return to the Story
After setting up our resource income (and ideally, joining a guild) we can go back to the story and just beeline SP10.
If you get bored or want more pulls you can try out some other content, like the Normal Mode Character Packs (puzzles with preset teams) or the Evil Castle.
- Complete Story Pack 4
- (Recommended) Recruit Olstein from the SP4 Pub after finishing the pack. His field ability (Dispatch) is another major gold generator for new players, and his AoE silence skill can really help you survive fights.
- (Optional) Setup any attack and defense formation in the Mirror Wars pack, and queue ~10 games.
This will get you rank -> cash shop currency for free every Sunday. We'll optimize this later.
- Complete Story Pack 5
- (Optional) Clear out Hunting Grounds #5: King's Grave [Normal] for slightly more crafting materials. If you do you can now dispatch to this instead of #2 Abandoned Mine.
- Complete Story Packs 6
The First Wall (SP7-8)
Around SP 7-8 you'll hit the game's first difficulty spike. This is just a small test to see if you have a basic understanding of the game's systems so far.
You can usually clear it on the same day that you started the game, but here is what you can do if you're stuck:
Tips for clearing content
- Craft better GEAR.
Fred/Layla and Schera can convert the crafting materials you've obtained into gear. A +9 blue (R) IV set for your main DPS is pretty easy to get, especially if you've been doing some Hunting Ground dispatches. Toss a few refinements at the pieces, especially at the Gloves/Weapon/Accessory, so that it is no longer C-C-C or similar. - Feed Slimes (levels) to your DPS units.
Levels are a major source of damage early on! Your team doesn't need to be equal in level, so push LV60/80 on your most powerful units first. - Optimize your Positioning
Click on enemies to see which of your units will be hit by their skills, and position accordingly. Units like Rou and Andrew are great tanks because you can just restart a fight to reroll the dice if a crucial dodge fails. An AoE cc unit like Olstein (SP4 pub) can also help a lot. - Use the Temporary Companions.
The game gives you temporary ("TEMP") characters to use on your first playthrough of a pack, designed to help you clear that chapter (e.g. Liatriss in SP8, Diana in SP10). You can swap them in using the companions tab. - "Continue?" [Y/N]:
Died in battle, but the boss is within killing range? Need just 2 more hits? Press "Continue" after a wipe and get your units revived to continue the fight. Keep in mind this costs an increasing amount of gold per attempt, though! - Knockbacks & Kicks (&Angelica):
Knockback skill units like Emma, Rou can smash enemies into each other, breaking formations and making the enemies' HP values work against them. Pool Party Angelica's damage also scales with enemy HP, meaning she'll pop about anything if you just stack Crit.DMG on her + bring a crit rate buffer.
- Complete Story Packs 7-10
- (Recommended) After clearing SP8, recruit Liatriss from the SP8 Pub. She's a great AoE unit, and increases your walking speed with her field ability. She replaces Wiggle in your old setup.
After completing SP10 you have officially cleared the early game. Congratulations! Collect your reward by recruit Diana from the SP10 Pub and use her field ability daily.
The Second Wall: Account Setup & Free Pulls (SP11+)
Story Pack 11+ (Fake Game) is another difficulty spike, and is considered the start of endgame.
To tackle that and other content we'll need some better gear and units, so this is a good time to setup our account a bit more.
Optimize your Resource Flow
First, go to the Path of Adventure/dispatch menu and clear out the following new Hunting Grounds:
- [Normal] #7 - Lizard Man Altar | Crafting Materials (Ores)
- [Normal] #9 - Mountain Keeper's Shelter | Crafting Materials (Wood)
These are the best hunting grounds for their respective materials, and will be your new hunting grounds for the rest of the game.
Next, clean out the following on Hard (H) and Very Hard (VH) difficulty:
- [H & VH] Slime Empire | Character EXP
- [H & VH] Magic Crystal Cave All 5 elements | Crystals
- (Optional) H & VH Goblin Ruins | Gold
The (Very) Hard difficulties of the resource maps are actually super easy. Complete them for a massive boost in income.
Your final goal will be to clear out Hunting Grounds #7 and #9 once on H/VH Difficulty.
This is no immediate priority, as to do this you need to clear Story Pack 7 & 9 on H>VH difficulty first. If you clear them nice, if not you can do this later.
(Change the hunting ground difficulty with the sign located outside)
- Clear Story Pack 7 [Fury Angel] & Story Pack 9 [Iron Mask] on [Hard] > [Very Hard] difficulty.
- Clear Hunting Ground 7: Lizard Man Alter on [Hard] > [Very Hard] difficulty -> best source for ore
- Clear Hunting Ground 9: Mountain Keeper's Shelter on [Hard] > [Very Hard] difficulty -> best source for wood
Ancient Crystals: Evil Castle & Last Night
Ancient Crystals (ACs) are a rare endgame material, used to craft the strongest gear in the game: UR. UR III and especially UR IV gear will be great boons to your account, to the point where even just 1 or 2 pieces can make the difference between clearing previously inaccessible content.
As a crit-based game, you'll find that giving Venomous Touch III~IVs (double C.DMG) to your strongest DPS offer the biggest increase in strength, followed by Weapons (generally C.DMG sword/staff) and Gloves. Gloves with Crit.Rate are mostly used in PvP and Tower of Desire/Jealousy.
- Last Night: Go to the Last Night pack, follow the instructions to setup a team, and give it ~5 replays. You can skip the battle after starting it.
Load Order (1>20): 5x Buffers > Chain builders (Zenith,Celia etc) > Multi-Hit DPS costumes > single-hit dps costumes (aka nukers).
The best score is recorded, and you will get daily free Ancient Crystals and Gold based on that score. You can come back and try to improve this anytime you want, but for now aim for the 3AC threshold. More Last Night Tips - Evil Castle: Evil Castle is the hub for the game's challenge content, aka the Towers.
One of them, the Tower of Pride (6Floors), is your main source for Ancient Crystals. Therefore:- Complete as many floors of the Tower of Pride as you can for 10 ACs per floor every month.
There is a "soft reset" every 2 weeks where you keep your progress and can claim all rewards a second time.
Most floors can be bruteforced with any 3x3+ AoE unit (e.g. Liatriss from SP8 Pub) + buffers + another AoE DPS.
If you struggle, use the Diana you recruited from SP10 + 1-2 DPS of a stronger element than the mobs of that floor.
- Complete as many floors of the Tower of Pride as you can for 10 ACs per floor every month.
You'll get yet more ACs from the Event Shop, and as one-time clear rewards from the other towers (Salvation,Desire,Envy).
TIP: Try to get full CDMG rolls on your first few Venomous Touch IVs - that way any DPS character, physical or magic, can use them!
Your 700+ Starter Pulls
On top of the monthly ~300 free pulls you'll accumulate as a f2p player from events and the like, BD2 has an additional ~700+ one-time pulls for you to collect from various in-game contents. Start collecting these to pull on banners that you like/are good to truly start building you account:
- Evil Castle: Start clearing the one-time towers (Desire, Wrath, Jealousy) for a ton of Draw Tickets, Diamonds, ACs, and other goodies.
- Clear the Character Packs (CP1-6) and any ongoing Event Packs on every difficulty (30 Draw Tickets each).
[Normal] difficulty uses a preset teams, they're basically just puzzles. Look up guides on Youtube if you're stuck, especially for the Exodus pack!
The Event Packs are extremely easy on every difficulty. The H/VH Modes of Character Packs are tougher.
More free pulls come from the Newbie Pass & Battle Pass, Event Shops & seasonal content like Fiend Hunter (every 2 weeks), Guild Raids, and Tower of Salvation. Be sure to participate in especially the Fiend Hunts & Guild Raids, and clear Tower of Salvation on any level once a month!
The Endgame: Story & Challenges
Diana is recruited, your account is efficiently generating resources, and you have lots of pulls. From here on out you can do whatever you like.
The rest of the game is about finishing the story, gearing up to clear the one-time Challenges/Milestones below, and participating in Events/Fiend Hunts/Guild Raids. As you get better at the game you'll get rewarded with more free monthly pulls. Optionally you can try to push for rank in content you particularly enjoy.
Pull units, build them (gear / dupes > EXP > engravings > awakening), and get stronger to clear the challenges below. Good luck!
One-Time Content/Challenge/Milestone Checklist
Sorted by difficulty, from easiest (top) to hardest (bottom):
- Clear any ongoing Event Packs on all three difficulties.
- Clear SP 1-9 on [Hard] > [Very Hard] difficulty.
- Complete all green (NPC) Quests in SP1-4 & CP1-2 (Jayden's Gate,Firechip)
- Clear the remaining Story Packs (SP11+) on [Normal] difficulty.
- Clear Character Packs CP1-6 on [Hard] > [Very Hard] difficulty.
- Clear Story SP11+ on [Hard] > [Very Hard] difficulty.
- Check that you found all Investigations in the Story & Character Pack Safe Zones (Towns + buildings like Inns, Pubs, etc).
- Check that you found all Treasure Chests in all battle maps.
- Clear a lv10 Fiend Hunt for the first time.
- Reach 52mil+ damage in Last Night (max daily ACs)
- Clear Tower of Pride (EC1-6) with max score at least once.
- Reach Achievement Level 40.
- Reach 110mil+ damage in Last Night (max daily Elixers)
- Clear a lv10 Guild Raid for the first time.
- Clear Tower of Salvation at difficulty Lv10 once.
- Clear Tower of Desire F150.
- Reach 80% (max) Collection Buff in Physical, Magic & HP.
- Clear Tower of Wrath & Envy F50.
Daily/Weekly Routine Checklist
- (DAILY) Do your dailies, character/battle pass missions (if up), and progress your weekly quests.
- (DAILY) Do your Invasion/Boss Battle (during Guild Raid week)
- (DAILY) Quick Battle your 3 free Tower of Salvation keys if you don't plan on running it that day.
- (DAILY) Bulk queue your daily 40 PvP matches (4x a set of 10).
TIP: On Sunday, you'll ideally want to just que ~60 matches normally (no bulk) in the last 30mins of the season for rank. - (BI-WEEKLY) Do your Fiend Hunter runs. You can quick battle the rest of that current level after playing it once.
- (MONTHLY) Clear Tower of Pride: Floors 1 to 6 once.
- (MONTHLY) Aim for a Tower of Salvation Level 5-6 clear (or higher)
- Login in daily to claim surprise gifts, maintenance compensations, guild login rewards, and other giveaways.
- Participate in in-game events (Battles, Challenge Battles, Fiend Hunter, Minigames etc).
- Aim for consistent Level 10 Fiend Hunter clears.
- Pull on banners that you like & build your roster.
- (Infinite) Craft for URIV gear with CSB/BBS+ refinements.
- Optimize your Mirror Wars (pvp) Offense/Defense teams for more weekly Dias & pvp tokens.
TIP: Do not rage pull on pvp units! pvp rewards never pay back the investment required!
TIP: Removing gear from a unit also means that it is also unequipped from them in PvP. - Work on the Engravings of characters that you use/like
- Send in weekly customer tickets asking for more Zenith, Loen, Eclipse, Diana and Beatrice costumes.
- Join Paizuri